Age of Mysticism

Chapter 186 Jedi

Gunther Valentine rushed to the window, looked at the dark crowd outside, and shouted in horror: "How could this happen! Where did these people come from! Just now... there were not many people in the square just now.

Someone must have organized this demonstration, like the day after the tower of Nulei fell. It was done by the Secret Affairs Bureau of Haijiao District, it must be them! "

Yomington also walked to the window. He heard the slogans shouted by the crowd and saw the banners drawn by the crowd. He finally knew where the meteorite was attacking.

The Urban Alchemists Guild abused their influence and power, and this time it went off the rails.

Those petty citizens who were looked down upon by them gathered together at this time, and the aura erupted was impacting on the City Alchemists Association. Such neat slogans and neat banners must be organized by someone behind the scenes.

But so what?

It's too late, it's too late!

Speaker Grover's complexion was iron: "Mr. Van Lundin, we all know that this is organized by the Cape District Bureau of Secrets. Since the matter is caused by you and your project, tell you have any solution?

This time is no different from the last demonstration in the city. If you don't appease the citizens who are irritated by you as soon as possible, it is very likely that it will turn into a large-scale riot at night. I will never allow this to happen, and if necessary, I will send you to the gallows to appease the wrath outside. "

Yomington also said angrily: "I'm afraid that the death of a congressman will not be able to quell today's incident."

"That is to send more people to the gallows!"

Gunther Valentine had never seen Grover so angry, he finally realized the seriousness of the matter, and quickly thought of a solution.

"We can negotiate with Inspector Meteor..." Feeling the sharp gaze from Speaker Grover, Councilor Van Lundin immediately changed his words: "This is the final solution that has no other choice...We, we can promise to return the money they invested give them.

This group of damned sluts, since they invest in a risky project, they should understand what risk is. When the hydrogen airship project was good, they desperately wanted to give me the money. Now that the project is in trouble, they want to take the money away. How can there be such a good thing in the world! "

Feeling greatly wronged, Valentine said angrily. In his view, the demands of the demonstrators are simply unreasonable.

When Grover heard that Valentine was willing to refund the money, his face softened a little. The fundamental reason why Meteor was able to organize such a large-scale demonstration was to confuse ordinary investors. These people are all greedy for petty gains. If they can make trouble for money, they can naturally use money to calm them down.

For the Urban Alchemists Guild, the money spent can be earned from other places, and the most important thing is to survive this crisis.

Grover comforted Senator Van Lundin with a soothing tone: "I am very satisfied that you have such a magnanimity. I know that this amount of money is a lot for your project... Don't worry, the City Alchemist Guild will help you .You look at how much money is in your account, how much refund you need to pay, and the insufficient part can be borne by the association.

When the incident subsides, I will find a way to get the World Bank to reinvest in hydrogen airships, and you won't lose too much. "

"Speaker, the money that needs to be given...may be a lot." Gunther Van Lundin said hesitantly.

The bad premonition made Grover's heart rise again: "There must be a number."

"Five billion Reichsmarks...or ten billion...or...I need to go back and count a number."

Grover's face became grim again: "How much money can you give?"

Feeling the pressure from the speaker, Van Lundin hurriedly said: "Speaker, I have used the money to make some investments, and now I can't cash it out. And it's not just me doing this... I, I also lent a lot to other research institutes money.

I can take out 100 million Reichsmarks now, if you give me half a year. "

"You only have half a day!"

Van Lundin seemed to see himself being hanged on the gallows, and his brain was spinning rapidly: "We can borrow money... from the wealthy businessmen in the city. Their factories all use the patents of our Alchemist Association. They borrow money, and they're sure to agree."

Grover immediately said to his assistant: "Send someone to meet all the wealthy businessmen who have business ties with us, and ask them to lend as much money as possible to the City Alchemists Guild.

We can give them some discounts in future patent licensing.

In addition, count how much money is in the association's books, and then raise some from our affiliated research institutions.

In the name of the Urban Alchemist Association, send someone to tell the demonstrators everywhere: The Urban Alchemist Association agrees to their refund request, and the refund process will begin before night. "

The assistant took the order and ran out.

