13 Mink Street

Chapter 247 Doll

Karen vaguely felt that the "unknown big man" mentioned by the captain was probably related to him.

Sometimes, a word from a really big man can make the people below try their best to interpret and arrange it. Even if the big man himself may not mean that, the people below don't dare to ask, let alone gamble.

There are dozens of Whip of Order teams in the York City area, and the Hound Dog Team is definitely among the best. However, the Hound Dog Team is an outsider after all. It was just transferred from Sampu City not long ago. In terms of relationships, it is definitely better. But those domestic golden retrievers.

But now things took a turn.

In essence, the impact of this incident is probably the same as grandpa's bombing of the Temple of Order.

Grandpa's purpose at that time was just to scare the elders of the Temple of Order. He did not expect that the explosion in the Temple of Order would trigger so many chain reactions that even after such a long time, the explosion would trigger a series of chain reactions. Even so far away, his grandson can still feel the impact of that incident. Of course, Dis will not care about this.

"Captain, when is the mission specifically?"

"Teleport the magic circle over. You don't have to travel far by boat. We can gather in about three days, maybe even earlier."

"Okay, Captain, I get it, I'll be ready."

"Well, Karen..."

"Yes, Captain."


"Yes, Captain."

"You shouldn't say, captain, if you have any questions, feel free to ask?"

"Captain, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask."

"Does that big shot have anything to do with you?" The other end of the phone paused, "Or, did something happen after you and Memphis entered that space?"

Obviously, the captain noticed some changes yesterday, especially Mr. Eisen's proactive response: "I have seen the world."

It's just that there were so many people last night, so the captain didn't talk to Karen alone about this matter.

Combined with the good news that miso fell from the sky today,

The captain instinctively sensed a possible connection between the two events.

"After I went in yesterday, something went wrong. I forgot that I was wearing the silver mask left by my grandfather. As a result, I became the biggest, brightest one with gold rims inside."

There was silence for a period of time on the other end of the phone. It was obvious that the captain was digesting the news and calming down his emotions.

a long time,

"I knew something must have happened after I went in. Is it a problem with the mask?"

"should be."

"This is the same as Lemar Pottery Museum making masks. Your grandfather once killed an elder of the Temple of Order and used his face to make a mask?"

"..." Karen.

Karen really didn't think about it in that aspect. He just instinctively felt that whatever unexpected effects his grandfather left behind were not unexpected.

But according to the captain's thinking, the raw material of the silver mask could really be the face of a temple elder.

"Have you made all arrangements?" Neo asked, "I mean the aftermath."

"I think it should be appropriate."

"That'll be fine, but next time you don't wear that ancestral mask casually. Even if a temple elder never gets married or has children, he will still have students."

"Yes, I understand, captain, I will be careful in the future."

"Well, that's it for now. See you when we gather."

"Goodbye Captain."

After hanging up the phone, Karen walked back to the bedroom and said to Pu'er in a very natural tone:

"There will be new tasks in the next two days."

"Oh, it's so busy and hard work. Thank you for your hard work for this family." Pu'er sat on the bed and said very perfunctory words. Then, as if it had thought of something, it asked, "How long will it take?"

"I don't know, it might take a while, a week."

"One week, can't come back?"


When teleporting the magic circle back and forth, it must come back together with the protection target. That thing cannot be activated when you want to use it.

"Little John will come home from school tomorrow. I will ask him to help me and Silly Dog paint. This painting will not take long, so it is necessary for you to go to Lemar Pottery Museum to help us arrange things. Come When the time comes, just ask the Radio Fairy to send the portrait over.

When you come back after completing your mission, I can stand and talk to you, hehe. "

"Is it the same as you were before?" Karen asked.

"No, I want to change my style. I've been sketching it in my mind for a long time."

"Okay, I'll go to the pottery studio now to help you arrange things."

"Hey, I love you, meow!"

Karen arranged her clothes and was about to walk out of the bedroom when Pu'er, who was sitting on the bed, suddenly asked again: "It's only a week, are you going out of town?"



"Darkmoon Island."


Karen turned to look at Pu'er, shrugged, and said: "The captain is very good at building relationships. With his movement and flexibility, our team finally got this mission with an amazing return rate."

Pu'er stood up from the bed and said, "You don't have to explain so much to me. I will treat your explanation as a cover-up."

"It's just for the mission. If you earn a few more coupons, you can have two cups of coffee a day next time, so you don't have to save anymore."

"The problem is not the coffee. Last time I knew Ophelia was not pregnant. This time I am not sure whether she will be pregnant after you go.

You know, love sometimes takes time to ferment. After fermentation, it is often stronger than at the beginning.

Stupid dog, am I right? "


"Just a mission."

"You're not a stupid dog who only likes someone to have unrequited love. If you don't do anything after the unrequited love, we can't trust you, right, stupid dog?"

"..." Kevin.

