Age of Mysticism

Chapter 513 Showdown

Golden Valley Prison.

The prison door where Tan was held was opened, and an elder from the Shuojin came in.

The elder waved his hand to let the guards outside close the cell door, and then said to Tan: "Tan, the Elder's House has a task for you."

Tan stood up, and the shackles made a clanging sound. She saluted the elder, and then asked, "Elder Lie, what is the mission?"

Elder Lie replied: "Go to hell!"

Tan looked at the elder, and asked suspiciously: "We don't seem to have any connection with hell, and those demons don't seem to have any interest in anything other than hell. What happened in hell, is it worth sending me to the elders' house?"

Elder Lie said seriously: "The fallen angel who disappeared for thousands of years appeared, and Sky City sent the holy angels into hell to search for traces of fallen angels, and then the angels discovered a very strange thing in hell."

"What's up?"

"A large number of weapons and armor made of high-temperature-resistant materials appeared in hell. You know that hell can't make such things. There must be people from the secular world secretly supplying arms to hell. And they are capable of making the kind of weapons in hell. There are not many areas in the secular world where weapons can be used in high-temperature environments.”

Tan's gray eyes became brighter: "Elder Lie, do you suspect that the Golden Shield Empire is secretly supplying arms to hell?"

Elder Lie nodded and said: "Yes! Hell is very rich in mineral resources, and those who sell arms to Hell must have taken a fancy to Hell's resources. Now the industrial scale of Raging Waves City consumes a lot of resources, and according to the According to statistics, a large number of resources of unknown origin continue to be imported into Raging Waves City.

The Golden Shield Empire has already mastered the mining rights of the Fire Crystal of the Dragon Kingdom. If it can still obtain mineral resources from hell, our assessment of the strength and potential of the Golden Shield Empire may have made a serious mistake. "

After listening to Elder Lie's words, Tan was silent for a while, and then said: "Investigating whether the Golden Shield Empire has sold arms to Hell, it should not require me to go to Hell. Did the Elder's Court make this decision and want me to leave Golden Valley? Go somewhere out of the way."

Now that Tan understood the intention of the elders' house, Elder Lie said truthfully: "Now the negotiations between the World Bank and the Golden Shield Empire are progressing very slowly. Meteor asked us to hand over all the people who assassinated him. Of course, the elders' house will not hand you over to me." Meteor, after Elder Dan Chun was assassinated in Shenglun City, the Golden Shield Empire killed the assassin of the Shadow Clan and handed over the body to us.

The third round of negotiations is about to begin. If Meteor puts forward conditions that are unfavorable to the World Bank in this matter, the elders will be very embarrassed. Therefore, the House of Elders decided to let you leave the Golden Valley. It just so happened that the unknown arms incident in Hell also needed capable Jin people to investigate. "

Tan said expressionlessly: "If this is the decision of the Elder's House, as a Shuojin person, I will obey it. If it is confirmed that the arms flowing to hell are indeed from the Golden Shield Empire, how should I deal with it?"

Elder Lie said: "Now the House of Elders does not have too much expectation for the proper handling of the Golden Shield Empire's energy and monetary policy. Because no matter what the outcome of this negotiation is, curbing the development of the Golden Shield Empire will be the world's top priority for a long period of time. Bank's primary job.

The "International Alliance" led by the World Bank is under construction, and the Golden Shield Empire has also proposed a confrontational "Free Trade Organization". Trade and military conflicts will gradually become the norm. It is your job to attack the foreign material supply of the Golden Shield Empire and at the same time develop Hell to become our source of material supply. "

Tan understood the intention of the Elder's House.

The Dragon Kingdom, which provided the Golden Shield Empire with fire crystals, was not a place where the Shuojin people could easily get their hands on. Although the Dragon Kingdom is a scattered group of dragons working independently, they are united externally, but hell is a real nest.

If it weren't for the genocide wars of ancient wars, it would be impossible for the demons to hold together.

Therefore, there is much more room for manipulation in Hell than in Dragon Kingdom.

If the camp confrontation really starts, the materials obtained by the two camps from the outside world will drop sharply, and hell, the place where the raw ore is produced, will be particularly important.

Tan said, "I'm going to hell right away."

Seeing that Tan took care of the overall situation, Elder Lie nodded in relief and said: "The angels entering hell have already alarmed the demons and demon descendants in hell. In order to prevent stress reactions in hell, you must not reveal the identity of the shimmering gold people. The World Bank will give You have a brand new identity, and then set up a human trade team for you. Remember that you are an arms middleman, don't just participate in the battle inside hell.

