Almighty Alchemist

Chapter 15 Electra's Laboratory

In front of a mountain wall nearly a thousand meters away from the underground passage, Xiuyi finally found a huge stone door.

There is no opening mechanism or handle on the heavy stone door, but a small hexagram pattern is engraved on it.

Xiu Yi put her hand on the formation map and carefully felt the rune marks on it:

"This is an activation array, but it seems incomplete. It seems that Electra needs us to complete this array before the stone gate will open,"

It is not difficult to complete the formation diagram left by Electra. In fact, this is just a very common activation formation, which can be understood by anyone with a little alchemy. The problem is that even the same formation can be made of different materials, and the effects produced are also different.

No one knew what material Electra used to make the magic circle. If Xiuyi used other materials to fill the magic circle, it would probably destroy the entire magic circle.

He must analyze the ingredients in it before he can make a deployment.

This is where the difficulty lies.

"Woof," Xu in his arms called twice, looking at Xiu Yi curiously.

Xiu Yi understood what it meant, and stroked its little head: "No, Xu, we can't break the stone gate. No one likes others to treat their home violently. Since Electra left here the conditions for opening the gate, if we don't follow his wishes, the consequences will be unpredictable."

"Electra's request must be fulfilled, and this may be the test he left for future generations," Huey said with certainty, and then he smiled confidently: "But it won't trouble me,"

Xiu Yi took out various alchemist-specific tools from the ring, removed some of the materials used to construct the magic circle, and analyzed their composition.

"Phosphorescent powder...Houttuynia cordata...Aruba lizard's blood..." Xiuyi muttered to himself: "There are eighteen materials in total, three more materials than the commonly used activation circle. I can analyze two, and there is another one that I don't know what it is, but it should be some kind of material that can maintain its effect for a long time... This magic circle has lasted for at least three hundred years,"

"Let me think about it, what can these materials be mixed with to produce a continuous energy supply," Xiuyi thought hard.

After thinking about multiple plans in a row, Xiu Yi shook his head again and again.

"Maybe some material I haven't seen or used," Huey thought.

He looked at the strange magic plants in the empty valley behind him.

"Cat's eye flower, that is the magic plant I am least familiar with, Xu, let's pick one and study it, maybe Electra used some kind of material here as a medium, and he won't leave us with unsolvable problems," Xiu Yi shouted.

After returning to the field of alchemy, which he was best at, Xiu Yi became extremely excited, and even his thinking broadened a lot.

If it is said that he practiced martial arts and magic only for the need of escaping, then for alchemy, Xiu Yi was completely fond of it, and his interest made him a career, as well as a genius.

Xiu Yi is an out-and-out genius in alchemy.

After carefully analyzing the composition and dosage of the materials on the magic circle, and after repeated tests, Xiuyi finally determined the composition of the materials that activated the magic circle.

In the next moment, he will make up the unfinished magic circle with the prepared materials.

Dazzling light was emitted from the magic circle, and the stone gate opened amidst a heavy yell.


Just like all the alchemy laboratories Hugh Iglesel had seen, behind the stone gate was a huge space filled with various alchemy tools.

In the center of the stone gate is a huge stone pillar, with the stone pillar as the center and a large hollow round table on the periphery.

This is completely different from the square table used by ordinary alchemists, and it is more like a bar commonly used by bartenders in a bar in a bar.

Hugh Igles can fully imagine why Electra uses a round bar table instead of a square table, because he always conducts experiments alone, and a round bar table can help him get in touch with every corner of the desktop faster, so as to maximize efficiency.

From this detail, we can see Electra's pursuit of high efficiency.

There are a total of one large, four small and five hollow round tables like this in this laboratory.

Every table is filled with various materials and tools, all kinds of crucibles, test tubes, solvents, and materials from various magic plants, monsters, and monsters. Here, a world of alchemy is formed. What is amazing is that after three hundred years, there is no dust here, and nothing is damaged. It seems that Elector has used some method to stop the time here.

In the center of the round table was a chair with a strange shape. Huey noticed that it was a magic chair.

He took out an energy spar and put it on the slot under the chair, and the chair was floating in the air unsteadily.

"So that's how it is," Xiu said, looking at the chair floating in the air with a smile: "Electra's pursuit of efficiency has reached the point of perfection. Can you imagine, Xu, that he sits on such a flying chair, doing experiments in front of this experimental table for a while, and then flies to another experimental table. Doing different experiments at the same time, God, what the hell is his brain made of, how can he achieve such a high-speed thinking, "

Xiu Yi talked loudly, full of excitement.

In Xiuyi's mind, an old man with a white beard was floating around in the flying chair, waving test tubes in his hands, and directing the puppet assistants to work.

He was so excited.

Xu lay in Xiu Yi's arms very depressed, and wanted to tell him that even if he was connected with each other, he still couldn't understand Xiu Yi's remarks, and even if he could hear it, he would not be interested.

To Xiuyi's surprise and joy, he saw that there was still a intact puppet in the laboratory.

That golem was different from any golem Xiuyi had seen before. It didn't have the steel-like skin like other golems, nor was it equipped with any weapons. On the contrary, he had a ridiculously huge head, short torso and limbs, and no power.

Xiu Yi approached the golem curiously, observed the golem carefully, and realized that the golem was obviously placed here because of exhaustion of energy.

Behind the puppet, there was an energy slot. Xiuyi took out an energy spar and stuffed it in along the slot. With a flash of light, the puppet made a creaking joint sound.

It shook its head slightly, and when it saw Xiu standing in front of it, it seemed to feel something. Surprisingly, there was a bewildered expression in its eyes.

"It's unbelievable that you have a mind," Huey blurted out.

