Age of Mysticism

Chapter 457 The Attitude of the Dragon Clan

Qingkong and Teresia are fighting fiercely in Silver Manor, and Luke and King Tailun, the golden dragon, also talked about the most critical topic in the steel factory.

In order to keep it secret, the dragon deliberately used magic to create an independent space for this meeting. In the space, colorful magical streams flowed freely. Luke was sitting in a crystal chair, and the golden dragon King Tyrone was lying across from him. There is a circular pool between one person and one dragon, and the map of the Dragon Kingdom is reflected in the pool.

Dragon Kingdom is a large island deep in the open sea, surrounded by thousands of small islands, and countless reefs. The inside of the island belt is surrounded by dense fog all year round, which isolates most outsiders from the outside.

Before the ancient wars, giant dragons were active in every corner of the world, and most of the legends about giant dragons came from that period. After the ancient war, all the surviving giant dragons returned to the Dragon Kingdom. After thousands of years of reproduction, the number of giant dragons finally reached a certain scale again.

But it is still far from the most powerful time.

The trauma of the war made even the hottest giant dragon become docile. For thousands of years, there have been few incidents of giant dragons hurting people. Even if someone landed in the Dragon Kingdom, as long as he listened to the persuasion and left quickly, he would not be eaten by the giant dragon.

King Tyrann did not want to issue conflicts with other ancient civilizations. This time he came to Saint Lun City, he only brought sixteen dragons, less than half of the angels, because he didn't want to over-stimulate the angels without knowing the situation, which would cause an arms race where you add troops and I follow.

Therefore, when Luke proposed to reach a strategic alliance in the fire crystal trade to replace the World Bank's position, the Golden Dragon King Tyrannosia was not as active as expected.

"If I were a thousand years younger, I would definitely agree with your suggestion and actively lobby other ancient dragons to establish a fire crystal trade alliance with the Golden Shield Empire.

But that war is still in front of my eyes, and the more I recall it, the more difficult it is to raise my ambition to fight again. You only know about ancient wars from texts and antiquities, and you cannot appreciate the cruelty without personal experience.

Later in the war, even the demons were afraid. Not afraid of death, but afraid that the entire civilization will perish together. "

Luke said: "But a new civilization war is quietly brewing. The giant dragons came across the ocean from the dragon country, and they should have seen the civilization that the human race is creating along the way.

It is more prosperous and more explosive than ancient civilizations. The basis of this civilization is not ancient language, not racial identity, but wealth. Countless ordinary people's pursuit of wealth makes them spend the best of their lives on making money like worker ants.

So we conquered the sea with ships, connected the land with railways, and let the wealth circulate and accumulate more and more. For more wealth, we develop magic, alchemy, steam, machinery...all academics that can create wealth.

The further this civilization develops, the more it depends on wealth. It can be said that whoever controls wealth can control this civilization. "

When Luke spoke, the Golden Dragon King Tailun listened very carefully. The civilization created by mankind now is a brand new civilization that the world has never seen before. Unlike ancient civilizations, the five civilizations all have their own small circles, and no one can integrate anyone into it.

But human civilization is different, regardless of region or race. Elves, goblins, barbarians, and dwarves can all integrate into this civilization very well; as long as there are boats and roads, this civilization can also be transported and accepted in remote places.

It only took a thousand years to successfully occupy the entire secular world, which is unimaginable in the eyes of a giant dragon with a long lifespan.

After listening to what Luke said, King Tyron finally understood why human civilization developed so fast and was so tolerant.

Everything is the pursuit of wealth.

After Luke finished speaking, the Golden Dragon Tyrannosaurus said: "You mean...the Shuojin people will control the entire secular world through the World Bank, and then continue their ambitions that were not achieved in the ancient war."

Luke replied: "The current Shuojin people probably haven't realized how dominant the World Bank will be over the future human civilization. After all, our civilization has not yet developed a complete financial system.

If the Shuojin people realize what they have, the entire human civilization is their breeding ground. This is an inexhaustible source of nutrition, and the Shuojin civilization will become stronger than the ancient civilization in a short period of time. "

"This is impossible. The Shuojin people have lost their artifacts. No matter how strong they are, they will never surpass the ancient Shuojin civilization."

"Are artifacts the only way to acquire power?"

Luke smiled, making the Golden Dragon King Talon raise his head and stare at him.

"You mean that your human civilization can create power beyond artifacts."

