Across the Sky From the Stop of Time

Chapter 602 Red Empress, Your EQ Is Not Good!

In a five-star hotel in San Francisco

Hao Shuai leaned against the head of the bed, looked at the virtual screen projected by the red queen beside him, and counted the gains of this operation.

Hank Pym is a genius scientist. With a Ph.D. in biochemistry, he has also dabbled in the fields of quantum physics, artificial intelligence, and robotics. He can be said to be one of the smartest scientists in the Marvel universe.

Even in the Marvel movie world, Hank Pym has been weakened a lot, but it does not prevent him from inventing black technology.

Reduced and enlarged Pym particles, controlling insects, ant-man suits, quantum tunnels...

Looking at the many black technologies traded from Hank Pym, Hao Shuai couldn't help being satisfied with this action.

Although there was a little flaw in the transaction process, the transaction was carried out without Hank Pym's knowledge.

No way, he is too stubborn!

Hao Shuai was forced to stun him with a punch, and then used his psychic power to find out where his data was stored, so that the Red Queen copied them all.

Of course, for the sake of fairness, Hao Shuai also passed the news that Janet was still alive to her through spiritual suggestion.

Hao Shuai was even with him.

"Boss, can you understand the Pym particle formula?" Red Queen asked curiously seeing Hao Shuai staring at the screen.

"Uh~~ this?!" Hao Shuai pondered for a while, then said firmly: "I don't understand!"

He really couldn't understand it. Hao Shuai had read some books on biological genes and worked hard in some biological genetic experiments when he wanted to get close to Dr. Erskine.

Later, after knowing that I was not talented in scientific research, I wisely gave up the promising path of scientific proof.

"Boss, why have you been watching for so long if you don't understand?" the red queen said innocently.

"Red Empress, do you know why you have always been a strong artificial intelligence instead of a human?"

"It's just that people know what to say and what not to say, but you~~~ hum!!"

Hao Shuai looked at the red queen who wanted to be a celebrity with disdainful eyes, and he did not hesitate to use two hums to express his dissatisfaction.

"Do I need to interpret it for the boss?" After realizing her mistake, Hong Hou tried to make up for her mistake.

"No, let's go! Take it to Boulma for research." Hao Shuai ignored the red queen's reluctance, and disappeared into the room with the red queen.

Professional things have to be done by a professional person!


A spaceship whose shape is obviously different from that of the earth is floating high above a certain country in eastern Africa.

Because of the consideration of the satellites in the sky and the technological level of a certain country on the ground, the spacecraft turned on the cloaking device.

"Boss, according to the data obtained by intelligence and detectors, the forest below is our target area." Honghouhui reported: "The entire Wakanda is protected by a protective cover with a wide coverage. The kingdom of Wakanda looks like an ordinary forest."

"Red Empress, do you think we should break in or sneak in?" Hao Shuai sat on the captain's seat, thinking about what to do next.

"Just let the boss be happy." Red Queen said: "Although Wakanda's technology is very advanced and equipped with a large number of vibrating weapons, with the strength we have now, it is more than enough to force our way in."

"As for Wakanda's superhero Black Panther, it's a piece of cake for you, boss."

"That's right, I haven't read the books in vain these days." Hao Shuai praised the red queen once in a while.

Ever since she was despised by Hao Shuai that day, she went online to find many books on how to speak correctly in the past few days and downloaded them into her terminal.

Now it seems that there are still some effects.

As for the Wakanda that Hao Shuai and the Red Queen talked about, it is the country where the superhero Black Panther is located in the Marvel movie world.

Wakanda is an African country in the Marvel universe. It is located in the east of Africa. For centuries, it has been isolated from the world. On the surface, it is a poor and backward agricultural country, but it is actually the most technologically advanced country on earth. Possess the unique and rare resource Vibranium. The capital and largest city is Bernin Zana, and successive rulers are known as Black Panthers.

Hao Shuai came this time to seek Wakanda's vibration gold.

In Wakanda, a meteorite fell and brought a large amount of rare sound-absorbing steel, that is, vibration gold. Vibranium is one of the hardest materials in the Marvel universe. It is second only to Edman alloy in terms of hardness, and ranks first in terms of defense because of its ability to absorb kinetic energy.

Vibration gold is very hard, and its special molecular structure makes it almost indestructible. Because its molecules are relatively static, it hardly conducts heat and kinetic energy. This characteristic allows it to absorb heat, energy and kinetic energy.

The shield of the big pectoral beauty team is formed by mixing iron, vibranium, and an unknown catalyst. Its hardness is harder than any known substance, and it is almost indestructible!

Although there is some vibration gold flowing from Wakanda on the black market, that is not within Hao Shuai's consideration.

Because the amount of vibrating gold that Hao Shuai needs is a bit large, it can't be said that it is a little bit, but it should be said to be quite a lot, so much that Hao Shuai is not ashamed to come to the door.

This is also Hao Shuai who didn't think about the door-to-door and Wakanda's legitimate deal from the beginning, but thought about whether to go door-to-door and rob, or sneak into the village, don't shoot guns, and dig out Wakanda's vibration gold.

"Boss, I think it's better to go in quietly!" After analyzing the pros and cons, the Red Queen suggested: "After all, boss, your low-key personality is not suitable for big-picture actions."

"Okay! What you said makes sense, then let's go in quietly." Hao Shuai nodded and agreed.

This is by no means because he was afraid of Wakanda's black technology, or made too much noise to attract Gu Yi's attention.

Hao Shuai calls this "seeking success while maintaining stability, safe and standardized operation!"


Following the prompt of the Red Queen, Hao Shuai quickly moved towards the location of Wakanda.

In order not to scare the snake, this time I didn't bring the red queen, but went into battle by myself, and went first to check the situation.

When Hao Shuai came to the outside of Wakanda, he didn't need to be reminded by the red queen. With his spiritual consciousness, he sensed the abnormality ahead.

When viewed from a distance, the Wakanda shield makes it look completely integrated with the surrounding virgin forest.

However, in Hao Shuai's spiritual perception, he could clearly see the strangeness around him. For example, the towering tree on Hao Shuai's left looks like only half of it is left, while the other half is combined with a bunch of shrubs. It can't be a new hybrid of a big tree and a shrub. ? !

In other places, two identical big trees stand opposite each other, just like looking in a mirror. Similar examples are everywhere on the border. If you look carefully, you can always find them.

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