Age of Mysticism

Chapter 491 Territory Escrow

Two days later, the news of the Moonlight King's Court's victory reached the Sunshine Oasis, and the morale of the western aristocratic allied forces fighting outside the Sunshine City was completely demoralized. A large number of deserters appeared, and the strength of the coalition forces shrank by half almost overnight.

However, Sun Yao's leading army, who had been preparing for the general offensive for two days, rushed out full of energy and high morale.

The aristocratic army in the western region collapsed at the first touch.

The seventeen nobles who were on the blacklist all died in the rebellion under the instruction of Earl Ould.

The victorious Riyao led army immediately launched an attack on the 17 nobles, and the chief minister of Meteor, who was sitting in Sunyao City, issued a "Report to the whole territory of the Western Territory".

Order all the nobles in the western region to continue to garrison their territory to prevent the wandering rebels from sneaking in and destroying it. The battle to recover the seventeen territories is handed over to Earl Ould, and anyone who intends to get involved in these seventeen territories will be punished as a rebel!

At the same time, the Moonlight Royal Court held a victory parade. All the barbarian warriors who defended the World Tree War participated. The parade marched to the entire western territory in multiple ways. During the parade, the barbarian warriors returned to their respective tribes nearby; at the end of the parade, the barbarian army summoned by the Moonlight Queen disbanded.

In the New Moon Oasis, the Shoufu delegation who had been staying here to inspect the western region received an order from Meteor, and all members rode camels that had been prepared long ago and entered the desert, and rushed to Sunshine City at full speed.

With the army of the Moonlight Royal Court on the side, Sun Yao led the army to advance rapidly. While other western nobles were still hesitating to grab these 17 territories, the army of the Sunshine Territory had already occupied all of these territories.

The delegation of the chief assistant inspecting the western region arrived in Sunshine City. With a team of staff and his own administrative team, Luke established the temporary administrative office of the imperial chief assistant to personally thoroughly investigate the rebellion of some of the nobles in the western region.

All the nobles of the western region gathered in the central lake castle of Sunyao Manor in Sunyao City under the order of the chief minister of the empire.

On the red carpet in the castle hall, there is an extra long conference table.

Luke sat at the first place as the chief minister of the empire, and the other western nobles sat on both sides of the conference table according to their respective titles.

Around the hall stood royal knights in full armor.

When the castle gate was closed, the atmosphere in the hall became more and more tense.

Some nobles were sweating under the pressure. Although some of them did not directly participate in the rebellion, they knew some inside information to some extent, and some even participated.

Seeing the silence of the chief minister of Meteor sitting on the first seat, the nobles of the western region were even more uneasy.

"I'm very disappointed in you!" After waiting for a long time, Meteor said: "The news that someone in the western region is forming a rebel army, I actually found out from the Tedgar Hills. I definitely believe that some of you know more than me It's early, but you all chose to conceal it, allowing the rebels to become bigger and endanger the safety of the empire!"

The first assistant was angry, and the nobles lowered their heads one by one, for fear that they would be targeted.

After Luke sang blushing, Earl Ould immediately eased the atmosphere.

"Master Shoufu! They did not participate in the rebellion in the end, which shows that they are still loyal to the empire."

"Yes, Earl Ould is right! Your final choice is to keep your heads on your necks. I hope you will recognize the path you will take in the future, and don't always think about restoring the order of the Western Region. The Western Region belongs to the The era of the nobles of the western region is over!"

Luke's words touched the hearts of the nobles in the Tashi region. Some people wanted to refute, but seeing that everyone else was shrinking their heads, they immediately buried their heads again.

Earl Ould said in a timely manner: "The future is an era when the nobles of the Western Region and the Empire join hands to create a prosperous Western Region."

"well said!"

Luke clapped, but no one else responded, only one applause in the hall.

Luke glanced along the conference table, and the targeted nobles of the Western Region applauded immediately. There was a sparse and weak applause, and finally there was no embarrassing silence.

Luke turned to say: "Let's just let the matter of the rebels go, the main participants have already paid the price, and I don't want to cause too much trouble in the west when I first served as the chief assistant of the empire.

Next, we will discuss together how to dispose of the seventeen oases and the properties left by the expelled families. "

Hearing that the land was going to be divided, all the nobles of the western region who were just like ostriches raised their heads.

