A Man Living in the Countryside Would Fly Up to Heaven at Daytime

Sixty-three exposed, they won't let me pay the bill

Chu Yuntao: "Live streaming! This thing seems to be quite popular, but it seems to be a new industry, why? Why do you, a talented student in the imperial capital, engage in these things?"

Chu Yuntao said sourly.

In his opinion, how could Su Yu, a college student who graduated from a prestigious university, also engage in live broadcasts played by ordinary talents?

Su Yu caught a chicken leg: "It's okay to be an anchor, the main thing is to be relaxed and free."

Chu Yuntao nodded.

The anchor is indeed a freelance job.

"Then can you make money as an anchor now?"

Su Yu smacked his lips: "I can't earn much, but I can earn some."

Chu Yuntao nodded: "Let me know when you broadcast live next time, and I'll reward you with some gifts."

Su Yu smiled, and came back with another chicken leg: "You're welcome, you're welcome."

Chu Yuntao asked for a while, and finally found that Su Yu had been eating, and he had swept away most of the dishes on the table.

Chu Yuntao didn't want to continue chatting with Su Yu.

Because now he found that Su Yu was no longer a threat to him.

But it seems that another opponent has risen in this class reunion.

It's Zhao Zhemin.

Although this kid didn't sit in the C seat, he seemed to be blowing all over the sky since he entered the private room.

Several students set their sights on Zhao Zhemin.

Of course Chu Yuntao was upset.

This class reunion convened by Lao Tzu, why should I pretend for you kid?

Therefore, Chu Yuntao immediately turned around and started to confront Zhao Zhemin.

The rest of the dinner was almost a duo between Chu Yuntao and Zhao Zhemin.

One will brag about how much his monthly turnover has reached.

After a while, I will talk about what car and house I plan to buy.

These old classmates were taken aback for a while.

Those who didn't know thought that as soon as these two people left the hotel today, the company would go public tomorrow.

Just when these two were bragging.

Su Yu suddenly felt the phone vibrate in his pocket.

Take out your phone and have a look.

It was a text message from ICBC.

"Your bank card with the end number 8868 received 10,000,000 yuan in the account at 19:14 on July 13!"

Su Yu looked down at the reminder of the mobile banking account.

If he guessed correctly, the ginseng sent to [Jun Moxiao] should have arrived.

[Jun Moxiao] Totally bought more than 12 million ginseng.

A deposit of 2 million was paid in advance.

The rest of the money is to wait until the things arrive and pay again.

Su Yu was a courier sent out a few days ago.

Logically speaking, it should indeed arrive today.

Sure enough, while Su Yu was reading the message, Lord Grim sent a message on WeChat.

"Master Su, the ginseng has been received, and I have had it inspected by someone. It is good. The final payment from your side should have arrived, right?"

Su Yu crackled and started typing.

"Received! Happy cooperation!"

Su Yu talked to Lord Grim from below.

Then, look at the balance of more than 10 million in the bank card.

Su Yu pondered for a while.

It is a bit inconvenient to use all the money in the bank card.

These days, who in a decent way still uses cash?

Or go to Alipay.

Of course, Alipay can't save too much.

Just save some pocket money.

Su Yu thought about it, and transferred 5 million in it.

next second.

Zhao Zhemin and Chu Yuntao were still bragging to these students about their next development plan report at the wine table.

In the huge private room, Su Yu's cell phone suddenly rang a notification tone.

"Ding! Alipay arrives... 5 million yuan!"


The whole private room seemed to suddenly quiet down.

Swish Swish Swish!

Su Yu instantly felt that there seemed to be more than a dozen pairs of eyes looking at him at the same time.

Su Yu: "Ah... sorry, I forgot to turn off the notification tone."

Su Yu said that he really didn't do it on purpose.

He didn't know that he still had a voice when he transferred money to himself.

It didn't seem to exist before.

When was this opened?

It seems that if the amount is greater than 500,000 yuan, the background will automatically turn on voice prompts by default?

