Age of Mysticism

Chapter 115 The Suspicious Parliament

Has the Secret Affairs Bureau of Haijiao District been withdrawn?

Withdrew, did not withdraw.

Luke took the people away from the train station, but still occupied the looted mine. Miners and mining-related personnel can enter, but the Cape Secret Service is responsible for supervisors and mine defense.

Lord Meteor Inspector did not give the mine owner any reason.

Just say: "The production demand of Raging Wave City cannot be delayed!"

For the relevant mine owners, this is simply a knife around their necks, and the Haijiao District Secret Information Bureau can use various excuses to trouble them at any time.

The corpse, they all saw it.

The Secret Affairs Bureau of Haijiao District has a large number of confessions, bills, and receipts, and they can be charged with whatever they want. The mine owners were restless at home, for fear that imperial spies would suddenly rush in and drag them away.

Those mines that have not been patronized by the Cape Secret Bureau are also in danger.

The relationship between the northern mining area and Raging Waves City, which was originally harmonious, was killed by Inspector Meteor, which made everyone feel heavy. The mine owners did not dare to go to Inspector Meteor, fearing that they would be stabbed in and out, so they could only ask the council for help.

But the council was too busy with one thing to care about.

Senator Ible was assassinated.

On his way home from a reception, he was ambushed by an assassin.

Thanks to the protection of imperial agents, Senator Ible was spared from this assassination, but the shock still made him fall ill.

To the officials of Rage City, the assassination of the Councilor is no less than the destruction of Rage Tower. What's more serious... Councilor Ible's popularity is exploding because of the city demonstrations and the resolution to repair Cape Harbor.

The citizens spontaneously expressed their concern for the health of Councilor Ible through various means, and condemned the incompetence of the city government affairs department and the security department.

The incident of the destruction of the Nulei Tower, which had cooled down somewhat, also turned upside down.

Once again, Congressman Virgil was roasted on the stove.

And this time without anyone organizing!

Coupled with the pressure from the northern mining area, Congressman Vergil decided to fight back. If he didn't fight back, he would really die.

Senator Vergil called an emergency meeting of the city council.

In the parliamentary meeting room, Member Ible was absent due to illness, and the speaker was absent due to something.

Madame Mihir acted as abbot for the meeting.

After Mrs. Mihir announced the start of the meeting, Virgil immediately stood up.

Since the destruction of Nulei Tower, he hasn't had a good rest. The eye circles are black, the face is dry, and the stubble of the beard makes the person extremely haggard.

"I think I now have good reasons to prove that Ible embezzled our gold. There are a large number of sea clan naga under the Meteorite of the Cape Secret Bureau, and Ible must have colluded with Meteorite to create the crash of the Clover.

They deliberately let the navy appear there, so that Ible had an excuse to push the gold into the sea, and then let the naga transfer the gold away.

Ible has betrayed us, and we should react immediately. "

Facing the accusation of Senator Vergil, councilors from various factions had a brief internal discussion.

Then a member of the capital faction said: "Mr. Virgil! You can't accuse Mr. Ible of stealing gold just because there are sea tribe naga in the Cape Secret Bureau.

Naga are sea people, they are very common in the sea. Many fleets employ Naga as navigators, and there are many Naga sailors in my fleet.

I admit that Councilor Ible's behavior has been a bit excessive for a while, but if there is a Naga under the Secret Intelligence Bureau in Cape District, it is still too rash to accuse Councilor Ible of stealing gold. "

Another capitalist MP said: "If we dispose of Ible, and Ibur is not the one who stole the gold, are you going to accuse us of having Naga in our fleet?

From what we know of Ible, he wouldn't risk his life for that gold. An airship that fell from a height of 1,000 meters, who can guarantee that he will be safe and sound on it?

I am more inclined to Ible's judgment, there is an inner ghost among us. The assassination of Congressman Ible this time seems to confirm his guess. "

Virgil knew that it was too far-fetched to say that Ible and the Cape Secret Affairs Bureau colluded to steal the gold just by seeing the Naga.

But the development of the matter has no longer allowed him to collect evidence patiently.

Especially the words of the two congressmen just now made him feel even more creepy.


They are suspecting that I am an insider, that I sent someone to assassinate Ible!

Damn it!

"Hey! Two congressmen... think about it, who protected them when the Meteorite of the Cape Secret Bureau slaughtered your people in the northern mining area.

Meteor has only been in office for less than a month, and he has the ability to organize an army to attack the northern mining area. Now he has a large number of nagas in his hands, the machine clan in Diagonal Street has also surrendered to him, and the number of spies in the Haijiao District Secret Affairs Bureau has expanded to 3,000.

What do you think he wants to do?

Without the support of the eldest princess, how dare he do this?

Ible suddenly got so close to the meteorite, and tried his best to get the proposal of repairing Cape Harbor passed. Immediately after passing, Meteor attacked the northern mining area...

Can't you all see it? Ible voted for the eldest princess. He did not steal the gold for the value of the gold. It was his political gift, and he was willing to risk his life for this political gift. "

Virgil's words made the meeting room silent, and all the councilors were thinking.

At this time, Mrs. Mihir said: "It is not appropriate to draw conclusions about whether Ible has betrayed us. Every member of Parliament here has considerable influence in their respective fields, and it is against the law to dispose of any member rashly. Destruction of the status and prestige of other MPs.

It will make the city council of Raging City lose its credibility.

I think it's not important who owns that lot of gold right now, the gold is there, they're not going away, we're going to find them. The most important thing now is to find out the purpose of the Meteor from the Secret Affairs Bureau of Haijiao District in Raging Waves City, and what kind of mission he shoulders with the eldest princess.

My people have already begun to investigate the meteorite, and I believe news will come soon. "

Madame Mihir's words drew a nod from most of the MPs.

Disposing of a member of parliament is not only a matter within the parliament, but the whole city is watching. If there is no reason enough to convince the public, it will be a serious blow to the majesty and credibility of the parliament.

Senator Ible is so popular, even if he really stole the gold, he can't deal with him now.

And there's no solid evidence to prove anything.

Instead, Congressman Virgil.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is now discredited.

He can still sit here at this moment because he still has influence in the city security department, and it is limited to the city security department.

Congressman Virgil did not expect that he held this parliamentary meeting, not only did not bring down Ible, but made his position even more precarious.

The cape area must be dealt with as soon as possible!

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