Age of Mysticism

Chapter 408 Praying Mantis Catching Cicadas

Qingkong looked at the magic projection on the crystal wall, and the two figures were advancing in the underground soil layer at a very fast speed. They should be the Shadow Clan who assassinated Elder Chun.

Looking at the shape, one is a crypt man who is very common in the deep world, and the other is a relatively rare human face servant.

Adult cryptmen are generally between 1.3 and 1.4 meters tall and have dark brown skin. Their backs are bent forward like shrimps, and their hands are thicker than their legs due to the need to dig dirt.

The human body is an extraordinary fungi-like creature, and a human body is actually composed of countless fungi. When hunting, the human mask will change its shape according to the characteristics of the prey, and it is a kind of hunter who is good at changing.

In the magic projection, the caveman and the masked man move freely underground, like fish swimming in water. After several stealthy ascents to determine the location, they arrived near the east tower of the palace.

Then there is the lurk.

During this period, Shenmian obviously didn't waste time staring at them, so the scene turned to the moment of assassination.

It was night, and the people of Shuojin were coming out of the east tower one after another, apparently they were going to attend the banquet held by the Marquis of Raging Waves.

It is necessary to walk from the east tower to the gate of the palace, and the Shuojin people walk very scattered, and their vigilance is very low.

Elder Chun did not walk with Elder Mu, his character was taciturn, and his gloomy appearance caused the surrounding Shuojin people to intentionally distance themselves from him. Only a pair of twins who were responsible for protecting him followed him behind.

A single high-quality prey immediately became the target of cavemen and human enslavement.

They approached very carefully from the ground, tirelessly probing and approaching from all directions, shortening the distance bit by bit.

Arriving at the corner of a flower bed, Elder Chun and the Shuojin brigade briefly lost sight of each other. The cave man jumped out of the soil in the flower bed in an instant, grabbed Elder Chun by the throat with his hands like pliers and threw him down. At the same time, a hole was opened where he fell to the ground, just for the two to fall in.

But the two Shuojin people following Elder Chun didn't respond at all, and continued to move forward as if Elder Chun was still ahead. The human mask followed them, she had the appearance of a human woman, but like an exquisite mask, people couldn't help but feel fear.

The underground Elder Chun was firmly controlled from the moment he was attacked, and he was even more powerless to resist after being dragged underground. A Shuojin elder with great authority was assassinated just like that.

The accompanying Shuojin people didn't notice it at all.

After killing Elder Chun, the Crypt Man caught up with the Shuo Jin Brigade from underground, and then chose the right time to float to the surface.

Judging from the magic image, the people from the cave got on the carriage of the Shuojin people in such a grand manner, and left the palace together.

The image ends.

Crystal Man Shenmian immediately asked: "I have shown you how the elder Shuojin was assassinated, and you should tell me the remaining half of the formula."

"I'm going to watch it again."

Deep sleep puzzled and asked: "Why?"

"The next assassination target of the Shadow Clan is me. I want to know more about them. If you replay it, it won't consume much magic power. I'll explain it to you while watching it."

Shenmian felt that since Qingkong had told herself the second half of the formula, it wouldn't hurt her to play it again.

So the two shadow clans appeared on the magic image again.

Qingkong explained the formula of the crystal magic thin curve to Shenmian. This is a hidden plot in the era game when the player clears the copy of Shenmian, so you can find the formula by flipping through the strategy.

Soon the formula was finished, and the magic video was also watched.

Qingkong has a general understanding of the strength of the two shadow clans.

As Archangel Gold said, in a head-to-head battle, you can still beat them both with one hand tied. It's just that the Shadow Clan also knows their own strengths and weaknesses. They hide in the dark looking for opportunities to attack, and they are hard to guard against.

Moreover, they not only have extremely superb hiding ability, but also have a very strong mental influence. It is almost an impossible task to find them by hunting.

It's a pity that the Sheriff, the shadow clan, has gone astray, otherwise it would be a good reference...

"Your Majesty the Clear Sky!" The deep sleep awakened the pensive Clear Sky: "Thank you for giving me the formula, it has trapped me for a long time, I know that I am very close, but it is only in these small details.

Excuse me...can you tell me about the structure of the Bandar Tower? "

Qingkong looked at Shenmian, full of thirst for knowledge.

