After the Boss Retires, He Becomes Obsessed with Raising Cubs

Chapter 294: Big bear who doesn't want to raise human cubs...

Xie Hui admits that he has a bit of a bad taste in this matter, but when he smiles at him with the expression that he is about to cry, he still can't help feeling a little funny.

He leaned over with his paw and patted his stomach lightly.

Originally, he wanted to tease the cub, but unexpectedly, he just leaned over and grabbed his arm.

Although he looked like he wasn't that old yet, but his strength was not small at all, he grabbed his hair fiercely, and Xie Hui subconsciously wanted to beat this cub up in pain.

But seeing him grinning at himself, he was a little bit hesitant to let go, so he picked the one that looked the most sour and fed it to his mouth.

Sour, he successfully let go of Xie Huimao's little hand, and hugged his head instead.


Just now he was so sour that he couldn't bear to spit it out. Xie Hui originally thought he wouldn't cry, but he didn't expect that after swallowing all the wild fruits this time, he burst into tears.

Xie Hui was sitting there now, staring at the crying human cub, who was inexplicably able to understand why the client didn't want to live his own life.

He doesn't know anything, and now he is also a giant panda who doesn't want to have a baby.

Xie Hui wanted to hug him well, but was afraid of hurting him, so he could only pat him lightly with his paw.

Whether you can coax it well or not, anyway, what I mean is here.

After a long time, I don't know whether it was coaxed by Xie Hui, or he was tired from crying and wanted to rest for a while, so he finally stopped.

After the ears quieted down, Xie Hui realized that he hadn't eaten yet, so he went outside in the bamboo forest and randomly broke off two bamboo shoots to make up for two mouthfuls.

Sitting at the door of the den, looking up at the sky while eating bamboo shoots, I began to think about the bear life in my own world.

If there is no such annoying cub, you can eat something casually without thinking about anything, besides eating and sleeping all day long, it really fits Xie Hui's ideal vacation.

As soon as this idea came to mind, I heard the cry of a cub not far away.

Xie Hui silently stuffed the last bamboo shoot into his mouth, resigned himself to crawling back to coax the baby, held him in his arms in a non-standard posture, let him play with his hair, and listened to his laughter , I sighed silently.

Forget it, he doesn't care about such a toothless child.

Although it is a resort world, in order to make the host feel happy in this resort world, Ozawa thoughtfully passed the general settings of this world to the host.

The only good news for Xie Hui is that he is not the only panda with human cubs in this world.

This is a completely fictional ancient world. Most animals are smarter than the real world. Although they can't practice after opening their spiritual intelligence, they know a lot of things.

Pandas are one of the most curious races among all animals.

Every panda has its own piece of bamboo forest. If Xie Hui goes a little further, he can see giant pandas that raise chickens, and some that treat puppies as their own sons.

Among the memories transmitted by Ozawa, what shocked Xie Hui the most was that among the pandas, there were actually cats. Cats raised cats.

Calculating in this way, raising a human cub or something is just a basic operation.

Before Xie Hui finished comforting himself, he heard his cry again, silently intending to take back his thoughts just now.

No, he should be the worst giant panda.

He held the cub in his arms and shook it gently, trying to coax him to sleep, but after a long time, the crying still didn't stop.

Xie Hui guessed that he must be hungry, but there was no light or fire at night, even if he went to the forest, he couldn't find anything to eat, so he could only bite the bullet and continue coaxing.

In the end, even Xie Hui himself didn't know exactly when this little ancestor fell asleep. He only knew that after the sun rose the next day, the piece of hair he was clutching by the cub hurt a lot.

In this world, giant pandas basically have no natural enemies, and Xie Hui doesn't have to worry about the safety of his bears at all.

Walking to the river, I stuffed my head into the water, washed vigorously to wake up, and didn't even bother to eat the bamboo shoots, so I went to the bamboo forest to find fruits.

This bamboo grove has plenty of sunlight, and most of the bamboo shoots are a bit old. Last time, the consignor took care of the cub who was quite young, so he went to other pandas’ territories and stole two young bamboo shoots.

This time, Xie Huiye ran to the panda bamboo forest next door to search around, and saw that the fruit that was fed to the cub before was still green.

It's no longer a matter of sour or not, he simply can't put it in his mouth.

Xie Hui ran back quietly again, managed to find something that could be imported in the forest, and on the way back, he was still thinking that it would be impossible to live like this.

This kind of fruit is only available in the client's memory for about a month. After this time, he can't let him eat bamboo shoots with him.

This kind of slightly old bamboo shoots, Xie Hui felt a little hard to chew on himself, let alone this cub that didn't even have good teeth.

