In the past few decades, history does not seem to have changed, what should have happened has happened, and some of the original things are still moving forward according to the established trajectory.

First world war.

Northern expedition.

Versailles Contract.

Second world war.

Invasion of the island nation.


Songhu War.

Expeditionary force.

One story after another, Jiang Chen's figure seems to have played a role, but it doesn't seem to have played any role, at least it has not been able to intervene in the changes in the world.

In reality, however, it has changed.

It's just that these changes have not been able to affect the general trend in a short period of time.

However, even if it can't affect the general trend, we can't ignore their existence.

When time passes.

This kind of change is accumulating.

In the spring of 1944, it finally came to erupt.

Something called a computer appeared in China.

If in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries it was the Europeans who opened the gap between the whole world, then in the twentieth century it was Eagle Sauce who opened the gap between him and the world, and the gap was not nuclear weapons, but computers.

Along with Eagle Sauce was the first to develop a computer, and quickly made achievements on the computer.

It also allowed them to go to the forefront of the whole world in the whole scientific research.

As if it had been opened, it continued to surpass the original trajectory and reached an unbelievable point, and even in the twenty-first century, Eagle Sauce became the absolute hegemon of the whole world.

Now history has been reversed.

The first computer was not produced in Eagle Sauce, but in the far southwest of China.

It doesn't seem to be a big deal, today's calculators are too large and not practical enough, but its appearance represents the arrival of a new era at this moment.

This is destined to be a completely different existence from the usual times.

25 This is a time called the overlord, and a new era.

In the next few decades, the whole world will enter unimaginable development.

Fly out of the earth.

Log in to the moon.

Access to other planets.

At the same time, communication, anticipation, biology, materials, artificial intelligence, all kinds of incredible technologies will explode in the coming decades.

This extremely clumsy looking computer would be the beginning and the prologue.

One that kicked off the whole world.

"Very good, all the researchers of Pangu will be rewarded with 10,000 oceans and 100,000 team leaders. "

"This is our heart of China, and it is also the hope of our China, so it is called Fuxi, I hope that you can quickly improve it and shrink him. "

"By the way, I'll give you some information later. "

"Also, Pangu Laboratory, from today onwards, no one is allowed to enter the SSS-level level, except for me. "

Jiang Chen spoke excitedly, and his simple voice was full of prudence.

Computers, now the earth is nothing.

However, only he knows how much it means.

Therefore, after only a moment of excitement, he quickly issued one order after another.

On the one hand, it's about naming the computer.

As the beginning of change and the cornerstone of the rise of China, Jiang Chen was directly named Fuxi, symbolizing the beginning of Chinese civilization and the initial state.

On the other hand, the level of secrecy for Pangu Lab has risen again.

With his presence, and the presence of the Secret Guard, it is truly guaranteed that there will be absolutely no leaks.

This can be seen from the cyanin.

You know, in the past few decades, European countries, including island countries, including Jinling, have tried every means to obtain penicillin, but the result is only failure.

This shows the strength of the Dark Guard.

Now the tightness has been raised again, almost the same as the previous penicillin.

Naturally, this could not have been leaked.

And in this case, Jiang Chen naturally didn't mind opening some hangings for these people.

Some books are from later generations about computers, although they are not very perfect, but once obtained, the development of computers is simply a leap.

Of course, he also has a perfect one.

But in the end, I hesitated and didn't take it out.

The reason is simple.

History is already different, and it makes no sense to copy the original history of computer development, and for him, it is better to give some help and let Huaxia develop its own computer.

If you think about the hundreds of years ago, the computers used in the world were all programmed in Chinese, and that is enough to make people excited.

Although it is difficult.

No one will do that in the future.

But in the future, it's not that it can't be done, but there won't be so much time.

Relatively perfect computer system, you are like innovating a new one, not to mention whether there is a need for this, even if there is, there is no time, others are not stupid, no one will wait for you for so long.

But for this era, there is time.

Among the original trajectories, it was in 1946 that the first electronic computer appeared, and Eagle Sauce used it to perform ballistic calculations. ENIAC uses electron tubes as components, so it is also known as tube computers, which is the first generation of computers. Tube computers cannot work for too long because of the large volume of tubes used, high power consumption, and easy heat generation.

This first generation actually played a small role, and only when it reached the second generation did it show its role.

In the era of input/output control, semiconductor transistors were used in devices. Machine stability is improved. The use of magnetic core memory and various auxiliary memory is more developed. Adopting the concept of interruption, the main contradiction gradually shifts to soft equipment.

That's when computers really take shape.

But the life of the second generation of electronic computers was about 1957-1964.

There are still more than ten years to go.

Although history has changed now, there is little change in the world, even if there is a gap, more than ten years of time is inevitable, plus the two years of Huaxi's lead, as well as his large amount of knowledge, there is a lot of room for operation.

Jiang Chen believes that in ten years, Huaxi is definitely enough to create the second generation of electronic computers, and it is also an electronic computer that belongs to Huaxia alone.

