Gu Defa said: "I will go next year."

He added: "I'm stupid and can't pass the exam. My mother can't be the imperial wife."

Because his brother is dumber than him.

Gu Jinli smiled and said, "You are not stupid. You are the smartest one in your family. If you study hard, you will definitely get a good name."

Gu Defa looked up at Gu Jinli and took a bite of the crystal cake: "Really? But I don't want to go to school... It's okay to be an official, but if someone recommends it, just do it. If no one recommends it, forget it. Working in a workshop is also good."

If Mr. Chen heard this, he would definitely beat him up with a stick and scold him for being useless and only working in the workshop.

Gu Jinli was shocked: "You even know how to recommend an official?"

Gu Defa nodded: "I know. I heard what the old people said on the way to escape. One old man even boasted that his grandfather recommended him to become a meritorious official in the county when he was in the previous dynasty."

Then he asked Gu Jinli: "Sister Xiaoyu, what is the official title of Gongcao?"

"They are assistant officials such as county magistrates and county captains." Gu Jinli looked at Gu Defa and said with a smile, "Brother Fa can go to school and maybe he can become an official in the future."

Gu Defa: "If you can become an official without taking an exam, I will do it."

Gu Jinli: "You think so beautifully."

Gu Defa ate the pastries and said in a very Buddhist tone: "Then don't think about it. You should be content and happy."

Gu Jinli: "..."

Child, what have you experienced? !

Gu Dewang patted Gu Defa on the head, called him a fool, and said to Gu Jinli: "Sister Xiaoyu, please ignore him. He has been weird since he was a child."

The three of them mixed together a plate of pastries and a plate of croquettes at Gu Jinli's house and left hand in hand.

In the following days, the weather became colder and colder, cotton prices surged, and news came that the situation in the northwest and northeast was getting worse again, with many people freezing to death.

The third grandfather and the third grandma were very worried. They burned incense at home every day and prayed to God to keep Gu Fuya and his family safe.

Lao Zhu and He Sanleizi used the registration book given by the Jiang family to find people in Changping Town, but there was no news about Gu Fuya's family. Therefore, it can be concluded that Gu Fuya's family is either dead or fled to the east. Yangji Mansion.

Everyone had a tacit understanding and did not say that Gu Fuya's family was dead, but agreed that they went to the northeast. Therefore, the third grandfather and the third grandmother burned incense as soon as they heard that the situation in the northeast was not good.

Gu Dashan comforted them: "Don't worry, you two. Sister Fuya's family is blessed with good fortune and everything will be fine."

The third grandfather and the third grandmother now live with Gu Dashan's family. They feel that it is very unlucky to cry and cry for Fuya's family all the time. After being persuaded by Gu Dashan for a few words, they cheered up and lived their lives.

In mid-December, good news finally came from the capital. The water bandit case that had lasted for several months was finally closed. Zou Jiang, Gao and other criminals were all beheaded!

There are as many as seven families involved in the water bandit case. Of these seven families, there are three in the Hou Mansion and four in the Bo Mansion. Among them, the Marquis of Ruyang and the Marquis of Ankang were the main culprits. Not only were their homes confiscated, but all three clans were also beheaded.

The remaining five noble families had their homes confiscated and were exiled.

In addition, there were more than a dozen official families involved in the case, all of which had their homes confiscated. Those who were lucky could return to their hometowns, while those who were unlucky had to be exiled.

Because of the water bandit case, the whole capital was in turmoil, and he was afraid that he would be implicated as soon as he woke up and end up having his house raided and exiled.

Emperor Chu was very satisfied with the outcome of the water bandit case. The main reason was that he ransacked his house and found millions of taels of silver, as well as countless antique calligraphy and paintings. Therefore, the Emperor of Chu was very happy and issued an edict to commend the officials handling the case. He also told the chamberlain that he would hold a big New Year celebration this year and how to handle the palace banquet in order to save face.

