There was deathly silence in the hall, with only the lingering sound of King Camos's rich laughter echoing. Everyone basically couldn't come back to their senses, and stared at the scene in front of them with their mouths open.

Including a certain child who was quietly eating melon and thinking about a better future but was suddenly lifted up high and appointed as the king's younger brother. Everyone was stunned.

Suddenly, there was an extremely slight snapping sound, which was the sound made by a quill that a stunned little fat man was holding in his hand accidentally dropped to the ground.

This sound, which was usually so subtle that it could be ignored, seemed to suddenly turn on the sound switch in the eerily quiet hall at this moment.

There was a crash, and the whole hall was like boiling water, boiling all of a sudden.

"Wait, wait a moment, Your Majesty——"

"No, this is absolutely not allowed!"

"King Camos! How can you do it without authorization——"

"Please think again!"

After being shocked for a few seconds, Shermer finally came to his senses, his brows furrowed. Wearing the clothes that had been splashed with ink, he quickly stepped forward and walked to Camos.

"King Camos." The face of the Shamash priest who spoke was obviously very bad, "Please take back your words immediately!"


Camos said, his tone nonchalant.

He didn't even look at Xie Mu'er who walked up to him, and just looked at Garlan who was being held up by him with a smile.

Seeing the child's wide-open eyes staring at him and the confused expression on his face, he immediately felt a sense of accomplishment. He chuckled and retracted his hand, holding the child with one hand and stroking the soft hair of the child who was still in confusion with the other.

Ah, it's soft, plush, warm, and feels so good.

The new king brother expressed his satisfaction.

"Anyway, please put this child down first."

Shermur felt a headache for this king who always liked to play cards unconventionally.

When he was the reading companion of Kamos, who was still a prince, he and his companions were often tormented by this prince who thought of everything he wanted to do.

It can be said that at that time, he was the only one who upheld the integrity and selfless teachings of the Sun God Shamash, and continued to protest against Prince Camos' various actions, while the others had long been numb and followed Prince Camos.

...Of course it would be useless if he protested.


King Camos simply rejected his subordinate's proposal, hugged the child tighter in his arms, and glanced at his Shamash priest warily, with an expression of 'Don't try to snatch this child away' on his face.

He said: "He is my royal brother."

"...Put this child down first." Resisting the rebellious urge to hit King Camos on the head with the heavy scepter in his hand, Shermer felt his head hurt even more, "You're scared. It’s his turn.”


When Shermer said this, Kamos subconsciously lowered his head and glanced down.

But Shermer was wrong. The child in his arms didn't show any frightened expression at all, but just looked at him with a pair of big round eyes. Maybe he was a little confused when he lifted him up at first, but now that he realized it, his eyes were staring hard at his face, sweeping around, as if he was trying to peel off a piece of skin from his face.

And when Camos looked over and met his gaze, the child not only did not restrain himself, but became even more intense. While staring at him, he stretched out two small hands, pinched both sides of his cheeks with his fingers, and rubbed them hard. Knead, tug hard, tug hard.

Of course, with the child's little strength, in the eyes of King Camos, the so-called pulling force was the same as touching his face.

King Camos thought for a moment and realized it immediately.

"Hahahahaha - how do you feel? Do you think Brother Wang, I am handsome?"

Camos laughed and said with a matter-of-fact expression, raising his chin proudly so that his little brother could touch his handsome face more easily.

He took it for granted that his little brother must really like his handsome face, so he stared at it hard and even touched it.

Yes, this kid must be so handsome.

Kamos thought this and became more and more excited. He rubbed his little brother's head vigorously. The soft and fluffy feeling on his fingers filled up his desires that had been unsatisfied for more than twenty years. full.

Shermer: “…………”

His Majesty's narcissistic, arrogant, self-righteous, and mysteriously confident personality cannot be changed.

If this was not the king of Aaron Landis, God knows how many people would want to squat at his door every day looking for an opportunity to beat him.

Not caring at all that his hair was messed up like a bird's nest by Camos' big hand, Garlan's eyes were fixed on Camos' face.

But the reason why he stared at Camos's face was naturally not because Camos thought he liked that handsome face, but...


This person is...King Camos?

Camos...Brother Wang? !

wait wait wait.

This is not right.

It’s very, very wrong!

Garlan tried hard to recall the appearance of King Camos in his memory.

Although he had spent very little time with his nominal king brother in the past few times, no matter what, it was impossible for him not to be able to recognize the appearance of King Camos.

