100% Psionic Power In Marvel

Chapter 437: The Invincible Stryker

a certain base.

Stryker and Ivan looked at each other through the 'eye monitoring', and his heart suddenly beat several times for no reason!

This black-haired and blue-eyed man had already terrified him, and Stryker hadn't been so afraid of mutants like he is now in forty years!

Sitting there drinking tea and holding down all the soldiers with his own strength, such an existence...he has never seen it before!

Especially now that Ivan is looking directly at Stryker through the monitor...Suddenly!

The whole screen is blue!

"He...he saw me? He just..."

Stryker's voice trembled slightly: "He...no...he didn't see me! He was just looking at the camera!"

That being said, at the moment before the screen turned blue, Stryker only felt that Ivan's different pupils... were looking directly at him!

suddenly! Just as Stryker was thinking about what happened just now! The screen has changed again!

On the all-blue screen, Ivan's eighteen eyes suddenly appeared!

Each eye is huge and takes up the entire screen!

"Damn it!" Stryker trembled in fright, and took a few steps back!

"Colonel Stryker, peeling out other people's eyeballs and implanting the same model's monitoring eyeballs...and claiming that this is devotion to the cause, this behavior really opened my eyes." Ivan's voice came from the sound next to the screen. hole outgoing.

"Who are you? How did you do it?"

Stryker stared at the screen. You must know that this screen was monitored by Jason's right eye. How could such a messy picture suddenly appear?

Eighteen eyes image, how to do it? Did he hack into my system?

Of course not. Ivan didn’t bring Ultron this time. In fact, it’s very simple to let Stryker see the pattern of eighteen eyes. You only need to use the Reality Gem to generate a small image in front of Jason’s right eye. Whatever appears in front of Stryker's screen will appear.

"It doesn't matter how I did it. The important point is that your subordinate Jason has told me that the behind-the-scenes commander hiding behind this monitoring...is you, William Stryker."

"Do we know each other?" Stryker's forehead was covered with sweat.

"I heard that you like to 'slice' people and separate their limbs."

Ivan's eighteen azure eyes on the screen blinked slightly: "But it's a pity that you haven't tried this feeling yourself."

Feeling horrified, Stryker said.

"What do you mean? I warn you, you are a mutant. Are you talking to me like this to declare war on behalf of the mutants?"

Stryker stared at the screen: "Is this the peace your Professor X advocates?"

"Hahaha!" Stryker suddenly smirked and said, "Let me just say, you mutants are some restless scum! Scum!"

As he said this, he looked at a female mutant behind him, a mutant who was successfully enslaved by Stryker.

He pulled out his short knife and gouged out the woman's eyeballs with one blow!

"Look, hahaha!" Stryker squeezed his eyeballs with one hand, "This is the final fate of the scum!"

The female mutant whose eye had been gouged out snorted in pain, she covered her gouged right eye, the flesh around the eye was wriggling.

Soon, when her hand was put down, her eyes had returned to their original shape... Her face was still as cold as frost.

Yes, she has grown another eyeball!

She is Death Girl, with perverted recovery ability and steel claws, the "first" mutant enslaved by Stryker.

And the method of enslavement...is through his son Jason...

Long ago, Stryker discovered that his son Jason was a mutant.

Son Jason's brain can secrete a liquid that can be sprayed from the mouth...and once incorporated into the skin, it can make the victim hallucinate.

The content of the fantasy is determined by Jensen, which determines the victim's 'action'.

On the whole, it is another form of 'control'.

This kind of ability made Stryker very excited. He hoped that his son would help him, but the son obviously did not agree with him, so...

On a gloomy Sunday, Stryker took the opportunity to knock his son out, and carried him into the laboratory!

In order to stop his son from resisting, Stryker injected the virus and turned his son into a semi-vegetative person who could only accept instructions.

Then after brutal experiments, Stryker and his scientific team tried various methods, and finally mastered the method of extracting liquid from the brain of his son Jason.

That's why Stryker has the guts to challenge the mutants! He wantonly arrested mutants... Slicing and cutting flesh for research and experiments!

These professors all know, but because of Stryker's status as a "colonel", and Stryker's base is special and secret, Professor X has been unable to do anything about him.

But Ivan doesn't care about that, he wants to let Stryker die today. Stryker was one of the characters Ivan hated the most when he watched the movie. What happened today intensified Ivan's dislike of him.

"You now have two choices."

Ivan ignored Stryker's wild laughter, and said coldly: "First, cut off your right hand and right leg, and experience the feeling of slicing. Second, let me kill you."

"You kill me?"

Stryker smiled, though his brow was beaded with sweat.

"Indeed...it is true that you have enough power, you can even defeat an army! Even two, or even countless, but what's the use? You can't find my location, my base is specially protected , can completely avoid any radio wave scanning, and even the president doesn't know where I am now."

He punched the eyes on the screen: "I am secretive enough, how can you kill me? Hahaha, wait, we humans need time, we are inventing a machine that can crush you! Hahaha !"

"Tell me, where is Stryker's base? I want the detailed location."

This sentence was asked by Ivan to Captain Jason, who had been talking to Stryker through Jason's right eye communicator before.

Jason, who was kneeling in front of Ivan, was trembling, and he said in a trembling voice: "Just in Bai..."

Snapped! Ivan heard a strange electrical sound in Jason's head!

Immediately afterwards, the 'captain' in front of him foamed at the mouth and fell to the ground before finishing his sentence, opened his eyes and died!

And all the soldiers around were foaming at the mouth at the same time... died immediately!

"Hahahaha! You actually want to know my location from him? It's a pity that it's impossible haha!"

Stryker laughed again.

"Do you think I won't take any measures? As early as when they accepted me to install surveillance, I placed virus containers in their heads without authorization, dare to betray me? It only takes one second...I can make this group Let the pawns die collectively!"

His laughter became more and more frenzied: "You don't know where I am, and you will never touch me! Unless...unless you can blow up the earth in one breath! That is obviously impossible!"

"Blow up the earth? You don't have to, because you don't deserve it."

Ivan looked at Jason's body on the ground and said, "You just said... I want to know your location from him, is it impossible?"

"What? Can you revive him? He's dead, a dead man!"

Stryker's voice came from Jason's body: "Dead people cannot reveal secrets!"

And Ivan didn't say a word, he just waved his little hand! Countless psychic energy swayed out, firmly grasping the scattered remnants in the air!

歘! Next second! Thousands of remnant souls were pulled together! Put together into a complete soul! The dead captain...Jason's soul!

"What... what's going on?" Soul Jason's eyes widened.

He looked at his illusory body in disbelief!

"You are already a soul. Stryker is afraid that you will reveal his location and activate the virus in your brain to kill you. He said that dead people... cannot leak secrets."

Ivan smiled and looked at Jason's soul.

"But now...I still want you to tell me the location of William Stryker."

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