Chapter 541 Missing Places

Li Xiaopang laughed and laughed, causing Jiang Xiaoxin to nudge him with his elbow.

“I thought you were so smart, but it’s nothing more than that. Don’t pretend to know everything from now on!”

Li Xiaopang was speechless.

 When did he pretend to know everything?

But this matter really made Li Xiaopang depressed, why didn’t it happen?

Logically speaking, no. Apart from these places, where else can we hide things?

There isn’t much time in places that are far away. When we checked last night, there were many people in the team, which means the car wasn’t pulled too far.

Could it be possible to hide it at home?

Little Fatty Li's head was spinning, thinking about all the places in the brigade that had been searched. He scratched his head in frustration.

Jiang Xiaoxin patted Li Xiaopang's shoulder heavily, "Did you forget that there is another place you haven't visited?"

Li Xiaopang blinked his small eyes and then asked: "Where?"

 Jiang Xiaoxin gave Li Xiaopang an enigmatic look.

 The two cubs walked through the rain carrying sacks while you chased me and I chased you.

It has been raining all night, and the soil on the ground is soft. Every time you step on it, there will be a footprint. Judging from the footprints on the ground, there are already many people coming and going.

As the two of them walked, they turned into a path and there were fewer footprints.

They went to the three large tile-roofed houses of Jiang Xiaoxin and his family, where Mrs. Jiang lived before. Last night, the team led people to search them one by one. Some people were not at home, so they subconsciously ignored them.

As everyone knows, the person who stole the thing may also have thought of this and took the thing to an uninhabited place.

Li Xiaopang looked at the road and quickly understood Jiang Xiaoxin’s plan, and he laughed.

"Why didn't I think of it? Your family might also be hiding things, not only here, but also in the deserted house where my grandma lived before. After he died, no one lived in that place, even though the courtyard wall, the wall... Everything fell down, but there was no one there to hold it up..."

Li Xiaoxin was nagging in Jiang Xiaoxin’s ears, and he picked his ears impatiently, “Stop talking, I thought of it a long time ago!” Li Xiaopang couldn’t help but hey.

 It's only when he thought about it that he thought about it. When he first mentioned it, his eyes rolled. Now he said that he had thought of it a long time ago and thought he would believe it.

When the two of them approached, Jiang Xiaoxin suddenly pulled Li Xiaopang and stuck it against the courtyard wall.

 He said "Shh", Li Xiaopang. The words he wanted to say were swallowed back immediately.

 Soon, Li Xiaopang also heard the noise.

That was the nervous voice of a child.

Li Xiaopang blinked and tugged at Jiang Xiaoxin.

 Go, hurry up and see what's going on. What if the person runs away?

Jiang Xiaoxin took a step forward, not just walking by himself, but also pulling Li Xiaopang along with him.

Li Xiaopang originally wanted to hide behind for safety, but when Jiang Xiaoxin pulled him away, his plan was ruined. He couldn't help but grin silently again.

These three large tile-roofed houses are surrounded by walls on three sides. Jiang Xiaoxin and the two of them are close to one side, and facing the other side is the side where the movement is coming from.

The wall they were walking on faced the road, and the other side was next to another house.

The person next to them was none other than Mrs. Wang’s family, who had a dispute with Mrs. Jiang’s family.

Before, Mrs. Wang was hit and killed by Jiang Weimin. Regarding the death of the old lady, the two families had countless conflicts. Finally, Jiang Weimin went in and Mrs. Jiang suffered a stroke, and Mrs. Wang and her family calmed down a bit.

 Looking at this situation, their family has not stopped.

When Jiang Xiaoxin realized it was their family, the first thing he thought of was not the wheat, but the rabbit that had been lost.

Although he didn’t mention it, he thought about it all the time.

Thinking of his rabbit, Jiang Xiaoxin became excited and immediately rushed over, but was hugged by Li Xiaopang with quick eyes and hands.

 (End of this chapter)

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