"What's wrong? I am an example, and Miss Weathering Sky is also an example. As long as human civilization continues to develop like this, it should be possible to approach the power of an infinitely close artifact, not to mention transcending it."

King Tyron fell silent.

He didn't know if what Luke said was true, but the human being in front of him did have the power of a pure dragon, and Qingkong even defeated the sacred scripture.

"The five ancient civilizations jointly destroying human civilization may be what we should do."

Luke agreed and said: "Yes, destroying this civilization before it threatens you can ensure that you will not be surpassed and replaced. It's just that the five ancient civilizations cannot unite, and the Dragon Kingdom can't even unite you during the ancient war. two allies.

Since it cannot be eliminated, it is better to integrate into it. "

Luke gave another choice to the golden dragon King Tyrannos. I wonder if the dragons can let go of their arrogance and deal with the lower creatures they despise.

King Tai Lun thought about it for a while, and replied: "It's not for me to decide. You know the current situation of the Dragon Kingdom. Since the previous king was attacked and passed away by the Shuojin people, the Dragon Kingdom has no new king. We ancient The dragon has no interest in becoming a king, and the Dragon Kingdom has not needed a king for thousands of years.

I need to check with some old folks.

If you and Taobao have time to visit Longguo, I think it will be of great help to your vision. "

King Tyron looked at Luke with a smile on his lips.

Luke was greatly surprised, this simply pointed out the identity of Dragon Soul Banat. He is the king of the Dragon Kingdom, and now the Dragon Kingdom has not elected a new king, which means they think that Banat is still the king of the Dragon Kingdom.

Taotie is the inheritance of Banat.

Can't think too much, can't think too much.

According to King Tai Lun, there are very few ancient dragons in the Dragon Kingdom, and all of them have the status of kings. The so-called king of the Dragon Kingdom is just the leading elder brother elected by everyone. Even though Taotie is the inheritance of the King Banat of the Dragon Kingdom, he is still a young dragon after all.

However, the identity of inheritance is here, and the root is red. Seeing how easy-talking the Golden Dragon King Tai Lun is, it still has great prestige on behalf of Banat.

Maybe when Taotie completes the inheritance, he will really be the king of the Dragon Kingdom.

Can't think anymore, can't think anymore!

Luke stood up and saluted Tyrone King: "Thank you for your help! When I have time, I will definitely take Taotie to Dragon Kingdom."

King Tyron nodded back to Luke: "The dragons are waiting for you and Taotie to arrive.

Regarding the fire can dig the fire crystals in my territory as you like. As for what you are going to do with the Fire Crystal, it has nothing to do with me.

I guarantee that there is no second person in the Dragon Kingdom who can freely obtain fire crystals. "

The cautious King Tai Lun chose to continue to wait and see.

Even if there is a conflict between the Golden Shield Empire and the Shuojin people, the Dragon Kingdom can still say that the king inherits the fire crystal digging on its own land. Why do our Dragon Clan stop it?

Luke said: "I understand. No matter what happens between us and the Shuojin people in the future, as long as the Dragon Clan does not take the initiative to intervene, we will definitely not involve the Dragon Kingdom."

"The Shuojin people...the Shuojin people who participated in the ancient war are long gone, and the current Shuojin people should be vigilant." King Tyron asked Luke: "After the ancient war ended, we asked the Shuojin people for money. The king inherited the dragon soul, but the Shuojin people said that they didn't take it at all. The king's inherited dragon soul must have been lost somewhere.

Although we were skeptical, the Shuojin people even returned the sky city to the angels, so we didn't ask any more questions in order not to cause disputes.

Where did you get your gluttonous inheritance? "

Luke replied: "The dragon soul inherited by Taotie was obtained by accident. Although I didn't get it directly from the Shuojin civilization, there is an ancient Shuojin text seal on the dragon soul, and the Shuojin people even sent a candidate elder to look for it. Dragon Soul."

Although it was expected, King Tai Lun was still extremely angry.

"I see! Although the Dragon Kingdom has no intention of starting a new dispute, it has to guard against the persecution of the Dragon Kingdom by other civilizations.

last question……

Do you know why the angel suddenly descended on the city of St. Lun?

It is first said that the Holy Code Theresa's status in the Holy Tribunal of the Sky City is second only to the Sword of the Oath. She led the team in person, and there must be something important happening. "

Luke concealed the matter of the artifact from King Tyrion. He said: "We don't know that the arrival of the angels has caused great trouble to the empire. We also want to know why they came."

