Chapter 594 Evidence

 The testimonies of everyone in the team point to Feng Dandan, and her current situation is very unfavorable.

Jiang Qingzhi once again asked Feng Dandan sternly: "Comrade Feng Dandan, are you still not going to admit it?"

Feng Dandan has not gotten up since she fell just now, and no one came to help her. She hugged herself and cried loudly.

 “I didn’t, I was wronged, I ran slowly, I was too tired, I really didn’t do anything bad.”

Jiang Qingzhi had never seen such a stubborn person, and he stared at her with a frown.

"If you want to prove your innocence, you don't have to keep saying you don't have it, but you have to show evidence!"

Feng Dandan raised her eyes slightly, but the thick bangs on her forehead still covered her eyes tightly.

She cried, shouting almost irrationally, "Then they say I stole wheat, what evidence do they have?"

Obviously, at this time, the person involved should be in extreme panic and fear, but Feng Dandan stopped everyone present with one sentence.

 Yes, there is no evidence.

"I just returned to the educated youth a little late, so you doubted me and suspected that I stole wheat. But did I really steal wheat? Who saw it?"

Li Jing couldn't help but applaud her. She was really talented at being able to bite her to death and not let go at this time.

 “You want proof? Yes!”

As soon as Li Jing finished speaking, Jiang Xiaoxin had already led the bean sprouts to the brigade, and kept asking people who were crowded together to let them go.

 And at this time, a lot of people came to the brigade?

When we talked about Feng Dandan deliberately harming people, some people in the team didn't come. But this time it involved stealing wheat. After hearing the news, these people who didn't come also came, including Xia Chunlan's mother-in-law Li Ping. .

Li Ping didn’t expect Feng Dandan to be so bold as to steal wheat. This was the collective property of the team. How could such a person be involved with her?

 The first thing she did when she came to the brigade was to find Xia Chunlan and try to take her away. However, Xia Chunlan would not leave at this time. She took off her mother-in-law's hand and shook her head firmly.

"Mom, I want to stay here and see the result. Although Feng Dandan has a good relationship with me, if she really makes a mistake, I will not cover her up. I will not confuse public and private matters!"

Li Ping couldn't help but open her mouth, "Why are you worried about this? I'm worried that you are not in good health. What should you do if you get tired after standing here for a long time?"

Despite the awe-inspiring expression she heard from Xia Chunlan, the worry in her heart did not diminish at all.

She is not blind. She knows exactly what Xia Chunlan did. Her daughter-in-law must have been involved in all the wrong and bad things that Feng Dandan did.

 “Mom, I’m fine!”

Xia Chunlan shook her head and couldn't drag her away. She pursed her lips when she saw Jiang Xiaoxin leading the two sisters Dou Ya and Dou Miao.

She found that things were very different from what she thought. This Jiang Xiaoxin was not like the impulsive and irritable character in the book who did everything to get to the bottom of things. Instead, he was very smart and clever. He had asked the dog to tell the dog one by one what was on the bag. The taste is just that.

Where did this dog come from? Why is there no mention in the book of this puppy that is completely comparable to a police dog?

 Look at her, her brain is useless again. How can a dog be introduced in the book?

 Just now someone said whose dog this is? From the Huzi family?

Xia Chunlan stared at the puppy squatting obediently next to Li Jing. She didn't look away until Wangcai barked at her.

  turned to Jiang Xiaoxin.

Xia Chunlan just saw Li Jing say something in Jiang Xiaoxin's ear, and he ran out without saying a word. At that time, she was still wondering what Li Jing asked him to do, but she didn't expect that he would bring two girls.

 (End of this chapter)

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