Age of Mysticism

Chapter 460 Abyss and Starry Sky

"Hello, Luke.

I'm at the Emerald Dream Academy, and everything is fine.

This is the farthest trip I have ever made from the imperial palace. I never imagined that I could come to such a far place before. It took nearly half a month by boat, and then another week on horseback to reach the Emerald Dream Academy.

Here I met more elves than I had ever seen combined, and they were all very beautiful and elegant, and very exclusive.

There are very few students of other races in the college, so at the beginning, I was always made things difficult intentionally or unintentionally. I have spent a lot of time adjusting to life here, so please forgive me for writing you late.

Please don't worry about me, now my relationship with the elves has improved a lot. Thanks to the archery class in the palace, my grades in archery are very good. My classmates say that I am an elf, but I look like a human race.

And the sculptures my sister Agatha taught me, you should really see their expressions at that time, it's really funny.

By the way, not only have they heard of Miss Weathering Sky, but they all admire Miss Weathering Sky very much. They also regret that Miss Weathering Sky is a grassland elf, not a forest elf. But I can't reveal my identity, I can't say that I am Miss Weatherlight's student and friend.

The professors in the college are also very good. I took natural science as an elective. My natural tutor, Professor Makatina, is a powerful elf. She can communicate with animals and control plants.


Luke read the letter from Del, and the words in the letter seemed to have voices, as if Del was chattering beside him.

Dai'er has been studying at the Emerald Magic Academy for some time, but the letter has not been delivered until now because of the long distance.

Along with it came the task briefing of the accompanying agents.

As Dai'er said in the letter, except for some troubles at the beginning, she has now adapted to life at the Emerald Dream Academy.

Looking at the letter, Luke couldn't help but think of the Emerald Forest in the game Anno.

The Emerald Forest is the kingdom of the forest elves and the largest elf settlement. At the beginning of the new era, the civilization created by the human race radiated into the Emerald Forest, and then localized to present another style.

In order to build factories, humans can cut down forests and discharge pollutants everywhere. In the Emerald Forest, these behaviors are absolutely forbidden, and violations must be severely punished. Therefore, there are no roads or railways in the Emerald Forest, and there are almost no vehicles with wheels.

But industrialization is the general trend of the world, so the forest elves use magic, alchemy, steam, and mechanical subjects, combined with the natural science that the forest elves are best at, to produce the world's best alchemy puppet technology.

The elves who are proficient in art make golems into the forms of various animals for transportation and labor. Some golems have intelligence due to natural magic and become a unique creature.

The natural magic is the magic that can only be learned and cultivated in the Emerald Forest. Its source comes from a magical well, which the forest elves believe is a gift from the main god of the elves.

The well is called the Magic Spring by the elves.

According to the information currently available, the so-called main elf god should be a special energy body similar to the starry sky and the abyss. The function of the Magic Spring should be similar to that of the Book of Calamity, it is a door connecting the "lord of elves".

Now Dai'er is in the magic forest, and she has also taken natural studies... Is it a coincidence, or is it predestined?

Luke picks up his pen and writes back to Del.

He talked about the changes in the imperial capital during this period, and what new things were added to Raging Waves City. He wrote about his trip to the Tedgar Hills, introducing in detail the conditions of the holy mountain and the unique culture of the barbarians, as well as the process of winning the champion Hercules.

Finally Luke wrote:

There is a magic spring in the Emerald Forest, which looks like a well, surrounded by many elves. The location of the magic spring is not fixed, it will disappear every once in a while, and then appear in another place, but they are all very remote places.

About the magic spring, there are many legends in the Emerald Forest. The forest elves believe that it is a gift from the lord of the elves. Every creature who encounters the magic spring is lucky, because unexpected good things will happen after drinking the magic spring.

If you choose natural studies, you need to collect more information about the magic spring, because all the natural energy of the Emerald Forest comes from the magic spring. This is the secret of the forest elves, and they will not tell outsiders casually.

