Age of Mysticism

Chapter 522 Emerald Academy of Magic

Stepping off the carriage, you can feel the towering and majestic castle in front of you. The city bricks are worn with age, and the base of the wall is covered with white caustic soda. Some barbed ferns lie on the wall, and small yellow flowers bloom among the green leaves.

Outside the closed gate of the castle stood a tall statue of a man with the head of an eagle. It held a spear in one hand and a shield in the other, lowered its head, and stared at the carriage in front of it and the visitors who got off the carriage.

"Elves and humans, please indicate your purpose."

Clear sky faced the statue of the eagle head and saluted as a mage: "We are from the Golden Shield Empire. This time I came to the Emerald Magic Academy to visit a good friend. Her name is Dai'er Jasmine, a human being, an overseas student in the Department of Natural Science, and her tutor is Ma Professor Katina.

Please inform us. "

The eagle-headed figure saluted Qingkong back: "Jasmine...I remember her! A very popular human girl, she has a crystal-clear and kind heart, and is very smart, very popular with Professor Makatina .

Please tell me your name, and my messenger will inform Professor Makatina. "

A goshawk landed on the shoulder of the eagle-headed figure.

Qingkong said: "My name is Xingkong, a prairie elf from the western border of the Golden Shield Empire. These two are my maid and guard, named Jenny and Shelley respectively."

Xinying flew over the city wall into the college with the news, and the eagle-headed figure observed the clear sky: "Prairie elf? If you don't tell me, I really didn't see that you are a prairie elf. I saw a prairie elf a long time ago. They strike me as... very unrestrained, and you are like a learned forest elf.

Ah... I didn't mean to belittle the prairie elves, please don't mind. "

Qingkong said: "It doesn't matter. The environment of the grassland creates the character of the grassland elves. Bold and unrestrained is not a derogatory term. I have the opportunity to receive a good education because I live in the city. Now the empire is fully developing the Western Territory Administration. More prairie elves will have the opportunity to receive education.

It may not be long before we, too, will be able to build a college of higher learning. "

The eagle-headed figure was as talkative as the forest elves, and was very curious about the prairie elves, so he chatted with Qingkong.

Not long after, Xinying flew out.

The eagle-headed figure who received the reply pushed open the door of the Emerald Magic Academy and invited: "Miss Xing Kong, although it was a short chat, I can feel that you are a scholar with profound knowledge.

Welcome to the Emerald Academy of Magic, Professor Makatina is waiting for you, you can meet her by following my letter eagle. "

"Thank you, talking with you made me feel the long heritage of Emerald Magic Academy."

Clear Sky keeps Archer outside, and she takes Jenny and Shelley into the Emerald Academy of Magic. Xinying flew ahead to guide them.

Enter the main castle building through the square and a cloister garden.

Walk through the spiral staircase, the promenade, and follow the overpass to the side building belonging to the natural department.

I met many elf students along the way, and they could easily tell that Qingkong was not a forest elf, but a prairie elf. However, their good upbringing prevented them from watching, and they politely moved out of the way.

Qing Kong also kept smiling, and at the same time whispered to Jenferni beside him: "The atmosphere inside the academy is much more relaxed than outside. It seems that the Emerald Magic Academy is still hiding the headhunters."

Jennifer said: "I don't know if the Emerald Magic Academy has found a way to eliminate the headhunters. I like the atmosphere here very much and hope it will not be broken."

"Any good thing is worth protecting, so I'm here."

Follow Xinying to Professor Makatina's office.

This is a room full of plants, flowering vines cover the windows, broad leaves harden into tables, and vine branches are woven into chairs. The shrubs grow into the shape of a bookshelf, each grid is filled with books, and the leaves form different symbols to guide the classification of books.

Professor Makatina wears black-rimmed glasses, has a gentle temperament, and looks easy to get close to.

"Hi, prairie elf from afar." Professor Makatina saluted Qing Kong as a mage, and said kindly: "I have sent students to find Dai'er, and she should be here soon. You can sit down and rest, Try the nectar tea I just made."

Professor Makatina waved, and the plants around her parted to make way for the coffee table by the window.

