At the old house, Old Man Liu took the initiative and gave all the thousand kilograms of grain stored in the house to Qin Yao to sell on his behalf. They would sell as much as Qin Yao could sell.

Because the young people in the family have to take care of the work in the factory, so if Qin Yao doesn't mind, he can still help a little with his old bones.

Qin Yao waved her hand, "There's Awang here. Dad, please wait at home. I'll ask Awang to come over and pretend."

Old man Liu agreed, feeling warm in his heart when he looked at the harmonious family in the courtyard.

The old man called the three Liu Bai brothers to Qin Yao and asked them to continue talking about work in the factory. He and Zhang took the first step, holding Da Mao who had been making noises about going out to play.

Qiu and He felt that they were now part of the factory and sat in front of Qin Yao and others with a small bench to listen.

The guys talked for a while and then dispersed.

"Awang, tell Dalang and the others to go home. It's time to go to bed." Qin Yao ordered as she walked towards the warehouse to order some of the things she brought back today.

A Wang responded, turned around and walked quickly to the village well.

When Qin Yao came to the backyard, the first thing she saw was the luxurious carriage and five bags of wheat that Wang Mayu compensated her today.

Previously, Liu Ji and Awang had sold 70 to 80 kilograms and got more than 30 taels of silver, but they were robbed.

Now she not only got back five bags of wheat, but also got back more than 30 taels of silver. Plus 100 taels of medical expenses, she had an extra 103 taels of cash on hand.

The prescription prescribed by Doctor Jin cost about three taels. Qin Yao excluded this part and credited the family with one hundred taels, a total of 112 taels.

As for the banknotes in hand, they all belong to the factory and are not included in the personal account.

Qin Yao walked into the warehouse and sold ten thousand catties of wheat, which should make another profit.

Coupled with the autumn harvest and the profits from the subsequent factories, she should be able to realize the wish of the local housewife next year.

Qin Yao showed a satisfied smile, turned around and walked out of the warehouse. The children had returned home and were boiling water and washing with Awang in the kitchen.

Liu Ji called out in the room. Qin Yao walked in. The room was dark and she helped light the lamp.

"What are the ghosts screaming about?"

Liu Ji slandered: Can't I be afraid of the dark?

Qin Yao looked at his injuries and clicked her tongue, "Don't you usually run very fast? Why can't you think of going up to fight with someone this time?"

Qin Yao sat down in front of his desk and looked at Liu Ji who was looking guiltily on the bed. Before he could answer, she took the more than three taels of grain money in her hand and weighed it, "Is it for this?"

Liu Ji's swollen eyes widened a little in an instant, "Madam, did you get the money you paid for selling the grain back?"

Qin Yao nodded, and then, under Liu Ji's horrified gaze, he calculated word by word that he sold a pound of grain for forty-five cents, but reported to her the fact that he sold forty-five cents per catty.

Liu Ji quickly closed his eyes and said, "Ah, I fainted!" He remained motionless and pretended to be dead.

Qin Yao raised her hand to slap him awake, but seeing that there was no white spot on his face, she did not slap him down after all.

"Next time, I will strip you naked and throw you on Wang Mayu's bed!" Qin Yao warned coldly.

Liu Ji continued to pretend to be dead, and the villain in his heart roared: What a vicious woman!


Awang's voice came from the door.

Qin Yao turned around and saw Awang walking into the room with hot water. She immediately waved her hand to signal him to get out, "He's dead, no need to wash up!"

Liu Ji couldn't bear this, it was midsummer, he would stink!

In his dying illness, he sat up in shock, "Wait a minute! I don't feel dizzy again."

Awang was holding the water, looking at Qin Yao, and then at Liu Ji, who was full of longing. He was in a dilemma.

Qin Yao took a deep breath, waved her hand, indicating for him to continue, and left the room.

The children had gone back to their rooms to sleep. Qin Yao simply washed up and prepared to go into the house and lie down.

At this moment, Awang suddenly appeared behind him.

Qin Yao paused as she entered the door, quickly turned around and asked cautiously: "Awang, what do you want to do?"

Awang knelt on the ground with a bang. He stopped pretending and showed his cards!

"Madam, I have something to hide from my wife, but I was helpless before, so I didn't tell you in time. In fact, my true identity is"

Qin Yao quickly stopped him, "Wait, don't say it yet, let me guess!"

Awang:? ? ?

"Is he an anonymous retired killer?"

Awang shook his head, "Actually, the small one is"

"A dead soldier trained by a secret organization, but because he failed the mission and was worried about being hunted down by his companions, he changed his identity and tried to survive?"

Awang sighed "Alas" and said, "We're close."

Qin Yao felt very accomplished, and she guessed it right!

"Your original identity is indeed a dead soldier, but it was not cultivated by a secret organization, but belonged to an individual, right?"

Awang nodded helplessly.

"Then you betrayed the master because of your sudden personality awakening?"

Awang frowned, "What is personality awakening?"

Qin Yao explained, "It means that you feel that you should have your own life and ideals, instead of just being a machine that performs tasks. My destiny is up to me. I can't help it. That's what it means."

Awang looked suddenly surprised. It turned out that the things he did against his master's wishes were all because he had awakened his own personality?

Qin Yao wanted to continue guessing, but Awang already wanted to cry, "Madam, can you let me finish in one breath?"

Qin Yao: "Okay, you say."

Awang breathed a sigh of relief and told Qin Yao his identity without reservation. As for why he chose to tell it now rather than at the beginning, it was because he thought he could play an ordinary refugee well.

I just found out today, so naive.

So it's better to speak out before Qin Yao stabs him through with a spike.

As Qin Yao and his wife guessed, Awang was not an ordinary refugee, but a dead soldier raised in Prince Feng's palace.

She was brought to the palace to undergo various rigorous trainings since she was a child. She started going on missions alone at the age of thirteen and worked diligently as a killing machine for the palace. Finally, she was appreciated by the prince. At the age of twenty, she was promoted to the prince's personal bodyguard, ready at any time. Give your life for the prince.

Dying for the master is the highest honor a dead man can receive in his life. Before he was twenty years old, Awang also had this idea and was always ready to die for honor.

Until the year before last, he received a mission that he would never return regardless of whether he succeeded or not.

He was going to assassinate a big shot who was bigger than Wang Yeguan.

When she heard Awang talking about the prince, Qin Yao already had an incredible feeling. It was the first time for a commoner like her to be so close to the prince - she finally felt like a time-travelling heroine!

Now when I heard him talk about a big shot bigger than Wang Yeguan, I immediately thought of the one on the dragon throne.

"Do you want to assassinate the emperor?"

Awang was not surprised that Qin Yao could guess the emperor, everyone would think so.

But it's not.

It doesn't hurt to tell her, "It's the Holy Queen."

Qin Yao was greatly surprised and became even more curious about this matter, "Then what? The mission must have failed, but why are you still alive?"

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