China is carnival, the whole world is carnival, the Second World War is finally over at this moment, in terms of the Chinese theater of operations, the Second World War has been fought for 14 years, and in terms of the world, this is also close to eight years.

Eight years, a whole eight years, not even the First World War lasted so long.

And it's not just a matter of time, it's also the damage caused by the Second World War, which is nothing compared to the Second World War.

The First World War, which lasted more than four years and involved more than 30 countries and 1.5 billion people, caused enormous material and spiritual damage to humanity.

As a result, the whole world fell into an anti-war mood, and Europe became Suijin attention, and Eagle Sauce produced isolationism.

But these are really not worth mentioning compared to the Second World War.

The total military expenditure of the participating countries in World War II was $135.2 million, and the total loss amounted to $4,000 billion.

Of the 70 million people who died directly in the war and war-related causes in World War II, 26.6 million were polar bears and 18 million were in China (from 1937 to 1945, about 15% were soldiers, and about 16 million were injured or sick due to the war, so the cumulative number of casualties was about 35 million).

What is this concept, the whole world today is probably only about 2 billion people, 70 million, almost one-third of the population died in this terrible war.

Of course, the impact doesn't stop there.

There are also weapons, and technology has made further leaps.

After the Second World War, mankind inevitably went straight to incredible heights, and technology continued to improve at a speed that was almost visible to the naked eye.

In the following time, it was an era of intense science and technology, and it was also an era of rapid rise of the country.

The revelry continues.

Jinling and Baota Mountain also seem to be in harmony at this moment.

It's just that the turbulent 223 dark tide under this harmony is only clear to their parties and Jiang Chen.

Of course, Jiang Chen at this moment didn't have the heart to pay attention to this.

Because of this moment.

Southwest University ushered in a time of historical change.

The so-called Southwest University was originally a comprehensive university established by Peking University, Shuimu University, and Nankai University because of the needs of the Anti-Japanese War.

In this regard, Jiang Chen also stopped.

After all, Huaxia needs more than just a university.

In the principal's office.

Jiang Menglin, Mei Yiqi, Zhang Boling and more than a dozen have already arrived.

"I have understood your intentions, you can return to your original campus, but Southwest University will not be dissolved, and the title of Southwest University will still be retained. "

"Of course, in order to ensure the normal operation of the major schools and sufficient development prospects, all schools can unconditionally take away all the original members, as for the others, the tutors who are willing to stay stay, and you can leave if you are willing to go. "

The words spoke, and Jiang Chen said his decision, as well as his thoughts.

The split of Southwestern University was inevitable.

This is true both for Huaxia and for the entire Southwest University.

However, although the split of Southwest University is inevitable, of course, Jiang Chen does not want Southwest University to be dissolved directly as it has historically been, and is still preparing to retain Southwest University.

As he said, this will be the academic center of the whole world in the future.

Nothing will change.

As for the departure of personnel, to be honest, the most important thing to arrive at the entire Southwest University today is not those teachers and students, but the laboratories everywhere, and these laboratories are almost all talents trained by the Jiang Education Foundation.

Peking University, Mizuki and other top universities, it is almost impossible to take these people away.

All they could take away was their original team.

In fact, the impact of such a result on Southwest University is extremely small, and it can even be said that it is almost non-existent.


"I'll understand!"

Jiang Menglin, Mei Yiqi, Zhang Boling and more than a dozen (CFCH) people responded.

Although they have some thoughts about this, they also understand that such a result is already very good, and they can't really split Southwest University, and they don't have the qualifications.

Although the foundation of Southwest University was built by them.

But the entire Southwest University was created by the people in front of him.

"Well, you can make a copy of some experimental projects and take them back to your respective schools. "

As if thinking of something, Jiang Chen added again.

And this sentence undoubtedly made many people's eyes light up a little.

"Thank you, sir!"

"Mr. Xie!"

More than a dozen people quickly got up and thanked them again.

Even if it's just some experimental projects, it is extremely important for them, at least at this moment they feel a longer future.

"No thanks!"

"Remember to develop education well, the rise of China, the foundation of rejuvenation must be education. "

Jiang Chen waved his hand, with a nonchalant expression.

Handing over some experimental projects was not a problem for him.

It can't be really super powerful technology anyway.

And for these universities, it is of great help, and Jiang Chen naturally doesn't mind helping them.

On October 4, 1945, the National Southwest Associated University held a graduation ceremony, and on October 30, it was announced that it would end, and Peking University, Shuimu University, and Nankai University moved back to their original sites, and Southwest University continued to remain.

Since then, the school has returned to China and returned to the original trajectory.

As for the impact on Southwest University, as he said, it is not much.

The only difference is that there are fewer teachers and students, but the number is still as high as 50,000, and similarly, the major laboratories have no impact, and a large number of talents are still pouring into Southwest University.

As a result, in November 1945, in the selection of the world's top universities, Southwest University entered the fifth place with comprehensive strength.

This is still the case that the major laboratories have not been exposed.

If it is exposed, maybe Southwest University can directly enter the top three, or even the first place.