"Thank you, Professor Makatina! Dai'er has praised your nectar tea many times in her letters to me."

Qingkong walked to the window and sat down, a teapot wrapped around a vine branch poured her a cup of hot water, another flower stretched over the teacup, a few drops of nectar flowed into the water along the petals. The nectar is like amber, and when it falls into the water it creates a little fountain, the water is golden and the smell is sweet. When the spring water falls, a halo rises from the mouth of the cup, and after it disperses, it is even more fragrant.

Professor Makatina sat opposite Qingkong and asked, "Miss Xingkong came from the Emerald Court, so she must have heard some news."

Qing Kong picked up the teacup and took a sip, which was very memorable.

"Yes. We arrived at the Emerald King's Court last night, and saw a riot at the port. Headhunters... a name that appeared briefly and was almost forgotten.

This time the Emerald Forest was really in big trouble. "

Qingkong sighed and continued drinking tea.

Professor Makatina has been observing the clear sky, and at the same time said: "The headhunters are indeed a big problem, but I believe that the forest elves will find a way to eliminate them. You may not know that the appearance of the headhunters was led by Daier. She found out that she won the most precious time for us.

Del is the smartest human student I have ever taught, and I will protect her from any harm. "

Qingkong could feel Professor Makatina's vigilance towards her. She put down her teacup and said, "Daer is indeed very smart and can learn everything quickly. As her friend, I will protect her and prevent her from any harm." .”

"But..." Professor Makatina looked at Jenferni and Shelley, and then said to Qingkong: "You guys give me a very dangerous feeling, especially your guard, she should be some kind of extraordinary biological transformation .”

The forest elves respect nature and are opposed to any form of body modification, especially detesting the transformation of extraordinary creatures that lack humanity.

Professor Makatina believes that if the other party is really Dier's friend, it is because Dier made friends carelessly, and as a mentor, he has the responsibility to prevent Dier from going astray.

If the other party pretends to be a friend, it will actually be detrimental to Dai'er. As a tutor, she is more responsible to protect her students.

The surrounding plants slowly moved.

Clear Sky ignored the aggressive plants, and said to Professor Makatina very relaxedly: "Every race has its own values, and only by respecting each other can we live in harmony. Dai'er is not a forest elf, she will one day After graduating from the Emerald Academy of Magic, she returned to her world.

And given the troubles facing the Emerald Forest, I'd like to take Dill away this time. "

Makatina was not sure whether the other party was Dill's friend, so she could only continue to be vigilant. Hearing that Qing Kong wanted to take Dai'er away, she replied: "Dai'er was the first to discover the headhunters, we still need her assistance in many things, she can't leave the academy for now.

She is safe here! "

"Whether it's safe or not, it's not up to you..."

At this time, Dai'er's surprised voice sounded outside the door: "Miss Xingkong, is it really you? And Miss Jenny! What a good day today, you actually gave me such a big surprise!"

When Makatina heard Dier's voice, she immediately withdrew the attacking plants.

Dai'er ran over, stopped abruptly, and saluted the clear sky like she did at the Oulu Academy branch: "Miss Starry Sky, good day!"

Qing Kong nodded: "Daier, I want to take you out of the Emerald Forest, and you take Jenny to pack the luggage that needs to be taken away."

Hearing that Qingkong wanted to take her away, Dai'er froze on the spot: "Leave? No... I can't go. I can't abandon my friends and mentors here, that's running away!"

Jenferni persuaded Dai'er: "Miss Dai'er...your sister is waiting for you at home."

"I won't go!" Dai'er was very firm, she said to Qingkong: "I will do my best to help the forest elves eliminate the headhunters, and I want to find the Magic Spring.

I... I can't go back now. "

Qing Kong said: "Your power here is not very helpful to eliminate the headhunters. If you can persuade your sister, it will definitely help the Emerald Forest more than your own power."

Daier asked: "Sister, will she help the Emerald Forest?"

Jenny took Dai'er's hand: "Miss Xingkong is here, your sister will definitely lend a helping hand. The most important thing now is to inform her of the disaster that is happening here, and how much the eldest lady can help depends entirely on You go for it."

