After writing all the descriptions and criminal records, it was already late at night. The two families were separated by screens, and half of the family's family slept in bed.

It took a long time for the four Dalang brothers and sisters to fall asleep. They were very excited after experiencing such an exciting thing on the first day of departure.

Qin Yao originally thought that the children would be scared, but who would have thought that they were so bold that they dared to run out of the gate to see the nine gangsters who were tied up outside, commenting and pointing at their appearance.

Later, when she relayed the nine confessions, she listened very seriously, and those who didn't know thought they were hearing a strange story.

But then I thought about it, isn’t this more exciting than a strange story?

By the time the children fell asleep, it was already midnight.

Liu Ji hadn't fallen asleep yet, and the big man next door was snoring so loudly that he couldn't sleep at all.

"Puff! Puff!"

In the darkness, a strange noise came from someone not far away.

Qin Yao frowned slightly, and just as he was about to ignore her, a dark shadow came over furtively.

Qin Yao sat up instantly and pinched the person's neck with precision. She made a sound of "uh" in the darkness, and then said hoarsely: "Madam, it's me."

The strength on his neck relaxed, Liu Ji quickly took a deep breath, gently took her hand away, lay down on the empty bunk next to her, and smiled.

Qin Yao was about to scold him for being sick, when an extra palm appeared in her hand, and a few hard things fell out.

It's silver!

Qin Yao's eyes suddenly lit up in the night, and she weighed and weighed it, looking like it was four or five taels.

"Are they all here?" Qin Yao asked in a low voice.

Liu Ji said in a very honest tone, "Yes, that's all I found. They're all here. I didn't hide a penny."

After that, he felt her joy, put his arms behind his head, turned sideways to face her, and asked tentatively: "Are you happy?"


Unexpected answer.

Liu Ji's heart skipped a beat, and before the other party made a move, he quickly touched his arms and acted surprised, "Oh, I forgot, there is another piece here."

There is another small silver nugget weighing two taels. Adding up the two times, it is exactly seven taels.

Qin Yao then sneered and said, "You know what I mean."

Liu Ji looked at the dark ceiling, the villain in his heart was crying, and it was no good if he didn't understand. Looking at the nine gangsters who were still unconscious at the door, he couldn't imagine what Qin Yao had done to them.

"Go to sleep." Qin Yao put the money away and lay down again. There was less than half an arm's length between them, and she could hear him tossing and turning.

Liu Ji obviously didn't plan to move tonight, so he was going to sleep here.

Because he is afraid!

Qin Yao said nothing while cooking, but after dinner, she revealed the location where Yi Cheng was buried.

Now Liu Ji couldn't help but feel his scalp tingling whenever he thought about a recently deceased person buried in the bamboo forest at the back door, and that he had just cooked in front of the person's body in the kitchen.

This place is deep in the mountains and old forests, and the shadows reflected by the branches on the windows can scare him half to death.

Therefore, it made him feel safer to lie between the wallboard and Qin Yao.

For the sake of the money she just collected, Qin Yao let him go, as long as he didn't touch her.

However, someone seemed to be restless in his sleep and always wanted to roll over to her.

So, at dawn the next day, when the four Dalang brothers and sisters woke up, what they saw was that A Niang put one foot on Dad's back and stepped on Dad's whole body against the wall. Dad's face was still pressed against the wall. The weird image of sleeping soundly.

After the two adults regained consciousness, Sanlang followed his father to the kitchen. While watching him light a fire to heat hot water, he glanced at his waist curiously and asked:

"Dad, does your back hurt?"

A bleak smile appeared on Liu Ji's lips, and he said stiffly: "It's not bad."

Sanlang said oh, then ran to the back of the mother who was harnessing the carriage in the stable and asked concernedly: "Mom, are your legs sore?"

Qin Yao smiled gently at him, "It's not sore." It just stretched the ligament.

Sanlang said oh again, scratched his head and walked back to the lobby. When he saw the eldest and second brothers busy packing their luggage, he asked confusedly:

"Eldest brother, second brother, my parents slept together yesterday. Why don't my waist hurt and my legs feel sore?"

Dalang shook his head, "I don't know." He was not interested in this question.

Erlang shrugged, "Maybe my parents are in good health."

After saying that, he thought Sanlang was standing nearby and was in the way, so he asked him to go out and play with Siniang without delaying their packing.

Saburo was disliked by his brothers, so he sighed in grievance, turned around and trotted outside to play with his sister.

As a result, it was discovered that Siniang was standing in the bamboo forest with a book in her hand, reading loudly in the morning.

The nine gangsters, who had woken up but had their mouths tightly gagged, were leaning outside the gate of the post house, their eyes full of hopelessness.

Sanlang then remembered that he still had homework, and happily joined Siniang's morning reading team.

Da Zhuang walked out of the lobby holding his luggage and saw Liu Li packing his book box next to the carriage. He mysteriously said in his ear:

"Ms. Qin and Liu Ji slept together last night. Unexpectedly, the relationship between the two was quite good. By the way, they are in good health. My waist and legs are not sore."

Liu Li's eyes widened, what kind of talk of tiger and wolf is this!

Giving Liu Li a "don't tell anyone I said that" look, Da Zhuang opened the back door of the carriage, loaded all the luggage in, turned around and went back to the inn to do some work.

Qin Yao gave him a task to put up a warning sign on the roadside to prevent unsuspecting people from entering the inn.

This matter is easy to handle. Just find a wooden sign and ask the second young master of his family to write the warning and insert it next to the official road.

Ordinary people would not come here. Court officials and exam candidates are all literate. They can tell at a glance that a murder has occurred here and should be avoided.

The two families ate some of the dry food they brought with them at the inn, and then set off.

Before leaving, warning signs were put up and the location of Yi Cheng's body was also marked.

The tools for committing crimes are placed in the drawer under the counter of the inn to prevent them from being picked up by bad guys and committing crimes.

The explanation document was placed on the table and held down by a candlestick, and the nine gangsters were sealed and bound in the inn. After doing this, Qin Yao made one final inspection, closed the door of the inn, fed a handful of fodder to the official horse in the stable, and then set off.

After walking thirty miles and passing through the local county town, Liu Ji spent ten coins to find someone to help send the report letter to the government.

By the time the government learned of the situation, they had already traveled a long way to the next town.

After finishing the dry food, we took a short rest here, found a small restaurant for lunch, bought a lot of long-lasting biscuits to make dry food, and continued on our way.

The sun was shining brightly in the morning, and the sky was blue at noon. Unexpectedly, shortly after leaving the town, dark clouds suddenly covered the sun and it started to rain.

The rain came hard and fast. Fortunately, there was a pavilion for passers-by to rest outside the town to provide some protection, so we didn't get wet.

Liu Ji tied up the horse and rushed into the pavilion, pointing at the dark sky and scolding his father.

At the right time, a bolt of lightning fell, frightening Liu Li and Da Zhuang and saying that Liu Ji was being punished by God for being disrespectful.

The two of them refused to deal with each other and started arguing again. Liu Jicai didn't believe in God's punishment. If he wanted to punish, he should punish those violent gangsters who had done evil. Why didn't they die a good death?

The quarrel was over, the quarrel was won, Liu Li was speechless, and he proudly looked back at the mother and son behind him.

Unexpectedly, in such bad weather, Qin Yao stood in the pavilion and looked at the foggy villages and fields outside the rain curtain, and laughed.

Under her influence, the Dalang brothers and sisters were not anxious because of the heavy rain. The four of them chattered about which poems should be used to better describe this situation.

Liu Ji, who was furious after seeing such a stable core, was stunned for a moment - he looked very stupid!

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