Because at this time, the entire Southwest University has almost mastered all future research directions.

In terms of computers, the first generation of electronic computers has been thoroughly perfected and has begun to enter the development of the second generation of electronic computers, and the first generation of electronic computers is still only on the drawing board at this moment.

Atomic energy.

At the time when the atomic bomb had just been exploded, the entire atomic energy laboratory had completed the atomic energy program, and even started experiments on the use of atomic energy.

On top of biotechnology, more antibiotics have been born in the laboratory.

And above physics, more physical experiments and demonstrations have been completed.

The laboratories of Southwest University alone, once made public, are enough to win more than a dozen Nobel Prizes, and all of them are in the natural sciences.

And that's just the beginning, as there's more to come. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Although these are only the inevitable development of science and technology, they are also accidental.

Southwest University, in the past few years, has developed into a real giant, even if this kind of giant was broken up in the fall of 1945, it still did not affect them much.

Even a split has also led to the development of top universities such as Peking University and Mizuki.

They didn't take much with them, but even a small amount of it was enough for them to quickly grow into a top-notch university.

It is possible to expect the whole situation to change in the future. []

and the rapid development of China.

It's just obvious that Huaxia wants to get through this hurdle, and there is still one last step, or the last few steps to go.

Ten years, or more precisely, thirty years.

The last thirty years.

Once passed, Huaxia will truly enter the time of take-off.

But these have little to do with Jiang Chen.

Southwest University has not been dissolved, and now he is still the president of Southwest University, and he naturally continues to engage in his education work at this moment.

On the one hand, it continues to build the industrialization of the entire southwest region.

In a short period of time.

The outside world has been completely chaotic.

But the entire Southwest has grown rapidly in the past eight years.

The population has skyrocketed.

Up to now, the population of Shu has reached 100 million, what is this concept, even in the back market, the entire Shu land does not have such a huge population, but this moment has arrived.

And the population of Yun Province has also reached 50 million.

At the same time, to the west, the population also reached 20 million.

The most direct effect of this huge population is that the original turmoil in the west has completely disappeared.

Secondly, it is the prosperity of the entire southwest.

No one else can perceive this.

But everyone in the southwest can clearly feel all this.

And in addition to prosperity, it is industrialization.

Eight years have passed, especially in the last five years, and the industrialization of the entire southwest region has almost been completely completed, and the first industrial revolution and the second industrial revolution have already been completed.

Today's southwest region, not to mention the northeast comparison with Zhang Dashuai, even if it is compared with the island country, the gap is not too huge.

It's simply incredible.

However, under Jiang Chen's development, this seems to have become a normal thing.

After all, Jiang Chen's large amount of funds, manpower and material resources, and the layout began several years in advance, so it is normal to be able to reach today's achievement.

It's just that reaching this step is also the limit.

It's not a country after all.

With the end of the war, the benefits naturally diminished.

This has been evident since May, after Hanscat surrendered.

However, for Jiang Chen, this is enough.

After all, his goal was only to complete the industrialization of China.

Now it's not just done, but there is also an unexpected harvest, which is already a surprise, and he doesn't expect too much.

As he said before, these are just sparks.

The need to wait is a prairie fire.

Although Huaxia has won now, the momentum of the prairie fire has not yet come.

It's going to take a while.

Until this time comes, it will be enough for him to decorate more sparks.

A new day of winning will come.

The flames will eventually sweep across China.

This is the inevitable and the only outcome.

From the beginning, the arrival is now certain.

And in this case.

The winds of 1945 are passing by, and the revelry continues.

And in 1946, the whole world entered a new situation.

On January 19, 1946, in accordance with the regulations of the Moscow Conference held on December 16-26, 1945, the Supreme High Command of the Far Allied Forces issued a special notice to establish the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, and at the same time promulgated the Charter of the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, which was basically the same as the Charter of the International Military Tribunal for Europe signed by John Bull, Gallic Chicken, Eagle Sauce and Polar Bear in Wudu.

Huaxia appointed the jurist Mei Rujiao as a judge. The Commission, composed of prosecutors from 11 countries, filed its indictment with the Tribunal on 29 April 1946. Of the 28 defendants, 25 were actually tried, with the exception of three people, including Yoyo Matsuoka, who had died or lost their capacity. The indictment charges the accused with crimes against peace, war crimes and crimes against humanity between 1 January 1928 and 2 September 1945.

The trial began on 3 May 1946.

The trial of the island nation has officially begun.

It was the largest trial in human history.

It was also the most fair trial ever held.

Perhaps there are still interests intertwined on it.

Compared to the previous ones, this time at least it is relatively fair.

It's already incredible.

After all, there is no such thing as fairness between countries.

There are only interests.

This is already the best result.

It's just that this time there is already some tension in the country, and with the breakdown of the mountain city negotiations, each other has also begun to enter into war preparations.

A war could break out at any time.

(215 is sealed.,It's being modified.,It's so annoying!Next a new era is coming!,Kneel down and beg for support.,Please!).

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