There may be countless explanations for the devil's attack on Pearl Harbor, and there are also countless reasons, such as why the devil attacked Pearl Harbor like crazy, and why it succeeded so easily.

Of course, the devil's sneak attack is actually very understandable.

In 1939, the devil drew up two operational orientations, namely "southward" and "northern" operational plans. At first, the devils valued the abundant war resources of polar bears, and planned to invade polar bears and occupy Siberia.

However, from May to September 1939, the Devils launched a large-scale exploratory strategic offensive against the Polar Bear coalition in the Normenheim area, 200 kilometers south of Hailar, but the result was a disastrous failure.

After the defeat of the "northward movement", the so-called dream of going north came to naught, so they turned around and planned to "go south" and seize greater war resources (oil) in order to annex the world's reserve resources in the future.

The purpose of the attack on Pearl Harbor was to (at least temporarily) eliminate the main force of the Eagle Sauce Navy in the Pacific, and at the same time, the devils believed that this sneak attack could undermine the morale of the Eagle Sauce army and civilians. Isoroku Yamamoto, the mastermind of the attack on Pearl Harbor, himself believed that a successful attack would bring a strategic advantage for only about a year.

And Eagle Sauce also needs a casus belli, or the FRD needs a casus belli.

Since the First World War, there has been a strong isolationism in the whole country, and it is precisely because of the isolationism that Eagle Sauce cannot participate in the Second World War at all.

And when the time entered 1941, it was clear that the Second World War was coming to an end. "Five-Three-Three"

The powerful Hans Cat fell into the sea of polar bears, and the protracted battle from Huaxia's almost imperceptible conspiracy became the best place to implement it in China, and the same is true for polar bears.

This became even more evident at the end of 1941.

In such a situation, His Majesty Eagle Sauce is going to war.

After all, as a victorious country or as a neutral country, when the station is over, the meaning will be completely different, especially now that Eagle Sauce has almost reached the world's first military and economic situation.

And the sneak attack of the island nation undoubtedly gave them a chance.

Spring 1942.

Jiang Chen's figure returned to Southwest University.

Back at Southwest University, Jiang Chen immediately felt that the atmosphere of the school had obviously changed, and this kind of change was obviously different from vitality to smile.

"Hahaha, these little devils are crazy, and they dare to attack Eagle Sauce!"

"Yes, yes, my friend of Eagle Sauce has sent a message that Eagle Sauce has decided to declare war on the island nation!"

"We can finally see hope. "

"Yes, yes!"

Under the huge divine sense, the voice of a student's discussion was also immediately reflected in his ears.

Just listening to these contents, his brows couldn't help frowning.

Obviously, the students at this time have more hope for the future, or seem to see the light.

Originally, this is naturally nothing, or rather, it is a good thing for a country, especially when it is in a state of complete war, but this time it is not necessarily a good thing.

Obviously, most of the students pinned their hopes on Eagle Sauce.

There is no way around it.

After all, the country is weak, and Eagle Sauce is so strong, its declaration of war on the island country is too great an inspiration for China.

But obviously, Jiang Chen didn't want to see this.

So, after concentrating, he immediately made a decision.

A new public class began.

This is also his first public class in two years.

This time, the number of people gathered was also huge, even larger than before, because today's Southwest University has more teachers and students than it did at the beginning, with more than 100,000 people.

And Jiang Chen's reputation has not disappeared because of the silence of the past two years, but has become bigger and bigger.

The new open class began, and how did they not come enthusiastically.

There are many teachers and students gathered in the huge venue.

There are also many foreign teachers among them.

The environment is somewhat noisy.

Many people are still talking about the devil's sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, and the excitement has obviously not completely subsided.

However, when Jiang Chen walked onto the podium, the scene was still quiet randomly.

And Jiang Chen also wrote two words on the blackboard.

"War of Resistance!"

"Gentlemen, can anyone explain to me what the War of Resistance is?"

The deep voice resounded in the classroom, instantly making countless people's thoughts freeze on these two words.

"Teacher, the War of Resistance against China is a national all-out war against the invasion of devils. "

A student stood up at Jiang Chen's signal, and sonorous words rang out.

"Yes, that's good!"

"It seems that the gentlemen still know what the War of Resistance is, but since the War of Resistance is a Chinese resistance to the devil, what does it have to do with Eagle Sauce?"

"I walked on campus, and from time to time I heard the heated discussions of the gentlemen, saying that Eagle Sauce's participation in the war will definitely lead us to the victory of the War of Resistance, but gradually do you want to defeat the invaders, or do you want to change it?"

Jiang Chen's expression had a sternness in his expression.

It is undeniable that today's Eagle Sauce is not the enemy of Huaxia, but whether it is from the perspective of later generations, but from this time, Eagle Sauce will inevitably become an enemy.

And even if we don't consider this aspect, when a country, a nation, when their intellectuals are relying on other countries, is there any hope for this country, this nation?

Jiang Chen's words were simple, but at this moment, they shook everyone's hearts.

Many students bowed their heads in shame.

Some of the students opened their mouths to say something.

But Jiang Chen's words continued to ring.

"I know that the gentlemen are a little indignant and a little puzzled, saying that Yingchan is not an invader, and they even returned our Gengzi indemnity, founded education for us, and even assisted us in the war of resistance. "

"But do you know, what is the country to the country, more than ten years ago, I gave a public lecture on international relations at Peking University, I don't know if you have seen it. "

"But there is one thing that you will remember that there is only interests between countries and countries, and there is no friendship. "

"Eagle Sauce returned Gengzi's indemnity, that was because he wanted to expand his interests in China and assist in the War of Resistance, that was because he wanted Huaxia to contain the island country, even if the war started now, it was not because he couldn't get used to the island country, but because they needed to compete for their interests. "

The words continued, calm with indifference.