The northwestern part of Da Chu has been in drought for two years, and it has encountered military disasters, which have not yet recovered. There has been another snowstorm in the northeast. The court should be frugal, but everyone is afraid of being killed by the Emperor of Chu and dare not touch his bad luck at this time.

The Emperor of Chu became rich and generously distributed money. Even Magistrate Xu was awarded a hundred taels of gold and a palace in the capital. When the imperial edict came down, Magistrate Xu was so shocked that he fainted again.

Zou Jiang knew his virtue and had already invited Dr. Zhou to wait. As soon as County Magistrate Xu fainted, Dr. Zhou's needle pricked him.

The chamberlain who came to deliver the decree saw this and joked: "Master Xu is indeed loyal to the Emperor Chicheng as Ming Shaoqing said. Seeing that he was praised by the Emperor, he was so happy that he fainted."

Such a person is good. The emperor wishes that all the officials in the court were as timid as Magistrate Xu, so that he could do whatever he wanted without being influenced by the ministers.

After the chamberlain issued the edict, he passed on the emperor's oral instructions: "The emperor wants to see Mr. Xu very much, and ordered Mr. Xu to go to the capital with his servants, and we will go together to see the emperor on New Year's Day."

This oral instruction seems to be graceful, but it is very frustrating. This place is far away from the capital, and now the canal is frozen again. At this time, you have to brave the wind and snow to get to Beijing. It will take half a month to arrive. Xu County Magistrate's family has not been able to live well in consecutive years.

But this was the emperor's order. If Magistrate Xu didn't want to die, he had to obey it. He quickly kowtowed and thanked him: "I thank the Lord for your kindness."

The chamberlain said: "Master Xu, please get up."

He added: "Master Xu, there is no need to arrange a very good place for me. We will go to Beijing in a few days. Besides, we have the same surname, so we are still a family, so there is no need to talk about false etiquette."

Magistrate Xu wanted to cry. You are a eunuch, and you are also a eunuch holding an orchid finger and talking and raising a little boy. Who are you and your family?

No, his brother Xian is so pretty, so he has to hide such a good-looking child from this old monster, otherwise he will be ruined.

However, Zou Jiang was very capable. He had already learned about the preferences of this servant Xu from Ming Shaoqing's letter, and he was sure of the person and would not let the servant Xu have his mind set on Brother Xian.

Zou Jiang stepped forward, bowed and said to the servant Xu: "My lord, please come with this old slave. I have arranged a small courtyard for you. Although it is not as magnificent as the courtyard in the capital, it is something dear to my lord's heart."

Who is Waiter Xu? Naturally, he understood instantly: "Oh, then I must go and see it."

Zou Jiang took Neishi Xu to a villa in the county. As expected, Nei Shi Xu really liked the place and was very happy there. He did not cause any trouble to Magistrate Xu for three days.

Magistrate Xu and the others took advantage of these three days to pack up and arrange things in the county office.

The day before leaving, Zou Jiang sent a few posts to Gu Jinli's family. Ming Shaoqing left them for him. Now that he doesn't need them anymore, he can leave them to Gu Jinli's family. If something happens to Gu Jinli's family, he can take the post and go to the capital to find him and Ming Shaoqing for help without any hindrance.

When Gu Jinli's family received the post, they were very grateful to Zou Jiang and Magistrate Xu.

Magistrate Xu treated their family very well. Before leaving, he told Magistrate Zheng a lot of good things about his family and introduced Gu Jinan to Magistrate Zheng. Now Gu Jinan and Magistrate Zheng get along very well.

Village Chief He was even more grateful to Magistrate Xu than the Gu Jinli family. When he learned that Magistrate Xu was leaving, he burst into tears and rushed with the whole family to see Magistrate Xu off.

Along the way, he was still crying and shouting: "Master County Magistrate, why did you leave so quickly? Why didn't you stay longer?"

Gu Jinli's mouth twitched when he saw it. Those who knew it thought that the village chief was going to see Magistrate Xu off, and those who didn't know thought he was going to the funeral. He was crying so hard.

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