Da Ru was about to visit, and the four Da Lang brothers and sisters were so anxious that they couldn't sleep all night.

Even Qin Yao was a little excited, thinking about how far it was until Liu Ji successfully became a disciple, and whether his family could be exempted from corvee and taxes next year. His thoughts kept going, and it took him a long time to fall asleep.

On the other hand, Liu Ji and Awang, one slept with sweet dreams one after another, and the other was accustomed to seeing big shots, and his heart was unaffected.

In the morning, Liu Ji was woken up by his biological clock, but today he did not endorse the morning reading. Instead, he sent Awang out and asked him to guard the intersection into the village.

Once you find the Qi family's team, come back and notify him immediately so as not to miss the first time to greet them.

Awang looked at the stove hesitantly, Liu Ji immediately understood and waved Awang away, "Go quickly, leave this place to me, your lord!"

When Awang was not around, he was not responsible for all the laundry and cooking at home. It was just a small matter like preparing breakfast, and he had already mastered it.

Awang's eyes repeatedly confirmed that his eldest husband was okay, then he went to the livestock shed to take out Old Huang, and followed his instructions to wait at the intersection into the village.

The road construction team is progressing very quickly. It has now completed 90% of the road construction, leaving only the last short section. It is expected to be completed before September.

Awang was reliable in his work. In order to prevent his eldest son from missing the first opportunity to greet the noble lady, he spent two quarters of an hour on horseback riding to the intersection of Xiahe Village and watched while letting the horse graze.

One morning, Awang took Lao Huang and gnawed all the grass on the bank of the river in Xiahe Village. It wasn't until the sun turned slightly to the west that he took Lao Huang to the road and looked at the road.

From the departure time in the letter informed by Madam, we can calculate the approximate arrival time of the Qi family, which should be in the afternoon.

But he never liked to waste time with the elder, so he followed his instructions and came early.

If according to Awang's own wishes, the elder would ride to Xiahe Village just after noon, he should just be able to see the Qi family driving from the town.

The young master of a wealthy family travels in simple clothes, with at least ten guards, plus a book boy who personally serves the master, a maid, and two coachmen, totaling about twenty people. Such a huge team will definitely attract people around it when it appears. All eyes.

Suddenly, the noise of the villagers in Xiahe Village came to his ears. Awang, who was using branches to tickle his horse under the tree, immediately raised his head and looked towards the road.

I saw two teams of guards riding tall horses, guarding a luxury car painted in black with gold edging in the middle, slowly heading towards the Xiahe Village intersection.

When they arrived at the fork in the road at the entrance of the village, one of the leading guards stopped the team and dismounted specifically to look for the villagers and ask for directions.

"Auntie, may I ask which road we should take to Liujiacun?"

As soon as he heard this question, Awang felt very sure.

However, on the way back to the village to report, I couldn't help but sigh in my heart several times: I didn't expect that the vase-like elder of his family could actually invite the scholar here!

For the first time, Awang's view of his eldest father as a vase has changed slightly.

Maybe, maybe, maybe. Good luck is also a manifestation of strength.

As soon as Awang entered the village on horseback, he stood on the courtyard in front of his house and looked around all morning. Liu Ji and his son, who were already wilting, immediately became energetic.

Qin Yao, who was lying on a bamboo chair taking a nap in the courtyard, moved her ears slightly, immediately opened her eyes, and reminded outside the courtyard with certainty: "It's Awang who is back."

Liu Ji had already clearly seen the person on the horse and nodded quickly, "Yes, it's Awang."

Awang galloped all the way to the door of his house, reined in the reins, turned over and dismounted, and knelt on one knee in front of Liu Ji. The whole set of movements was completed in one go, and he reported:

"Sir, we spotted the Qi family's motorcade at the entrance of Xiahe Village two-quarters of an hour ago. They should be on their way into the village now. You go to greet them now, and you can meet them halfway."

When Liu Ji heard this, his heart was lifted and he hurried into the yard, "Madam, do you think I should change my clothes? Should we go by horseback or by car?"

"We?" Qin Yao straightened up from the recliner and raised her brows. Seeing Liu Ji's sincere face, she felt a sense of urgency about receiving the distinguished guests.

You still have to prepare what needs to be prepared. It takes a lot of effort for people to come over, and you can't make the guests feel neglected either emotionally or rationally.

However, the ambitious couple are not prepared for anything yet. The mooncakes and tea placed in the main room to entertain guests are not counted.

Qin Yao suddenly remembered an important question and waved her hand to Liu Ji to take the children to change into decent clothes. She returned to the room and put on a cotton coat. She picked up the hairpin given by the children earlier and pulled her hair back. Call Awang.

"What are your orders, madam?" Awang immediately ran to the courtyard.

Qin Yao asked the other party how many people came, and Awang replied truthfully, "Guards, book boys, maids, coachmen, and the young master of the Qi family and Gong Liangliao, there are twenty people in total."

Qin Yao took a deep breath and looked at each other with the five father and son who had changed clothes and walked out of the room. The five father and son were obviously stunned.

"Auntie, we can't accommodate so many people at home." Dalang reminded in surprise.

Liu Ji scratched his head, "I thought there were only four or five people including the coachman and the stone guard. I was also thinking of letting Mr. Qi live in our house and let Qi Xianguan and his escort coachmen live in an empty house in the village temporarily."

It’s no wonder that he would think so. After all, for ordinary people, it is enough to have a driver and a guard to travel a short distance.

I have no idea that it would be considered low-key for our young master to go out with 17 or 18 people.

None of the aborigines Liu Ji would have thought of this, and Qin Yao, who came from the apocalypse, would not have thought of this. None of them would take the entire housekeeping system with them when they go out.

Maybe there is, but that is no longer within the scope of what ordinary people can imagine.

The most urgent task is to find a house for these people to settle down.

Qin Yao decided to divide the troops into two groups and asked Liu Ji to take the children in a carriage to pick them up halfway.

She went to the village chief to apply for two vacant houses, and asked Liu Ji to take the people home for dinner first. She took advantage of this time to call everyone in the old house to clean the house as soon as possible.

"Awang, remember to prepare three tables of meals, just as we eat every day."

Before going out, Qin Yao warned Awang.

Awang nodded in agreement. Qin Yao felt reassured by him, smiled slightly, and greeted the four children to get on the carriage that Liu Ji had just set up.

When they said goodbye at the door of the old house, Liu Ji looked at Qin Yao gratefully and said, "Madam, fortunately you are here, otherwise I really don't know what I would have done today."

Qin Yao chuckled and signaled him to stop talking nonsense and don't forget the main task, "Let's go quickly. People will enter the village later, and it doesn't matter whether you accept them or not."

Although he knew that the evil woman would be disgusted, Liu Ji still hugged her hard to express his gratitude, and then drove and took the children to greet Gong Liangliao and his party.

Qin Yao sneered in disbelief, "It seems that I didn't read this book in vain, bastard Liu Laosan already knows the etiquette."

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