In his memory, King Camos looked like...most of his face was wrapped in curls of dark brown beard, almost his entire head was wrapped in curly hair, and his whole body was extremely muscular. The block is like steel. The whole person looks like an iron tower, his arms are as strong as tree trunks, and his voice is like a bell. When he walks, at first glance, he looks like a big brown bear walking upright.

At this moment, Garlan stared hard at the handsome young man holding him in front of him. Although he was also tall and strong, he could be called a tall and handsome young man...

Garlan: "..."

So, Brother Kamos, what exactly have you experienced in the next nine years! ! !


Ah, time is really a terrifying existence...


Gallan felt that at this moment he had received the most terrifying shock since his rebirth, and he was trembling with fear because of the horror of the years.

It was so scary that he forgot the most important thing at the moment. It wasn't until a certain expressionless Shamash priest spoke again that he suddenly reacted.

"King Camos, please immediately take back what you just said."

Wait, what did King Camos just say?

Brother Wang?


From now on?

No, no, no, Brother Wang, you can't do this.

For me, making me the king's younger brother is equivalent to planting a flag that I will die. I went through all the trouble of handing in a blank paper to disqualify myself so I could be sent back - and I finally managed to pull out the flag.

But with just one word, you put the flag that I had worked so hard to pull out and put it back in?

Are you kidding me?

Just when Garlan couldn't hold in his anger anymore, the assist came.

"Please take it back if you make such a joke."

The expressionless Shamash priest spoke.

Those words made Garlan, who was extremely stunned in his heart, immediately give him a thumbs up.

Very well, Shermour, go ahead.

"You should know that your current choice is related to Aaron Landis' future. It is not a child's play and cannot be determined by your preferences."

well said! continue!

"King Camos, the child you have chosen now obviously does not have the ability to take on the future of this kingdom."

...Although he didn't want to be the king's younger brother in the first place, Garlan still felt a subtle sense of displeasure when he was told this.

However, no matter how unhappy he was, he still wanted to continue to cheer for Schemuler in his heart.

Come on, you're welcome, keep working hard, and be sure to dispel the thoughts of this willful King Aaron Landis.

"Yes, Your Highness, please consider it carefully."

"King Camos, you are the heir to the throne. You can't be so rash under any circumstances——"

"Lord Xie Mu'er is right, please reconsider."

"His Majesty!"


Other officials who came to their senses also tried their best to persuade Camos, hoping to dispel their king's whim.

The young Wang raised his thick eyebrows.

"I understand." He said, "Go ahead and select a prince brother who you think is qualified from these brats."

King Camos's words made everyone happy and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

But before the breath was completely finished, King Camos choked them again with his next words.

I saw King Camos lifting the child with one hand and letting him sit on his left shoulder, while holding him with his protective hand.

He said casually: "I will take Brother Wang to have something to eat first."

Shermer: “…………”

Everyone had a breath stuck in their throats and couldn't get up or down: "…………"

"Your Majesty, you cannot be so willful!"

"It's too much for you to do this-"

"How can we choose separately?"

Kamos put an arm around the child on his shoulder, turned his head, and looked at everyone.

"You said you were selecting the king's younger brother, but you didn't say how many."

"Although, although that is true..."

"So, I chose the younger brother I wanted, and you go and choose the younger younger brother you want."

King Camos said, in a matter-of-fact tone. His gaze swept across his subjects, and the invisible power made everyone bow their heads.

"Do you have any other questions."

He said with a calm face and an understatement, but there was a kind of majesty that no one dared to disobey.

His voice and language are powerful without anger.

He is the king of Aaron Landis.

The noisy crowd fell silent at this moment, and the hall was silent again.

Shermer, who was standing among them, was silent for a while, then lowered his head.

"By your will, my king."

King Camos nodded, and the faint sense of oppression emanating from his body disappeared instantly. He laughed and patted the little brother Wang who was sitting on his shoulder.

"Okay, you are now my brother-in-law."

The man looked at Garlan with his golden brown eyes, full of smiles. The look in his eyes was like that of a big lion dragging the bloody prey it had just killed to its friends, and wanted to be rewarded for its merits. His eyes were full of words - Come on, come on, don't be polite, praise me quickly. , Praise me, call me handsome.

Look, you can get a handsome and powerful brother Wang like me so easily.

Is it surprising?

Surprised or not?

Are you happy~~?

Garlan: "..."

Very surprised.

No surprise.


...I still want to hit you.

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