At 10:59 in the evening, in an unremarkable small white building a hundred miles away from Yan City.

The four walls of the three basement floors are completely occupied by computer screens. Several people in green uniforms are standing in front of the screens, staring at the walls or changing codes, or maps with bright or faint lights. If you look carefully, you will see It was found that the two plates with the most light spots were countries J and K.

Holding a thermos cup, the middle-aged man took a sip of wolfberry tea and said slowly: "I don't think this matter will be over in three or two days."

The long-haired woman raised her chin and glanced at him, then looked away and said, "The trade conference will start soon, and it must be over if it doesn't end."

The young man sitting on the steps with his legs bent said carelessly: "What you said is somewhat ambiguous."

The others couldn't help laughing when they heard this. Suddenly, the intern who had been staring at the screen shouted loudly: "Another group of people have been added!"

The man took a few steps forward, leaning against the intern's desk, holding a cup and the old **** was there: "At a certain point in time, it looks like a group of people, but I don't know which group it is."

The intern looked up while typing quickly and asked, "Can't we track their IP?"

The young man jumped down the steps, sat next to him, put his arm on his shoulder and said in a tone of someone who had come here: "We are the National Cyber ​​Security Agency, not the Justice League or the auntie of the neighborhood committee. They join in other people's fun, let's watch us." It's a good show, and we can't control each other."

"But... these people are very powerful hackers. If they intend to attack our country's security network, we will be at a loss if we don't know anything about them. Now we know their IP in advance, so we can be prepared if we know ourselves and the enemy."

The young man shook his index finger: "Then you underestimate our Network Security Bureau too."

The intern was stunned for a moment, thinking of something, and suddenly his eyes lit up: "I have always heard that there is a real master in our security bureau, is it true? Who is it?"

"Really." The young man pointed to his nose and smiled, "It's me."

The intern was silent for a few seconds, then turned to look at the middle-aged man: "Vice Minister Li, do you really not need to track their IP? I just caught a tail, it seems to be from our country."

The middle-aged man shook his head and said with a smile: "The IPs of these hackers are like magic tricks using country R dolls as props. You think it's just a simple toy. The one inside is the last one, in fact, the nesting doll is just a cover-up to distract you, and if you are caught, you don’t have the ability to make trouble in other countries’ safety nets, so don’t waste your time and energy.”

"But what if their IP could be traced? Why not try it?"

Middle-aged man: "It's pointless to try ineffectively, especially in the online world... You'll know when you stay long enough."

The intern insisted on expressing his thoughts: "But these are top hackers. If there are people from our own country among them, we can recruit them. Isn't this a good thing for the National Cyber ​​Security Agency?"

"These people, if only they could be recruited so easily..."

"Yes." The woman who had been hugging her chest said with no expression: "Achieving the ultimate in anything is the top part of the pyramid. This kind of people can live freely in any country and place. Why should they be suppressed by the government? There are also some people in this country. Very powerful hackers, such as the famous hacker forum Yiwang, the twenty-six hackers on the Alphabet list are all elites, and anyone who comes to the Security Bureau can at least get the position of a security consultant."

Someone picked up her words: "Not only that, if it ranks in the top ten, it is not impossible to give the position of safety director, and the country will definitely focus on caring and training, but even so, there is only one who is willing to be used by us, and he is also He only accepts the usual national security maintenance tasks, except for contacting us when we issue tasks, he will not contact us at ordinary times, and his work is not under our control, it is estimated that he will be indispensable in today's melee."

The intern excitedly said: "Really? Who is that great god! Have I seen it?"

The middle-aged man smiled: "When a certain time comes, you will see it."

The dots on the central screen are refreshed faster and faster. When all the dots are dimmed, new dots will be added soon, and the code on the left screen is also dazzling. Apart from this, there has been nothing The screen on the right side of the movement lights up, and two Asian faces appear, speaking the language of J and K respectively, and they are reporting news.

The young man sneered: "Country J asked country A for help, saying it was a political conspiracy, because some countries tried to sabotage the many strategic cooperations that country J and country A are about to sign this time."

The intern hurriedly said: "The government of country K here also declares that it is an innocent victim, calling on hackers across the country to rise up and resist to protect national security."

The middle-aged man took a sip of tea: "It seems that the International Trade Conference in three days will be noisy."

The woman nodded, as if she suddenly thought of something, she turned her head and asked, "Who will attend this conference?"

Middle-aged man: "Shi Zeyang from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and He Yuanzheng from the Ministry of Commerce."

The woman frowned and pondered, and the young man sitting on the side suddenly laughed: "This is a good show."

The intern was curious: "Why is Minister Shi and Minister He attending together so that there will be a good show?"

"That can be traced back more than ten years ago..."

The young man stroked his chin, and the intern craned his neck.