A nobleman was the first to stand up and salute Luke: "Dear Chief Minister of Meteor, I am Baron Morgan, and at the same time I am the nephew of Viscount Kormerk. After Kormerk was deprived of his title, I am now Kormerk The first in line heir to the Ke family property.

I wish to have full ownership of the Wanhe Oasis and all life and objects in the Wanhe Oasis. "

Someone took the lead, and other western nobles stood up to express their legal inheritance rights to a certain piece of land.

The castle hall suddenly turned into a vegetable market. In order to rob land and wealth, the nobles of the western region completely ignored the demeanor and reserve that nobles should have, and even started throwing things at each other in a hurry.

The hall became more and more chaotic.

Prince Macdonald, standing behind Luke, took a step forward and shouted, "Silence!"

All royal knights hammered together on their breastplates.

The hall suddenly fell silent.

Luke said slowly: "Intermarriage has always been popular among nobles in the western region. Each of you has a good reason to share a piece of land. But that's all the land is. No matter how it is divided, some people will definitely be dissatisfied.

Count Ould, do you have any suggestions on how to distribute the seventeen oases? "

Earl Ould knew it was time to be the villain himself.

For the title of "Governor of the Western Territory", Earl Ould said: "Since it is unfair to divide it... I think it is better to hand over these 17 oases to the empire. The nobles of the Western Territory jointly own the ownership of these 17 oases. , The empire has management and administrative power. We can get the operating dividends from the empire every year, and we don’t need to increase the conflicts in the west for land, which is a good thing for everyone.”

Hearing Earl Ould's suggestion, all the nobles in the western region were dumbfounded.

Are you crazy! So much land was handed over to the empire. I have seen a prodigal, but I have never seen such a prodigal. Besides, when the empire entered the western region, would there be a good life for the nobles of the western region in the future?

While the nobles in the western region were dazzled, Luke immediately said: "Earl Ould's suggestion is very good, and it easily resolved this problem that gave me a headache.

The land is jointly owned by you western nobles, and the empire will accurately calculate the shares you should hold, and then distribute dividends to you every year. In this way, you don't need to bother about getting an extra piece of land, and you don't need to hurt your feelings for fighting for land.

What a win-win proposal for all! "

Win-win fart!

All the nobles in the Western Region cursed in their hearts: Your family is the only one to win!

The empire cannot be allowed to annex these lands, and the nobles communicated with each other to see how to get this piece of meat out of the meteor's mouth.

But they never expected that even more exciting things were yet to come.

Facing the praise from the chief minister of the empire, Earl Ould said: "If the empire doesn't mind one more burden, I would like to entrust the empire to manage my Sunshine Oasis..."

All the nobles of the western region looked at Earl Uld in shock.

Is he really crazy!

Just now, I was already prodigal enough, but I didn't expect this time to be even more ruthless, and I don't even want my family!

Luke asked cooperatively: "What happened to make you suddenly have this idea, Earl?"

Earl Ould sighed and said: "Since I inherited this oasis, I have hardly lived a comfortable life. I have to beware of others embezzling my land and property all day long, expanding the army and fearing that the army will rebel uncontrollably.

I think now is an opportunity, the empire will take over my army and land management, I just collect money, enjoy life in Raging Waves City, and no longer live in fear. "

Luke praised: "Count Ould, you are a man of great wisdom, and you have a clear view of the future. Because of the existence of the Moonlight King's Court and the World Tree, the empire has designated the western region as the most important strategy area.

After the opening of the Western Territory Railway, the Empire will continue to increase investment in the Western Territory. Of course, these investments must be given to places that the Empire can directly manage.

Earl Ould, you can rest assured that under the management of the empire, the Sunshine Oasis will always belong to the Ould family, and the wealth here is enough for the Ould family to live a comfortable and prosperous life for generations. "

"This is exactly my hope." After speaking, Earl Ould seemed to lose his shackles and began to look forward to his future life: "I was too tired to live before, and I was afraid that the tragedy I had witnessed would happen again. Seventeen The ending of the nobles in the western region has woken me up, it is better to leave the western region with money and family."

