After receiving the information from Belmode, Bourbon hesitated, but finally decided to notify the Japanese police.

After all, this guy Barolo is really lawless, according to his several assassination records.

This bastard dares to directly use bazookas, RPGs and other large-scale weapons of destruction in the city, and is a complete maniac.

When he goes to Japan, God knows what crazy things will happen!

As a man who treats his country as his wife, Bourbon will never allow anyone to threaten his wife!

Of course, as a high-ranking intelligence officer, Bourbon did not stupidly call his boss Kuroda Beibei immediately, but first checked himself from head to toe, confirmed that there was no surveillance, took change, left his mobile phone in the car, and used the public phone to make notifications.

The exact time, Bourbon does not know, but it is certainly today.

As for Barolo’s photo, Bourbon also got it from Belmode.

However, Bourbon did not tell the police that the man was Barolo, but only reminded them that the man seemed to have some connection with the organization and asked for focused observation.

Because that is said too clearly, that undoubtedly exposes itself.

After all, he wasn’t sure if it was Belmode’s set for himself.

Although the identity is not told, the purpose of monitoring the other party can also be achieved, and this can be done.


Haneda Airport.

Lin Bad pulled the suitcase, followed the flow of people out, and turned his head, making a clicking sound.

“It’s nice to get a good night’s sleep!”

The flight to Mihua takes twelve hours.

But fortunately, Lin Bad is a first-class cabin, with open space, you can lie down and sleep, and you also provide movie drinks, but you won’t feel too bored.

The reason why Gin Jiu did not arrange a private jet for himself was largely because he was worried that people would be caught by the police as soon as they got off the private jet.

If you take a traditional plane, there are these innocent citizens around, and these hostages can naturally provide a protective film for the killer, so that the official personnel dare not act rashly.

Lin Bad pulled the suitcase and left, looking for the person who picked up the airport.

Gin said it had been arranged, and someone would hold a sign with his name on it when he got off the plane.

The reason why Lin Bad’s real name is written is completely because Lin Bad’s current identity is safe, and naturally there is no need to hide it.

Soon, Lin Bao found the person who picked up the airport, a middle-aged man who looked to be in his fifties.

He saw Lin Badao come over, and then looked at the picture in the mobile phone to confirm, and then bowed repeatedly: “Mr. Lin, hello, I am responsible for picking up and drop-off, please here.” ”

“Trouble you.” Lin Bad said and followed the other party to leave.

It’s just that things are not as smooth as Lin Bad imagined.

While riding the middle-aged man’s car to Tokyo, Lin Guo was keenly aware that a black car was following him behind him.

Lin Bad looked at the license plates that appeared repeatedly in the reverse mirror, and he thought to himself: not one, but three. I want to alternate monitoring, but the technique is still a little immature.

If you want to track someone, you must let the target into your line of sight.

Conversely, as long as you notice that someone is constantly in your line of sight, you are likely to be followed.

“Go to the front service area and take a break, I’ll go to the restroom.” Lin Wei said to the middle-aged man beside him.

“Yes, sir.” The middle-aged man nodded.

Lin Wei looked at his respectful demeanor, and knew that the other party was probably not an organizational cadre, most likely a peripheral member, and if he was caught, he could not provide any important information.

After all, the organizational cadres are all “I am hanging”, even if vodka comes over, they will not talk to themselves so respectfully.

The vehicle drove towards the service area, and Lin glanced at the reverse mirror and found that the three black cars also followed.

You can’t say 100 percent, but as long as there’s a 90 percent chance that you’re coming at yourself.


Lin Bad is not panicked at all now, and he even wants to let them start to catch himself.

Because he is a legal citizen and has not made any mistakes.

Even if it is a counterattack, it belongs to the category of legitimate defense………… If you want to invite yourself to tea, you must also have that ability.

Why can the murderous gin wine walk swaggering around the city?

Just because the police have no evidence of their crimes, they are legal citizens.

If the police dare to arrest them without a valid reason for arrest, those legislators who have received black money will immediately jump out and accuse them, saying that they have abused their rights by arresting people without evidence.

With the size of the organization, it is no longer simply relying on guns to protect themselves, but also using the law to protect themselves.

After arriving at the service area, Lin ordered a cup of coffee and got up and went to the bathroom.

Before he left, there were no people around his seat, but when he returned, it was already full of scattered people.

Front, back, left and right.

The smell of this surveillance is really strong.

Lin Gang couldn’t help but feel a little funny, but he also pretended not to know and sat down.

At first, he didn’t understand why the police sent these rookie chickens to track him, but when he thought about it, he was a little eyebrows.

Tracking is a very time-consuming endeavor.

With such a large size and so many things to deal with, the competent public security has to do big things, and they don’t even have the effort to rest, how can they have time to keep an eye on people?

Most of these who were sent to keep an eye on themselves were some combination of old people and interns.

While drinking coffee, Lin Bad chatted with the middle-aged man, asking where he wanted to live and where he worked.

Since he wants to be stationed in Japan, he naturally has to have a legitimate career.

This profession is detective.

It was Lin Bad himself who took the initiative to mention it to Gin Jiu, after all, it was a pity that Tokyo rice flowers came, and it was a pity not to be a detective.

And in this world, the status of detectives is very high.

Moreover, the identity of the detective has enough reasons to appear in various places and use it to cover the effect, which is not generally good.

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