Age of Mysticism

Chapter 199 Rescue Operation

"In the name of the chief inspector of the Secret Affairs Bureau of Raging Waves City of the Golden Shield Empire, I order you to surrender immediately! Otherwise... kill them on the spot!"

In the hall of the Leo Consulate, Luke issued a surrender notice to the watchmen gathered here after the leader of the watchmen, He Pan, left.

In the fog outside the consulate, the imperial spies carrying mysterious props arrived at the location, and the whole process did not encounter any attacks or obstacles. They stood in their respective positions facing the direction of the consulate, and all the spies took out their pocket watches and stared at the time.

Outside the mist, the sheriffs and imperial agents, who were divided into different echelons, inspected the equipment under the leadership of their respective captains, and took buff potions and made magic preparations. The captains told them about the assigned tasks in detail. The moment the attack started, the task point must be captured in the fastest time, and the kidnappers should not be given any chance to harm the hostages.

Member Ible immediately arrived with a group of newspaper reporters when he got the news. He also brought a lot of magic painters to record the most exciting moment. In the past two days, his newspaper office has been at the forefront of the public opinion war in Raging Waves City. As the official media of the Reform Agency, tomorrow he will have all newspaper offices in the city repost his articles and magic images.

Everything is ready, just waiting for the fog to clear.

In the lobby of the consulate, the lookouts who received Luke's ultimatum were puzzled.

Isn't His Highness Pan talking about surrender with the leader?

Why is Inspector Meteor so eager to ask us to surrender!

A prestigious lookout replied to Luke: "Master Inspector, please wait patiently for the leader's reply regarding our surrender. Stand still in your position, your dangerous move will affect the outcome of this negotiation. "

Luke walked back and forth, flames erupted from the gluttonous tattoo on his right hand, and the Red Dragon Spear was summoned in his hand. The right eye showed abnormal changes, thunder and fire intertwined and burst into light in his pupils, and sparks shone in the space around him.

The sandpaper floats, and her hair flies, changing from pink to metallic. One tool after another floated out of the attack bag and surrounded her.

Although Yin didn't know what happened, she could see that this was the rhythm of the fight. She made mudras with her hands, chanted the ancient golden language, and drew out a golden sword in the golden light in her palm. The ancient Shuojin language continued to sing from Yin's mouth, and pieces of golden light came out around her, and these golden lights condensed into pieces of armor, and then fit on her body.

In an instant, Yin turned into a "Golden Saint Seiya", with a golden body and a heroic posture.

The lookouts saw the scene in front of them, no matter how stupid they were, they knew that Inspector Meteor had no sincerity in negotiating.

It's time to fight.

The lookout immediately used secret techniques to try to control the fog from spreading in, but there was no response, and instead, strong light shone in through the windows of the hall.

The weight-bearing crossroad has been lifted!

The watchers couldn't believe that this improved secret language, which was blessed by His Royal Highness Pan using the ancient Shuojin language, could be broken so easily. But the facts are right in front of us, the sheriff of Raging Waves City and the secret agents of the empire who are surrounded outside have already launched an attack.

It's a trap...

"Quick, kill all the hostages." The wind-seeker shouted.

But a dragon's roar sounded in the hall, overwhelming all the voices.

Taotie flew out from the back of Luke's hand, and instantly turned into a giant beast in the burst of flames. It flapped its wings and set off a hurricane in the enclosed space. Its body smashed into the high-hanging ornate chandelier, and after shaking off the glass shards on its body, it rushed to the top of the wind watchers and sprayed fiery dragon breath at them. .

The sweeping dragon's breath caused huge casualties to the Watchers, and they each resisted the coercion and attack released by Taotie without organization. The fire will engulf the people directly under the cover, and the high temperature will produce an explosive airflow, which will violently impact the people around.

The lookouts were overwhelmed by this powerful attack, and without the weight-bearing branch to create a favorable fighting environment for them, they were a group of fighters with a maximum of four stars. Taotie exhaled a mouthful of dragon's breath, roared, crashed into the middle of the watchers from the air, swallowed one person in one gulp, and then slapped the other person into a pile of minced meat with one claw, killing and killing.

Luke also joined the attack on the lookout with a spear in his hand. The tip of the gun erupted like a dragon's head with a blade of fire, and the overflowing fire formed a fire-colored dragon whirl around him. Thunderbolt slammed down on all the lookouts who wanted to attack him. The moment they were hit and their bodies became stiff, the sweeping dragon spear would cut their necks open.