While he was sleeping, Xie Hui quietly pawed his mouth with his paws, making sure that only a little grain of rice really came out.

Going back with the fruit, it was strange not to hear his cry, after the fruit was fed into his mouth.

I saw that the cub seemed to use everything in his body to explain how sore he was, with his toes curled up together.

Based on his own experience, Xie Hui planned to carry him out to bask in the sun.

I accidentally found another kind of wild fruit. Although it is not as easy to bite as the previous one, Xie Hui tried it himself and thought it was okay.

I picked some back and wanted to try feeding it.

The client once tried to leave this place when there were no bamboo shoots in this bamboo forest, but he still did not go out after walking a long distance.

In his memory, the moon appeared five times.

Xie Hui stared at the cub gnawing fruit, and could only temporarily give up the idea of ​​taking him out of the bamboo forest. He really couldn't stand being quarreled by this cub for five days and five nights outside.

There is generally no danger in the resort world, and the execution of tasks is all voluntary.

Similarly, the system mall will be upgraded while the client is taking a break, and many things cannot be opened.

Thanks to a bear, I can only use my own way to slowly find ways to raise him.

The vitality of this cub is really tenacious, and there is no adverse reaction to relying on those wild fruits.

I thought of the cub who had to go to the hospital with diarrhea when the milk powder he drank was a little cold.

Looking at the cub who is currently holding a fruit that is not fully ripe and is gnawing vigorously with a mouth that has not yet grown teeth, Xie Hui has no choice but to pat him lightly with his paw.

They are both cubs, but their fate is different.

Xie Hui almost found all the wild fruits in the entire forest, and managed to raise him until the teeth grew.

The only good thing is that his resistance and stomach are really good, and there is no problem at all when he eats those things.

It was raining heavily that day, Xie Hui huddled in the cave with his cub, listening to the sound of rain, the cub who had grown up a lot excitedly waved his arms.

"Ah, wow~"

Xie Hui heard that his voice seemed to be very similar to his usual speaking, with a serious face, he patted his shoulder lightly with his paw.

"Oh, roar."

When the cub was held, he tilted his head in doubt, and tentatively followed him.

"Oh? After?"

It can't be said that they are exactly the same, indeed there is no difference.

Originally, I wanted to correct his tone of voice, but I didn't expect this cub to learn well.

Before letting him come into contact with normal humans, Xie Hui decided not to say a word to him again, lest he turn the cub into a bear.

The cub wailed for a long time, but didn't see Xie Hui answering him, struggling and wanted to run out of his arms.

Xie Hui hugged it twice, but found that he couldn't hold it anymore, so he let go of his paws.

This cub also didn't walk like a normal human, but learned to thank him, with his waist bent and his hands still shaking.

The more Xie Hui looked at it, the more his head hurt, so he simply moved his gaze to the other side.

In the bamboo forest, he didn't know the way out, and after searching several times, he still couldn't find the correct route, on the contrary, he almost couldn't find the way back.

But such a big cub is at the time when his learning ability is strong. If he is not allowed to contact normal humans, Xie Hui seriously suspects that when he grows up, he will become a panda in human skin.

The cub didn't know what the other panda in the cave was worried about. After walking two steps and falling to the ground, he didn't know how to cry, and began to lie there again, imitating Xie Hui's usual crawling posture when he didn't want to walk.

Climbing up in front of Xie Hui, he taught in a childish voice:

"Aw~ roar~"

Xie Hui really wanted to give him a paw, but after thinking about it carefully, this cub learned from him, so he silently turned his head to the other side.

It rained heavily this time, and it was accompanied by thunder. The cub crawled around in the cave at first, but was scared by the thunder and obediently crawled back into the panda's arms.

Burying his head in his soft and fluffy fur, he whimpered softly, making Xie Hui's paws that were trying to coax him just now freeze in the air.

Xie Hui himself loves to be clean, and this cub also likes to cling to him. Later, the cub fell asleep, but Xie Hui didn't put him down, just hugged him and stared at the rain outside.

Finally, when the rain stopped, Xie Hui put the cub down and went out to have a look.

After all, they are living in the wild now, and anything can happen.

Every time it rains heavily, the first thing Xie Hui does is to check their cave.

This time, the lightning struck a tree, and there was still some fire on it.

Xie Hui stood by the side, his instinct as a beast made him a little afraid of the fire, but thinking that the cub had never eaten well-cooked meat, he wanted to try it for no reason.

Although he usually thinks eating bamboo is good, but his fighting strength is still there. If he can get rid of the fire, it should be fine to catch him something and eat it back.

Thinking of this, Xie Hui leaned over to save the tinder, but he didn't expect that the bear's paws were not very sharp. Before the tinder was brought to the cave, he burned a piece of his hair bald.

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