After hearing what Jenferni said, Dai'er happily asked Qingkong, "Will you stay and help?"

Qing Kong smiled and said, "Do you think I'm just taking you away, do you need me?"

"I'm going to pack my luggage now!" Dai'er took Jenn Ferney and ran out, and she didn't forget to call Professor Makatina: "Teacher, I want to go home, please help me to apply for leave, I will soon Will be back!"

Dale ran fast.

When Qingkong looked at Professor Makatina again, the elf scholar had already stood up and performed the highest courtesy respectfully: "Your Majesty..."

Clear Sky reached out to stop Professor Makatina from continuing: "I didn't deliberately pretend to be in the Emerald Forest this time. It is a kind of wisdom to be able to see my identity, and it is also a kind of wisdom to be able to pretend not to know.

Sit down, there are only stars here. "

"Yes, Majesty...Miss Xing Kong." Professor Makatina sat down nervously.

The conversation between Dale and the visitors just now made Professor Makatina realize that Dale's identity is not simple, and it also made her start to re-examine the visiting prairie elf.

Grassland Elf...

Short green hair, green eyes.

Noble momentum, strong sense of oppression.

Although Professor Makatina couldn't believe that the other party was the Queen of the Clear Sky, her growing intuition told her...

This is the owner of the power of the World Tree, the ruler of the Moonlight Royal Court, and the co-lord of the grassland elves and the barbarians of the Western Region - the Queen of Moonlight.

Daier is actually the little princess of the Golden Shield Empire—Daier Augustine.

Her older sister is naturally the eldest princess of the empire——Agatha Augustine.

Only with such an identity can we talk about supporting the Emerald Forest like chatting.

The Golden Shield Empire is the most powerful country in the secular world, and Queen Clear Sky's strength is also a top existence in ancient civilizations.

They are willing to help the Emerald King Court, maybe they can really help the forest elves get rid of the headhunters.

Professor Makatina was a little excited. She sat down and clasped her hands several times to relieve her nervousness. Then she asked Qingkong, "Miss Xingkong, do you have any suggestions on how to eliminate the headhunters?"

Qingkong said: "During the ancient war period, the time between the appearance of the headhunters and their elimination was too short, and there was not much information left. I don't know much more than you. I want to hear your plan first. The distance between the discovery of the headhunters It's been a while, and you should know something about them."

Makatina stood up: "Before receiving you, I was attending the headhunting seminar held by the academy. If you are willing to attend, Emerald Magic Academy will be extremely honored."

Qing Kong stood up: "Then don't waste time, take me there!"

"plz follow me."

When Qingkong followed Makatina out of the office, she said to Shelley: "You wait here! When Dai'er is ready, let Jenferni take her away without any lingering."

"Yes, Miss Starry Sky."

Qingkong followed Professor Makatina along the corridor to the main building, and after passing through several teaching areas, they walked into a large lecture hall together.

The classroom was full of faculty members from various departments, and all the elves looked at the podium seriously. Even if they noticed that Professor Makatina brought in a... prairie elf, they only took a curious look, and immediately reappeared. Attention turns to the podium.

Professor Makatina led Qingkong to sit down in a corner of the classroom, and introduced Qingkong to the person who was explaining on the podium in a low voice.

"That is Professor Delay Sisminya of the Modern Medical Research Association. He took the lead in organizing a dissection of the captured headhunters, and he is now explaining what he found during the dissection. The brain structure of the headhunters is very different. Low-level, they have low intelligence, but have a unique way of communicating, capable of conveying a lot of information with short sounds.

This makes their group hunting ability very efficient.

The corpse in the magic projection is an advanced hunter who can cast powerful magic to provide positive and negative magic states for the hunting team, and at the same time master some powerful attack magic.

It is hard for us to imagine that an excellent magician can be bred directly in a short time. You must know that even talented magic apprentices need long-term study and meditation to gradually master the use of magic.

The Headhunters completely revolutionized our understanding of magic.


Clear Sky listened to Professor Makatina's explanation, and also watched Professor Dilai Sisminya's explanation of the magic projection on the podium.

All the elves in the classroom listened intently, not missing any details.

Hope to save the forest elves... it's all here!

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