Age of Mysticism

Chapter 551 The Queen's Coronation

Amidst the cheers, Empress Christina of the Empire walked to the front of the viewing building and delivered a speech in front of the subjects of the Empire.

"The past year was the most dangerous year for the empire. While we encountered rebellion, we also had to face the invasion of the enemy country. The entire court was loose and pessimistic, and there were dangers everywhere. At that time, some people persuaded us to abandon the northern border and retreat to the city of Shenglun; Negotiating peace with the rebels; some people use the war to profit for themselves; some people think about how to separate the empire from collapse.

The past year was the year when the empire entered a new peak. Raging Waves City has become the most prosperous and promising city in the world; the Empire has set up the Western Territory Administrative Office, bringing the vast Western Territory under the direct rule of the Empire; Lu Academy and Raging City Alchemist Association jointly established the magic laboratory, which brought the empire into the next technological explosion.

The past year has also been a sad one for me. The great Augustine the Great has unfortunately left me and the empire that he has been guarding all his life. In the face of internal and external troubles, we can only conceal His Majesty's passing away from the outside world, which is also His Majesty's dying wish.

Thankfully, we lived up to the great trust of Augustine the Great. His Royal Highness Alec has made important contributions to the empire's recovery of the Western Territory; His Royal Highness Sinclair has firmly suppressed the rebels in the Tedgar Hills; His Royal Highness Princess Agatha has continuously sent information about the enemy to our generals hands.

There is also Meteor, the youngest and most accomplished chief assistant in the history of the empire. It is he who has been running around and solving problems one after another for the empire, and that is the grand event we are celebrating here today. He lived up to the trust and reuse of Augustine the Great, and he will continue to lead the empire into the next journey.

I believe that a new chapter of the empire is beginning at this moment. The royal family, nobles, officials, soldiers, businessmen, scholars, and civilians will be more united, and we will build a stronger empire.

The empire will become the leader of human civilization and write the era of our civilization!

Now let's celebrate victory.

Please invite Marquis Meteor, Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial Imperial Cabinet, Governor of Rage City, Minister of Energy of the Empire, Saint Lun City City Guard Corps, to direct the military parade. "

After Queen Christina finished speaking, a cavalry team ran out from the gate of the palace.

Luke rode the royal horse in gorgeous horse armor. Behind him were prince Alec, grandson Sinclair and a group of senior officers of the imperial army, followed by the royal knight squad led by Milcombe.

Luke is wearing the honorary royal knight armor bestowed by Augustine the Great, wearing badges and ribbons representing his title, official position, honor, and status, holding an imperial staff in his hand, and wearing a big red cloak behind him. prestige.

The cavalry team ran out of the palace, and patrolled along the avenue in front of the palace to the army queues lined up for inspection.

The imperial army participating in the military parade has a total of: three cavalry phalanxes, five infantry phalanxes, seven phalanxes from the Snow Army, and two or three phalanxes from each of the main armies of the empire; there are imperial military academies , There are navy and marine corps; there are four phalanxes of chariots and war machines; there are phalanxes showing steam titans and new magic concept weapons.

No matter what thoughts these troops had in the past, they were all held together by Luke at this moment. The senior commanders of those legions followed behind him, even the princes and grandchildren did not have any dissatisfaction.

The soldiers have also heard the glorious deeds of the chief minister of the empire, and they know that without the meteor, they would never stand here with such honor.

They stared at the meteor and shouted with the loudest voice over and over again: "Honor belongs to the empire!"

"Honor belongs to the Empire!"

After inspecting the imperial army, Luke led the officer corps back to the palace and boarded the viewing tower.

He walked to the microphone and held up the imperial staff, which symbolized the supreme command of the empire: "I declare: the military parade has begun! To the deceased Emperor Augustine and to the great Queen Christina, I offer the loyalty of the imperial soldiers."

The military band played the imperial triumphal march, and the imperial troops passed through the palace road in turn.

The super-heavy steam airship Empress and the super-heavy steam airship Kirov newly listed in the sky are like two mountains, flying over the Palace Square against the backdrop of hundreds of steam airships of various types. The airships were interspersed with formations of gargoyles, as well as a fleet of griffins and pegasus imported from the Emerald Forest.

In the end, five steam flying wings roared past at low altitude under the pilot's control.