Grover yelled at Valentine again: "Go back and get a refund, and don't make me any more trouble."

Gunther Van Lundin said gratefully: "Please rest assured, Mr. Speaker, all investment receipts have strict anti-counterfeiting marks, and I will not allow anyone to falsely claim a refund."

Seeing Gunther Valentine leave in a hurry, Chairman Grover breathed a sigh of relief: "Meteor's attack was indeed beyond our expectations, but he still underestimated the wealth hidden in Raging Waves City. Money is the least important thing here. valuables.

In the evening, we first use the existing Reichsmark to apply for a refund, and these demonstrators will retreat. The crisis will be over when the businessmen's loans are in place tomorrow.

Meteor taught us a lesson, and we taught him a lesson. "

Yomington was not as relaxed as Grover showed. He saw a large number of members of the City Alchemists Association rushing into the demonstrators in the square. Soon the shouting of slogans stopped, and the anger quickly dissipated.

Seems really resolved in general.

"I always feel that things won't end like this?"

Grover said confidently: "What else can Meteor do? Unless he dares to arrest all the wealthy businessmen in Raging Waves... I expect him to do so instead."

Yomington sighed and said, "I hope I'm too sensitive."

"You are too afraid of meteors. Don't worry, it's over!"

At this moment, the assistant rushed in in a panic: "My lord, the city court sent someone to deliver the letter. They received almost all the lawsuits filed against us by wealthy businessmen in the city. They sued us for...fraud!"

Grover's floating body swayed and almost fell to the ground.

"Impossible, it's absolutely impossible... Are you sure it's the news from the city court, not someone pretending to be."

"I'm sure, Mr. Speaker! This is an official document from the city court." The assistant handed the document to Grover: "Now the city court has received more than 20,000 indictments, and the number is still increasing... under pressure , the city court has started judicial proceedings against the case.

It is said that people from the Haijiao District Bureau of Confidential Information took the printed lawsuits and gathered people's signatures on the street, and gathered them together to send to the city court..."

Glover held the official letter from the city court, the wording on it was extremely harsh. Obviously, the city court was not going to take sides in this matter after receiving the letters of indictment from the wealthy businessmen.

In Raging Waves City, money is indeed worthless.

But a penny can also stump a hero.

Now if the Urban Alchemists Association wants to quell this incident, it will not only have to spend money from retail investors, but also money from wealthy businessmen.

Without the loan from the rich merchants, the City Alchemists Association couldn't even get rid of these people in the square. But...they just promised to start processing refunds before evening.

Now what to get a refund.

Speaker Grover felt his head hurt, which was something he had never encountered in the most complicated experiments.

"I, I need to talk to these rich businessmen. We have the patents they need, and they will listen to me!"

Yomington said lightly: "I don't think Meteor will give us this chance..."

Sure enough, people who went to borrow money from wealthy businessmen came back to report one after another.

They are all in the mansion of Senator Ible at the moment!

Grover couldn't continue to float. He sat back on his seat and murmured, "How could this be, how could this be...they, aren't they afraid that we will stop them from using the patent?"

Yomington said: "Of course they are afraid, but if the City Alchemist Association does not bow to the merchants today, people in the square will rush in if they can't get the money at night. At this moment... Meteor uses its strength to make the entire raging wave Joto stood on the opposite side of the City Alchemists Guild.

Since that duel, he has been planning today's situation.

No...he planned it very early on, and the Nuleita parade was the rehearsal for today's scene. Thinking about everything he has done, including wooing the city's finance and tax chief, Mr. Ible, is all planned for this moment.

All to keep us from getting money at this moment.

It's too powerful, we don't complain about losing.

Prepare to negotiate with Meteor. "

Grover asked, "Is there no other way?"

"In the current situation, without the cooperation of Meteor, no one can stop the riots at night. Give us a little more time, and we can solve this problem, but what we lack is time.

Let's negotiate.

