All People Doomsday: I, Virus King

410 Dead World! The Plague Spreads!

The air seemed to have become extremely dark green at this moment.

This is a hopeless color.

The evolutionary of Goryeo obviously didn't realize anything, but raised his head in surprise, and looked at the dark green sun in the sky.

However, at the moment when that ray of light shone on him, the dark green ray shone on them, and a desperate black mark representing death slowly appeared from his body.

The appearance of this kind of scars, even with the powerful physique of those evolved, seems to be unable to resist.

They looked blankly at the scar and the body slowly covered by high temperature.

The heat in the body made everyone feel an indescribable sense of strangeness.

Because after becoming an evolutionary, after the apocalypse came, and the world became what it is now, they have even forgotten what it feels like to be sick.

And at this moment, the sudden cold feeling, the rising body temperature, and the strange feeling in the throat and throat made them understand that they seem to have caught a cold!?

However, this is only the beginning.

Accompanied by the shining of the dark green sun in the sky, and under the splash of that light, the black spots on the body seemed to be more dense at this moment!

In less than ten seconds, some lower-level evolutionaries died at this time!

Covered in dark spots, the terrifying effect of the Black Death, along with all the plague viruses spreading in the Plague Sun, intensified the most terrifying lethal effect!

Under such a deadly blessing, almost no one can resist.

However, this was actually the reason why Chen Bai was unable to maximize the effects of Plague Sun and Black Death.

After all, if you want to worry about the scope, you can't focus on the power.

The Plague Sun is indeed against the sky, so it is unreasonable, and the ability to attack and kill in a large area with extremely low consumption is not in line with energy conservation.

It is normal for the power to decrease because of this!

However, this is obviously only the beginning.

Everyone seems to have realized at this moment that the dark green sun in the sky will not spread warm sunlight, but a terrifying death!

Almost immediately, someone hid in a place out of the sunlight.

After all, even light can be hidden.

However, everyone did not expect that under the sunshine, in those cities, amidst the dark green light, a mouse that was not so huge, but with a dark green body, appeared in the wilderness!

They are not powerful, and even a slightly stronger evolutionary can kill them.

But there are unimaginable terrifying viruses on their bodies.

And the effect of the Black Death that is spread in the Plague Sun!

Plague Rats!

This is the talent that Chen Bai exchanged from the parasitic ability this time.

Any germ can condense into a plague rat and be controlled by oneself.

It has to be said that this kind of ability has great constraints, such as the amount of control!

Even Chen Bai can only control thousands of them at most.

Moreover, if you want to create a large number of Plague Rats, it will only consume a lot of your own. At the same time, the attributes of the Plague Rats will also be affected to a certain extent.

However, these are not problems!

It is true that Chen Bai can only control thousands of them, but why should he control them!?

This is not the Dragon Kingdom, these plague rats are the purest plague virus creatures, and what they bring to this land is only death and the spread of the plague, but isn't this exactly my purpose?!

Therefore, Chen Bai didn't even need to pay attention to the plague rats he had created, but just formed plague rats one after another in an endless stream, and then ordered them to go down and play freely!

That's it!

Under such circumstances, as many plague rats as he could create, how many could survive on this land.

And those who are poisoned are all the evolutionaries on this land!

The Plague Sun, Chen Bai even lasted for no more than three minutes.

However, in just these three minutes, the huge land under his feet has already turned into a paradise for plagues and viruses.

0......seeking flowers......................................

Because Plague Sun has another ability, it can speed up the birth and growth of plague by 10 times.

If it wasn't for too much consumption, Chen Bai really wanted to hold the Plague Sun directly to the 552nd floor of the abyss, to the Plague Garden appointed by him.

Spread the word well.

However, this is also his second transfer plan.

At that time, there is no rush.

Taking a look at the world already occupied by the virus, Chen Bai showed a sneer in his eyes.

He could feel that the world under his feet had become a place like purgatory, but wasn't that exactly his purpose!

It's just a pity, I don't know if I can still play with the members of the great girl group that Chang Liu often gave him in the previous life.

Shaking his head, Chen Bai still headed towards another part of Korea.

However, at this moment, on a high mountain in the distance, someone was holding a camera built on the forum, trembling and trembling.

The green ray of light above the sky has slowly disappeared.

However, the green world that seemed to be engulfed by the shadow of death just now seemed to be absent.

What kind of scene is this?

What a terrifying ukiyo-e is this!?

It has to be said that Chen Bai's power control is indeed just right. Although the dark green sun can be seen big, but the spread of the light cannot spread to the border between Korea and the North, making many evolutions at the border , being able to use the camera in his hand to record everything that happened in front of him.

Then, together with those evolutionists in the city and Korea, who originally scoffed at the White Emperor, but are now constantly struggling on the border of life and death, they released this video that everyone was looking forward to!

And, the endless begging for mercy and the final curse.

All of a sudden, the forum, which had been extremely quiet before, became extremely lively.

However, behind this excitement, there is a chill that makes people's teeth chill. .

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