All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 216: personal friendship

"Because it is far from the industrially developed metropolis, the local air, water and other industrial pollution is much better than around the metropolis, so the food produced is healthier, and the probability of meeting the green food standard is relatively high." The concept of green food is 1990 It was put forward in 2003, and after three years of development, it began to be promoted to the whole society. It has been gradually recognized by some groups that got rich first. This is the information obtained by Shen Long before chatting with the botanist in his hometown. There are about 200 new brands that have obtained the right to use green trademarks. You can apply for a green trademark certification for Jinshan Walnut to increase the added value of the product and promote it. "

"This is a good solution. Wait a minute, I will take a note." Li Dakang took the notebook from the secretary and began to record carefully. "You will tell me more about green food."

"It refers to safe, high-quality edible agricultural products and related products that are produced in excellent ecological environment, produced in accordance with green food standards, implemented full quality control and obtained the right to use the green food mark." Shen Long introduced, "After World War II, Europe, America and Japan developed The country uses a lot of chemicals in the agricultural production process, while promoting the increase of crop yields, it also allows some harmful chemicals to be enriched into the crops through water and soil. "

"In 1962, American female scientists disclosed in the famous" Silent Spring "a variety of situations in which the pesticide DDT harmed other organisms, and sounded the alarm to the world. European and American countries began to support the development and production of non-contaminated food. In this international context, China has decided to develop non-polluting, safe, and high-quality nutritious foods, and named them green foods. "

"The country has set up green food offices around the country to receive applications for certification. We have it in Handong Province. You can inquire and send samples to the past for review. If the hope of passing is relatively large, you can print green food at the exhibition. Banner, there may be unexpected gains. "Shen Long said, now that the green food certification system has just started, if Li Dakang finds a way, and Jinshan walnut meets the standards, I believe it is not difficult to do it.

"I immediately called Vice Mayor Jin and asked him to quickly bring a batch of samples to Beijing to find the Green Food Office for certification." Li Dakang is an action group and immediately began issuing orders, "Yes, this Where does the Green Food Office come under the jurisdiction? Department of Agriculture? Provincial Industry and Commerce Bureau or Department of Health? "

There are many management departments involved in food. Li Dakang didn't know who to look for, and turned to Shen Long.

"The Green Food Center is affiliated to the Ministry of Agriculture and establishes local green food management agencies throughout the country. It should logically fall under the jurisdiction of the Department of Agriculture. You can first ask an acquaintance of the Department of Agriculture to ask." Shen Long reminded.

"Agriculture Department?" Li Dakang took his notebook and carefully searched in the address book. He had been Zhao Lichun's secretary at that time. He had a wide network of contacts. He quickly found a director of the Agriculture Department. I checked it by phone and heard about the situation and application process of the Green Food Management Office of Handong Province.

"Lao Jin, you should immediately put down your job now, select a batch of good golden pecans and bring them to Jingzhou City, go to the Agriculture Department to find the director of Ouyang, and let him take you to the green food office to complete the inspection of the golden pecans ... "Li Dakang gave orders in an unquestionable tone, and his strength is evident.

The vice mayor Jin, who may be responsible for the agricultural project, seems to be suffering, but this is definitely a good thing for the walnut growers in Jinshan County. If all county magistrates in Handong are like Li Dakang, Han I am afraid that the GDP of the eastern province has already surpassed Beishangguang and has become the first in the country, right?

"Secretary Li's attitude towards work is worthy of our study!" When he hung up the phone, Shen Long applauded and applauded. From this perspective, Li Dakang is undoubtedly a good official.

"It's all thanks to you, otherwise I don't know what happened yet; by the way, Xiao Qi, you work in the Criminal Police Force, how are you so familiar with agricultural issues?" Li Dakang is now more and more concerned about Shen Long Curious.

"Although I work in the Criminal Police Team now, I don't want to stay in the political and legal system all the time." Shen Long replied frankly, "so I know everything about information outside of work."

He laughed self-deprecatingly, "I came out of the poor mountain village like me, and there is no political resources above, so I can only practice internal skills first." In fact, in today's political environment centered on economic development, participate It is only a good way to quickly raise the level of the post in economic work. Moving around in the political and legal system not only has fewer opportunities for promotion, but also is easily suppressed by Liang Qunfeng.

It seems that he is not a person of Liang Qunfeng's line, Li Dakang has some speculation in his heart, but he has not revealed it. He is also an official from a poor family, and he knows how difficult it is for people like them to break out.

He was careful not to make any mistakes along the way. Some colleagues with backgrounds could do something. He did n’t dare to dare to contaminate. He could only accumulate his achievements. Therefore, after hearing Shen Long ’s words, he felt deeply and liked him. It also grew more and more.

"As for what you said just now ~ ~ I don't think you have any problems as a deputy county head of agriculture." Li Dakang couldn't help but praise it, but he still didn't ask him clearly The situation, if you understand it in depth, you might even invite Shen Long to work for him.

"Secretary Li has won the prize!" Shen Long does have plans to jump out of the political and legal system, but it is not at this time that this issue will not be considered until at least the Liang family is resolved.

One of the two parties intends to improve the relationship and the other wants to know more, so they simply didn't sleep along the way, chatted all night, and didn't exchange contact information until the capital was separated.

In the past few days in Beijing, Shen Long went to the department and asked Director Yu to help write a preface, discuss the details that need to be revised, and then use the free time to help Li Dakang design the brand packaging of Jinshan walnut, formulate exhibition promotion programs, and so on.

When things were done, Jinshan Walnut brought by Li Dakang showed a lot of limelight at the exhibition, bringing back a considerable number of orders to Jinshan County. The relationship between Li Dakang and Shen Long progressed rapidly and a good personal relationship was reached.

"I'll go back and honor these orders first, and you must say hello when you know Han Dong. I'll go to Jingzhou to talk to you and continue talking." Li Dakang said Shen Long's hand before leaving.

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