Miss Weatherly Sky has lived in the Emerald Forest for a long time in order to find the Magic Spring, and has done some research on natural science. I will tell Miss Clear Sky to recommend some natural science books for you to help you study.

Let me tell you another little secret, Miss Weathering found the Magic Spring through the information in these books.

After Luke wrote the reply, he encrypted the important information in it, and then handed it over to the secret interviewer sent to the Emerald Forest, and sent it to Princess Dai as quickly as possible.

No sooner had the letter been sent than Agatha arrived.

Now the relationship between the two seems to be the same as before, and they only talk about work when they meet, but there are some differences from before. Agatha seems to be very satisfied with this distance, neither far nor close is in line with the current status and identities of the two of them.

Today, Agatha was wearing an equestrian uniform, holding a whip in her hand, and she was in a very good mood: "Dai'er has written, she is fine at the Emerald Magic Academy, and I can finally rest assured. Daier said where is she going in the Emerald Forest?" They were all riding horses, and I just remembered that I hadn’t ridden a horse for a long time.

I brought two royal horses, and we will run in your back garden, just in time to tell you news from the north. "

Seeing that Agatha was so interested, Luke accompanied her on horseback for a walk in the back garden.

Agatha riding a horse has a very high royal dignity, she lifts her chin slightly, the sun shines on her golden hair, even if she is strolling in the garden, she seems to be patrolling the territory of the empire.

Agatha asked Luke, who was riding side by side on horseback, "What did Delle write to you?"

Luke replied: "It should be about the same. First, I reported that I am safe, and then I talked about life in the academy. Dai'er's temper is very similar to that of an elf. It can be said that any creature will like her when she sees her, and can't bear to hurt her."

"Yes! Dai'er is an unusual member of the Augustine family. At first I was reluctant to let her go to study in such a far place, but now it seems that this is the right choice. In this era of turmoil everywhere, the Emerald Forest is rarely safe. I hope that when she comes back, all the troubles in the empire will be resolved smoothly."

Luke smiled and said, "Troubles are never over. Tell us about the North. What's new?"

"The northern border is good news." Agatha regained her capable appearance: "The Snow Army recently regained the Shiqimir area in the north of Snow City, and now the entire surrounding area of ​​Snow City has returned to the control of the empire. With the follow-up Supplies and troops keep up, and the Northern War will enter a stalemate as you wish."

This is indeed good news. With Shiqimir recovered, the outer defense lines of Snow City were closed, and the imperial army could use Snow City as the core to compress the war area from the third line of defense to the second line of defense, greatly reducing the pressure on defense.

On the other hand, Yate County United no longer has the aggressive edge at the beginning of the war. Recently, intelligence has shown that the army of the Yate County United is building fortifications in the occupied area, and it seems that they are also preparing for a protracted war.

Helkkin's intelligence confirmed this point. After learning that Raging Waves City had built a 10,000-ton warship, the county coalition military made all-out preparations to deal with large-scale conflicts at sea. The land is gradually turned to defend the occupied areas, and the resources, funds and personnel are greatly shifted to the construction of the navy.

Luke didn't hide the fact that Rage City built a 10,000-ton warship, even such a large warship couldn't hide it.

He even released the data of some warships, with the purpose of causing panic among the maritime powers, especially the Attorney League, thus setting off a round of maritime military power competition. Giant ships and cannons are a toy that consumes a lot of national power. Soon, most countries know that they are not qualified to own this toy, and succumbed to the countries that own this toy, willingly withdrawing from the industrial racing track and becoming become a resource-exporting country or a manpower-exporting country.

Those high-tech talents scattered all over the country will flow to places with strong national power because there is no space for them to play locally.

Once this flow is finalized, the world pattern will become such that the strong will always be strong and the weak will always be weak.

As long as the strong country does not kill itself, there is almost no possibility for the weak country to stand up.

The industrial capacity of Yate County is extremely strong, and cheap energy makes their industrial products very competitive. However, the high latitude determines that this country has a fatal shortcoming. The single agricultural product and low-margin light industry are difficult to survive.

