A Magician with Super Powers

Chapter 270 Further Penetration

Li Lekang played poker with the prison guards in the first half of the night, and played poker with Mary alone in the second half of the night. In the morning, he resolutely continued to stay in bed, hugging the warm body in his arms, unable to get up with peace of mind.

Mary also played too late last night, so she slept in his room when she was tired, and planned to leave before dawn, but she couldn't run away because of sleepiness, and she was also greedy for a man's embrace, so she cheated herself.

By the time she was able to get up, the shift time had already passed, and now it was difficult for her colleagues to fail to see the clues... But she was also straightforward, and she knew it when she knew it.

After all, Li Lekang bribed all the prison guards in District C face to face. She has a close relationship with the prisoners, and everyone is in the same boat. Whoever stabs them out will die together.

After figuring this out, Mary's last worries disappeared. Anyway, when the incident was exposed, she still had to be watched by her superiors.

She yawned and got out of bed, went to the bathroom to take a shower, and came back in a fresh outfit. Seeing that Li Lekang was still sleeping soundly, she threw herself on him and kissed his face a few times.

"Did I torment you too much last night?"

"Fart!" Li Lekang said contemptuously, "Who begged for mercy first?"

"Hahaha...I found out that I like Asian men very much recently!" Mary said while hugging him.

"Huh?" Li Lekang responded.

"My idol, the magician Le Kangli, do you know him? He is amazing! I always thought he must be able to do witchcraft or oriental secrets!"

Mary portrays the great magician both marvelous and alluring.

Li Lekang was a little funny when he heard it, and then asked: "What about me?"

"You?" She pressed her high nose against his face, "You are nothing compared to my idol! You are just a rich villain, the devil who tempted me to fall!"

"Perhaps your idol is also the devil who induces people to worship him." Li Lekang said.

"You are not allowed to say that about him!" Mary patted him, "He is a god, an omnipotent god!"

Li Lekang followed her: "Okay, he is a god, then let me ask you, if one day, that magician named Le Kang Li saw you and said he wanted to fuck you, what would you do?"

Mary heard this, bit her lip, and then smiled happily: "I will definitely faint from excitement and tell him not to pity me! I can dedicate everything I have to him!"

"Oh my God!"

Li Lekang turned over with a smile,

Holding the face of this great ocean horse,

"I really don't know how to say hello, you are happy in heaven with a real strong man, but you are even more desperate for a man you have never met."

"It doesn't mean you're not attractive, to be honest." Mary reassured him, "But you still can't compare with him, you can only rank second at most."

Li Lekang continued to enjoy himself.

Mary didn't even know what he was laughing at.

She is just a brain-dead fan girl who has no reason for idols.

This is where Li Lekang smiled. If one day she knew that the person in front of her was Le Kangli, I wondered what kind of expression she would have, would she just faint?

But now is not the time to reveal the mystery, Li Lekang slapped her PP with a slap, making her get out of the way: "Go away! I'm going to get up!"

Li Lekang got up to go to the bathroom, and when he came out, Mary had already dressed, and took the breakfast money at the bedside without hesitation, and gave him a farewell kiss.

"See you tomorrow night!"

Mary waved him off and left.

When going out to meet other colleagues, he is also calm and calm.

Even colleagues don't think it's strange. To them, the world is as black as crows, and they just need to know it well.

Li Lekang came out slowly, and Steve had already delivered breakfast, seeing that he hadn't left yet, he asked him to sit down and eat with him.

Steve sat down and glanced at the woman's stockings on the sofa. Li Lekang said when he saw this, "When I'm free someday, I'll arrange for some chicks outside to come and visit you."

"Wow! Boss, you are simply a god!"

Steve exaggeratedly said that most of the prisoners like them are not supervised by women, let alone family members visit the prison.

The taste of a woman only exists in the imagination, but now the boss just said casually, but broke this embarrassing situation, whoever is the god if he doesn't care!

"It's not enough." Li Lekang didn't want to listen to too much flattery. He put down his chopsticks and said, "The goods from Marcus's group should arrive in these two days. I need someone who is good at management."

There is no need for the boss to say too much, Steve understood immediately: "Who is telling the truth, my family used to be engaged in commodity management. I grew up in that environment, and I also studied marketing back then."

I didn't expect this guy to go to college. Sure enough, there are many talents in the prison.

Li Lekang continued: "I guess they don't have any brains, they can only act recklessly. I need someone with brains to assign me a market that covers the entire prison, not just Area C."

"As far as I know, some powerful people are also imprisoned in other districts. Our commodity market must be opened there. As for how to open up channels, you don't have to worry about it. You just need to open the market door when the time comes, and you will Get through to me, okay?"

"Understood boss! Must complete the task!"

Steve seemed to be on a glorious mission.

Li Lekang has nothing else to say.

When Marcus and his group are able to bring in the goods from the outside, and then start the business, they will directly talk to the outside, become their partners, and go undercover inside to become a high-level executive. It's just around the corner!

Li Lekang is now acting as a criminal on the one hand and an undercover agent on the other. His double-faced identity allows him to do whatever he wants, which feels very good!


A few days later, the outside goods came in, and Steve and Marcus restarted the previous business.

However, Li Lekang is not very interested in these processes, and he is now aiming at the entire prison.

Area C has already been opened by him, and no one dares to fight with him anymore. The remaining areas are new maps that he will open, but it is beyond Frank's authority to cross areas.

Things are just like what Li Lekang said before, further infiltrate the prison's top management, and win the capital to do whatever they want here!

Just today, the prison management has suddenly become stricter. Prison guards are strictly on duty and patrolling. The management requirements are much higher than usual. Even Li Lekang can't stay in the VIP room and has to go back to his cell.

Because today the warden is going to receive a group of guests and inspect the construction of the prison together.

It is the same in the United States to welcome the leaders to check, and we must make the form beautiful.

In the morning, three Mercedes-Benz arrived at the prison, and the assistant warden greeted them in the parking lot.

The person visiting today is a member of a foundation. The representative is a lady. She wears professional suits and trousers.

After meeting in the parking lot, a group of people entered the prison and went upstairs to the warden's office. The reception procedures had been properly arranged. The two parties met and shook hands, and sat down to chat and laugh.

The director of the prison is very happy, because this place has been favored by these democratic and charitable foundations. They want to donate sports facilities to themselves, expand the scope of activities, and increase the content of re-employment.

To put it simply, the opportunity to make money has come, how can the warden not be happy!

Of course, the warden could also guess that the other party must have something to ask, so he spoke first: "Madam, if you have any opinions or ideas, we can discuss them together."

The lady representative of the foundation said: "Before deciding on the whole matter, I hope that you will let a prisoner be present and witness."

"Please say."

"A man named James Lister in Area C."

"Have someone bring him."

The warden had never heard of the name, but guessed it might have something to do with it.

Because rich people are in prison, so exaggerated that they can even play golf in it and live in a villa... He guessed that this person should also be the kind of guy who has a background but committed crimes!

Now I have more bargaining chips in my hand... the warden thought complacently.

But he didn't know that the countdown to his own sentence was coming!

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