I will report everything that happened here to the first assistant Gabriel in detail, and the first assistant will be considerate of the allies of Raging Waves City. This time the opponent is too cunning, and the responsibility is not entirely yours. "

Speaker Glover did not expect that in his first public appearance, not only would he not be able to turn the tide, but he would also face such a defeat.

"What conditions do you think Meteor will propose?"

Yomington thought for a while and said: "My biggest gain from coming to Rage City this time is...don't guess what Meteor is thinking, you will only fall into his trap if you guess too much.

It's better to consider the purpose of the meteor from the eldest princess.

Riots in Raging Waves City and the implementation of military control are definitely not the best results that the eldest princess wants. "

Grover took a deep breath to steady himself.

"Okay, I will negotiate with Inspector Meteor on behalf of the City Council of Raging Waves. Go ask Inspector Meteor to go to the city council chamber..."

The assistant replied: "Of course, Speaker!"

After Luke sent the merchants' suit against the City Alchemists Association to the city court, he returned to the Cape District Bureau of Secrets to wait for news.

All the subordinates were also waiting for the news, and the originally lively office was completely silent.

Now all those who can spread out have spread out.

With the experience of the last city-wide parade, this time the Haijiao District Bureau of Secrets organized a new demonstration with ease. With 200 Reichsmarks per person per day, tens of thousands of people were easily pulled out of the Cape District.

The central city was in a state of chaos, and the public security department in the central city was on holiday, which exacerbated the chaotic situation. Now the entire demonstrators in Rage City are under the control of the imperial secret agents lurking inside, and the blindly obedient ordinary people are led to the rhythm, implementing the attitude that Luke wants to show to all parties.

At this moment, Luke showed all his cards, and all that was left was to wait for the response from the City Alchemists Association and the Council.

Is it a compromise? Or watch a disaster that no one can bear come to the city?

Multiple choice questions are given by Speaker Glover.

Luke didn't wait too long, and someone from the Urban Alchemist Association came to deliver a message... Chairman Glover invited Inspector Meteor to the city council to discuss the crisis that Rage City is facing at this time.

For a moment, the office hall of the Secret Intelligence Bureau in Haijiao District burst into ear-splitting cheers.

Soon, Luke came out of his office.

Wearing a formal suit and a gentleman's hat, holding a cane in his hand, he said in a confident voice, "Shelley!"

When Shelley heard that the inspector did not call her code name in public, she was taken aback for a moment, then jumped up and stood at attention: "Shelley is here, please inspect the inspector!"

"All your people, let's go to the city council to meet our speaker."

"Yes, Inspector!"

Luke, escorted by the wolf-like Rangers of the Secret Intelligence Bureau, entered the central area from the Cape District, and then arrived at the city government office building.

There were 20,000 to 30,000 people gathered in the square. Seeing so many imperial spies from the Haijiao District Secret Affairs Bureau, they guessed what would happen.

When Luke got out of the car, a plainclothes spy stepped forward to report.

"Inspector, not long ago, the City Alchemist Association sent people out to spread the news, saying that refunds can be processed before evening. What should we do next, please instruct..."

Luke snorted: "The boiled duck is still stubborn, and the Urban Alchemists Association can't get so much money from anywhere at this time. If they had money, they wouldn't invite me here.

You continue to lurk and wait for the outcome of this negotiation. "

"Yes, Inspector."

The undercover agent retreated, and after going around in a circle, he rejoined the crowd in the square, and then passed the inspector's order to other potential agents.

Luke led a large group of imperial spies into the city hall building on the steps.

In the parliament chamber, except for Virgil's seat, which was vacant, all members of the council sat in their seats.

Viscount Iskran was also invited.

He whispered to Luke: "Inspector, the scene you arranged is really too big, it's bigger than I expected. I feel that we can complete the task assigned to us by Her Royal Highness ahead of schedule. This time It was a total victory."

Luke replied: "It's big, and it's beyond my expectations. Let's take a seat and see how much we can take away from here.

But first congratulations to you, Senator Iskran. "

Iscoran looked at the vacant parliamentary seat and smiled as he wished: "Thank you, Inspector!"

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