During the spray of blood, seven or eight lookouts died around Luke in an instant.

The wind-seeker wants to leave the hall and leave along the corridor on the right. Luke knew that they were going to kill the hostages, so he used the thunder and fire pupil to push away all the watchmen who were attacking him, and took out his pistol to shoot continuously at the watchmen who wanted to leave.

All six rounds were fired, and after a short check on the lookouts, the sandpaper arrived just in time. She blocked in front of the corridor, and the tool floating beside her strangled the watcher in front of her. At the same time, the energy ball gathered from the tip of her hair and shot out, like a machine gun, violently hitting anyone who wanted to get close. bombing.

The battle started in an instant, and many corpses fell in the hall in a short time. In the turbulent airflow, the burnt smell of flesh and hair permeated the air.

Yin stood there blankly, she had an elegant and luxurious temperament in the golden light, which was a little out of tune with the fighting atmosphere here. Yin did not attack anyone, nor did Windwatcher attack her. She looked at everything that happened in front of her eyes, and still didn't understand why Inspector Meteor launched an attack on these watchers.

Behind Yin, the gate of the consulate was violently knocked open. Among the flying debris, a war machine with a sharp blade rushed in. Its steps were heavy and fast, and it ran past Yin's side and ran towards the sandpaper. The cannon behind it was turned over and placed on its shoulders, and while the long knife was slashing at the watcher, energy beams were emitted continuously from the muzzle, fiercely bombarding the watcher in front of the sandpaper.

War Machine Boiling began to show its power, followed by Shelley.

Shelley had already pulled up the blindfold that covered her right eye, and the pupil of Medusa shone with a strange light. She flashed past Yin's side like a swimming snake, and rushed to Luke's side in an instant.

Shelley's marksmanship is much better than Luke's, and the gun is locked.

"Chief Inspector, are all the kidnappers here?"

Luke stabbed a lookout and stepped back: "Except for the leader, the other kidnappers are here. I leave this place to you..."

After the first round of raids, the weak watchers were all dead, and the remaining strong watchers were still fighting desperately. At this time, a large number of sheriffs and imperial spies rushed in from outside, and it was only a matter of time before these lookouts were wiped out.

Luke did not continue to take risks, and everyone would be happy if everyone shared a little credit.

"Leave it to us here. Chief Inspector, please retreat to a safe area first." Shelley, who had shot out of bullets, pulled out a dagger from his boots, and threw himself at a lookout who looked quite powerful.

"Don't live."

"Yes, Chief Inspector!"

Luke stretched out his hand to retract Taotie, and when Taotie sank into the back of his hand, he just retreated to Yin's side.

The voice of the golden armor made Luke couldn't help admiring: "It's so beautiful!"

Yin, on the other hand, was not happy with Luke's praise. She asked with a bad face, "Since they are ready to surrender, why do you want to kill them?"

Luke put away the Red Dragon Spear, but still activated the Thunder and Fire Eyes.

Facing Yin's questioning, he glanced at the battle that was coming to an end: "I am an imperial agent, and my duty is to protect national security. These kidnappers kidnap foreign envoys, and they want to use Raging City's international status to announce the start of their jihad .

If I allow them to surrender and let them leave alive... what face does the empire have in the world? Do other people who want to do something internationally have to come to Rage City to do a kidnapping case? "

Yin couldn't accept Luke's explanation: "But you told me..."

"Would you and Pan, as the royal family of Leo, help me, the Watcher, surrender?" Luke replied calmly, "This is just to let the Watcher relax their vigilance against me, so that I can carry out the encirclement and suppression plan smoothly.


My identity determines that I will do things unscrupulously... I reminded you, don't put too much heart on me, haven't you noticed that you have crossed the line?

This is very dangerous for you. Honestly be a shining gold person, stand in the position of a shining gold person and watch what happened here, your heart will feel better. Let's go, let's go to Pan, he is a qualified Shuojin man. "

Yin's heart was indeed very uncomfortable, not because Meteor suddenly killed these lookouts, but because he felt that he had been deceived. Both herself and Pan have been used, and Meteor has always regarded herself as a tool.

The golden armor on his body dissipated into pieces of golden light, and Yin looked at Luke again, the enthusiasm just now was gone in his eyes.