"Of course I can tell you, but..." Qing Kong panted and said, "You have to help me catch these two Shadow Clans."


After looking at a magic image, you can get the formula of the crystal magic thin curve. How come you need to catch two shadow tribes when you get to the Bundalta structure.

The span of difficulty is too great!

"Miss Weatherlight, the Shadow Clan is no longer in the palace, and I don't like to leave here."

Qing Kong said with a smile: "The Shadow Clan is not in the palace, but they must be in the imperial capital. I don't want you to travel far. Just because you don't like to leave here doesn't mean you can't leave here.

I think it's worth the trade for the Bundalta construction. "

The Bundalta structure is a theoretical crystal structure, which uses the unique magical properties of crystals to achieve the effect of full magic immunity.

This is a very big temptation for Shenmian, who is a crystal person.

But thinking that the other party is two shadow clans, and he wants to leave the crystal matrix, Shenmian said hesitantly: "Now that I know the formula of the crystal magic curve, it is only a matter of time before I can research the structure of the Bundalta."

Qing Kong walked up to Shen Mian and said: "You are also a scholar, so you should know that some problems can be easily solved as long as the inspiration comes, but if the inspiration doesn't come, you can't solve it.

How much time are you prepared to spend on Bandar Tower construction?

I can tell you responsibly that I am the only one in the world who knows the structure of Bundar Tower. If you miss this opportunity, if you want to get the Bundalta structure from me, it will not be at this price! "

Shenmian knew that what Qingkong said was right. To a certain extent, academic research does not result in hard work. It takes talent and luck.

"What are your plans? What can I do for you?"

Seeing Shenmian's attitude loosen, Qingkong said: "From the magic effects you recorded, it can be seen that your ability to hide and move underground is better than that of the two Shadow Races.

And their spiritual influence has no effect on you, you are simply born to restrain the shadow race.

The two shadowfolk were targeting me, and I rarely leave my museum, so they must be hiding near or inside the museum.

I will bring you to the museum as an exhibit and display them in the exhibition area, and you will be responsible for finding them. After determining their location, they will be arrested and killed if they cannot be caught.

As long as you agree to the deal, I can teach you the structure of Bundalta in advance, and your body will have two states, the enchanted state and the magic-immune state. No matter how you fight these two shadow tribes, you will not be your opponent. "

As a crystal-type extraordinary creature, Deep Sleep has the ability to change the molecular structure of the body by itself, so the state of magic immunity is very tempting to him.

Deep Sleep didn't think too much this time: "Okay, I agree to this deal. But let me explain in advance, I will only help you catch these two Shadow Clans, and I won't do anything else."

Qing Kong said with a smile: "Of course! But I still need to trouble you to bring Elder Chun's body. It's located very deep underground. You probably don't want me to have someone dig it all the way down..."

Outside the emperor's bedroom, Agatha waited anxiously.

Qing Kong disappeared as soon as she said she would, and she promised to come back soon, but... Agatha took out her pocket watch, and more than an hour had passed.

I don't know if she successfully arrived at the exact location, or if she had a conflict with the crystal man's deep sleep.

Last time in the Crystal Palace, you can see that the crystal man Deep Sleep is extremely powerful, is Qingkong his opponent?

Just when Agatha couldn't stop thinking wildly, and was even about to try to find Millscombe again, Clear Sky appeared beside her in an instant.

"Clear sky..."

"Elder Chun's body has been found."

Just after Qingkong finished speaking, the ground under her feet was in the shape of a vortex, and then a corpse was spit out by the center of the vortex.

Agatha immediately knelt down to examine the identity and condition of the corpse.

It is indeed Elder Chun from the Shuojin people. He died grimly, his chest was torn to reveal bones and internal organs, blood and mud mixed all over his body.

Agatha looked up at Clear Sky and asked, "Where did you find him?"

Qing Kong replied: "Shen Mian found it, and he also saw the entire assassination process, this must be kept secret."

Agatha nodded.

They have all seen the assassination process, and if they don't rescue him, what will the Shuojin people think?

"What else did Shenmian say?"

"It's roughly the same as Archangel Gold speculated. This assassination was committed by two shadow clans. One of them is a crypt man, and the other is a human face servant. The crypt man is responsible for the assassination, and the human face servant is responsible for the mental influence. The Shuojin people killed Elder Chun on the way to the Marquis of Raging Waves, and the people from the Crypt disguised themselves as Elder Chun and got into the car of the Shuojin people."

