All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 619: Morita is here

Recalling that there really is, Shen Long recalled several treasures according to the data, the golden train, the Akimaru of the little devil, the gold of Southeast Asia under Fengshan, the Alpine fortress of the Germans, and the Murks treasure found by Barton in Germany. The gold and silver jewelry that Rommel searched in North Africa and so on.

When he was about to be defeated, a 150-meter long train full of 23 boxes of gold bars worth more than 10 billion US dollars left the Polish city of Wroclaw, intending to transport the jewelry gold to Germany, but it mysteriously disappeared on the way. This is the so-called golden train.

As for the Awamaru, it was gold and silver jewelry collected by the Japanese. When passing through Fujian, it was sunk by the US warship "Queen". All the treasures sank to the bottom of the sea and disappeared, including the "Peking skull", but in this In the world, the "Beijing Human Skull" Little Japan may not be able to take away, Shen Long has arranged to go to the original site to dig.

Yamashita Fengwen gold is hidden in Southeast Asia, Rommel gold may be buried in the Mediterranean Sea, or may be hidden by Rommel. The Alpine fortress and the Mercks treasure are in the hands of the Germans. These are not yet in sight, and the information left in the future is also very vague. There is no definite whereabouts except for the Murks Treasures, which are located in Murkes Village in the Turingen region.

Do n’t worry, wait slowly, these are things that will happen 20 years later. If you can stay in this world until then, let alone say, the Mercury Treasure is definitely going to be available, as for the gold under the mountain Fengwen, It ’s enough to wait for Yamashita Fengwen to grab him when he is about to hang, and use the “soul transfer method” to force the question. With these treasures, it will be of great help to the rise of China.

In the next few years, Shen Long, the Red Empire and the United States have increasingly cooperated, and they have been dealing with the devil with the snake as always, dealing with the past on the scene, but actually not willing to let them expand their power.

The little devil does n’t have a headache for Shen Long. You say you want to fight. There are old Maozis and Americans behind them. It is very difficult to fight, especially old Maozis, because of Siberian interference, South Sakhalin Island and Kolchak For the golden thing, they hated the little devil, and waited for the old Maozi to breathe, and attacked the little devil entrenched in Siberia.

Because of the loose military discipline, the threat of infectious diseases, and the cold climate of Siberia, the little devil had to withdraw from Siberia after losing more than 5,000 soldiers, and then it was a long pull, and the old Maozi kept the little devil back to Gold. However, the little devil was inexplicably confused, and they had never seen these golds at all.

But Lao Maozi came up with evidence that the shells of the Taisho heavy machine guns scattered on the banks of Lake Baikal, as well as the parts of the Taisho machine gun that had not been completely destroyed. , But the old Maozi said that during that time, there was no one but the little devil on the shore of Lake Baikal.

The two countries were arguing endlessly and making trouble very unhappily. Otherwise, if the little devils lost too much in Siberia, the old Maozi suffered a famine, eager to restore domestic order first, maybe they all fought.

This matter made the two countries very unhappy. The old Maozi remembered the South Sakhalin Island and Kolchak gold, and the small Japan was thinking about the vast land of Siberia, and the previous failure, always thinking about revenge. Nomenkan's World War I was born because of this, and this time Little Japan suffered even more.

Shen Long also wondered whether to give Little Japan this opportunity in the future, let them go to Nomenkan to hit the wall again, and wait for them to be picked up by Zhukov, and then come to pick up something cheaper.

The radiation ability of the United States is relatively limited today. Shen Long uses them as a helper and business partner to contain Little Japan. If you are willing to come to China to make money, I can make you rich. In the past few years, the United States has been busy with the status of the Paris Peace Conference and the post-war status. It is impossible to have diplomatic relations. For the time being, there is not much energy to ask Shen Long for political benefits, and the two sides are barely happy.

With the help of Lao Maozi and Americans, as well as his understanding of future generations, Shen Long steadily expanded himself in the Northeast. Seeing his strength grow stronger and stronger, the little devil finally couldn't help it.

Buying off his men, exerting pressure on the government of Kannai, and even assassinating him in succession. Fortunately, Shen Long had already prepared to deal with the past one by one, and he was not polite to those traitors who had been bought. Ignore it, ignore it, anyway, they have no ability to control the national warlords.

As for the gang who assassinated him, it would be unlucky. It is a bit difficult to assassinate Shen Long. Not only did he not succeed in assassination, but almost no one could escape. The elite cultivated by the little devil suffered heavy losses. Institutional strength is greatly impaired.

Shen Long is not just a loser or retaliator. As long as he finds out behind the scenes, these people will encounter all kinds of accidents, or they will suddenly encounter an ammunition explosion when inspecting the army, or they will encounter bandits on the road, or they will be poisoned and killed in the island country.

Not only that, Shen Lao secretly accepted the support of the rebellious forces in the peninsula after Lao Maozi withdrew. He often sent them arms, food, and drugs to support him. The life of the little devil in the peninsula was even worse.

In the northeast, in the grasslands, Sanjianghao, Lao Yaozi and other bandits also supported the Shen Long, and launched a guerrilla war with the little devil, restraining them a lot of energy.

On this day ~ ~ Shen Long was inspecting Fengtian and driving on the street by car. Occasionally signs of little devils could be seen on both sides of the street. These little devils used the name of doing business to collect information and buy internal responses. It has always been the focus of intelligence.

Suddenly, Shen Long saw a familiar signboard, and he pointed to the signboard and asked, "Where is this company coming from?"

When he returned to his residence, the secretary brought in the information he had just collected, "It was the Japanese businessman Morita Morita Co., Ltd., mainly engaged in minerals and other businesses. The company's president Morita once served in the military for a long time. I participated in the Sino-Japanese War in the year. Although I have retired long ago, I still have a deep relationship with the army. "

"According to the analysis of the intelligence department, Morita is definitely not a simple businessman, but a senior spy. They have spied on Morita early in the morning, but this old guy is very cunning and has not found any flaws so far."

Shen Long has very strict requirements on the intelligence department. It is impossible for important people like Morita not to enter their field of vision. Shen Long nodded. "In the future, his information will be sent to me in time."

Isn't this the one that conquered the Shanhe Coal Mine? Find a chance to kill!

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