Chapter 116

Li Jinhua broke down emotionally and beat Dong Lamei, and kept saying that marrying Qin Jin would make her a rich wife, but her parents locked her up like a lunatic.

If the bastard can make a fortune, the sow will climb the tree.

Riding a rickshaw all day long, he beats this and that, busying himself with fertilizer and weaving.

So far, they live in two dilapidated houses, and the kitchen is still a shack.

The bowl at home is either a gap or a crack.

If you are really rich, why don't you build a big tile house?

With his virtue, can he live in a house bigger than the village? Why doesn't he go to heaven?

The news of Li Jinhua's madness spread like wildfire, reaching Li Qiao's ears, only sighs.

It is not harmful to people not to read good books.

It's over now!

There is less harassment from the Li family around her, and her life is peaceful and comfortable.

As the exam date got closer and closer, the school finally passed the ideological work of the Fengjia Village brigade in the last month. After the brigade held a meeting and discussed, they decided to let the educated youths study in the school and return to work after the college entrance examination.

Several people trembled with excitement when they received the notice.

Now the village has allocated land to them. Although their life will be easier in the future, it also indicates that they will stay here forever. Entrance to college is the only way for them to leave the countryside, but working every day and reviewing is really exciting. Can't bear it.

They all dream of going to school.

Li Qiao mentioned it to them once before, but there was no sound afterward, so they also rested their minds. They didn't expect that after more than a month, things turned around.

It happened to be Saturday, five people took advantage of their break to go to the street to buy fish and meat, and cooked a table of dishes to invite Li Qiao to dinner in person.

When Li Qiao arrived home, Mrs. Qin was lighting a fire to cook noodles for her.

Knowing the purpose of the educated youths' visit, Li Qiao felt happy for them: "Great! We will be considered classmates in the future. I happen to have a set of test papers here, and I am going to send them to you."

Du Xinxin collected the papers and beckoned Li Qiao to go with them.

"Grandma Qin, Ah Jin, let's go together, we made a lot of delicious food today."

"How embarrassing." Mrs. Qin said with a smile.

"Let's go." Wang Nannan and Liu Jing held Mrs. Qin's arms.

Han Ting pulled Qin Jin.

"Let me lock the door first." Mrs. Qin said overwhelmed by the enthusiasm of the few people.

A group of people went to the youth point, and some people in the village had heard that the educated youths would enter middle school, and they congratulated a few people. "If all of you can go to university, our village will be called Zhuangyuan Village."

"I can't bear this burden."

"You are cultural people, you can afford it."

They greeted the villagers all the way to the Youth Point.

There are two large pots of hard vegetables on the table, surrounded by a circle of vegetarian vegetables.

After several people sat down.

Zou Qing took out the wine and wanted to drink two glasses with Qin Jin.

"Quit." Qin Jin said.

"Quit? Is it true?" Zou Qing didn't believe it. Qin Jin liked to drink, but he was well-known in the village.

Qin Jin said seriously: "Really." The daughter-in-law despises him because he stinks from drinking and won't let him suffer.

I also quit smoking, and I have them on my body, all of which are prepared for others.

Han Ting took over the conversation: "Let's eat directly without drinking."

"Hey, eat and eat."

Everyone picked up the chopsticks and started. Li Qiao was not used to the taste of the educated youths, so he didn't eat much.

There are two cold dishes, but the old lady Qin likes to eat them, so she asked who made them and asked about the steps.

It took nearly an hour for a meal.

"No need to send it."

The family of three went out to greet the educated youths to go back.

When I went out, I met a few folks carrying egg white sugar. After asking, I found out that they were going to give gifts to the youth. They bad-mouthed Li Qiao before, which led to an affair with the Qin family, and they didn't sell them fat. Today's educated youths, they have to please, if they are admitted to university, it will be useful to them in the future.

If they fail the exam, they will come to the door and ask for a gift back.

Anyway, he is a young man from outside, so he is not afraid of them.

The old lady Qin sighed softly, this person is too realistic. At the beginning, the daughter-in-law was going to study and take the university entrance exam, and everyone advised her not to spend money recklessly, despise the child, and said that she could pass the exam. There was no notice of admission, and they said that the child was bragging.

Now everyone smiled flatteringly, praised her wife for being blessed, praised her grandson for being good-looking, talented, and able to marry a college student.

Good or bad let them say it all.

The educated youths go to school on Monday.

The school specially held a meeting to welcome them. Considering that Teacher Zhou tried his best to persuade the principal to recruit them into the school, they were stuffed into Teacher Zhou's class.

Educated youths cherish the opportunity to go to school very much, and they are more serious about attending classes than other students in the class.

Teachers always like to use them as role models in class and let other students learn from them, which makes them very embarrassed.

The dormitory will be allocated at noon.

Li Qiao's dormitory was missing Li Jinhua, and Du Xinxin was sorted into it.

The other two entered the dormitory of the dormitory manager.

There were no vacant beds in the male dormitory, so Han Ting and Zou Qing chose to study outside.

It's not too far to ride a bicycle for more than ten miles.

The educated youth settled down in the school, and the problems they didn't understand on weekdays could be solved in time. They made rapid progress, and without exception, Hu Xiufang became the third place in the preliminary test. Holding the big herring given out by the school, she was afraid for a while: "It is only one point behind the fourth place next door. He was clearly behind me by dozens of points before." Yes, how can I catch up so much in one time. Fortunately, this is the last time to find out, or my prize will definitely be someone else's next time."

Li Qiao laughed to death: "You are also very good, you have improved a lot."

"You will comfort me."

Du Xinxin held the test paper with a total score of just over 500 and said, "If I can get such a high score in the college entrance examination tomorrow, I should be stable in college."

"We still can't relax. Many people who didn't pass the exam last year will take the exam again this year, and the addition of fresh graduates may raise the score line." Li Qiao said.

"Hmm!" Du Xinxin did not dare to relax. Among the five, she was still at the bottom.

She is the one most likely to fail.

When the time comes, a few of them go to college and leave, what should we do if we leave her alone?

Fast forward to July.

The exam date is getting closer and closer, and the students who want to enter the university are all like a wind-up clock, spinning non-stop.

Two days before the exam, the school gave the students leave to adjust their nervousness.

The next day, Li Shengcai came to the door: "Qiao Qiao, have you had the exam tomorrow? I asked for a safety talisman for you, and wish you a smooth exam."

Qin Jin narrowed his eyes: "Where did you go this morning?"

When participating in the competition in Kyoto, why don't you ask for a safety talisman?

In order to dismiss the other party, Li Qiao put it on in front of him: "I am very satisfied."

Li Shengcai was equally satisfied, he glanced at Qin Jin timidly, told Li Qiao to take the exam well and left.

As soon as he left, Li Qiao immediately took out the safety talisman and threw it away.

Li Jinhua used to secretly put a talisman to drive her away, maybe it was something poisoned by the poisonous stepmother, so she didn't wear it.

Li Shengcai returned home.

Feng Lamei couldn't wait to say: "Have you given her the peace talisman?"

"Yes, I've put them on." Li Shengcai said puzzled, "Why didn't you ask me to give it to her in advance if you have a safety talisman? It caused me to be scolded by the bastard."

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