The moon was in the night sky, and the fine silver light spread all over the ground.

Even the stream surrounding the sky attic is covered with a light silver light, like moonlight flowing in the stream.

He was so drunk that everyone at the banquet looked confused.

Perhaps because he drank a little too much wine tonight, Garlan felt that his cheeks were getting slightly hot.

A little hot.

He thought, looking at the scene of people drinking and drinking around him, he suddenly felt a little bored.

So, while no one was paying attention, he said something to the maid who was accompanying him, and he left the banquet, intending to go to a place with few people to get some fresh air.

However, Garlan did not notice. When he stood up and left quietly, Heimos, who had been keeping his eyes on him, fell silent for a while and ended the conversation with a general who also returned from the Northland Army.

He raised his head and drank a glass of wine, then banged the glass on the table.

Because of too much force, the jade wine glass cracked with a crack and stood pitifully on the table, as if it would completely crack at any time.

But its owner had already gotten up and left the banquet hall.

Half of this sky loft is suspended in the air, exposed to the starry sky, and the other half is in the shape of a sloping staircase, with one-level buildings stacked upward.

Various rare trees and flowers are mixed in, and after clever coordination, it looks like a three-dimensional garden at a glance.

Garlan walked up the blue stone steps and passed the green trees on both sides.

Occasionally, a small stream flows down the other side of the stone wall.

The layers of pavilions and palaces were thrown under his feet as he followed. The cool night wind blew over, lifting the boy's blond hair that looked brighter in the dark night.

He didn't choose a place deliberately, but just walked up the steps as he pleased.

There were many forks in the stone steps along the way, and he chose one at random.

Occasionally he stopped and looked back. When he looked back, he was already standing in mid-air. When he looked down, he could see the bright lights on the huge extended platform below. The banquet was still going on, and it looked much smaller. People were walking up and down there.

The stone steps reached the end, and he was already standing on one of the several lofts at the highest point of this sky loft.

It was a small building made of snow-white stones with winding patterns and exquisite carvings on the hollows. A white stone platform is suspended in the air and extends outward.

Standing here and looking around, you can have a panoramic view of the entire magnificent palace.

You can even see scattered light spots among the countless houses in less than half of the royal city, which look like stars in the night sky.

Looking down at the ground below, Garlan let out a long breath.

The cool night breeze blew past his slightly heated cheeks, the coolness seeping into his heated skin, and the empty feeling in front of him made him feel a lot more comfortable.

Looking down at the endless land seemed to make his chest expand.

The young man sat on the black and blue stone bench in the small attic, blowing in the wind and looking at the earth with a contented expression.

As he watched, unknowingly, he slowly lay down on the cold stone table and fell asleep in a daze.


The drizzle of rain fell from the night sky, hitting the bushes and making a rustling sound.

Late at night, on a rainy night, there is no moonlight or starlight, but the lights are brightly lit.

The lights hanging on the stone pillars on both sides illuminated the rainy night.

The stone steps winding upward seem to have no end in sight.

He staggered upwards, warm liquid dripping from his forehead, adding a touch of bright red to the corners of his eyes.

He was breathing rapidly, and his chest, unable to breathe, felt like it would explode at any time.

His lungs were twitching and he was in so much pain that he couldn't breathe.

Small drops of rain hit his head, making the golden forehead wet and stick to his pale cheeks.

His lips were as pale as his skin color, so cold that there was no warmth at all.

So cold.

he thinks.

I was cold and tired, my limbs were as heavy as stones, and it was extremely heavy to move.

The heavy breathing made his lungs feel like they were about to burst.

He really wanted to stop like this, lie down on the wet stone steps, take a good rest, and never move again.

However, it cannot stop.

Can't stop.


…………Escape quickly……

Staggeringly, I climbed up. Suddenly, the winding stone steps came to an end.

We have reached the highest point, and in front of us is a palace attic protruding outward.

In the dark night, the snow-colored attic was dazzlingly white at this moment, just like his extremely pale face reflected in the light.

There is no road.

He opened his eyes and stared blankly at the snow-white buildings.

My mind is completely blank.

Snap, that was the sound of the long sword in his hand falling to the stone ground.

This time, that's it.

He walked into the attic in a daze, stood on the white stone platform extending outward, and looked down at the majestic palace below.

In the dark night, through the hazy rain curtain, he could only see the dots of lights shining on the ground.

He stood here, looking down at the earth, and then slowly closed his eyes.

Cold, fine raindrops fell on his pale face and slid down his cheeks.

It looked like tears from the corners of his eyes.

Suddenly, heavy footsteps sounded behind him.

He turned back sharply.

And the moment he turned back, a big brown hand suddenly stretched out and grabbed his throat.

Breath hitched.

The black hair that was wet from the rain clung to the brown forehead, and the water droplets seeping from the ends of the hair dripped down the tip of the straight nose.

The golden-red eyes under the black hair stared straight at him.

The slender young man looked at him with a fierce look in his eyes, like a hungry wolf that chooses people to eat.

Even in the rain, there seemed to be hot flames burning in those cold eyes.