The spiritual connection with Pan is unobstructed.

He is safe!

"Okay, Inspector Meteor Star. It really made me feel a lot more comfortable to watch this matter from the position of a shimmering gold man. But your deception has greatly reduced my impression of you, even if you have Your duty, I only see that you have failed our goodwill towards you.

Go, find Pan, I want to get out of here as soon as possible. "

Yin was very angry, she strode forward, just wanted to find Pan as soon as possible and leave together.

Luke could only follow helplessly.

As a man, of course he could feel that Yin's affection for him was increasing day by day. It may not reach the level of love, but this is a very dangerous trend for Yin.

If Yin is really stuck in it and cannot extricate herself, the Shuojin people will never let her go. The tragedy that will happen in the future, Luke doesn't want it to happen again.

It was the right thing for her to cut off Yin's vague and unknowing emotions in time.

Luke followed Yin, listening to the sound of her boots thumping on the floor, knowing that she was really angry.

Arriving at the room where Pan and the leader of the Watchers met, Yin was startled by the headless corpse on the ground and the blood of Da Tan. She walked to Pan's side, and asked with concern: "Pan, are you not injured?"

When Pan saw Luke, he held the golden sword tighter in his hand, and said calmly on the surface: "I'm fine. This watcher attacked me after he came in, but I killed him."

"The Watchers attacked you?" Yin couldn't believe that the Watchers would attack Leo royals for no reason.

Luke waved all the imperial agents in the room to leave.

He stared at the sword in Pan's hand with the activated Leihuotong, and said with a non-malicious smile: "I issued a killing order for all the kidnappers. The watchmen in the Leo Consulate incident this time will not be alive. The majesty of the empire No profanity of any kind is allowed."

Pan still secretly maintained a high degree of vigilance. He didn't know what the meteorite's purpose was, but the watcher didn't live, so there were no witnesses to point out that he was the mastermind of this incident.

Does this mean that Meteor doesn't intend to reveal her identity?

Pan thoughtfully replied: "Although the result is not what I want to see, since this is your plan, chief inspector, I am willing to accept it. It's just that it didn't help, so I would like to express my apologies to you."

Yin said dissatisfiedly at the side: "Pan, why did you apologize to him? Obviously he lied to us, using our goodwill to deceive the watchers."

Pan warned Yin in his heart: Don't talk too much.

Knowing that Pan's apology was referring to, Luke sent Lookouts to carry out the attack.

"I accept your apology..."

He said calmly, "You still dare to accept Pan..."

Pan pulled the voice: "Leave it to me here, you go out first. I have some things that I want to talk to Chief Inspector Meteor alone."


Under Pan's stern gaze, Yin had no choice but to walk out of the room.

"Chief Inspector, how do you know my identity. There are still many members of Leo's royal family alive. I am a Shuojin who severed ties with Leo long ago."

Seeing that Pan scattered the golden sword, Luke also released the state of the thunder and fire pupils.

"This is my secret. But please rest assured, Your Highness, I have no intention of revealing your identity, and I have no interest in your jihad of restoring the country. You should not use the influence of Raging Waves City to spread your declaration of war. This is the Golden Shield The city of the empire is also the city I am guarding."

At this time, Pan didn't dare to show how much he hated Luke in his heart.

"Apologies to you again, and congratulations to Chief Inspector, who once again performed a miracle in front of the entire city of Raging Waves. From this point of view... these lookouts are worthy of death. If this incident can bring me a A potential ally, I think my road to restoration will be smoother."

Luke said with a meaningful smile: "If you want to be my ally, you are not qualified now. You are ambitious and ruthless, but the situation is too small. Take some time to see the world clearly Well, you still have a long way to go, don't bury yourself before you reach the end.

I only forgive you this time! "

Pan bowed to Luke: "Thank you for the teaching of the Chief Inspector. I will follow your instructions and see the world first. Please leave the aftermath here to you. I will go back to the hotel with Yin. I can feel that she is in a bad mood."

"Speak well, don't wait until you lose her to find out that she is your dearest person."

Pan didn't know why Luke would say that.

"Yin has always been my dearest person, and I will not let anyone hurt her.

Goodbye, Chief Inspector! "

Sorry, sorry! I followed "The Wind Rises from Longxi" all day yesterday, until it was three o'clock this morning. It is indeed a good drama, as exciting as Twelve Hours.

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