King Tyron did not doubt Luke, and he was also very troubled when talking about the angels coming to the city of St. Lun: "So many angels who participated in ancient wars came to the secular world and broke the tacit understanding of five ancient civilizations for thousands of years. It is not a good phenomenon.

Now that we're here, so will the demons and the shadow clan, and they won't behave like the dragon clan. "

Luke said: "Thank you for your reminder, we will entertain every guest who comes to Saint Lun City.

Finally, I have a small request, I hope you can meet it, King Tyrone. "

"Go ahead."

"Please lead your group of dragons and fly twice over the angel's sanctuary."


In the underground space of Silver Manor, the battle between Clear Sky and Theresia reached a fever pitch. It is white hot in the literal sense, the white holy flame fills the entire space, and the holy flame cannot see the state of the fireworks, just like being filled with full milk.

Flying swords and feathered arrows appeared and disappeared inside, and the sound of each collision was as famous as ten thousand birds.

Qingkong and Theresia used their skills and fought with all their strength while resisting the burning of the holy flame.

In terms of energy reserves, Clear Sky, which has an elemental intensification reactor as its heart, is higher than Theresia. But the brutal war in ancient times gave Theresia a wealth of actual combat experience. Therefore, even if Qingkong's absolute strength is higher than Theresia's, Theresia can always use impeccable defense to defuse the attack, and then look for opportunities to launch a counterattack.

Qingkong is completely excited. For her, Theresia is a rare partner. She can use all the spells and combat skills she knows to her heart's content. She doesn't need to keep her hands or worry about breaking her.

Glittering gold magic, ice attribute affinity, angel incarnation, time and space skills... Qingkong uses them in turn. Various systems have been integrated in actual combat, allowing Qingkong to control these forces with their own characteristics more freely.

Teresia has been in a passive position since the beginning of the fight. She tried to regain the initiative in the battle several times, but every time she was forced into danger. She was shocked by Qingkong's fighting talent, she was like an elf born specifically for fighting.

"What the hell are you?"

Teresia didn't believe that Clear Sky was a creature that this world should have. From the beginning of the battle to the present, she has been getting stronger all the time. She is learning from herself, learning from her combat experience, and using it on herself in turn.

This kind of strength is not pure strength, but strength that makes people lose confidence in victory.

So Teresia questioned Clear Sky.

Qing Kong pressed Theresia against the sword, and said, "If you want to know the answer, you must beat me first. Theresia, your strength has weakened a lot, this is not acceptable."

Teresia dodged Qingkong's attack range: "Who created you!"

Qingkong moved in the opposite direction, and the flying swords returned and transformed into golden wings of light behind her.

The holy flame that was released was also withdrawn.

Seeing Qingkong's truce posture, Theresia stopped the feathered arrows that shot towards Qingkong, and retracted her own wings.

Then he asked Qing Kong, "Why didn't you fight?"

Qingkong gradually removed the golden armor on his body, and said lazily: "It's boring. Your heart is so messed up, and your emotions are in a mess. I'm afraid I won't be able to hold back for a while and kill you... For such a beautiful angel, it would be too much to die. Pity."

Teresia pointed her sword at the clear sky: "If you don't tell me what happened that night today, don't even try to get out of here."

Qingkong put all her weapons into the space backpack: "How can you use such an attitude when asking other people's questions. I advise you to learn more from the Dragon Clan. Only gentleness and humility will attract people.

You go to my museum more often to drink tea and chat. If you want to know something, don’t you just tell you while chatting? "

"You..." Teresia looked at the clear sky, and finally put down her weapon and posture: "Can you tell me how you obtained your power? You can speak the ancient golden language and the ancient angelic language, you Yes or no……"

Seeing Teresia stop here, Qing Kong asked, "Is it something?"

Teresia wasn't sure if Qingkong knew about the artifact, and she didn't dare to disclose information that shouldn't be disclosed.

She said to Qingkong: "If you want to drink tea, I have it here, can we chat here?"

"I've said it all, my time is really tight. If you want to chat, you can go to my museum. We can talk about academics while studying.

Listen... what's calling? "

Teresia listened carefully, this is a closed space, there is no sound.

At this time, an angel appeared: "Let us pass on the holy scriptures first, the golden dragon Tyronn King flew to the sky above the holy hall with a group of dragons, circling all the time..."

Qing Kong said: "You have guests, so I won't delay your meeting with old friends."

Qingkong chanted a spell, and a portal opened in front of her.

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