"Do you have anything to tell me?" Karen changed the topic, "If nothing else happens, I will take the time to pay homage to Mr. Bernard's tomb. After all, the source of my Dark Moon Blade is still It flows from his hand.”

“Can you throw a bucket of paint on me?”


"Then spit secretly."

"also can not."

"Then pretend to have vegetable leaves embedded in your teeth as you pass by, pretend to be picking your teeth, then spit them out, and give him a smack."

"It depends."

"Well, let's collect some interest first. When I fully recover later, I will personally go to Darkmoon Island and lift that guy's grave."

"He just likes you."

"But I'm not interested in him. From this point of view, it's better to be a stupid dog. At least he knows how not to cause trouble to the people he likes."

Being affected again, Kevin could only crawl down and bury his head.

Karen walked out of the bedroom, and Pu'er took out the picture album designed by him. There was no specific portrait in it, but every detail of the facial features was separated out.

Kevin raised his head and looked at Pu'er:


"Of course I know he has changed the subject, but can I not let him go out to do the task? What qualifications and position do I have to not let him go.

after all,

I'm just a cat at home now. "


"Okay, okay, just lose your temper. Come here, stupid dog, and let's continue to pinch our faces."

Driving to the entrance of Lemar Ceramics Museum, Karen saw a woman dressed as a lady coming out of the shop before she even got out of the car, with a clear look of spring on her face.

Karen deliberately stayed in the car a little longer to buy Mr. Lemar a cigarette.

After getting out of the car, he opened the door of the store and walked in. He saw Lemar cleaning the table.

Seeing Karen coming, Lemar smiled and said, "I just accidentally knocked over the water glass."

"Well." Karen was not interested in joking with Lemar in this regard. He took out a bag from the lining of his clothes and placed it in front of Lemar. "This is 20,000 order coupons. 10,000 is the mask I ordered last time. The remaining 10,000 yuan is because I hope you can help me build two puppets, and the portraits will be delivered in a few days."

"Okay, no problem, sit down and I'll get you a glass of water."

"Why don't you sit down? I'm going back."

"Yeah, that's fine."

As soon as Karen was about to leave, an old man opened the shop door and walked in. He greeted warmly:

"Dear Mr. Lemar, is the item I ordered for you ready?"

"It's done, Mr. Matthews. I'll get it for you right now. Wait a moment. Karen, take care of it for me."

"Okay, I'm looking forward to it."

Mr. Matthews must be very old, but he is well-kept and well-dressed.

However, this person's character should not be good, otherwise Lemar would not specifically let him take care of him. After all, he had already said goodbye to Lemar. All this only shows that the hands and feet of the old man in front of him may not be clean.

"Hello, sir," Matthews greeted Karen.

"Hello." Karen nodded to him.

"I don't know where you work, sir?" Matthews naturally took out half a bottle of wine from his clothes and took a sip.

"Funeral Society."

"Oh, what a coincidence, this is the place I will be going to soon." Matthews handed the bottle to Karen, "Want a sip?"

Karen shook her head.

"Do you dislike me for drinking with my mouth?"


"You are so direct, haha."

Matthews took another bite, and two blushes immediately appeared on his face.

"I think I can ask you about the business of the funeral club, because... ouch..."

Matthews staggered and fell forward.

Karen did not step forward to help him, but took a step back to distance himself from him.

Matthews was about to land face down on the ground with one hand, and the other hand was still holding the wine bottle, without spilling the wine at all.

"Phew, I almost dodged my waist."

Matthews stood up again and rubbed his waist. At the same time, his eyes began to move around the shelves.

"Sir, I'm serious. Are your funeral services expensive?"

"It's expensive."

"Oh, then you and I will have no luck. I don't have much money."

At this time, Lemar walked out with a box in his arms. After placing the box on the ground, Lemar opened it in front of everyone present.

Inside, there was a doll with a charming face, wearing a maid skirt.


"Excellent, Mr. Lemar, your work will always capture my heart, and here's your reward."

Matthews took out a stack of counting coupons and handed them to Lemar, who began counting them in front of him.

"You don't need to bother, I've already taken care of them at home."

"That's not okay. You are old. Last time you stuffed several fake coupons in. I know you didn't mean it, but I don't want to cause unnecessary misunderstandings between us."

"Well, you're right."

"Well, Mr. Matthews, you can now take your beloved partner home and enjoy a candlelight dinner."

"Yes, I can't wait. Goodbye, Mr. Lemar."

Matthews hugged the box, nodded to Karen again, and walked out of the store.

After the guests left, Lemar sneered and said: "This man is a small boss in the black market. His hands and feet are very dirty. Not only in business, he also likes to steal things himself."

"Is this his hobby?" Karen asked.


"I'm leaving."

"Okay, thank you just now, you know, no one is looking at me and I am really worried that he will empty my shop."

"You are welcome."