At this point, he has this self-confidence and this certainty. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After all, the China of this era is different from the China of the previous life.

There are many aspects to this difference.

The Jiang Education Foundation, after decades of training, undoubtedly contains a large number of top talents, who have either returned to China or have not returned to China.

Once all mobilized, perhaps it will not be too much of a problem for China to quickly complete the first and second industrial revolutions.

It's his self-confidence. []

It's also his conceit.

Of course, we haven't reached that point yet.

It's going to take a while.

Huaxia was still in turmoil, and Jiang Chen didn't plan to exert his strength now.

Computer, that's just the front layout.

In the huge Pangea laboratory.

Jiang Chen kept some of the computer books, believing that after reading through these books, the entire computer would be able to quickly enter the second generation.

A year may be an exaggeration.

But within five years, the second-generation computer will not be a problem.

This is still a consideration, the reason why you need to enter the Chinese language, otherwise it is to follow the original path, even if it is not complete, it is enough to reach the destination.

It's just that Jiang Chen doesn't have this idea.

The night grew darker.

Jiang Chen's figure walked out of the Pangu laboratory.

At this time, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but bring a slight smile.

No one knew that in this era, a computer that could influence the whole world was born in the southwestern mountains.

Eagle Sauce's computer doesn't have enough clues, or even just getting started.

I believe that this will take a few years to complete.

As for the rest of the people on the outside.

is still talking about Jiang Chen's lectures.

There was no way, while those simple words deeply shocked everyone, they also made them understand what is the most lacking thing in Huaxia now.

Not one person, not a group, but the strength of the whole.

This was felt by everyone in the successive wars.

The island nation has really crushed their weapons and troops, and even so, the island nation is still vulnerable to polar bears, and they can't imagine how powerful polar bears are.

And how weak they really are.

Many people have actually been confused, but now the new future has unfolded in an instant at this moment, so that none of them can ignore it.

The campus is full of discussions about the Third Industrial Revolution, the Industrial Revolution.

It's also full of each other's imaginations for the future.

And the outside world.

The war, also after 1944, went into a complete counteroffensive.

The island country, which was already stuck in the mud, couldn't get out at all, and in the Pacific War, Eagle Sauce involved a lot of his strength.

The north also needs to be on guard against polar bears.

So much so that the power that has been dragged down in China has dropped to an extreme.

And this is undoubtedly an opportunity given to the Chinese army.

Battles have been fought.

Compared with the Anti-Japanese War, the people of the island country can fight five against one, or even ten against one, and now the island country and the Chinese army can almost reach the level of one for one.

On the one hand, the soldiers of the island country have indeed become weaker, and on the other hand, Huaxia has become stronger.

After a long battle, some recruits gradually turned into veterans, and veterans gradually turned into elite soldiers.

Compared with island countries, it is only a gap in weapons, and the gap in weapons in this era has not yet reached a sufficient level, and naturally each other's combat power has begun to flatten.

In June, the famous Normandy landings arrived.

It was a large-scale offensive launched by the 470 Allied forces on the Western Front in Europe in World War II. Nearly three million soldiers crossed the English Channel to Normandy. The Battle of Normandy was by far the largest naval landing operation in the world, and it fundamentally changed the strategic situation of World War II.

At 6:30 a.m. on June 6, 1944, the Allied vanguard of 176,000 troops crossed the English Channel from John Bull and landed in Normandy, capturing five beaches in Utah, Omaha, Golden Beach, Juneau and Sword Beach.

This battle almost determined the trend of the whole of Europe, and it also made the eagle sauce who participated in the war enough to put more forces into the Pacific theater.

The war inevitably came to an end.

Not only Hans Cat, but even the failure of the island nation has become a matter of time

How terrifying is Eagle Sauce who moves with all his might.

The battle in Europe this time is enough to illustrate the problem.

The accumulation of two world wars has made this former little brother grow into a giant-like existence.

and polar bears, at this moment, have vaguely become the two poles of the world, which can already be seen by anyone with a discerning eye.

In the Noble Mandy landing, the allies without Eagle Sauce and the allies with Eagle Sauce are almost two different things, and the powerful Eagle Sauce showed their terrifying combat ability this time.

with a powerful torrent of steel.

And the Hans cat failed.

First, he was defeated by the huge territory of the polar bear, and the one who fully studied Jiang Chen's protracted battle completely dragged down Hans Cat's pace by exchanging space for time.

On the other hand, it was defeated by the huge steel torrent of Eagle Sauce.

Blitzkrieg though terrifying.

But there is an Achilles heel, that is, when the opponent's firepower and steel torrent are stronger than him, the blitzkrieg has no meaning.

Unfortunately, Eagle Sauce, as the world's largest industrial power, has such strength.

As for the polar bear, the steel torrent is only inferior to Eagle Sauce, and it is also more powerful than the Hans cat.

Facing such a terrifying two enemies, Hans Cat, and Eagle Sauce, how could they be undefeated.

(The second watch, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression is over today, I don't continue to write, a lot of things can't be written, I don't know why, others write nothing, I have an accident as soon as I write!).

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