A Certain Marvel Super Player

Three hundred and forty-six, fate has already marked the price

Inside a New Orleans police station.

In the conference room.

Cordelia covered her mouth with her hands, seemingly digesting the sad news.

Madison was going to say something.


Zoe stopped.

Although Fiona had killed Madison once, Madison was resurrected, but Fiona didn't even have a chance to be resurrected.

There are no bones left, how can he be resurrected?

This was discovered just now when Mr. Anonymous bribed the top brass of the police station to find a way for Cordelia to be alone in a room with the Voodoo Witch.

In Cordelia's perception, Fiona was completely to blame.

Put it this way.

Fiona and the Voodoo Witch were originally enemies. However, this time, Cordelia kidnapped Nan and planned to offer it to the Voodoo Witch as a reconciliation gift. After that, she even asked the Voodoo Witch to punish the Anonymous and others. Cast a spell, and at the same time, help her to disrupt this time's election of the Supreme Witch.

In return, Fiona will not only bring the souls of two newborns to the Voodoo Queen every year, but will also continue to ignore the fact that the Voodoo Queen secretly joins forces with the local Dolan Church to persecute witches.


After Cordelia perceived all this, she couldn't believe it was true.

This is also the reason why Cordelia covered her mouth. She was not sad about Fiona's death. Again, although she and Fiona had a mother-daughter relationship, Cordelia I have no affection or affection for this beautiful and promiscuous mother.

After all, a normal person would probably have any feelings for his mother, whose father was ill in bed but was having sex in the next room, right?

quite a while.

Cordelia took a deep breath, shook her head, and looked at Zoe and Madison: "Let's go, we should get ready."

Tomorrow is the end of the year.

Originally, the three directors of the Salem Witch Council had planned to postpone the election of the Supreme Witch due to the turmoil in New Orleans during this period, as well as Fiona's actions yesterday, citing the restlessness of ordinary law enforcement agencies in New Orleans.

at the moment?

Fiona died, it would be a blessing if the event was not held in advance and could be held normally.

Salem is sleeping now, and it cannot be without the Supreme Witch. Now, the coordinates of the sleeping Salem dimension rely on the supreme witches from generation to generation to entrust their souls to fix Salem.

Now that Fiona is dead, if we don't hurry up and choose another Supreme Witch, I'm afraid that the Salem Witch will really disappear in the long river of time.

Anonymous, who was sitting not far away from Locke, said: "Ms. Goode, my people have already deployed in that neighborhood. No one will cause trouble. Tomorrow, the three kilometers near the college will be under our control." , try to be as quiet as possible, if possible."

After all, Anonymous doesn't know how the supreme witch election works.


Anonymous thinks it might be the same as boxing.

It should be about the same.

Anonymous said and looked at Locke: "When will you return to New York?"

Gwen, who was standing with Zoe and Madison and seemed to be comforting Cordelia, heard this and looked up at Locke.

Supporting his chin with his left hand, Locke, who seemed to be in a daze, came back to his senses and moved his fingers: "Let's wait until the election of the Supreme Witch is over."

There was no mention of waiting until Cordelia's coronation ceremony was over.

after all……

This time, Zoe and Madison will also participate in the Supreme Witch election.

Although Locke has made an internal decision, it is not good to say it so openly. After all, the superficial fairness and openness still need to be maintained.

After Locke finished speaking, he continued to wander.

He is indeed in a state of wandering.

In fact.

The moment Locke killed Fiona, he had captured the Salem dimension that he had been trying to find for so many days but had yet to find.

At night.

When Locke and Gwen returned to the hotel, Carrie was already back.

Carrie had changed into a white sweater and was sitting on the sofa with her legs crossed, looking at a newspaper in her hand. She looked up at the two people who came in and said hello.

Gwen's eyes lit up, and she put the snacks she had just brought back from the restaurant on the table: "Carrie, when did you come back?"

Carrie looked at the time on her watch: "About an hour ago, I sent my friend to the station."



Carrie nodded: "A friend from Texas happened to be here, so we chatted together in the afternoon."

Gwen hummed, took off her down jacket, pulled Tycoon to the sofa, and sat down: "I thought you hadn't eaten yet, so I packed some snacks in case you were hungry."

Tonight they ate with George and Copper. Originally, Gwen asked Locke to ask Carrie to come with them, but Carrie seemed to be still outside at the time. Gwen simply packed some food into the restaurant after eating. Brought snacks back.

