Chapter 317 Factory leadership intervenes

Wang Xiumei was crying quietly beside her while quietly looking at Gu Zixi.

 Actually, she would not do this unless it was a last resort.

 A woman who gets pregnant before marriage will be criticized even if she is married to Gu Zixi.

 But what he did to Gu Zixi yesterday has been exposed.

Gu Zixi must have understood everything when she came back from the hospital.

If she didn't strike first, Gu Zixi might not get any good results if she told outsiders about this matter.

Rather than doing that, it would be better to blame Gu Zixi directly.

 In any case, marrying Gu Zixi is better than marrying anyone else.

“Gu Zixi, I really have no other choice, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to force you like this.”

"I know you like Xia Zhi, but, we are like this now. If you can't marry me, then I will have no choice but to die."

 Seeing that Gu Zixi was in front of so many people, he didn't directly refute emotionally.

 He was secretly proud, and it seemed that Gu Zixi also knew that even if he jumped into the Yellow River, he would not be able to escape.

In this kind of matter, except for her, who can know who the child belongs to?

It’s just that she felt that Gu Zixi was too calm, and most men would jump up when encountering such a thing.

Besides, I personally told Gu Zixi yesterday who this child belongs to.

Having been forcibly cuckolded on the head, it would be strange for Gu Zixi not to go crazy, but this man was so calm.

"What are you doing? What are you doing? What are so many people doing here? Is there nothing to do after work?"

“Hey, factory director, security section chief, you are finally here.

 You see something big happened in our factory. It’s not because Xiao Gu and Xiao Wang have children.

 But Xiao Gu is still unwilling to marry. Take a look, isn't this becoming a modern Chen Shimei? "

“Director, this is a very serious matter. You must handle it well.”

 Other male employees were envious of Gu Zixi's sudden and beautiful fortune.

Although Wang Xiumei looks average, she is not ugly, just not that stunning.

 But Wang Xiumei’s family is in good condition.

Many young men in the factory are actually attracted to Wang Xiumei, but unfortunately Wang Xiumei is very arrogant.

Looking down on them, the only one he cared about was Gu Zixi.

It would be a shame for them if they didn't add insult to injury to Gu Zixi now.

“Gu Zixi, Wang Xiumei, what on earth is going on?

 Let's go to the factory director's office and tell me clearly. "

Zhou Zhengan looked serious, and Wang Xiumei immediately became happy. It would be easier to handle this matter if the factory leaders intervened.

 “Zhou Chang, please help me.”

“My child can’t live without his father, and I can’t lose Gu Zixi.”

Of course Wang Xiumei is not willing to go to the factory director's office. Without the pressure of public opinion from the outside, what if the factory director turns against Gu Zixi?

“Isn’t Wang Xiumei solving problems for you right now?

 What are you doing crying and making trouble outside?

 Do you want to solve the problem or don’t want to solve the problem? "

Zhou Zhengan looked at Wang Xiumei very harshly.

Such a serious attitude immediately made Wang Xiumei swallow all the cries in her throat.

No matter how much trouble she makes, the factory director has to make the decision. These days, the leadership in the factory has very powerful powers, and anyone with a naughty parent will ask the factory for help.

The employees wanted to watch the fun, so they followed behind secretly. Although they entered the factory director's office, there were people outside the office.

 Zhou Zhengan and the leaders were sitting on chairs in the office.

Gu Zixi, Xia Zhi and Wang Xiumei stood in front of them, looking a bit like a three-court trial. Wang Xiumei deliberately stood next to Gu Zixi, standing very close to her.

Suddenly he looked at Gu Zixi and Xia Zhi. Unexpectedly, their expressions were expressionless, as if this incident did not surprise them at all.

Wang Xiumei's heart suddenly skipped a beat. Could it be that she had thought wrong?

 But things have reached a point where it is difficult to get off the tiger.

Wang Xiumei gritted her teeth, wiped her tears with her handkerchief, and cried sadly in a low voice.

“Okay, Wang Xiumei, stop crying and tell me what happened.”

 Zhou Zhengan saw the girl in front of him with disgust in his eyes.

I didn’t expect that what Xia Zhi said would actually come true.

How can this girl have so many thoughts and so many cruel thoughts? She is clearly pregnant with someone else's child, but she can still frame it on someone else.

 Although he was also full of anger about Gu Zixi and Xia Zhi being together.

 But for a man to wear such a cuckold, and it is still a cuckold that cannot be explained clearly, you can only imagine how aggrieved it is.

“Director Zhou, a while ago, the factory did not organize people to go to the No. 1 Food Factory for internships.

At that time, Gu Zixi and I were talking about a partner, and then he told me that he would marry me when he came back.

 So, so I just follow him, I just follow him.

 It turned out that after we came back, he was unwilling to disclose our relationship, and I found out that I was pregnant again.

 As a last resort, I had no choice but to..."

“Gu Zixi, I don’t want to ruin your reputation, but I already have your child. If you don’t care about us, I will have no choice but to die.

I am really at my wits end. If my parents knew about this, they would definitely break my legs. "

Wang Xiumei wanted to grab Gu Zixi, but Gu Zixi violently shook her away. Gu Zixi said coldly.

“Wang Xiumei, whose child is this? You know best.

 Yesterday you pulled me and asked me for help.

   It is said that you were made pregnant by someone else's hooligans, and you asked me to help you pretend to be a family member and abort the child.

Today you turned around and blamed me directly. Don’t you think I can’t explain clearly even if I have a mouth?

 Who can prove that I have nothing to do with you? "

All the leaders were happy when they heard this, and they cooperated with Gu Zixi to finish all the words, and they couldn't even say what they wanted to say.

“Yes, Gu Zixi, if Wang Xiumei insists that the child is yours, how can you prove that the child is not yours?”

The director of the factory office said with a smile, Gu Zixi is quite famous in the factory.

Since the last time Gu Zixi and Xia Zhi teamed up to deal with foreign experts at the No. 1 Food Factory, they have become famous figures in the factory.

The factory leader said this with a smile, of course because in everyone's eyes, Gu Zixi and Xia Zhi were a talented and beautiful couple.

No matter how you look at it, it is impossible for Wang Xiumei to have anything in common with Gu Zixi.

“Leader, the evidence is very simple. I want to ask Comrade Wang Xiumei a few words. Please answer me seriously, Comrade Wang Xiumei.”

Gu Zixi’s attitude of neither being humble nor arrogant makes people even more lovable.

Xia Zhi stood aside boredly. This matter had nothing to do with her at all, so she didn't need to take action.

Zhou Zhengan glanced at Xia Zhi and said,

“Since we want to make things clear, let’s all sit down and talk.”

Xia Zhi's eyes lit up, and she hurriedly found a bench and moved it over. She sat on one end, and Gu Zixi sat next to her.

Wang Xiumei glanced at the two of them, and with an aggrieved look on her face, she also brought a bench over and sat on one side next to Gu Zixi.

 (End of this chapter)

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