Luke said: "The empire will remember your contribution to the Western Territory! After the meeting, I will immediately arrange personnel to take over the army of the Sunshine Land, and the Empire will also formulate a plan to take over the administrative power of the Sunshine Land as soon as possible."

"Thank you, Master Chief Assistant!"

Meteor and Earl Ould sang together, and the nobles of the Western Region were really dumbfounded.

This is not discussing how to divide the seventeen territories, this is to put all of our western nobles on the chopping board and slaughter them!

Too cruel!

The appetite is too big!

Luke looked at the nobles of the Western Region and said, "Earl Ould proposed a governance plan that would allow the Western Region to enjoy long-term peace and stability, as well as a win-win situation for all parties, and set an example in person.

You should also consider your own and your family's future, make a decision early and benefit early, and stubborn resistance will not end well! "

The nobles in the western region looked at each other, each of them looked like eggplants beaten by frost, without the momentum of fighting for land just now.

Meteor has revealed its wolfish ambition "Those who follow me prosper and those who oppose me perish"!

If in the past, the nobles of the western region could still hold together and fight to the death.

But now...

Who dares to be this early bird?

After a short period of silence, a nobleman proposed that he wanted to go back to the territory and discuss with the family members.

"It's okay..." Luke didn't press too hard, and he was able to spend the least amount of effort to get things done: "Such a big matter can't be decided in a short time.

I'll just wait here, waiting for you for half a month.

The nobles who come here first to sign the fiduciary agreement with me can get 10% more dividends. If you don't see anyone after half a month, you should weigh your own weight and think more about the future of the family.

Break up the meeting! "

Luke announced the meeting was over, and some people stood up and wanted to leave, but seeing some people's buttocks not moving, they sat back.

In half a month, for nobles with long distances, they can barely walk back and forth. If the road is delayed due to bad weather or other reasons, the 15-day deadline will be missed. If all the other territories signed but I didn't sign, even if there is no imperial attack, I will be trapped to death.

And the first to sign the territory escrow agreement, the extra 10% dividends. If someone signs the agreement first at this time, those who sign later will suffer a lot.

So although Luke announced the end of the meeting, none of the nobles dared to leave.

Seeing the current scene, Luke already understood the thoughts of the nobles.

"Aren't you going back to discuss with the family members? Why don't you leave?" Luke looked at the silent hall and said with a smile: "Actually, you all know in your heart that you can't stop me now, and I'm determined to eat the Western Territory , no matter what the cost.

The best thing about Earl Ould's plan is that it reduces bloodshed, and the empire uses money to make you make concessions. You gave in, as long as the empire exists, the agreement you signed with the empire will be valid. If you don't let it, it won't change the final result. "

Luke snapped his fingers, and the attendants put the agreements they had prepared long ago in front of the nobleman.

Luke continued: "This is the territory escrow agreement. Sign it now, no matter which one is signed, there will be an extra 10% bonus. Sign after leaving, follow the rules I just said.

Take a good look and think about it... Feel free to ask me if you don't understand. "

The nobles of the Western Region picked up the territory trusteeship agreement in front of them and looked at it seriously.

In order to obtain the Western Territory smoothly and without too much trouble, Luke did not dig too many holes in the territorial trusteeship agreement, and the rewards for the noble lords were still very generous. There are not only wealth compensation, but also some noble titles for them to issue on their own. Basically, direct children can at least get one hereditary lord.

For those who want to leave the western region, Raging Waves City will give away a manor. They can take money and enjoy the most luxurious life in the most cutting-edge cities in the world.

Earl Ould signed his agreement readily, and said to the other nobles: "Don't be obsessed with what your ancestors left you, and think more about what you can leave for future generations. If you don't like fighting, blood And there's endless sand, which your descendants won't like, either.

I am going to leave the western region and take the children on a round-the-world tour to see what the world outside the western region looks like. "

Earl Ould's words resonated in the hearts of some nobles in the Western Region. The Western Region used to be a nest fight that kept repeating the same drama. Oasis is a precious asset in the desert. Everyone wants to occupy more, and everyone is worried that their land will be occupied by others.

Many nobles have never left the Western Territory in their entire lives, and they dare not leave.

Since the land and power of the ancestors can no longer be kept, it is better to leave wealth to the descendants.

A nobleman signed the agreement.

More nobles signed the agreement.

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