Across the Sky From the Stop of Time

Chapter 141 The Secret of the Grandmaster

Half a year later, the peak of Misty Peak

Two figures, one big and one small, were moving quickly, constantly changing different moves in their hands, and waving each other to greet each other.

As Hao Shuai slapped Child Elder on the shoulder, this round of discussion, which lasted about a cup of tea, ended with Hao Shuai winning.

"Stop fighting!" Child Elder angrily turned around and walked towards Vulture Palace, Hao Shuai could only helplessly follow behind.

This is already the first time they have exchanged ideas. Ever since Hao Shuai learned all the unique skills such as 'Tianshan Zhemei Shou', 'Tianshan Liuyang Palm' and the supporting life and death talisman, Hao Shuai and Tianshan Child Elder have been on the same page for three days. to discuss.

Of course, this is only when Hao Shuai promised that he would not use his mind power, Child Elder agreed!

At first, the excited Child Elder thought that she could rely on her profound martial arts to turn herself over and teach Hao Shuai a good lesson in order to avenge Hao Shuai's spanking. Who knew that even if Hao Shuai did not rely on the power of thoughts, he would be able to rely solely on martial arts? It's not something Child Elder can handle.

After all, Hao Shuai not only inherited Wu Yazi's skill, but also Jiumozhi and Xiao Yuanshan's selfless dedication of the two charging treasures, the profound skill is beyond what Child Elder could have imagined.

When the two first started sparring, Child Elder was able to take advantage of Hao Shuai's lack of proficiency in the moves of 'Tianshan Liuyang Palm' to fight back and forth with him, supporting nearly a thousand moves.

But as time went by, Hao Shuai's moves became more and more proficient, and gradually, the moves that Child Elder could support became less and less, until today he was defeated in less than a hundred moves.

Every time Child Elder was defeated, she would leave angrily, Hao Shuai was used to it.

Facing such a tempered Child Elder, Hao Shuai did not dare to tell her that he still had half a step of strength in his internal boxing, and if it was a close combat, Hao Shuai was sure to use his internal boxing to fight against Child Elder .


The two walked back to the hall in the castle one after the other. Looking at the Tianshan Child Elder sitting on the cloud platform sulking, Hao Shuai didn't mention the discussion just now rationally, but asked: "Mr. Uncle, why do you think I can't break through the Grandmaster yet?"

"Hmph~~" Faced with Hao Shuai's question, Child Elder just responded with a cold snort and a roll of eyes, she could tell that Hao Shuai is quite thick-skinned, and when he needs help from her, he will be his uncle. Uncle yelled, and when she was not needed, the child elder or little sister yelled indiscriminately.

"Master, this is my nephew honoring you!" Hao Shuai came to Child Elder obsequiously, took out a bag of potato chips, opened it attentively and handed it to Child Elder.

This is Hao Shuai's trump card against Child Elder.

In the beginning, when Hao Shuai humbly asked Child Elder about martial arts, Child Elder always ignored him, and Hao Shuai had nothing to do about it, he couldn't just grab him and beat him up every time.

Later, Hao Shuai returned to the real world, searched the hobbies of house girls on the computer, and came up with a solution.

When Hao Shuai faced the Child Elder's reluctance to cooperate again, he took out a bunch of snacks to lure her.

As a nerd girl, or a senior nerd girl who has been in the house for seven or eighty years, before Hao Shuai took out the tablet computer that downloaded hundreds of animations and TV series, Child Elder had already succumbed to the power of snacks down.

Although Tianshan Child Elder was a little surprised why Hao Shuai could come up with so many strange and delicious things, but Hao Shuai didn't take the initiative to say that she is not a person who likes to ask questions.

From then on, whenever Hao Shuai had a question to ask or annoyed the child elder, he could settle everything as long as he took out snacks.

Just like now, looking at the potato chips in front of her, the Child Elder who hesitated for a second took it from her heart, grabbed the potato chips and ate them, and answered Hao Shuai's question while eating: "What is a grand master?" ?Breakthrough innate, borrowing the power of heaven and earth, being tolerant of heaven and earth, and incarnating in heaven and earth. So strictly speaking, grandmasters and grand masters also belong to innate. I have used it myself. If I hadn’t been conspired by that bitch to damage my meridians, I would have already broken through to the Grandmaster.”

Hao Shuai believed Child Elder's words, as one of the three elders of Xiaoyao, Child Elder can be said to be the most devout in martial arts, Wu Yazi learned too much and too complicated, he was seriously distracted, let alone Li Qiushui , the mind is probably not on martial arts, otherwise she would not have run to become the empress dowager.

Only the Tianshan Child Elder honestly worked as a house girl in the Tianshan Vulture Palace, and has been working hard to practice the Xiaoyao School martial arts, which is quite pure.

"So if you want to break through the Grandmaster, you must either have a thorough understanding of martial arts and suddenly realize it, or you can only break it with strength." Child Elder continued.

"Epiphany?" As soon as Hao Shuai heard this request, he knew that there was probably no hope for him. As a lazy person, asking him to take time to think was a bit embarrassing for him.

"How to break it with strength?" Hao Shuai asked.

"To put it simply, it is to forcibly break through the barrier with profound skills and become a master." The soft-spoken Child Elder answered patiently.

Hao Shuai's eyes lit up when he heard this, it was tailor-made for me! Now my skills are so profound, I guess I can't even compare with the sweeping monk.

What's more, after a few days for Child Elder to finish her exercises, a big 'power bank' will be delivered to her door by herself.


This day was the first day after Child Elder finished her exercises, the atmosphere in the Vulture Palace was serious, all the people in the Nine Heavens and Nine Divisions were tense, and the defense of the Vulture Palace and even Misty Peak was blocked.

It is estimated that Hao Shuai is the most idle person in Vulture Palace right now, and he is watching curiously at the moment he is practicing the 'Eternal Spring Kungfu of Everlasting and Immortality'.

I saw Child Elder sitting cross-legged, drank a whole bowl of deer blood prepared in advance, then pointed her right index finger to the sky, left index finger to the ground, let out a hey sound, and spewed out two faint white air from her nostrils.

The white air entangled around her head, lingered, and gradually became thicker and thicker, turning into a cloud of white mist, covering her face, and then only the joints of her whole body could be heard crackling, like popping beans .

Even Hao Shuai, who had watched TV beforehand, still felt miraculous when he saw this scene. He felt that this didn’t look like the world of martial arts, and he was almost catching up with Xiuxian. Immortal Eternal Spring Kungfu' needs to be studied carefully.

After a long time, the sound of popping beans gradually faded away, and then the white mist gradually faded, as the child elder continued to inhale the white mist from the nostrils, and when the white mist was exhausted, the girl opened her eyes and stood up slowly .

Hao Shuai saw that she had completed her work, and walked around her curiously, feeling that the child elder was obviously different, but he couldn't say it out for a while.

"What are you looking at?" Child Elder asked with wide-eyed eyes after Hao Shuai turned her a little apprehensively.

"Why do I feel that you are a little different?" Hao Shuai didn't care about Child Elder's attitude, knowing that she is a stubborn person, she has lost her kung fu, how dare she be so arrogant!

"After I disperse my kung fu, I will recover to the skill of seven years old after one day of practice, eight years old on the second day, and nine years old on the third day. Every day is a year, so you feel strange because I One year older." Child Elder explained.

Hao Shuai listened to what Child Elder said, and thought in his heart: This 'Changchun Kungfu of Eternal Immortality' is truly miraculous. I don't know if if you practice normally, you will really reach the point of immortality.

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