As a traverser, as a well-educated person, Jiang Chen often understands much more clearly than people in this era.

Not to mention these things, they were not secrets at all in previous lives.

"Sir, are you saying that the devil's sneak attack on Pearl Harbor was deliberately done by Eagle Sauce?"

A figure stood up suddenly, and his mood fluctuated violently.

Jiang Chen's words were already obvious, even very direct.

At this moment, not only him, but others were not too calm.

After all, a sneak attack and a counterattack are two different things from a long prediction.

Some scholars, and some intellectuals, quickly grasped the most crucial of these.

"I don't know, but when the island nation attacked Pearl Harbor, Eagle Sauce's three aircraft carriers officially set sail!" (read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"Moreover, if Eagle Sauce's reaction was too fast, a war against the island nation had already been declared the next day. "

As soon as the words spoke, Jiang Chen's expression was calm, but what he could say made more people moved, even if the aircraft carrier was not as terrifying as the later generations in this era, it had already become the existence of the main battle.

At this moment, they suddenly sounded, the three aircraft carriers of Eagle Sauce were indeed not in the port.

All of a sudden, the whole venue was as dead silent.

"As far as I know, Hanscat's forces have completely fallen into the huge territory of the polar bear, and like the island nation, then the war will probably end in three years at the latest. "

In the deathly silence of the venue, Jiang Chen's voice spoke again.

And this time, it also broke this silence in an instant.



"You, you're saying the war will be over in three years!"

With some crampedness, even some old gentlemen couldn't help but stand up at this moment.

For most people, it doesn't really matter if Eagle Sauce is a conspiracy or not, after all, all they need is the result, and the result is suitable.

But now, Jiang Chen actually said that the war would inevitably end within three years.......

This made them a little unable to sit still.

War, I'm afraid no one will like war.

This is especially true of this kind of war, which is full of grievances.

Nowadays, even if you are confident, I am afraid that you will not think that the war can be ended in a short time, although the combat effectiveness of the devil has declined now, but no matter how much it declines, it is still higher than that of Huaxia.

Now the earth is holding each other.

But this kind of stalemate is because the devils have occupied the richest place in the whole of China, as well as a large area of territory in the south.

Although Huaxia has a certain advantage in local wars, in the overall war, Huaxia is actually crushed, and this kind of crushing makes them unable to have enough self-confidence.

Because of this, when they heard that the island nation had attacked Pearl Harbor, they were excited enough.

Because of the presence of a more powerful Eagle Sauce than the island country to join the War of Resistance, Huaxia really has a hope.

But now, Jiang Chen actually told them that the war would inevitably end within three years.

Forget about the others, the person who spoke was Jiang Chen, even if he was ignorant, he understood the weight of Jiang Chen's words, which was an existence that others could not match.

Jiang Chen used countless words to verify his correctness in the past time.

No one would doubt the words of this one.

But now, even if they don't doubt it, they instinctively produce disbelief.

"Yes, within three years, it will inevitably end, the addition of Eagle Sauce, plus the island country has completely fallen into the quagmire, they can't get out at this time, and even as long as it takes another year or so, I'm afraid it will be the time for us to counterattack. "

Jiang Chen's deep words spoke.

The content is said with affirmation.

"Sir, are you saying that the addition of Eagle Sauce will change the situation of the war?"

A figure stood up and spoke excitedly.

"No, it's not, whether Eagle Sauce joins or not, the ending is already doomed, he can't take the huge Huaxia, and they will inevitably meet failure. "

Yu Guang glanced at the young man, and Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Sir, you can't deny that with the addition of Eagle Sauce, the earth played a great role in the Chinese War of Resistance. "

The young man spoke again.

And all of a sudden, everyone else noticed this one.

One by one, they were thoughtful, but in the end they didn't say anything.

It was clear that he agreed with his thoughts, but was just a little uncomfortable.

"Sort of!"

"I don't deny it, but my Chinese War of Resistance is not something that a few people or countries can deprive themselves of it, and I don't need to pin my hope on anyone. "

4.4 The victory of the War of Resistance belongs to us, and hope also belongs to us. "

"I, Huaxia, have never relied on anyone since ancient times, and I have never thought about it,"

"When the sky is broken, refine stones to make up for it;

When the flood came, he did not ask the prophet and dug the canal himself;

When the disease is epidemic, he does not seek miracles, but tries his own medicine and cures himself;

If you drown in the East China Sea, you will fill it up, and if you are exposed to the sun, you will shoot the sun down;

Let him go to whoever will be the stone of choosing, and let him go to whoever wants to be a prostrate lamb;

Whoever is willing to kneel to the Son of Heaven and kneel to the ministers let him go, and whoever wants to ask the common people to ask the ghosts and gods will let him go;

Between the heavens and the earth split by the axe, there are people everywhere who do not want to be slaves.

This is what this nation cannot desecrate. "

The open class ended with the last impassioned words, it is not that Jiang Chen is too extreme, but in this era, Huaxia must be made independent, otherwise, it is easy to have huge problems.

For this reason, even if it is extreme, it is a good thing.

After all, in this almost dark age, not extreme enough, not clear enough, the future of the entire nation, and even the hope, may be swallowed up.

For this reason, even if Jiang Chen put on the hat of nationalism, he was not worried at all.

After all, he is a Chinese.

And that's enough.

(Second, there are countless explanations for the Pacific Battle, and the one I use is the most reasonable, as for whether you believe it or not, everyone has their own opinion).

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