An Siming did not say how to simulate. It can be said that Kato Umeko was trying to simulate. He wanted the same company to be produced here, with the same size and specifications. This does not mean that simply having money is enough.

When Boss Kang established this company, he had Japanese people secretly helping him. Otherwise, it would have been impossible to establish it. You know, Japanese companies are not so easy to establish. On the one hand is the house, on the other hand is the consumption level.

Boss Kang’s origins were naturally known after investigation. The Japanese felt that his origins could be exploited, and that's why they supported Boss Kang in establishing the company.

The people, and the place, just showed up. Kishida Fumio knew the plan. He wanted to be with Boss Kang, have as much contact as possible, understand as much as possible about Boss Kang, and remember every word that came out of Boss Kang's mouth. Almost all their employees are trained. They all wanted to know exactly who Boss Kang had contacted, what he had said, what he had said unintentionally, and what actions he had taken. Moreover, they also made arrangements to get close to Boss Kang, contact Boss Kang, convince Boss Kang, establish a branch in China, and keep people in the company by his side.

Just when he was about to implement it, Boss Kang suddenly left and ran away.

The appearance of An Siming had already disrupted their plan and made them fall short.

Kishida Fumio was a little frustrated, that's why he reacted like this.

Umeko Kato said that An Siming's financial resources meant that he had made a very stupid mistake.

An Siming has money, which means that he can be used to do many things. It's not that what he did was a useless move.

Said:"I'm sorry."

Kato Umeko said:"Now, what is needed is remediation. How to remediate it."

Kishida Fumio said:"I am chained, there is no chance that it will work?"

Kato Umeko said:"It depends on the owner. Satisfied."

Kishida Fumio said:"How to do it?"

Kato Umeko said:"I don't know either. Just do your best."

An Siming left the company, asked Kato Keiko to go back, took Min Rou back to his residence, and He Tian Xinru and others met and asked Min Rou to cook some dishes that she was good at. Min Rou agreed and turned around to leave.

It was obvious that he had pushed Min Rou away.

Tian Xinru said:"So fast?"

An Siming said:"Not satisfied." He whispered,"You can do things, I will stay in the company for a long time."

Wei Yang said:"That's it?"

It didn't matter. An accident is also a reasonable thing.

It is normal for An Siming to go to the company, and he brings Kato Umeko and Kato Keiko with him, which is equivalent to them being here by themselves. Moreover, with a new company, it takes a certain amount of time to digest. Therefore, Tian Xinru and others were not surprised.

An Siming said,"The company has a problem."

Tian Xinru looked at An Siming, Wei Yang, Huo Hongyan and others, and said,"Did I hear that right?"

An Siming said,"You heard that right. When I said that, there was a problem with this company."

Tian Xinru said:"You took over Kang Yizhu's company?"

An Siming said:"Yes."

Tian Xinru said:"How did you find that there was a problem?"

An Siming said:"I have seen the company, and it is not small. The company is not small. Think about it, how did Kang Yizhu establish such a company?"

This is a real problem. It may be that Tian Xinru, Wei Yang, Huo Hongyan, Yin Shuangling, Wei Jiahuan, Zheng Liuyue, Wu Han and others are not aware of the problems here. After all, they are not bosses and have no experience in building a company, but An Siming has experience in this area.

In other words, the establishment of a company requires a process from scratch. And many years ago, what was the situation like when Kang Yizhu established the company? Will he be so rich? Have financial resources? Moreover, how would the Japanese treat the Chinese at that time? This is a core question.

Wu Han was stunned for a moment and said:"In other words, Kang Yizhu established the company with the support of the Japanese?"

An Siming said:"That's almost the case."

Wu Han said:"Kang Yizhu doesn't know?"

An Siming Said:"Kang Yizhu would think that this is his ability."

Wu Han said:"How could he not realize the problems here?"

An Siming said:"It is difficult to realize the problems."

Wu Han said:" What do you mean?"

An Siming said:"Kang Yizhu's approach is a domestic approach. Think about the domestic approach, what will happen if you come to Japan to start a company, or in other words, create a company?"

Wu Han and Tian Xin Ru, Wei Yang, Huo Hongyan, Yin Shuangling, Wei Jiahuan, Zheng Liuyue, Wu Han and others were silent for a moment.

You know, the Chinese at that time did not mean to open their eyes to see the world, but were in a semi-closed state. When they look at the world, they may have only a partial understanding of it, and they always want to use their own thinking to copy the whole world. Then, the world they see is the world in their imagination.

Just like Boss Kang, the world he sees is the same.

I didn't feel any difficulty in setting up a factory in Japan, so I just established it. He transferred a set of procedures from China. This is a bit presumptuous. Boss Kang is very conceited. After all, he is successful in China, and he will also feel successful in Japan. Just like that, I had my own company.

In Japan, it is different from China. Treating guests and giving gifts may mean you will be treated harshly. Many years ago, there was a story that illustrates this situation. A Japanese company came to cooperate with a Chinese company to purchase products from the Chinese company. The negotiation process was very difficult. What the Chinese company thought was that it would solve the problem by inviting them to dinner and drinks. After all, this is something that has been tried and tested in China. So, this Chinese company did this, and the result was that the next day, after the Japanese had finished eating and drinking, they directly lowered the price a lot.

Therefore, practicing the domestic method in Japan can only lead to a dead end.

It is impossible for Boss Kang to know this. After all, he feels that this is how things are done in China. Therefore, the company president took care of many things.

Wu Han said:"In other words, Kang Yizhu didn't do it by himself?"

An Siming said:"He didn't do it by himself. It was the president who did it. The president's name is Kishida Fumio, and he may be an intelligence officer. He may do things without leakage."

Tian Xinru said:"Kang Yizhu didn't notice it?"

An Siming said:"It's hard to notice. So, for a long time, he didn't notice it. Moreover, he likes to come to Japan, too. Because Kishida Fumio likes him."

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