The voice of the people was like a mountain roar and a tsunami, which made the soldiers who walked past the palace hold their heads higher.

As if stimulated by the atmosphere, the giant dragons let out a high-pitched dragon cry together, and a few giant dragons even flew up, thinking of joining the air swarm being read. Fortunately, King Tai Lun, the golden dragon, called these young dragons back, otherwise, he didn't know what trouble would happen.

But this has shocked the representatives of various countries who came to watch the ceremony.

Before the military parade started, they felt the strength of the Golden Shield Empire, but after the military parade started, they found that they still underestimated the strength of the Golden Shield Empire.

Especially when two super-heavy steam airships drove over at high speed from a distance, representatives of several small countries who had never seen the world saw the shark head of the airship and almost collapsed on the ground in fright.

Everyone was glad that they had come here, thinking about how to re-evaluate the battle between the Golden Shield Empire and the World Bank. With such weapons and weapon development technology, can the Golden Shield Empire be blocked by the "League of Nations"?

It didn't take too long, and the military parade ended without enough thought.

The city has entered the stage of float parade and national carnival.

The palace opened a reception to entertain guests from afar.

At the reception, on behalf of the Golden Shield Empire and the visiting Sanye King, Luke signed an agreement for the Emerald Forest to join the "Free Trade Organization". Then, with Speaker Webster, signed the Leo Kingdom's accession to the "Free Trade Organization" agreement.

So far, under the watchful eyes of representatives from various countries, the "free trade body" led by the Golden Shield Empire has made zero breakthroughs. Moreover, it guarded important sea passages with the Leo Kingdom, and strengthened its relationship with the Dragon Kingdom again through the Emerald Forest.

The "free trade body" of the Golden Shield Empire has the capital to confront the World Bank's "International Alliance" in international trade, instead of passive defense.

After signing the two agreements, Luke immediately announced several sanctions against the World Bank. And announced a fine of 10 billion Reichsmarks to the World Bank's St. Lun City Branch for funding the imperial rebels.

The eldest princess Agatha also produced the criminal evidence found by the Imperial Secret Service in due course, and circulated it to the representatives of various countries. Overtly and implicitly, countries are warned to be careful about setting up World Bank branches in their own countries. The World Bank has gone further and further down the road of violent interference in government affairs.

At the reception, Luke actively communicated with representatives from various countries, and Kailinna followed behind him and kept recording new orders and cooperation projects.

It can be said that the host and guest enjoy themselves.

The reception continued until evening, when a group of royal knights walked in from the outside. The clanging sound of armor rubbing made the lively hall immediately quiet, and everyone looked at the knights who came in.

The royal knights came in and stood facing each other in two teams, separating a middle aisle, and then the royal family members headed by Alec and Sinclair came in from the outside, and some of their attendants were holding gold trays containing crowns and scepters and Imperial Code.

A group of members of the royal family stopped in the audience, and Alec walked onto the stage, and a court official set up a microphone for him.

"Guests from afar, imperial nobles, and court officials, hello! I am Alec Augustine, the second son of Emperor Augustine, and I have an important announcement to make, and I invite everyone to be witnesses."

All the people in the hall were watching Alec. Some already knew what he was going to say, while others guessed what he wanted to do.

Alec paused, and continued after taking a deep breath: "My father, Emperor Augustine, was a great emperor. He made the most critical decision for the empire at the most critical moment, allowing the empire to keep up with this human race. The explosion of civilization.

His forward-looking vision and courage to break the tradition have created the glory of the current empire.

As the son of an emperor with such achievements, I have always been under great pressure. Because human life is short, I am preparing to take over the empire. But Fania and I have never been recognized by our father. We don't know why, and we will only use all means to fight for the crown prince. It is ridiculous to see what we have done now, Fania even launched a coup.

When I saw the queen in power, I realized what I was missing.

The challenge facing the empire at this time needs a leader who can look forward with his head up, not a dandy who knows nothing except internal fighting, and I am a loser even in internal fighting.

During this period of rest, the absence of burdens allowed me to think about some things very clearly. The father's appointment of the queen to supervise the country has actually already decided who will lead the empire in the future. As the only surviving son of Augustine the Great, I support his decision.