Su Yu: We don't know, we haven't tried it either!

Chu Yuntao was stunned.

Then he patted Su Yu on the shoulder: "Hahaha, Su Yu, you kid also play that voice pack!"

Chu Yuntao thought that Su Yu was playing with the voice pack.

The one that was hotter a while ago.

There are often spoofs on a certain sound and a certain hand.

This sound was deliberately released, and those who didn't know it thought it was true.

Chu Yuntao only thought it was Su Yu playing the voice pack.

However, he just patted Su Yu's shoulder twice, and then Chu Yuntao looked at Su Yu's phone.

Chu Yuntao: "Damn it!"

what did he see

On the page of Su Yu's mobile phone, what appeared to be the interface of Alipay was open.

Then take another look at the balance.

One, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, one million...

A 5 at the beginning, followed by a string of 0!

Chu Yuntao was sober at that time.

Is this fucking real?

Zhao Zhemin also hooked his neck and took a look.

Su Yu panicked and exited the Alipay interface.

But Zhao Zhemin and many classmates still saw it.

Zhao Zhemin's face changed.


cash flow!

This shit!

Zhao Zhemin and Chu Yuntao immediately felt like they were being slapped in the face.

The co-authors have been bragging here for a long time just now, and it turns out that you are the real hidden boss.

Randomly transferred five million.

And it's liquid cash.

what does that mean?

Even though Zhao Zhemin and Chu Yuntao are doing well now.

Each of them opened their own shop.

But let them take cash, let alone five million.

I'm afraid it will be difficult to get 500,000 out.

Especially Chu Yuntao.

Now he feels like an idiot.

Are you going to reward others by yourself?

This cowhide is blown up.

Even though Chu Yuntao was killed, he didn't expect Su Yu to be so low-key.

The key is that this product can also be installed.

I was still eating just now, with this temperament, those who didn't know really thought it was poor.

Su Yu doesn't have the temperament of a rich man at all.

Han Meng's gaze at Su Yu also became complicated.

ah this...


Why is Su Yu doing so well now?

It turned out that he had been pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger!

I knew it... I knew it...

Han Meng squeezed his fist underneath. At this moment, he had mixed feelings in his heart, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

In fact, Su Yu's mood is quite complicated now.


If I knew it earlier, I would go home and transfer the money.


Will they let me pay for the meal soon?

Su Yu: Should I slip away now?

Su Yu stood up: "Then what, you guys eat, I'll go to the toilet."

After finishing speaking, Su Yu left the private room under the fiery eyes of these old classmates and walked towards the toilet.

After Su Yu left, the whole private room fell silent.

Zhao Zhemin sat back obediently and stopped blowing.

What is there to brag about in front of Su Yu with his little assets?

How much does his cake shop add up to?

Chu Yuntao didn't talk much, just drank in silence.

Now Chu Yuntao feels that he is not happy.

And thinking that he would have to pay Su Yu later, he was even more unhappy.

Isn't this mother being taken advantage of?


At the same time.

In a private room next to Chu Yuntao's private room.

A red-haired man stood up from his chair, holding a glass of wine.

"Brother Long, let's talk about it! This time, my brother is completely dependent on you! That kid named Su, you must teach me a good lesson! I respect you for this glass of wine! I've done it, you can do whatever you want." !"

If Su Yu was here, he would definitely recognize him. Isn't this red-haired man the same Wang Kai I met at the village head today?

It's all about fate.

Wang Kai also met Long Ge here tonight.

The two groups discussed how to teach Su Yu a lesson.

Wang Kai took a sip of the white wine in the glass after speaking while holding the wine glass.

Watching Wang Kai get bored with the wine.

The purple-haired Long brother sitting opposite also slapped his thigh at this time.

"Okay! Brother Wang Kai is a good drinker! Don't worry, we are all buddies! Your cousin is my cousin! The kid named Su sent your cousin in. Brother Long, I will never spare him. I will kill him tomorrow." Take someone there, this kid can't escape!"

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