Age of Mysticism

Chapter 128 Waiting for dawn

After the shock wave whistled, the dust fell. In the square, people of different positions stood in different positions, and no one spoke or moved.

Beyond this, the battle continued, and on all sides could be seen the flames lighting up the night.

Almost all the ice and floor tiles in the square were smashed, and a pile of rubble bulged, and a person drilled out of it.

"Cough, cough, cough..." The gray-faced Caesar couldn't help coughing, shaking the dust and bricks on his body, and then stared blankly at the scene in front of him.

He had seen these bounty hunters by Senator Virgil's side, and he had seen their criminal records.

All are tough guys.

"Qing..." Nishizawa wanted to speak, but was forced to shut up by the cold gaze from the elf. He could feel that the Fairy Clear Sky at this time was stronger than what he had seen before.

That kind of pressure makes people unable to resist.

The ice unfolded again, the ice and snow continued to fall, and everyone's body was covered with a layer of snowflakes.

Luke in the state of Holy Zuoyou confronted these bounty hunters. She held the Canggu rock machete, and white holy light burst out from her entire right arm. The eyes are ice crystals, and the patterns on the cheeks are flowing and winding.

In the field of vision of the eyes of ice crystals, an octopus flew up from the roof of a house as if it was in the sea. He puffs black smoke, hiding himself against the backdrop of the night sky.

A disproportionately large eye on the head, staring closely at the people in the square. When he found that the elf saw him, he waved his tentacles to show his friendliness.

Evil Eye Tess.

He is the gatekeeper of the Assassin Tavern in Raging Waves City, and his arrival... means that the Assassin Tavern has been dispatched. Not just the amateur assassins that Luke had seen in the Assassin Tavern, but also the stabbing blades of the Brotherhood of Blades.

Viscount Iscoran sent out his entire family this time in order to bring down Senator Virgil tomorrow.

Then I will cooperate with you.

"Nish... Nishizawa, is your name Nishizawa? Sheriff!"

Seeing that the bounty hunters were jealous of each other, and no one dared to take the initiative to attack, Luke took out a cardboard box from the space backpack and put it on the ground.

Caesar responded immediately: "My name is Priestley Caesar, Miss Skylight."

"Will you do me a favor?"

"I would love to work for you. Thank you for saving me just now, I owe you my life."

Luke kicked the cardboard box at Caesar's face.

"I see that you can use magic, and you should be able to arrange a magic circle. There are all the mysterious props needed for a secret technique in the box. You follow what I said, and lay out the words of the secret technique."

"Okay, okay." Caesar looked at the bounty hunters around him vigilantly, then quickly opened the cardboard box, and asked, "What should I do?"

"The array technique is the fourth and second map of the maha astrology, six stars... the main Aries, water. The sequence is bear, earth; monkey, fire; eagle, air; dagger, blood; cloak, shadow.


According to what Luke said, Caesar used his sword to draw an array diagram on the ground.

This action made the surrounding bounty hunters nervous.

The elf Qingkong used secret techniques to destroy the Nulei Tower, and now she is actually laying out the words of secret techniques in the siege. Once she is done, it will only be more difficult to catch her.

There are seven bounty hunters who arrived at Botu Square, divided into three hunter teams.

One of them, who covered his entire body under a smock, was the first to speak: "One billion Reichsmarks, that's two hundred thousand gold coupons. I think it's enough for us to share..."

On the other side, a burly man wearing a full body armor with steam constantly coming out of the armor snorted, "If you didn't kill the secret hunter, the 200,000 gold coupons are enough for us. But... you are wrong After estimating the strength of Fairy Clear Sky, he wanted to steal the money from the crazy poaching group.

Dry bones, you are talking about splitting money now, do you necromancers see too many brainless skeletons and think that people have no brains? "

"It was indeed my mistake to kill the secret hunter. But the current situation... When the elf Qingkong completes the words of the secret technique, she is very likely to escape from here.

This is two hundred thousand gold coupons!

Not any city can offer such a high reward. Even in Raging Waves City, it was probably a momentary brain fever. They will cancel this bounty anytime, maybe tomorrow.

We teamed up to capture Qingkong and split the bounty. "

The leader of another group of bounty hunters is a woman with a pair of black bird wings on her back, bird claws on her feet, and a whip in her hand.

It's an eagle-clawed banshee.

"I want the book of calamity, and you can share the gold coupons."

The armored man couldn't help laughing: "I think the book of calamity is worth more than 200,000 gold certificates, but there is only one book of calamity.

There is no point in staying here anymore, no matter how much money you have, you have to spend it with your life.

I go on. "

Faced with the temptation of the Book of Calamity and the 200,000 gold coupons, the armored man chose to retreat. He led his men slowly out of the square and disappeared into the night.

The eagle-clawed banshee said to the bone: "You are a necromancer, and the death magic is enough for you to study until you die. Give me the book of disasters, and the two hundred thousand gold coupons are yours..."