As for George and Copp?

Returning to Copp's nest, in New Orleans, which is so far away from Helen, George has seized the opportunity and let himself go.

Carrie put down the book in her hand, looked at several snack boxes opened by Gwen, and smiled: "I can still eat a little more."

Gwen opened all the snack boxes: "Let me tell you, Dad felt very distressed when he was paying the bill."


Gwen looked at her father's twitching cheek after seeing the bill, and felt that it was not surprising that his father would say AA the next second.

After all, these snacks are quite expensive.

Gwen was thinking this, and turned to look at Locke, who was sitting at the bar and drinking bourbon.

Locke looked at Gwen's gaze, smiled, raised the bourbon in his hand, and took a sip.

When he left, he planned to pay the bill.

However, George may feel that if his brother is present and he pays the bill, it will damage George's identity and image as a man.

So it's none of his business.

Locke dared to swear to God that he really had no intention of tricking George. At that time, George had a look in his eyes that said if you dare to fight me, I will draw your gun, so Locke had no choice but to give in.


The consumption is only 500 US dollars, plus consumption and other expenses, it is about 550 US dollars. A meal is very normal.


These three boxes of snacks, which totaled more than one hundred dollars, were eaten by Gwen and Carrie. It turns out that no woman can resist desserts.

Gwen got up, cleared the table with Carrie, and said, "Go to sleep, there will be a good show tomorrow."

Carrie blinked and looked at Locke.

Locke, who was sitting at the bar and thinking to himself, prompted: "Selection of the Supreme Witch."

Carrie said oh, and then, a little curious: "What is there to see here?"

Hasn’t the ending already been written?

Cordelia will become the Supreme Witch.

Locke's words.

Could it be that there are some blind people out there looking for trouble?

People who plan to cause trouble have already solved it in advance, right?

Gwen threw the dessert box into the trash can: "Madison is full of confidence in the selection of the Supreme Witch tomorrow."

Locke hummed.

Madison's talent is actually the same as Cordelia's, both at eight o'clock.


Locke chooses a partner, not a harem, and not to mention that he has no idea of ​​​​opening a harem. So, besides, Madison’s character is destined to only take care of herself and not the overall situation after becoming the Supreme Witch. , contrary to what Locke wanted.

A Cordelia who is not Professor X in character, but is Professor X in character, is Locke's best choice.

Choosing Cordelia would allow him to achieve 100% completion of this mission.

at the moment?

Mission name: "Let go of that witch!"』

Mission basic rewards: “Achievement Points*5000”, “Potential Points*500”』

Mission bonus mode: "Reputation value!"』

Current bonus value: 90%, upper limit 100%』

Mission description: "Here comes, the big one is here. In this world, you who became extraordinary because of witches swear to protect these poor and kind witches, but now, the bloody and cruel witch hunters are still alive. In this world, tell them, witches, there is someone to protect you!"

Mission notes: "Settlement will be carried out after it is determined that the witches have a good living environment."』

Task Note 2: Dear, please pay attention to the questions. 』

Task Note 3: Three hidden tasks have been completed so far. The Grand Slam rewards for this task can be withdrawn in advance, and the excess can be refunded and the shortfall can be replenished during the final settlement. 』

Locke sipped the wine in his glass and looked at the mission note 3 that ejected after he killed Fiona, and his mind moved.

Achievement Point Mall.

Dimension fusion device (30% off): 50W achievement points + 50W potential points. It can locate a dimension, devour it, perfect it and grow it to avoid the discovery of the universe itself. This object is said to be a good match for the talent upgrade card. 』

The third-level talent upgrade card has a 30% discount: 30W achievement points + 30W potential points, which can upgrade the golden quality of the talent level to a maximum of four levels. 』

These are two things I got from the 30% off treasure coupons I received after completing the MI6 mission last time.

Locke feels...

This dog system is waiting for him right here.

Nothing else.

Among the discount treasures that were refreshed this time, in addition to regular blood bottles and tracking cards, he looked at many, but these two were the only ones he could afford.


Locke always felt that this guy came with his savings.

Dimension Fusion?

He had just captured that sleeping dimension of Salem.

Level 3 talent upgrade card?

It just happened to be able to upgrade his supreme talent and excellence by one level, allowing the energy that was ready to move to open up a dimension that belonged to him.


Locke cursed secretly in his mind: "Why do I feel that I have been plotted against?"

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