Those eyes can make one's heart tremble just by looking at them.

The fingers holding his throat tightened little by little.

He began to be unable to breathe.

The painful suffocation made his originally pale face turn red.

The hand grabbed his throat and slowly lifted it up.

He tried his best to stand on his tiptoes to support his body as it gradually left the ground.

However, as the arm was raised, his feet were forced off the ground.

The black-haired young man grabbed his throat with one right hand and raised his whole body high.

His hands desperately grabbed the opponent's wrist, but he was exhausted and couldn't make the opponent feel any threat at all.

The man just held him up and took a few steps forward.

His eyes widened suddenly, and the fingers holding the other person's wrist shook violently.

The man took a few steps forward and stood on the edge of the white stone platform extending outward.

And he was held up by the man's throat, and his whole body was suspended outside the platform.

There was nothing beneath my feet.

His face was flushed due to lack of oxygen, and he opened his lips, wanting to say something, but his throat was severely strangled and no sound could come out.

A strong wind passed by, causing his suspended body to sway slightly in the air.

Under his feet was the sky.

If it falls, it will be shattered into pieces.

The fear of falling from a high altitude at any time made his mind go blank at this moment. He couldn't think of anything but stared blankly at the person who lifted himself out of the platform.

His pupils were trembling violently with fear at this moment.

And there was nothing but coldness in the golden-red eyes that looked at him.

Then, the hand that was squeezing his neck loosened.

He fell from the sky.

The wind whistled in his ears.

He stretched out his hand, but couldn't catch anything.

Fine raindrops wet his face and blurred his eyes. The only thing he could see clearly was the cold and unruffled eyes of the man standing on the platform looking down at him.

An extremely terrifying look.

He closed his eyes.

The next moment, there was a dull and loud bang, and in the severe pain of his whole body shattering, his consciousness completely fell into darkness.


The night sky that had been clear just now suddenly started to rain lightly. When Heimos followed Garlan's footsteps to the highest loft, what he saw was the stone table lying in the open loft. Garland on.

In Baishi's attic, the young man was lying on the black and blue stone table, as if he had fallen into a deep sleep.

The bright blond hair that seemed to glow under the light was scattered on the dark stone table. Occasionally, a breeze blew by, blowing a strand of gold and passing over the young man's cheek.

It was raining, and there was a bit of coolness in the air. Heimos took off the dark cloak behind him and put it on Garlan, who was lying there sleeping soundly.

Then, he sat down on the stone bench next to him.

His gaze was almost direct at this moment, looking greedily at the sleeping boy's face.

A strand of blond hair was blown by the wind and fell from the tip of Garlan's nose.

Heimos subconsciously stretched out his hand, picked up the golden thread with his fingertips, and rolled it behind the white ear.

After that, he never took his hand back and gently stroked the young man's slightly red cheeks.

Then, move down a little bit.

Finally, the four slender fingers with distinct joints gently rested on the side of Garlan's neck, while his thumb pressed on the slightly opened lips.

The slightly calloused and slightly rough fingertips gently stroked the soft lips, once, and again, causing the lips to turn slightly red.

As long as he leaned down slightly, he could kiss the boy's soft lips.

But Heimos did not move, even though his eyes were full of desire, he did not do so. Without Garlan knowing anything about it, his character made him disdainful of doing such a thing.

Therefore, he just gently stroked Garlan's lips and waited patiently for Garlan to wake up.

Wolves have infinite patience when lying in wait for their prey.

In order not to scare away its prey, it will lurk in the dark jungle and wait for a long, long time.


Not long after, the boy's eyelashes moved slightly, and then he opened his eyes.


Saw Heimos.

Blinked again.

The eyes suddenly opened wide. Garlan stood up and took two steps back as if he was greatly frightened, almost retreating to the protruding platform.

The cloak wrapped around him fell to the ground under the stone bench.

Heimos? !

After finally struggling to wake up from the nightmare in his previous life, Garlan didn't have time to breathe a sigh of relief. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the familiar face that he had just dreamed about appearing in front of him.

He was so frightened that he jumped up all of a sudden.

At that moment, Garlan felt that his heart was about to break through his chest.

He stood stiffly and looked around. The familiar scenery made his pupils shrink violently.

I just walked up a little drunk and didn't pay attention, but now I woke up, I was shocked.

This place, this location, and the late night with sparse drizzle...

This extremely familiar yet frightening sight...

He unknowingly walked to the place where Heimos killed him in his second life!

And just now, why did Heimos have his hand on his neck when he woke up?

That movement, that gesture, as long as the fingers tightened, Heymos' hand could wrap around his throat.

Just like in a dream.

Garlan looked back and saw that he was standing on the protruding platform. He took a few steps back and saw that the sky was thousands of feet high below.

Looking at Heimos again, he was standing in front of him, his golden-red eyes that almost coincided with those in the dream, staring at him unblinkingly.

Gallan, who was feeling extremely panicked, swallowed a mouthful of saliva. He felt that his legs were a little weak...

The author has something to say: The place where the little prince rushed to the street for the second time~~

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