If Attorney United falls into a maritime arms race, it will greatly occupy industrial production capacity. Both wars and shipbuilding are required. Exports of industrial products have decreased, but imports have increased significantly. It won't take too long for prices inside Art County Union to soar.

At that time, there are only two roads in front of Art County United.


Or put all your eggs in one basket and fight a national destiny war with the empire.

This is a conspiracy. As long as the Yate County United dare not fight the decisive battle at sea with the fleet of Raging Waves City, they must build ships together with Raging Waves City, and build bigger and bigger ships.

Other countries will also find their place in this race.

If the national strength can't support it, and you don't want to passively accept the world division of labor, you will take military risks.

Agatha rode to the front unknowingly. When she turned her head and saw Luke lagging behind in thought, she turned the horse's head and walked back: "Looking at your expression, don't you think this is a good thing?"

"No, no..." Luke came back to his senses and said, "Of course it's a good thing that the Northern War has returned to our control. I'm just thinking about how we need to deal with a world war in a few years' time." A big change in the landscape."

Agatha asked curiously: "The world is changing so fast now that I don't even know what will happen tomorrow. Can you imagine how the world will change in a few years' time?"

Luke followed Agatha's footsteps again, and said: "The world's resources do not allow all countries to maintain such a high speed of development at the same time, and even most countries will be eliminated. This elimination is cruel. When some of the current When powerful countries realize that their upper limit of development is locked, they will take risks.

The empire should be ready to fight a world war. "

Luke's words made the relaxed Agatha suddenly change her face: "You told me when the empire was fighting two wars at the same time, there will be a world-class war in the next few years.

Don't make such jokes with me! "

"I'm not joking with you. This world-class war has already begun to brew under my layout. After a great chaos, the new world order will be accepted."

"I don't understand what you're talking about!" Agatha realized that her voice was too loud, she looked at the attendants standing in the distance, lowered her voice and said to Luke: "You must understand that world-class war means What. The last world-class war was an ancient war initiated by five civilizations. Look at what is left after the war?

Whatever you are doing must be terminated immediately. "

Agatha had no doubt that Luke had the ability to provoke a world-class war. She was very nervous and a little scared.

But Luke said calmly: "A world-class war is a turning point that will inevitably occur when civilization develops to a certain level. I just did some things in advance to make it come faster. Remember what I once said to you" Ready to fight a new Civilization War'?

It has come, whether you accept it or not, you have to bear the historical responsibility you have to bear. "

Agatha, who was a little behind, urged her mount to catch up with Luke: "But I thought your words were just a metaphor, but now you tell me that I will fight in a few years, and I don't even know who to fight?

Will you really fight? "

"Unless the entire human civilization agrees that the empire is the only pole that cannot be challenged before the war begins, and willingly accepts their resources as the empire can use at will, otherwise this war is almost inevitable.

Agatha, if a country wanted to take away the tax revenue from Raging City, would you be willing? "

Agatha replied decisively: "Of course I don't want to!"

"If you don't want that to happen, the empire must defeat all opponents in this competition and establish an order that all countries abide by."

"Have you ever thought that human civilization will collapse like ancient civilizations, and even... even die."

Luke said lightly: "Have you ever thought about it... After experiencing chaos, is the abyss or the starry sky ahead? This kind of uncertainty is a wonderful life."

"You, you just..." Agatha didn't know what to say at this time, but she realized something and asked Luke, "Is the abyss you mentioned a metaphor, or the real abyss?"

Luke smiled and said to Agatha, "Do you think the starry sky I mentioned is a metaphor, or the real starry sky?"

Agatha couldn't help but looked towards the sky.

As the sun sets, the clouds in the western sky are like burning flames, and the full moon hangs high in the eastern sky, a starry sky.

Agatha couldn't help being stunned by the celestial phenomenon where the sun and the moon were shining together, and she forgot to talk to Luke for a while.

Luke Zhuma and Agatha stood side by side, looking at the beautiful sky together.

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