A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 681 Attacking the Heart

People in the world care about family status, especially the old ladies from wealthy families. He is worried that they will look down on Sister Xiu and suffer injustice for her.

Mr. Xia smiled and said: "Don't worry, help me send the bronze tripod to Zhuangzi first."

Mr. Xia looked down on Luo Wu very much, but he liked getting along with Luo Wu very much.

It was a great sense of accomplishment for him to crush this young man's self-esteem bit by bit and turn this passionate young man full of hope into a decadent waste with low self-esteem.

Luo Wu had no choice but to agree to give Mr. Xia a bronze tripod.

The bronze tripod is very big, weighing at least more than two hundred kilograms. Such a bronze tripod with the auspicious clouds and immortal beasts poured into it cannot be bought without a few hundred taels of silver.

Luo Wu knew that this thing was valuable, so he was very careful when moving it, for fear that he would damage other people's things.

Mr. Xia smiled beside him and said, "Brother Wu, you don't have to be so careful. It's just a copper tripod worth a thousand taels of silver. I didn't want to buy it at first, but today is the winter solstice. Madam wants to follow the ancient etiquette and have a bronze tripod meal." Venison, so I bought a new bronze tripod.”

One sentence almost made Luo Wu unsteady on his feet and fell to the ground. Fortunately, he reacted quickly. He turned around and put the tripod on the horse's back with a shoulder.

The weather was very cold, but he broke out in a cold sweat... Spending a thousand taels of silver to buy a bronze tripod just to use it for a meal of meat?

It's been almost a year, and he still can't understand the life of such a wealthy family... Is it really the difference between cloud and mud?

Mr. Xia hurriedly took a few steps to help Luo Wu and asked with concern: "What's wrong with Brother Wu? Is he feeling unwell?"

Luo Wu shook his head and said, "Let's go."

After saying that, he took out the rope and tied the bronze tripod to the horse's body, then took the horse's reins and walked away first.

Mr. Xia said to the driver: "Untie the mule and take it back. Leave the cart here."

The coachman said: "Sir, country people like to take advantage of small things. What if the car is taken away?"

Mr. Xia said boldly: "It's just a bicycle frame, less than thirty taels of silver. If you lose it, just throw it away. It's only proper to go back to Zhuangzi for the festival."

"Hey." The coachman responded. After untying the mule, he led the mule and followed Luo Wu.

Luo Wu lowered his head as he listened to their words. He threw away thirty taels of silver as soon as he could. This was his salary for nearly a year.

After walking for two-quarters of an hour, they arrived at the Xia family's village.

The Xia family's village is very big, which is very different from the village Luo Wu thought. There is no farmland in this village, only lotus ponds, creeks, and pavilions.

In spring, summer and autumn, Zhuangzi will be filled with flowers of various colors, all of which are expensive varieties. There is a kind of orchid that can be sold for hundreds of taels of silver per pot, which is really expensive. He was always cautious when walking in the village, for fear that he would not be able to afford the compensation if he trampled on a flower in the Xia family.

In the middle of Zhuangzi there is a large house with seven entrances. The house is decorated with carved beams and painted pillars, and the flower hall for entertaining guests is filled with precious jade vases.

When Luo Wu came for the first time, he almost broke the sapphire vase in the flower hall, which scared him a lot, but Mrs. Xia said that it was just an ornament worth less than a thousand taels of silver, and it would break if it broke.

He never knew that the Xia family was so rich, but Mr. Xia said that the Xia family was just a low-ranking family among the wealthy families. Only the ornaments from the first-class families were valuable, and any item they took out was an antique with a high value. Liancheng.

At that time, Luo Wu didn't even know what antiques were. Only wealthy people could understand these words.

"Brother Wu is here?" Mrs. Xia came out, supported by two maids on the left and right, followed by four second-class maids, eight third-class maids, and the old aunt of the Xia family.

Even though Luo Wu had seen such a scene once, he was still shocked when he saw it again now, and his head dropped even lower.

When she first came to this village, Mrs. Xia once pointed at the maid behind her and said, "Sister Xiu has a top-notch appearance and excellent temperament. She should be the wife of a noble family and live a life surrounded by maids."

He also asked him: "You don't want Sister Xiu to live a life of farming in the fields, right? Where did she live such a life? Sister Xiu is so outstanding, if she lives a life of farming, she will really be ruined."

Luo Wu didn't want to ruin Sister Xiu. Sister Xiu should live the life of a rich young lady. She would have a maid to wash herself up every day. She didn't have to go to the kitchen to make breakfast. She only had to go to greet her elders. When she came back, she would treat herself as the husband of an official. Once you are out of the house, you can rest.

After having a child, she would teach the child at home and talk to the child. When she was tired, the nanny and many maids would come to take care of the child, so she did not have to do anything herself.

She just needs to sit in the gorgeous and spacious room, tease the children from time to time, and do some needlework, and the days will pass.

Mrs. Xia described to him the days when Sister Xiu married the son of an aristocratic family. Those days were so beautiful that he wanted to find a place to burrow into.

He couldn't give Xiu Jie'er such a life... He was just a farmer and a government servant. He worked hard every day and often couldn't get off work on time and couldn't take care of Xiu Jie'er.

In the hot summer, he is always sweaty, and the smell of sweat is so strong that it makes people cover their noses. How can he be worthy of Sister Xiu?

He has always been a little loach in the quagmire, while Sister Xiu is like a crane flying in the sky.

“Mrs. .”

After saying that, he turned around and looked at Mr. Xia, who was walking slowly: "The bronze tripod has been delivered. Can you tell Luo about the conduct of the Jiangnan family?"

Mr. Xia smiled and called Luo Wu into the flower hall: "You sit down first."

Then he said to Mrs. Xia: "Ask the servants to bring the silver charcoal, cut the venison and bring it up. While Brother Wu is here, let's have a meal of roasted venison together."

"Yes, I will make arrangements right away." Mrs. Xia did not leave at all. She only turned to the maid next to her and said: "You heard me, hurry up and make arrangements. Within a quarter of an hour, we will have the venison and fine wine." , all the side dishes are served."

"Yes, I obey your orders." The eldest maid responded, and then ordered the two younger maids, and the three of them hurriedly went to work.

Luo Wu looked at it, and his heart became more and more humble... This is the way of the aristocratic family. The ladies don't have to do anything, they only need to order the maids. Even the eldest maids don't need to work, they only need to order the little maids below to do things. become.

If Sister Xiu follows him, she will be like those little maids and have to do all the work at home.

She should be living a leisurely life as a rich lady, how could she be in the kitchen cooking for their family? Even feeding pigs and chickens?

Thinking of this, Luo Wu felt that he was not worthy and felt that he was harming Sister Xiu by wanting to marry her.

After Mrs. Xia finished giving instructions to the maids, she sat down and said to Luo Wu, "Brother Wu wants to know about the Zhan family?"

Luo Wu nodded quickly and asked, "Is that the Zhan family that came to propose to Sister Xiu'er?"

Mrs. Xia nodded, but she said very smartly: "In addition to the Zhan family, there are two old ladies from aristocratic families in the capital who think the embroidery sister is very good and want to propose marriage for their grandchildren. But the Zhan family is your Uncle Xia I came to visit your Uncle Xia by chance this time. After learning about Sister Xiu, I felt that she had the demeanor of a noble lady, so I wanted to marry her as my wife."

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