Suddenly, the middle-aged man slapped the intern on the head and said, "Why are you gossiping like this? Work."

The young man shrugged at the intern, who had no choice but to let it go.

At exactly one o'clock in the morning, after finishing the finishing work, Jiang Chen removed his fingers from the keyboard.

The news of the hacker group popped up again. The group was extremely lively. Most of the people were **** off. They were all discussing the network that was paralyzed in countries J and K just now. After turning off the computer, a private chat message popped up:

[C:D God, your patch was really fast in that scene just now, it was like a roundworm in the other party's mind, and you had already patched it up with a single move of his hand. 】

Jiang Chen thought for a while, and typed two words:

[D: Thank you. 】

[C: Hahahaha Actually, I haven’t talked to you before, so I want to chat with you. I have been waiting for you to challenge me before, but I didn’t expect you to stop when you reached D. Later, someone spread that you like the letter D. So I don't plan to fight anymore, really? 】

[D: My name is Dylan. 】

[C: Because of this? But isn't Dylan a foreign name? Yiwang requires an IP from country C to log in. Which country are you from? 】

[D: Country C. 】

[C: Oh oh oh, I see, the English name is right, it's normal. 】

[C: So what, actually, I came to you today because I wanted to discuss something with you. 】

[D: What's the matter? 】

[C: Are you... patriotic? 】

Jiang Chen: ...

[C: Oh no, I just want to say, I heard that the National Cyber ​​Security Bureau set up an assessment, just this Saturday, as long as they pass the political review, anyone can sign up, I'm a little afraid of strangers... It's okay to be separated from the computer, If I really sit with someone or have an interview, I will be very panic, so I want to find someone to go with. 】

Jiang Chen looked at the screen and didn't know what to reply for a long time. After about a minute, he returned:

[D: You want to find me? 】

[C: Yes! 】

[D: Why? 】

[C: Aren't you in Yan City? Apart from you and me in Yan City, God A and God S are the only ones. God A has been hidden for a long time, and no one can be found. That guy S is just S. I fear him across the screen, so I can only look for you. 】

Jiang Chen stroked the keyboard, his eyes flickered slightly:

[D: You can track everyone's IP]

[C: Yes, but don't worry, I will never track your specific IP, I only target cities, even if it is a hobby, I have a principled bottom line. 】

Jiang Chen hung his fingers on the keyboard for a long time before typing:

【D: I want to ask you a favor. 】

[C: What's busy? Check people's IP? 】

【D: Count. 】

C replied after a while:

【C: You should be able to do this kind of thing yourself. Although I'm good at it, with your ability, you should be able to hack into even the Network Security Bureau. 】

[C: I don’t mean anything else, it’s just that I watched the ranking match between you and G before. His intrusion skills can be regarded as the top in the world. At that time, what you were comparing with him was also an intrusion. Since you can win He...why does he want me to check people for you? 】

Jiang Chen paused his fingers, pondered for a moment, and typed:

[D: There is a specialization in the art industry, and it is not an ordinary IP, I can't track it. 】

[C: How unusual is it? 】

[D: Maybe in this world, no one has been able to track it yet. 】

[C: Interesting, I did this favor, when? 】

[D: Within a year. 】


[C: I'm really curious, what's behind the IP that makes you so cautious, okay, within a year, come to me anytime. 】

【C: Then what I said? 】

[D: Wait a moment. 】

Jiang Chen opened the dialog box to chat with 196 and sent a message, and received a reply soon.

【D: I can't accompany you, but if you are just afraid of finding someone to accompany you, I can help you find someone. 】

[C: Who? Wing Net? Do I know you? 】

【D: 196. 】

[C: He seems to be online, let me check. 】

After a few minutes.

【C: Who... is he, why am I so panicked. 】

[D:? 】

[C: I just checked his IP, and found that S and him are in the same place, and they are very close, D, don't trick me, I'm really scared of S, don't you two know each other in real life, join forces and mess with me. 】

Jiang Chen was silent for a moment, and he didn't know what to reply for a long time. After thinking about it, he sent a message to 196:

[D: Just now C checked your IP and found that there is another IP near you. Is there someone else next to you? 】

Moxi, who lost the game and was dejected, woke up instantly when he saw this news. He glanced at the man who was looking at the notebook carefully, his Adam's apple moved, and said cautiously: "Xiaowai... Xiaoyue, your IP seems to be blocked. People followed."

Shi Fengyue didn't raise his eyes, and said flatly, "I know."

The author has something to say: In order to avoid some misunderstandings, Da Kuan would like to explain that in reality, our country does not have a network security bureau, only a network security bureau, and the Ministry of Commerce was abolished a long time ago. BUG, as Dakuan said before, the background of this story is equivalent to a parallel world, and all settings that are not realistic or unreasonable serve the plot.

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