Chapter 338: Making a Wheat Farm

 “Hum hum…”

The pigs who had a bad temper and refused to eat pig food started to grunt and get restless as soon as they smelled the fragrance. They came to the pig trough, stretched out their noses and sniffed hard. After sniffing, they immediately caught them.

"huh huh huh huh…"

 The pigs in the pig pen all became restless in unison.

Li Jing only mixed wild vegetables into the two temperamental pigs at first. Thinking that fattening these pigs was her goal, she couldn't favor one and the other, so she mixed wild vegetables into each pig one by one.

 So in the end, each of the seven pigs ate all the pig food in the pig trough.

 Li Jing raised her eyebrows.

 Feeding pigs is quite simple.

 In fact, they could have a pig pen at their house, but unfortunately there is no room at home and they cannot feed the pigs if they want to.

 Otherwise, if you kill a pig every once in a while, how beautiful your life will be.

  After Li Jing lamented that life was not good, she began to clean the dirty pigsty.

The pigs look greasy from being fed, but the pig pens are dirty. These pigs do not find a place to **** and **** casually. They also like to roll around in the pig pens. In addition, because of the hot weather, they will pour water into the pig pens. , the pigsty mixed with water is extremely dirty.

When Li Jing jumped in to clean up the feces and muddy water, the pigs she fed began to circle around her.

 The pigs were fed delicious food, and they also knew how to please people. All of them snorted at Li Jing.

If the people who fed the pigs before saw this scene, they would probably be shocked.

These pigs are carefully cared for and have extremely bad tempers. They just ignore people at ordinary times. Sometimes they even pretend to be sick and pretend to be dead and lie still, causing people to worry in vain. How could there be such a happy and lively time?

Li Jing thought these pigs were noisy, so she frowned and yelled at them.

 “Be quiet, everyone. I just ate and I want to eat again. Do you want to get fat and be slaughtered quickly?”

Li Jing controlled the wild vegetables that had special powers to speed up ripening, but she only let the pigs eat them to gain fat, without the possibility of becoming wise. Naturally, these stupid pigs couldn't understand what Li Jing said, so they still hummed at her.

Li Jing took the wooden shovel and patted the wall of one of the pig pens.

"If you bark again, I'll kill you all and eat you!" Li Jing's fire-fighting method was still effective. The pigs stopped snorting loudly and just kept wandering around in the pig pen.

But every time Li Jing jumped into a pigsty, the pigs in the pigsty still came over and snorted at Li Jing, and Li Jing rewarded them with a shovel each.

This guy is finally honest.

Li Jing fed the pigs, cleaned the pig pens, and stored the pig manure.

There is no need for pig manure now. When the wheat is harvested, manure will be sent to the fields to increase fertilizer.

Li Jing finished picking them up one by one, then picked up the bamboo basket and prepared to go to the mountain to cut pigweed.

 Pigs need to be fed three times a day, and the food they eat is more nutritious than humans.

Li Jing went around the fields to take Jiang Xiaoya with her before going up the mountain.

 Jiang Xiaoya was first taken to the fields by Jiang Xiaoxin to look after her.

Following the previous example of Jiang Xiaoya being bullied, Jiang Xiaoxin paid special attention this time and would glance at Jiang Xiaoya from time to time.

Jiang Xiaoya can also be regarded as a drama queen.

 She was fine at home. After she came out, her right hand was hanging on one side and motionless, as if her right hand was still injured.

From time to time, people would pass by and look at Jiang Xiaoya's right hand and sigh, but Jiang Xiaoya kept looking at them with innocent eyes, as if asking them why they sighed?

God knows, Jiang Xiaoya is no longer that ignorant girl.

 Zhao Yu, who had lost the previous competition with Jiang Xiaoxin, did not go to work these two days and did not show up in the village. It was said that she was seriously injured, so she asked for leave, which was approved by the team.

Zhao Yu's admission of defeat left Jiang Xiaoxin no longer in doubt. He was still doing his original work and earning his original work points.

And this time, just like he said, he did it openly and honestly.

As for Jiang Xiaowen, the job he found was not as easy as before, and he went to build a wheat farm.

 (End of this chapter)

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