"You go."

Qin Yao picked up the bloody baggage on the ground, pointed to the mountain road to the east, and prepared to part ways with Yin Le.

Yin Le asked hurriedly: "I still don't know the name of my benefactor!"

"There's nothing to know." Qin Yao didn't look back, thought for a moment, and then stopped, "Also, I'm not your benefactor. You tell me the information, and I'll take you out. Once everything is settled."

"By the way, you have never appeared in Yuhua Mountain, and I have never seen you here. Those horse bandits will all die, and no one will know about it in the future."

After leaving these words, Qin Yao took her trophies and went down the mountain.

She had to find someone alive to confirm whether the four heads were the real owners before the government killed all the horse bandits, so as not to receive the reward.

Yin Le was stunned for a moment, then knelt down in the direction she left, bowed before getting up, forcing himself to calm down, and walked towards the mountain road to the east.

No one has seen her in Yuhua Mountain, so she has never been here, and naturally she has never been into a bandit's den.

When the time comes, she can make up a random excuse so that she can return home without having to jump into the pond to prove her virginity.

Besides, Yin Le didn't want to die at all. She managed to kill the horse bandit and escaped, and her innocence was still there, so why bother asking for death?

Even if the world doesn't believe it, she believes in herself!

Yin Le walked all the way thinking about countermeasures and reasons, watching the sun rising slowly on the horizon, and accelerated his pace home.

At the foot of Yuhua Mountain, when Qin Yao arrived, there were actually more than a dozen people dressed as private armed forces in the ranks of officers and soldiers.

Not only were there more people, but the leader was not the county magistrate, but a young man in his thirties.

This man was wearing a blue official robe, riding a horse, and looked majestic.

Qin Yao took a look and guessed in her heart that this person should be the county magistrate whom she had not seen before.

But that's not important. She has no control over how the government officials allocate the credit. She only wants her bounty.

Qin Yao dropped the bloody package in her hand, stood still, and gave the man on the horse a fist in the air:

"Qin Yao from Liujia Village pays homage to the county magistrate!"

The county magistrate turned the horse's head, turned to her, nodded, and looked at the package on the ground, "Did you get the head of King Xiang?"

Qin Yao nodded and said that she didn't come here intentionally to scare people, but just wanted to confirm the identity of the deceased while the gangsters were still there.

The county magistrate's eyes dimmed and he looked at her for a long time before waving his hand and asking someone to bring the captured horse bandit gang up for on-site inspection.

Seeing that the county magistrate didn't say anything about waiting until he got to the county government office to confirm, and acted quite cheerfully, Qin Yao felt relieved.

Before the baggage was opened, Qin Yao kindly reminded: "Do you want to avoid it, sir? The heads of these four people are all in the baggage. The picture may cause discomfort."

The county magistrate's expression was obviously a bit disgusted, but seeing that the magistrate didn't move, he bit the bullet and said no.

In this case, Qin Yao said no more, opened the baggage with a knife, and took it upon himself to straighten the four heads that were tilted from east to west, facing the county magistrate and others.



The magistrate rolled off his horse and turned around to vomit.

The surrounding officers and soldiers all frowned and turned away. Some couldn't bear it and joined the magistrate's vomiting team.

Qin Yao: "."

Fortunately, the horse bandit who was responsible for the identification completed the confirmation in a few seconds. Qin Yao covered the bag again, her expression unchanged.

"My lord, you can turn around now, the baggage has been covered." The master reminded him in a low voice, suppressing the discomfort.

The county magistrate waited for a long time, then turned around and took a look at Qin Yao. Seeing that she had no reaction at all, as if she was looking at a few winter melons, he couldn't help but take a breath of cold air - this woman must be a cruel person!

Qin Yao saw that they were about to leave in order, and asked tentatively: "My silver reward?"

"Don't worry, you will be indispensable!" The county magistrate said: "First, take these extremely vicious gangsters into custody and return to the county government office. I will reward you with a silver reward later."

"Okay." Qin Yao smiled slightly, mounted the horse she had brought earlier, and returned with the large army.

There had already been publicity that officials would come to the city in advance to beat gongs and drums. When Qin Yao and his party entered the city gate, the people lined the streets to welcome them, which was a lively scene.

The heads of the four bandit leaders were held in the hands of the officers and soldiers to clear the way, followed by the county magistrate and the county magistrate.

Behind them are officers and soldiers escorting the horse bandits, and stretchers made of tree branches, which are filled with the bodies of the horse bandits.

At the end of the team were Qin Yao and Master.

The common people looked at the corpses of these horse bandits and felt very happy.

Although the human head was terrifying, I still opened my eyes wide to take a look, and then spit.

After hearing the news, several large merchants in the city came to greet him carrying newly made flower cards with the words "Master Qingtian, he has done great deeds for the people by eliminating harm."

The adjective is a bit cheesy, but the meaning of gratitude is obvious, and it is very useful to adults.

The master kept staring at Qin Yao. Seeing that she looked calm and did not take credit, he nodded with satisfaction. She is a good person.

When the large army arrived at the academy, the students in the academy were in class and ignored the master's scolding. When they heard gongs and drums beating outside the door, they shouted: "The bandit leader is here, the horse bandits have been eliminated!"

They all ran towards the gate, wanting to join in the fun.

The main reason was to see if the government had really brought back King Xiang’s head.

The government has been shouting this slogan to suppress bandits for seven months, but it has not seen any results before. Today, they can't believe it that the bandits' den has been cleared out without making any noise.

Liu Ji mingled among the scholars, craning his neck and pushing forward.

The food at home is good, and his appearance is getting better and better. Being surrounded by a group of sixteen or seventeen-year-old boys around him, he doesn't even look old. At first glance, I thought he was only seventeen or eighteen.

"Brother Liu, have you seen King Xiang's head?!"

The students who couldn't fit in the crowd asked excitedly.

Liu Ji had already squeezed in front of the team. It was still early, and the officers and soldiers had not reached here yet, but they would soon.

Two minutes later, the team appeared in everyone's sight, and the people immediately became excited. Liu Ji had to hold back his urine and almost let them squeeze out.

"Stop squeezing! Stop squeezing!" Liu Ji yelled angrily.

The students behind him heard his voice and asked loudly: "Have you seen him?"

"I've seen it, I've seen it." Liu Ji replied first, then raised his eyes to see, Mom, it's a real human head!

He was so frightened that he immediately raised his hands to cover his eyes, leaving only a crack exposed. He wanted to see but did not dare to look.

The students asked excitedly: "Who killed him? Who killed him?"

Some people nearby said: "Yesterday morning, someone came to the Yamen to reveal the list. It should be the strong man who killed him. Well, the one riding the horse at the end should be the one."

People all looked over and said "Huh?", why did the strong man turn into a woman?

But seeing the master following him, he must be the person who revealed the list.

The scholars finally crowded in front of the crowd to join Liu Ji. Seeing him staring blankly at the woman who was about to announce the announcement, they laughed and said:

"Brother Liu, don't you have a crush on this heroine?"

Don't tell me, don't tell me, this heroine looks quite dashing on the horse, and she doesn't look too old.

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