Across the Sky From the Stop of Time

Chapter 189 Mixing Into the Research Team

After successfully securing the shares of Stark Industries, Hao Shuai rejected Howard's proposal to have a party.

Although Hao Shuai also wanted to experience the decadent nightlife of capitalism, who let himself play the image of a good student who is diligent and inquisitive, so he could only reluctantly reject Howard's invitation.

After leaving Stark Industries, Hao Shuai returned to his villa with the red queen, and continued to live a two-point and one-line student life. In addition to taking time to sign the contract at Stark Industries and handing over the materials to Howard.

A few days later, Dr. Erskine, who had disappeared for a few days, finally appeared and stopped Hao Shuai who was about to go home, "Hao, come with me, and I will take you to a place."

After finishing speaking, regardless of whether Hao Shuai agreed or not, he drove Hao Shuai directly to a place called "Brooklyn Antique Store".

After passing through the code and entering the secret passage, Dr. Erskine took Hao Shuai to a large secret research institution under the store. After passing through the busy people in the laboratory, the two came to an office.

In the office, Hao Shuai saw two men and a woman. One of them was Howard whom he had just met a few days ago, and the other was a middle-aged white man in military uniform. Combined with his military rank, he should be Colonel Philip.

As for the woman, Hao Shuai knew better, the heroine of the movie - Peggy Carter, Steve's first love.

When he didn't come into the Marvel world, Hao Shuai was so entangled in whether he should steal the first love of the US team, but after thinking about it, he gave up. Carter, as a US agent, cannot guarantee that he will not leak Hao Shuai's secrets to others. The US government, unless Hao Shuai hypnotizes and brainwashes it.

Of course, the most important thing is that Carter's appearance does not conform to Hao Shuai's aesthetics!

The three people present plus Dr. Erskine, these four people should be the main members of the Strategic Science Corps (S.S.R), the predecessor of the famous S.H.I.E.L.D.

In other words, should I think of a way to join this S.S.R, as a veteran of S.H.I.E.L.D.?

Of course, Hao Shuai is just thinking about it, he has no intention of serving the US government, especially in the future there will be a one-eyed bureau chief with a black face and an even darker heart, Hao Shuai is really afraid that he will be betrayed by him.

"Everyone, this is the person I mentioned to you to be my assistant, Hao Shuai, a talented researcher." Dr. Erskine introduced Hao Shuai to the people present.

"I don't agree with him joining the experiment." As soon as the doctor's voice fell, Carter, the only woman, directly objected.

Carter didn't intentionally target Hao Shuai, but as an agent, he instinctively suspected all suspicious objects.

"Why? Haven't you investigated Hao's identity before?" Dr. Erskine asked back.

"We have only investigated his information for the past six months. We know that he came from the UK, but we have not found any information about him in the UK. Mr. Hao Shuai, can you explain?" Carter turned his gaze to Hao Shuai and asked road.

"It's normal that you can't find out, because the town where I live was bombed by the German army, and my parents and housekeeper also died in the bombing, leaving only me and my maid." Hao Shuai said pretending to be sad.

"Hao, why did you tell me this before?" Dr. Erskine, who already regarded Hao Shuai as the most trusted person, stepped forward to comfort Hao Shuai when he heard Hao Shuai's "story" for the first time.

"It's all in the past, so I don't want to mention it." Hao Shuai pretended to be indifferent.

"Then what did you do in England?" Agent Carter would not trust anyone easily, especially an Asian.

"Our family runs a Chinese medicine clinic."

"Chinese medicine?" Carter asked puzzled.

"Yes, it's Chinese medicine." Hao Shuai then used silver needles to demonstrate the magic of Chinese medicine to several people present.

"Okay, now let's decide whether to make Hao Shuai the doctor's assistant." Colonel Philip, who had been silent all this time, said.

The final vote passed smoothly. Among the four people present, one is a representative of the military, one from the intelligence department, one from the capital, and the doctor as the chief scientist. The four of them agree that Hao Shuai has officially joined the "Super Soldier" project.

In fact, it was just that Dr. Erskine needed so much trouble to recruit an assistant for himself. In the final analysis, it was because Hao Shuai's Asian identity was questioned. If Hao Shuai was white, he only needed to pass the political review without any problems.

Sometimes Hao Shuai also suspects those bosses who crossed over and mixed into the military camp to become candidates for super soldiers. How did they get the US government to agree to allow a yellow man to participate in the injection of super serum?

This is like a white immigrant who mastered the mushroom bomb launch code in the flower planter!

And why is it so difficult to get in and be an assistant?


After joining the laboratory, Hao Shuai's life has changed from the previous two points and one line to three points and one line. The continuous learning and experiments every day made Hao Shuai feel a little like this kind of life.

After realizing this, Hao Shuai slapped himself hard, thinking in his heart: Don't girls look good? Are the treasures not dazzling? ...

At the same time, he hurriedly left the Marvel World, spent a few days in the imperial palace of the Luding World, and spent a few days in the feudal and dictatorial life of wine pools and meat forests. After dispelling the thoughts that shouldn't be there, he returned to the Marvel World to continue his three-point and one-line life.

On this day, Dr. Erskine took Hao Shuai to a training camp called "Caspian Camp" in the suburbs.

Hao Shuai followed Colonel Philip and Dr. Erskine, who were arguing fiercely about the candidates, and walked towards the reserve team who were training hard on the playground and wanted to be candidates for the plan.

Looking at Steve, who is gritting his teeth and insisting on training, Hao Shuai knew that his character's highlight moment was coming.

Sure enough, seeing that he could not convince Dr. Erskine, Colonel Philip turned around and took out a fake grenade from the box on the truck, pulled out the safety, threw it into the training team, and shouted: "Grenade!"

After seeing the grenade on the ground, the rest of the team ran away in panic. Only Steve stepped forward and fell to the ground without hesitation, pressing the grenade on the ground tightly with his thin body.

Steve's choice not only stunned everyone present, but also touched Hao Shuai.

It's one thing to know it in a movie, but another thing to see it live.

It's still the same old saying: Although Hao Shuai can't do it himself, it doesn't hinder Hao Shuai's admiration for this kind of people.

At this time, Colonel Philip faced Steve's choice, and he could only say something bluntly: He is still skinny. In return, Dr. Erskine smiled kindly.

Hao Shuai walked up to Steve, stretched out his right hand, and said in admiration, "Good job. Get to know me, my name is Hao Shuai."

Steve, who was still in a daze, saw Hao Shuai's right hand, and quickly reached out to hold it: "Hi, I'm Steve Rogers. Just call me Steve."

"Steve, come with me." Just as Hao Shuai was about to talk about life with Steve, Dr. Erskine shouted.

"The doctor called you, you go there first. We are having a drink when we have time." Hao Shuai patted Steve on the shoulder and said.

"Then I'll go there first, and I'll buy you a drink next time." Steve trotted into the barracks behind Dr. Erskine.

Hao Shuai knew that Dr. Erskine was going to give Steve psychological soup, so he didn't bother to follow in, but wandered around the camp alone.

Half an hour later, Dr. Erskine came out drunk, called Hao Shuai who was bored, and went back to the city.

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