The sun sets and night falls.

Ichijo also returned to his home.

"One trip to become a millionaire, beautiful. "

We're millionaires too.

Although millionaires are everywhere in this world, at least they have mixed their first pot of gold.

Yihuan also knows that for himself in the future, this is nothing.


"What's wrong, dreamy?"

While outside the room, Dream seemed to sense something unusual and called out to Ichizu.

Dream gestured to the room.

"Is it possible, there are thieves?"

Ichimi listened carefully to the movement in the room, and sure enough, there was a slight noise.

Yixuan's first reaction was that there was a thief visiting.

Can you find me?

Looks like a thief with no eyesight.

In the room, there are no valuable items, plus five million on his body, he doesn't panic or even care.

Push the door in.

Sure enough, in the dark room, Ichiyu saw a 'figure'.

When he noticed the 'figure' coming back, he turned his head in horror, and his eyes unexpectedly brightened in the darkness.

"Burglary, you've been arrested!"

I turned on the light with a righteous and awe-inspiring attitude.

The dreamy Pikachu also jumped off the ground and made a fighting stance, the red electric bag on his cheeks slightly arcing, ready to correct the unknown thief on the spot.

However, at the moment when the lights were turned on, Yi Yu was slightly stunned.

I thought it was a small thief, and maybe he would cover his face in a night coat, but his true face was not like that.

It's not him, it's!

A thief is not a person, but a Pokémon!

Its body is mainly black, the left ear of its tail is red, there are small golden dots on its forehead and chest, and its silver-white paws are shining.


Ice plus evil is a Pokémon with a cunning and vicious personality.

When Ichira dreamed of seeing the thief's true face, the opposite Ura also saw Ichira.

At the moment of seeing Yiluo, the fierce attack posture of the fox was ready to attack, and the claws couldn't help but retract, looking hesitant.

Seeing the hesitation of the fox, Ichimo understood.

"It's affinity that works. "

Like Dream, Ura is also a cat-like Pokémon, so she has an affinity for herself and will treat herself as a close kind.

Because of this, there was a brief hesitation as she prepared to attack.

"System, check out the information of the tanla. "

[Tsura. 】

[Attributes: Ice, Evil]


[Level: 22]


[Characteristics: Holding the sheep - When fighting, it will steal the items carried by the opponent's Pokémon, and Pokémon with this trait often steal things on weekdays.] 】

[Moves: Random Grabbing, Staring, Provocation, Electric Flash, False Move, Frozen Wind, High Speed Movement, Metal Claw. 】

The characteristic is that it is easy to lead the sheep, no wonder it will be a thief.

This Pokémon is not liked by most trainers, on the one hand, because of its cunning and viciousness, and on the other hand, because some of the characteristics of the Pokémon are not likeable.

"Twenty-two, the level is not high, it is a qualified training object. "

It's also time for Larulas to actually experience the battle, and despite the presence of the Eye of Battle, Larulas's strength has been improving.

But after all, it was brought by the Eye of Battle, and if Laruas wanted to improve his strength and evolve successfully, he had to increase his strength.

"Come out, Larulas. "


With a flash of white light, Larulas's small figure appeared in front of Urla.

"Fura. "

Larulas, who appeared, flashed a trace of contempt in his eyes.

In its opinion, Laruas was no threat to it, and it was ready for battle with its sharp claws outstretched and its eyes glazed.

It bowed down, ready to launch a fierce attack!

"Laruas isn't that easy to deal with. "

Ichijo chuckled to himself.

Laruas looks petite compared to Urla, but if Urala is bewitched by Larula's appearance, she is very wrong.

Because of the existence of the Battle Eye, the level of Larulas has also reached level nineteen.

The strength of the early stage is improved, and there is the existence of the Eye of Battle, and the improvement speed is quite fast.

Defeating Nyula is also a challenge to Larulas.

In terms of attributes, Larulas is absolutely restrained by Nyura, and the super energy move has no effect on Nyura!

However, with his excellent qualifications and good comprehension, Larulas has already learned moves with other attributes with the help of the Battle Eye, and defeating Nyura is actually not a very difficult task.

"This is your first fight, Larulas, come on. "


Larulas smiled and nodded, and although he couldn't see its eyes, he could tell it wasn't nervous.

Laruas was much bolder, no longer so timid and cowardly, and already had a vague sense of Chirulian generosity.


Ura is the first to attack!

The tense body burst out at an extremely fast speed like a spring release, moving between the surrounding walls, increasing in speed until an afterimage appeared.

Move at high speed!

Although the small room size limits the play of the Fura to a certain extent, after all, the Fura is an agile Pokémon, but this Fura seems to have a strong sense of battle, which turns this disadvantage into an advantage.

It moves at high speed, moving around the room like a bouncy ball, making it impossible for Laruas to catch its movements!

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