On the other side, Caesar had already drawn the formation diagram. Seeing that there were only two teams left among the bounty hunters, he asked anxiously, "Miss Qingkong, how should the words of the secret technique be arranged?"

"The compass is the subject, and it is placed on the four operation positions above the main astrology position. The three operation positions in the same direction as the other astrology positions are... the telescope, the pencil, the rabbit's leg, the resin, and the crystal flower."

Luke said the arrangement of the secret language, and looked at the evil-eyed Tess in the air.

His body swelled like a balloon, and his tentacles danced with messages. Although Luke couldn't fully understand what Tas was saying, he could be sure that the assassins around him were already in place and about to launch an attack.

The Eagle Claw Banshee and the Necromancer Dry Bones are still negotiating. Obviously, the Dry Bones are not willing to give up the fight for the Book of Calamity.

Seeing that the words of the secret technique were about to be laid out, the eagle-clawed banshee cursed: "Greedy bone, you idiot! Do you want to watch the two hundred thousand gold coupons and the book of calamity run away?"

Withered Bones also became anxious: "We can join hands to seize the clear sky first, and then talk about how to divide the bounty and the book of calamity."

"Damn it! Steel Armored Henry is right, there will be no results if you stay here. Fairy Clear Sky is yours, I want to see how you catch her!


When the Talon Banshee decided to abandon the capture operation, a man fell from the shadows on a statue behind her.

It was a thief from the bounty hunters in hiding, and someone sneaked up on him.

Immediately afterwards, countless silk threads shot out from all directions of the square. The silver light reflected by these silk threads is as sharp as a sharp knife after being straightened.

Afterwards, more than a dozen assassins rushed out from their hidden positions, the target: the bounty hunter.

The siege begins.

Luke teleported to the middle of the formation after seeing Caesar finished the secret language.

Whisper: Escape.

(Emergency escape, randomly teleported to a location with a low risk factor.)

A huge virtual image of a compass appeared above the heads of Luke and Caesar, the pointer on it rotated irregularly, and finally stopped at one point.

Then a light curtain rose from the entire formation, and after the light curtain fell, Luke and Caesar disappeared inside.

Reappeared, and arrived at a quiet street.

The fighting that took place in the Promontory did not reach here, but at both ends of the street there were barricades set up by the sheriff who blocked the city.

The sudden appearance of two people aroused the vigilance of the sheriffs.

Luke summoned the steam locomotive to turn over and sit on it, and said to Caesar: "The deployment of the words of the secret technique was completed in a timely manner. Goodbye... I hope you can live until dawn."

After finishing speaking, Luke started the locomotive and accelerated suddenly. After skillfully breaking through the roadblock, he drove away with a stream of white smoke.

Caesar was left standing there blankly.

The sheriffs blew their whistles, and the appearance of Fairy Clear Sky caused quite a panic.

But it was only a brief panic.

The fighting in the Cape continued. Although the sheriffs have an advantage in strength, they don't have many ways to deal with unfamiliar street fighting.

The Secret Intelligence Bureau of Haijiao District doesn't have many methods for street fighting, but most of the spies are gang members. They are familiar with the terrain and are good at throwing black bricks. The home field advantage allows them to choose to attack and transfer calmly, making the sheriffs dizzy.

The battle situation is very optimistic.

After Luke felt that he had nothing to do with himself here, he found a secluded place to withdraw from his role as Clear Sky.

It just so happened that the news of the fighting in Cape District also reached the home of Senator Ible.

The imperial spies who strengthened their security and defense woke up Mr. Ible. He comforted his family and came to the lobby on the first floor, where he saw that spies were gathered here.

Inspector Meteor is listening to a report from a secret agent.

"what's going on?"

Feeling the tense atmosphere, Senator Ible asked.

Sitting on the sofa, drinking refreshing coffee, Luke replied: "Virgil has mobilized the elite sheriffs from the whole city to attack the Cape District. It seems that he has also sensed the crisis and is thinking about dying."

Senator Ible realized the seriousness of the matter.

The foundation of the Secret Intelligence Bureau in Haijiao District cannot withstand investigation. Once Virgil takes the cape area, not only will he eliminate the troops needed to bring him down, but he will also obtain evidence against Inspector Meteor.

"What should we do? Where can we find some people to help the Cape District?"

Luke, who has been to the Cape District once, and just learned about the battle situation in the Cape District from the messenger, said to Councilor Ible very easily: "No one will support us at this time, and the other Secret Service Bureaus did not follow Vergil. , is already the best case.

Don't worry, my people sent news that Haijiao District can be guarded.

We are now preparing for dawn. "

Luke's display of confidence steadied Ible.

Now it is the most critical moment, whether to die as a prisoner or to overthrow Vergil to resolve this crisis depends on the changes in the situation in the next few hours.

"What do you need me to do?"

"Send someone to inform the other members of the council, and an emergency council will be called immediately at dawn..."

Before Luke finished speaking, spies came in to report from outside.

"Viscount Iskran is here."

It came very timely!

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