Understand? "

After the angels appeared in hell, the golden men appeared again. It was easy for the old demons to think of ancient wars.

Therefore, Shuojin people must keep a low profile when entering hell.

Tan nodded and said: "I understand. Give hell weapons and let demons and demons kill each other. The more they kill, the greater the demand for arms. We are only middlemen and will never participate in the battle of hell. And never reveal the identity of the Shuojin people."

"Very good!" Elder Lie stepped forward and patted Tan on the shoulder: "You are the best Shuojin person in the next generation, and Ying is in charge of the development of the magic difference machine. Both you and Ying will become the cornerstone of Shuojin civilization.

Train hard, stabilize your mind, and there is a place for you in the elders' house. "

"Thank you elders for your trust!"

"Come on, you don't belong in a cell. Go see Shadow, then go to hell immediately."



Since the time for the third round of talks between the Golden Shield Empire and the World Bank was confirmed, the suffocating atmosphere in the Golden Valley has finally eased a lot. The propaganda and wooing of the "free trade body" and the "international alliance" by both sides have lost the momentum they had at the beginning.

In the same place, with the same layout, representatives from the Golden Shield Empire and the World Bank were seated.

Without waiting for the Golden Shield Empire to find fault, the elders of the Shuojin people took the lead in throwing out a solution to the energy currency dispute.

The World Bank requires all energy transactions controlled by the Golden Shield Empire to use gold coupons as the only common currency. In exchange, the World Bank recognized the dominant position of the Golden Shield Empire in the energy market, and allowed the Reichsmark to become the common currency for international trade of some minerals and industrial products.

At the same time, the World Bank can indefinitely suspend the investment agreement signed with Art County United earlier, and then provide the Golden Shield Empire with an interest-free loan worth 20 billion Reichsmarks and a donation worth 1 billion Reichsmarks.

The World Bank is also willing to carry out seamless and comprehensive cooperation with Golden Shield Empire in all industries and fields.

Elder Mu finally explained: "Shoufu of the Meteorite, you should have seen the panic caused in the Golden Valley these days. The World Bank has realized that the Golden Shield Empire is a powerful country that cannot be ignored. Please also recognize the Shuojin Civilization. is a powerful ancient civilization.

The ancient wars that once broke out clearly tell us that there is no winner in the end of confrontation and fighting. Only by mutual respect and mutual cooperation can we move forward in peace.

Shuojin people are willing to regard the Golden Shield Empire as our equal friend, and hope that the Golden Shield Empire will not destroy the existing stable trade system and push the world into disaster step by step. "

Luke looked at the suggestion document given to him by the Shuojin.

Yesterday, Yinlai informed that Tan was carrying out a very important task and had left the Golden Valley. Therefore, the investigation of the assassination can only be temporarily suspended. When Tan completes the task and returns, the Elderly House will restart the investigation.

The notification came only when the third meeting was approaching, and the Shuojin people just believed that they would not destroy the third meeting that had already been scheduled.

After all, the outside world has very high expectations for this meeting.

After reading the document, Luke asked Yomington's staff in a low voice for their opinions.

Then he said to Elder Mu: "I can see from your suggestions that the World Bank is still very sincere, and the Golden Shield Empire has never brought the world into confrontation. It just uses gold coupons as the common currency for energy transactions. It is a very heavy burden on the financial system of the empire.

Here is the import and export statement of the Golden Shield Empire for the most recent quarter, as well as the analysis of the financial analysts of the Imperial Bank on the safety of the treasury's foreign currency reserves. "

Luke took the document that Yomington handed over to him, pushed it to the elder Mu, and continued: "I said that the formulation of the Golden Shield Empire's energy and monetary policy was not to challenge the status of the World Bank in international trade. Considerations for our own financial security.

It is useless for us to reserve an excessive amount of gold certificates, even if they are all replaced with gold. "

Elder Mu looked at the report and analysis form given by the Golden Shield Empire.

With its strong industrial capabilities and leading innovation capabilities, the Golden Shield Empire has always had a trade surplus in international transactions. In the past year, Raging Waves City has received an astonishing number of international orders based on the shipbuilding industry alone, earning a lot of money.

Moreover, the Golden Shield Empire has a vast territory and rich products, and there are many overseas colonies. The speed of wealth accumulation is astonishing.

There are already considerable gold certificates stored in the imperial treasury. If you continue to obtain gold certificates from the energy market, it will not help the empire but will be harmful.