Karen pushed open the shop door and was about to walk towards his second-hand Pence car when he found a person sitting in the car, it was Matthews, and he had already started the car.

Are you trying to steal your own car?

Karen walked straight forward. Matthews saw Karen walking towards this place and pointed at the car, as if asking, is this yours? Karen nodded as she walked away.

Then Matthews smiled, stepped on the accelerator, and drove off.


After driving down a street, Matthews laughed and cursed:

"You don't know how to respect the elderly at all. If the old man falls, he won't even help him. This is a little lesson I'm going to give you, hum."

"Oh, really?"

A voice came from behind Matthews, and Matthews was startled. Then, he felt a cold object pressed against the back of his head. If nothing else, it should be a gun.

If nothing else goes wrong, it should be a magic pistol.

Matthews looked at the rearview mirror. In the mirror, the person sitting behind him was the young man he had seen in the pottery studio earlier. Damn it, how did he get into the car? Could it be that he turned into a ball of fog? Did you get into the car?

"Misunderstanding, it's all misunderstanding. I see that your car is dirty, so I want to help you take your car to a car wash to clean it, and then bring it back to you."

"Keep driving, turn ahead."

"Okay, I know, I know."

Following Karen's instructions, the car finally stopped in front of a remote alley. Matthews got out of the car and walked into the alley with his hands raised.

"Turn around."

"Okay, sir, please hold on to your gun. I will fully cooperate with your needs."

Matthews turned and faced Karen.

Karen reached into his pocket and took out a gold-rimmed wallet.

"Please feel free to take it. This is the punishment I deserve."

Karen squeezed his wallet. Even if there were some coupons in it, there weren't many. Most of them he had already paid the balance to Lemar.

So Karen stuffed the wallet back into Matthews' pocket.

Matthews was stunned and said hurriedly:

"Please accept it, otherwise my conscience will not be able to forgive my previous behavior."

"This small amount of coupons is not enough to atone."

Still too little;

So Karen still tended to give the thief in front of him a good beating. The next moment, Karen raised his foot and kicked Matthews directly in the abdomen. Matthews was completely kicked. Turn over.

Immediately afterwards, Karen stepped forward, preparing to follow up with a few more kicks. Suddenly, he felt a strange power fluctuation coming from Matthews, and Karen immediately took a few steps back.

Matthews' pocket, where his wallet was, suddenly turned red.


A cloud of pink smoke exploded from that location, enveloping Matthews.

"Order purification."

Karen set up a purification barrier in front of herself, so there was something in the wallet before?

The pink smoke dissipated, and Matthews's face showed an intoxicated look. Lying on the ground, he began to touch his chest, and his feet kept scraping back and forth on the ground.

"Ah, it's so itchy, so hot, so hot, ah..."

Thieves like to steal wallets most, so they are naturally very wary of their wallets being stolen, but it is indeed rare for someone like Matthews to add an anti-theft device to his wallet.

Seeing that he was like this, Karen didn't bother to continue teaching him any more. He returned to the car, started the car and left directly.

In the kitchen, Hilly and Mrs. Lake are preparing dinner.

"I say Xili, if you really like him, just get into his bed at night. I don't believe he will kick you out."

"Madam, what on earth are you talking about!"

Hilly glared angrily at Mrs. Lake to express her dissatisfaction.

"Besides, madam, the young master has a fiancée. In a few months, the fiancée will be here."

"A fiancée is a fiancée, and a lover is a lover." Mrs. Lake didn't care. "Besides, at his age, he must be in need, and you can just help him."

"Then...ma'am, do you need anything?"

"Me? Haha, I'm married."

"A marriage is a marriage, a lover is a lover."


"Besides, madam, at your age, you are definitely in need."

"Begging for a beating!"

"Madam, you can get into the young master's bed at night, but I don't believe the young master will kick you out."

The two women were chasing each other in the kitchen. At this time, Karen passed by outside, looked at the kitchen, and said doubtfully:

"What's wrong?"

"We are joking," Mrs. Lake said immediately, and went into the back room to wash her hands.

"Yes, yes, Madam just tickled me."

Karen smiled, nodded to them, and walked into the bedroom.

"Young Master is such a good person." Xili sighed as she leaned against the kitchen door frame.

At this time, Peake walked in with a box in his arms and asked: "Mr. Alfred went out. This is the box that the boss brought back from his car. Where should I put it? In the study room?"

"Well, it's such a big box. Let's put it here first. I'll ask the young master where to place it later."


Pique put the box in the corner of the kitchen. After he left, Hilly looked at the big box with some curiosity.

"What's inside?" Mrs. Lake came out after washing her hands and saw the big box. She mistakenly thought it contained ingredients and reached out to open it.

Xili hurriedly said: "This is what the young master just brought back by car. You can't open it..."

But Hilly's dissuasion was too late. Mrs. Lake opened the box anyway, and the sexy doll lying in the box appeared in front of them.

The faces of the two women instantly turned red.

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