Lin Wu looked at Anna, then at Jashen, feeling a headache.

Bo Yuting said: "That's it. If you don't want to, you can act on your own. No one will force you to join us."

Besides, he wasn't happy for Kate to come with them.

That guy looked at his little girl differently at first glance. If he really wants to follow her, I don't know how much he will dislike her later.

 But he and Lin Wu agreed that between Jashen and Kate, Kate was the more difficult and thoughtful one. If Kate were to be with Guan Chen and Anna, she would most likely manipulate them quietly and not necessarily do anything.

But Jia Shen doesn't seem that smart. In terms of military skills, Guan Chen alone is enough to defeat him.

 Lin Wu and Bo Yu Tingdao both looked at Guan Chen and gave him a look.

Although Guan Chen doesn't like to talk much, he actually thinks very quickly, and sometimes he can completely keep up with other people's thinking.

 At that moment, he nodded and said to Anna: "I want to take him. If you don't want to, you can do it alone. I won't force you."

 “You actually favor him?!”

Anna is angry.

Guan Chen ignored it, turned to look at Jia Shen, and said: "You can also choose to go by yourself, without me or her."

 After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the hole on the right.

 Anna immediately glared at Jashen, secretly raised her middle finger, and followed him.

Jia Shen said angrily: "I still want to follow you, just wait for me!"

 Seeing them leaving, the two people next to them quickly followed.

Bo Liu looked at Anna who had followed him into the cave, then looked back and said, "Master, Miss Lin, I will take someone with me as well."

 The two of them nodded.

Bo Liu took his four people and left, leaving Lin Wu and five others.

Kate had no objection to following Lin Wu's team. She pushed up her glasses and said, "Guys, please."

Lin Wu turned around and walked towards the hole in the middle.

Bo Yuting followed immediately.

Kate led the people behind and looked at them thoughtfully, twitching the corners of her lips for a moment.

The road inside the cave entrance is relatively smooth, without the downward **** like before. The stone walls on both sides are still the kind of stone walls with a strange smell.

"It seems that wherever we go later, there will be stones like this. It's good to ensure that there is no black mist here." Lin Wu said.

Bo Yuting had brought a few stones with him before, and planned to find someone to identify and study them when he went out.

He looked at the road and said: "I still remember the map Zheng Mingxian gave me, but there is no such road on it. It seems that the forbidden area does not fully understand the situation below the mine."

Kate at the back said: "Indeed. It is precisely because we don't know what's going on here that we have to find experts to identify it and draw the conclusion we want based on the results."

"Although you haven't gotten the identification results yet, now that you have seen the actual situation, do you have the conclusion you want?" Lin Wu asked unexpectedly.

Kate did not fall into the trap of her words. She smiled slightly and said, "Ms. Lin, you and I agreed before we came down that we don't care about each other."

"That means we have it? Otherwise, you can just lie to me and say something negative casually." Lin Wu turned to look directly at him, "I don't care, I'm just curious."

 Kate laughed and said solemnly: "I will not lie to Miss Lin. No matter what, I won't."

Bo Yuting, who was next to him, frowned and stepped forward to get in between them. He glanced at Kate with a cold look, "If you don't want to talk, don't talk nonsense, and don't talk nonsense. Especially don't talk nonsense to other people's girlfriends."

Kate narrowed her eyes slightly, but still spoke in a gentle voice, "Mr. Bo may have misunderstood. I just answered Miss Lin's question seriously, and I didn't mean what Mr. Bo said."

Bo Yuting said calmly: "I don't mean anything."

 “That would be great.” Kate smiled.

Bo Yuting secretly grinded his teeth, grabbed Lin Wu's hand, and said, "Let's walk faster, come on." He pulled Lin Wu to speed up the pace.

Lin Wu looked at him blankly. Seeing that he was not very happy, he didn't say anything and just followed him.

 The five people quickly shuttled through the passage, and the space they saw became more and more spacious. After a while, they probably reached the end, but this end was a bit strange.

 All I saw was a cave entrance, but it was covered with many white things that looked like spider webs. The light of the flashlight shined inside, and the space inside was very large and white. There were many huge oval-shaped things like silkworm chrysalis on the ground. There were also many of these in the many white nets hanging from above.

Bo Yuting looked at the walls on both sides and said, "The stones that had a strange fragrance before have disappeared here."

Lin Wu couldn't help but subconsciously touched the tattoo. There was no reaction, indicating that there should be nothing dangerous inside.

 “Go in and have a look.”

She walked in first and stepped over the white nets on the ground. She accidentally touched a spot and it felt sticky to the point of nausea.

Bo Yuting, who was in the back, simply found a crowbar and moved the white nets hanging upside down above his head to make it easier for a few people to walk.

And after they all came in, they felt more intuitively that this cave-like place was really huge. When you shine your headlight upwards, you can't even see the head. There are only layers and layers of thick white nets intertwined together, densely packed. , depressing and heavy, as if it would crush someone to death if it fell.

Kate said: "Let's search separately to see if there is an entrance or exit here. If not, go back and find someone else."

A few people nodded.

Lin Wu reminded: "I don't know what these are, so don't touch them, and try not to get them on your body. Just finish the search quickly. If you don't, just leave quickly."


Bo Yuting and Kate nodded and spread out to look around.

Lin Wu continued to move forward, dodging the hanging white nets, stepping over things on the ground, and looking around.

Suddenly, Lin Wu stopped, looked down and frowned.

 The top of the silkworm chrysalis very close to her had a small tuft of black hair, which looked like human hair.

 Could the person wrapped inside be a human being?

Lin Xi looked at the other silkworm chrysalises. They were all more or less tightly wrapped, and the characteristics of the contents inside were basically not revealed.

 She only hesitated for a second and gave up decisively.

 It’s important to leave at this time, don’t touch unknown things that you shouldn’t touch.

 So she stepped over and continued walking. Soon she reached the edge and saw that the wall was also covered with white nets. If she wanted to see if there was a hole, she could only find a crowbar and use it to open it.

The stone wall under the white net was ordinary. There was no entrance, and indeed there was no strange smell from outside. She looked along the cave wall to one side.

While searching, Lin Wu suddenly felt something tugging at her sleeve.

 She turned around, but there was no one behind her.

Bo Yuting and Kate are not nearby either.

Kate had been paying attention to Lin Wu from time to time. Seeing her stop for a while, she immediately asked: "What's wrong?"

Bo Yuting took a step slower: "..."

Lin Wu looked around and found nothing, and said: "It's nothing, maybe I was wrong."

A few people turned back and continued looking.

 Lin Wu also continued.

 But this time, not long after, she felt something tugging on her sleeve again.

The next moment, Bo Yuting's urgent voice suddenly sounded: "Squat down!"

The sound of breaking through the sky came immediately!

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