Therefore, I have obtained the consent of all members of the royal family, and elected Christina Augustine as the emperor of the empire, leading the Augustine family and the empire to new glory! "

The imperial officials and nobles in the audience clapped their hands and shouted:

"Queen Christina!"

"Queen Christina!"

"Queen Christina!"


Christina walked onto the stage, surrounded by internal officials and guards, Alec stepped aside and bowed to salute.

The priest who had prepared put the crown on Christina, and then put the scepter and the code in her hands.

The nobles and officials of the empire recited the ancestral prayer poems together, asking the ancestors who founded the empire to bless this ancient country.

In the solemn ceremony and blessing, Christina completed the coronation ceremony of the emperor of the empire.

When she faced the audience and raised the scepter high while holding the code of law, the audience burst into warm applause.

Agatha clapped her hands with mixed feelings. She said to Luke beside her, "The coronation ceremony went smoother than I expected. I arranged many spies here, just because I was afraid that something might happen."

Luke said with a smile: "We did so many things just to make this moment smooth. The empire needed a smooth transition of power, and we did it."

"Yes, we did! When are you leaving?"

Luke looked around and said in a low voice: "Tomorrow morning! Chi Yan has urged me many times, and the other party is coming fiercely, and he is very dangerous there."

Agatha stopped applauding and looked at Luke: "Leave tomorrow? Well...Although it's dangerous there, I believe in you and miss you every day."

Luke was numb from Agatha's eyes, and he reminded: "Pay attention to the occasion, so many people are watching, my princess."

Agatha smiled and looked back at the stage, and whispered, "Come to Rose Manor tonight."

"Follow your will, my princess!"

After the coronation ceremony, Christina officially became the empress of the Golden Shield Empire, and immediately issued a number of appointments.

One of the most unexpected, but unquestionable commands is...

Meteor is the Duke of Rage City, and his fiefdom is the entire territory of Rage City.

Then there was the engagement ceremony between the Duke of Meteor and the Princess of the Empire, Agatha, which once again pushed the ceremony to a new climax.

At this time, in a small fountain garden in the palace, Qing Kong walked alone in the garden path. The hall on the side was extremely lively. The coronation of the empress and the engagement of the eldest princess Meteorite represented another strengthening and concentration of the empire's power, which was a great encouragement to the empire and the covenant.

"Miss Sunny Sky, why did you come out?" A black figure floated up from the ground, showing the appearance of a demon tyrant. He said angrily, "You have done so much for Meteor, yet he wants to marry a human woman , I really want to teach him a lesson for you."

Qingkong said coldly to the tyrant: "Don't try to provoke the relationship between me and Meteor! No matter what we face, there will be no gap. As a devil, you can't understand it."

The demon tyrant hurriedly explained: "I didn't provoke the relationship between you and Meteor, I just feel..."

"Let's end this topic. Are you ready to return to hell?"

The demon tyrant said: "I have wanted to go back to hell for a long time, but those juniors are all stronger than me, which makes me very embarrassed... If I can't beat them, I won't be able to grab the territory."

Demonic tyrants tell the truth.

Qingkong said: "You have been sealed for too long, and you are not used to the state of the lost artifact. Although World Tree has found divinity, it will take some time before it becomes an artifact.

I have a potion here, would you like to try it? "

"What kind of potion?"

Qingkong spread her hands, and a needle filled with a flame-like liquid lay in her palm: "This is the mysterious substance mixture 'Aria of Huoshaoyunchao Song', which is an extremely strong and permanent fire attribute enhancing potion.

Luckily for you, I accidentally made two copies this time, one at Meteor and one here. "

Demons are all fire-loving elements, and the artifact of hell is also the red flame torch that represents destruction. Therefore, when the demon tyrant heard that such a small tube of potion could permanently enhance the fire attribute, he reached out and wanted to grab it.

The tyrant still controlled his inner desire and asked, "Is there any potential danger?"

Qingkong laughed and said: "It's potentially dangerous, will I let Meteor use it? Although you didn't inject the first four doses of medicine to change your physique, you are a demon, and your physique is strong enough to withstand the 'Aria of Fire Burning Clouds and Chaos'.

It can make you a demon with the strongest fire attribute magic. "

The demon tyrant immediately licked his smiling face: "Miss Sunny Sky, I would like to try... inject it now."

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