After reading it, Elder Mu said casually: "Golden Shield Empire can use the excess gold certificates for overseas investment. If it is troublesome, it can also be handed over to the World Bank for management. Many countries do this, and they are all profitable."

Luke smiled and said: "Elder Mu, I am talking about financial sovereignty with you, but you are talking about profitability with me. The World Bank has proved with your actions that you are not as neutral as you claim to be. When the World Bank thinks that the challenged Sometimes, you will not hesitate to use the financial hegemony owned by the World Bank.

Now you still want the empire to hand over the gold coupons to you for operation, do you really think we are all fools?

After returning to the Empire from the Golden Valley this time, I will order the Imperial Bank to reduce the reserve of gold certificates. Finance is safe only if it is in your own hands, so the current energy and monetary policy of the empire will not change.

The suggestion given by the World Bank is not feasible, let's take a look at ours. "

Luke threw out the solution offered by the Empire.

The Golden Shield Empire transfers 10% of its energy to the World Bank at a low price, and the World Bank can operate at will. The World Bank has no right to ask how the Golden Shield Empire sells the remaining energy.

The World Bank immediately terminates any assistance to Attorney United.

Repeal the New Maritime Antitrust Trade Act and dissolve the "League of Nations".

The Golden Shield Empire suspends the establishment of a "free trade body" and respects the status of Golden Bonds in international trade.


If the World Bank gets 10% of the energy transferred by the Golden Shield Empire at a low price, plus the energy it currently controls, it will still account for a very large proportion of the international energy market. However, the energy transactions controlled by the Golden Shield Empire can still rely on the chain effect to make the Imperial Mark a threat to the existence of the Golden Bond.

The reason why hegemony is hegemony is that challengers are never allowed to exist.

Gold certificates, a currency based on the value of gold, cannot withstand the impact of a second currency.

Elder Mu threw away the proposal in his hand, and said: "The World Bank requires gold certificates to become the only common currency in the energy market. This is not allowed to be changed in any way, and there is no room for discussion. I believe that if the Golden Shield Empire earns gold certificates, as long as it wants to spend them It can be spent... If you can't think of a way, the World Bank will help you think about it.

Mr. Shoufu, it is best to be able to clearly understand the strength gap between you and the Shuojin civilization. The Shuojin people have experienced a full-scale war. We don't want that war to break out again, but we are not afraid of it breaking out again! "

Luke responded: "Elder Mu, the war you mentioned was also experienced by human beings. Although it is not the protagonist, it has deeper feelings than the protagonists.

The rise and fall of a civilization cannot depend on the gift of another civilization. After suffering the pain of war with five ancient civilizations, human civilization decided to embark on its own path of civilization. After thousands of years of hard work and hardships, human beings have finally created our own unique civilization and are about to usher in an unprecedented new era.

Elders, I can sit here to represent Shuojin people's recognition of human civilization, as well as your fear of this new civilization. Blocking is what you think is right, advancing is what we think is right, who can finally represent this era, you have to fight to know the answer. "

The time has been delayed until now, and Luke has no scruples. Even if the World Bank is now fully funding Attorney United, it is impossible to quickly transform it into a force on the battlefield. He has ordered the Raging City Armored Assault Division stationed in Songta Port to move westward. The Yate County Alliance, which has been fighting for a winter, cannot stop this new force. retreat.

Therefore, there is no need to continue acting on the side of Golden Valley, and prepare for a formal confrontation.

The Shuojin people thought that by showing their strong attitude and showing their strength, the Golden Shield Empire would be able to make another concession in the negotiation.

But he didn't expect Meteor to lift the table!

It also elevated the dispute between the Golden Shield Empire and the World Bank to a confrontation between civilizations.

Elder Mu said with an ugly expression: "Shoufu Meteorite, you are a person who can influence the world situation enough, don't talk nonsense. If you want to provoke a confrontation between civilizations, you will definitely be condemned by the two civilizations. Prosperity The world will be destroyed because of you, and all your achievements will be ruined by infamy."

Luke stood up and said: "I don't care about the reputation I leave behind, I only know the responsibility I shoulder now. I reserve the dialogue channel with the Shuojin people. No matter how bad our relationship is in the future, as long as you send a voice If you come to me, you can restart this unfinished negotiation at any time.

That's all for my visit to the Valley of Gold, I'm leaving this afternoon to return to the Empire.

goodbye! "

After speaking, Luke strode away from the venue, and the staff and accompanying officials quickly packed up their belongings and left together.

Only the Shuojin people were left sitting in the conference room.

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