Chapter 490 Surprise

Now the old man Gu is only worried about one thing - when will Miss Lan Yin give birth to a grandson for their Gu family?

And this matter aside from him as an elder, neither his own son nor Miss Lan Yin herself have any intention to consider.

Just when Mr. Gu wanted to call his son home and take him to the hospital for a check-up to see if there was any problem with his son.

In the spring when everything recovered and the sun was shining, Mr. Gu received a call from his youngest son while he was having lunch.

"Dad,'re going to be a grandfather again."

The villa area near the Emperor, the residence of Lanyin.

An hour ago, after she went to the hospital for a check-up, Lan Yin herself was shocked when she heard the news!

She never thought that she would be pregnant one day.

Although she and Gu Shenzhi have not used any contraceptive measures during the year of marriage, Lan Yin has a hunch that she, a person from another world, will not have descendants in this world—

The fact that the stomach has not moved for a year also shows this.

But now, the arrival of this child shocked and surprised her.

She couldn't convince herself not to have the little life that had appeared, so Lan Yin could only tell Gu Shenzhi the news.

At the same time, waiting for new life to come.

When Gu Shenzhi got the news, he rushed back to the villa as soon as possible and stayed beside his little wife.

The news was just as sudden for him!

In addition to the suddenness, there are all kinds of surprises in his heart at this moment——

Surprised, because Gu Shenzhi thought the same as Lan Yin, and felt that his little wife was not from this world, and between them, he no longer expected to have a future.

And joy, knowing that he will have a common child with his little wife, Gu Shenzhi's joy has even reached the level of excitement!

In the bedroom on the third floor of the villa, Gu Shenzhi could not wait to let his little wife grow up on the bed and take good care of her body.

He had no experience in being a father, and he suddenly panicked when he learned that he had a child.

Even in the face of tens of billions of business in the mall, he has never been so nervous.

But now, the excitement that he couldn't help feeling deep in his heart made him unable to control himself at all!

"Actually, you don't have to be so careful. There is still more than half a year before delivery. In the first few months, my body is not much different from usual when there is no special pregnancy reaction, and I don't need to be bedridden as serious."

Although Lan Yin was the first in her life to be pregnant, as an expert in biological sciences, her knowledge in this area allowed her to treat pregnancy with absolute calmness.

Although Gu Shenzhi believed his little wife's words, his excitement still made him more serious and cautious about his little wife than before.

In the next month, Lan Yin had to put down all the work to be researched at hand to raise the baby with peace of mind.

The pregnancy, which she could easily pass in her mouth, didn't want the obvious morning sickness that started in the second month of pregnancy!

She eats three meals a day, vomits as much as she eats, and even she has no appetite to eat anything at all—

Seeing his little wife's pale face and her physical discomfort every day, Gu Shenzhi was deeply distressed.

Lan Yin, who didn't have much flesh on her body at first, lost another five kilograms in just one month!

Even though Lan Yin is a cultivator, her cultivation is still in the realm, but being pregnant makes her feel so weak that she is almost unable to get out of bed...

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