Hearing that there were really two Shadow Clans, and that they could kill their elders in the Shuojin team without being discovered, Agatha felt a chill down her back just thinking about it.

"If I don't catch them as soon as possible, I can't trust the people closest to me.

do you have any plans "

"Yes, but it has nothing to do with you. Have someone put Elder Chun's body in a coffin and send it to my museum, and I'll do the rest."

Agatha said worriedly: "Do you need to inform the Shuojin people? But if they know, they will definitely go and ask for it."

Qingkong said very simply: "I'll notify them when Elder Chun's body is delivered to my museum. As for them coming to ask for it... I need them to cause trouble, the bigger the trouble, the better."

Agatha immediately understood Qingkong's intentions: "Those two shadow tribes know that you have found Elder Chun's body, and they will definitely find a way to confirm it, so you have a chance to catch them.

It's just that there are two shadow tribes, and they are very good at sneaking underground. If you don't pay attention, you will be escaped by them. I'd better choose a few earth magicians to assist you. "

"I've already found a helper." Clear Sky pointed to a long wooden box nearby and said, "Send that box to my museum as well, and tell the housekeeper, Fitch, to make a storage record. It will be put away before tonight. It will be displayed in the central exhibition area of ​​the lobby on the first floor."

Agatha looked along the direction of the clear sky, wondering in her heart, was there such a big box at that location just now?

And this is the imperial palace, how could someone randomly place such boxes here?

Clear Sky has always been known for being powerful and mysterious. She didn't explain, and Agatha didn't ask any more questions, and just followed suit.

After Qingkong left, Agatha immediately asked someone to put Elder Chun's body into a coffin, and sent it to Qingkong's museum together with the mysterious box.

After confirming that Fitch, the housekeeper of the museum, had received all of them, Agatha went to the east tower of the palace in person to inform the Shuojin people who stayed behind that Elder Chun's body had been found by Her Majesty Queen Clear Sky.

Now that the body has been sent to Her Majesty's Museum, Her Majesty will personally conduct an autopsy on Elder Chun's body.

When the Shuojin people heard the news, they immediately exploded.

You found the body of our elder, not only did you refuse to return it to us, but you even ordered an autopsy!

What qualifications do you have to autopsy the elders of the Shimmering Gold people!

Facing the protests from the Shuojin people, Agatha, who had been shut down several times in a row, shrugged: "Queen Clear Sky found the corpse, and it has nothing to do with our empire. It's useless for you to get angry with me. Go there as soon as you have time." Find Her Majesty the Queen, maybe she hasn't used the knife yet."

Shuojin realized that it was really useless to get angry with the eldest princess of the Golden Shield Empire, so he immediately sent someone to Qingkong's museum.

The result is informed.

Elder Chun's body was indeed in the museum, but they couldn't give the body to the Shimmer without Miss Weatherlight's consent.

The Glimmer wants to see the Queen of the Clear Sky.

Replied: Now is the reading time for Miss Weathering Sky, Miss Weathering Sky doesn't like to be disturbed while reading.

Of course, the Shuojin people couldn't be dismissed by such an excuse. Who knew if Qingkong was secretly dissecting Elder Chun's body. The Shuojin people once again strongly demanded to see the clear sky, and demanded that the museum return the body immediately.

Without Qingkong's order, no one in the museum dared to give Elder Chun's body to the Shuojin people. The anger between the two parties grew stronger, and the museum had to arrange for the visitors to leave, and patiently explained the reason for them.

The elder of the Shuojin people was assassinated and killed!

Such explosive news, with the dispersal of the museum visitors, spread in the city of Saint Lun at an extremely fast speed.

By the way... Elder Shuojin Renchun's body has been found by Miss Qingkong, and it is now in Qingkong's museum.

"Qingkong found the body of the Shuojin elder? She, how could she find it?"

"Chief Walker, this may be Qingkong's trick. She didn't find the body at all, but deliberately released the news to lead us to check. There are very strict defensive magic in the human palace. If they are prepared, we may fall into in her trap.

Archangel Gord is in the palace. "

"Chief Sisli, we have to check, right? We can't go to the imperial palace, we can go to the Qingkong Museum to see if there is the corpse of the Shuojin elder.

We have been in three times, and the elf has not found us. "

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