The puppet shook its head, seemed to think for a while and said, "If I'm not wrong, you are my new master, right?"

Its voice is very hoarse, and the speed of speech is very slow, like the difficult sound of gears that lack lubricating oil.

"Yes," Huey nodded, "Then your last master should be Electra."

"Electra," the golem's eyes appeared confused again, and then unexpectedly, it shook its head: "My memory area has some damage, and I can't be sure who my last master is, because I can't find when I called my master's name, I only know what my duty is."

"What is your duty," Huey asked quickly.

"Master's assistant," the puppet replied.

It was the puppet assistant, and Xiu Yi was so excited that she almost jumped up.

This is not the kind of dumb and unresponsive assistant that Haines used on Purgatory Island, but an assistant with obvious thinking ability. Judging from its speech, it obviously has a considerable degree of IQ, and can even show emotions such as confusion and surprise.

"It's amazing that Electra is creating life," Huey called out.

"Create life," the puppet assistant thought about it carefully, then nodded, and said slowly: "Yes, that is indeed one of the subjects that my master studied in the later stage. He desires to create eternal and immortal life."

Eternal life, Xiu Yi couldn't help taking a breath: "So did he do it?"

The puppet shook his head: "I don't know, I only know that he left here,"

"Then do you know what he's going to do?"

"I only know a little bit, it seems to be related to soul magic,"

Soul magic.

It's soul magic again.

For some reason, Hugh Igleser suddenly discovered that almost all the major inventions of Electra were related to soul magic, such as the flesh and blood puppets, the troll god, and now even the creation of eternal immortal life, and Electra itself is a soul mage, which has been confirmed from the dragon Rita.

Xiu Yi felt that he was getting close to Electra's secret, but unfortunately, he still couldn't break through the most critical layer, and it seemed that this puppet didn't know much.

"Maybe you can tell me about Electra's achievements in this laboratory first. I mean, when you help your master work, you at least know what he mainly did, why he left, and what he left behind, and why he left you,"

The puppet thought about it again before replying: "My former master's main job here was to research some new puppet."

"Is it the troll god?" Xiu Yi asked excitedly.

"No, the master thinks that kind of puppet is not perfect,"

Not perfect, Huey was appalled.

Does Electra have a more perfect work than the troll god.

In any case, at least one thing is certain, that is, this laboratory is indeed Electra's, and it is his later laboratory. When Electra was working in this laboratory, he had at least completed the creation of the troll god and started research on new golems and eternal life.

Taking a deep breath, Xiu Yi said, "Then, can you help me continue to study and complete your master's project?"

"Yes," this time the puppet replied without thinking, "This is the mission given to me by the master, and it is the meaning of my existence. Unconditional obedience to my master is the highest principle I follow,"

"Very well, by the way, do you have a name?"

"Master calls me Number Six,"

"Number Six, that means you are the sixth puppet assistant. Very good, I understand. From today onwards, I will call you Number Six. Now, Number Six, I need you to tell me what Electra left here,"

"I can't tell you the answer to this question, because I fell into a long sleep due to exhaustion of energy before the master left,"

"Well then, I will find the answer myself," Xiu said helplessly:

Fortunately, Electra's laboratory is not very big, and it is not too difficult for Xiuyi to find Electra's leftover items alone.

At the back of the laboratory, there is a row of huge storage cabinets. Xiu Yi excitedly opened the storage cabinets and found that most of them were empty. It seems that Electra did not leave anything in his laboratory for future generations.

Huey soon found a notebook lying quietly in the storage cabinet.

"I found it," Xiu Yi shouted excitedly.

This is the third Electra notebook discovered by Hugh Igles.

He couldn't wait to open it and read.

Opening the pages of the book, the first sentence Xiuyi saw was:

Great power can only be obtained from knowledge.

"Great power can only be obtained from knowledge," Xiuyi murmured these words.

There was a fiery look in his eyes, and he flipped through the notebook page by page.

At that moment, time seemed to be frozen, only the rustling sound of flipping through books.

Xu looked at Xiu Yi curiously, unable to figure out what fascinated Xiu Yi so much.

After a long time, Xiuyi finally looked up.

He put away the notebook, walked quickly to the other side of the laboratory, took out a larger energy spar from the ring, and put it into a slot on the wall.

Since the entire laboratory was supplied with energy, all the magic lamps lit up at the same time, making this originally dark space as bright as day.

"Among the three notebooks I got, Electra recorded the most detailed and valuable one, even including the introduction of this laboratory. There is no doubt that this is what Electra intends to leave for future generations," Xiu said quickly: "It records some alchemy techniques that are very useful to my current situation, Xu, we need to realize these alchemy techniques immediately, and we also need to sow the seeds. We have too many things to do, and from now on, we will become very busy."

Huey said loudly and began to search the entire laboratory.

Xu watched in amazement that Xiu Yi walked from one end of the laboratory to the other, not knowing what he was busy with. Xiu Yi searched everywhere while muttering: "There must be. Since Electra said that a sample was left behind, it must exist in a corner here."

The laboratory has a total of three rooms. In addition to the central main room for various alchemy experiments and production, a small room is used for rest and sleeping, and the other is a storage room for finished products.

After Huey couldn't find his target in the main room, he hurried to search in the storage room.

After a while, Xiu Yi shouted, "I found it."

Opening a big iron box in the corner, Xiu Yi carefully took out something from the box.

A humanoid puppet, like a puppet warrior, shone with golden light.

"The Vajra Puppet is another invention of Electra, but it has never been seen before. Electra hopes to use this thing to replace the troll god. I don't know how powerful it is, but there is no doubt that it is what we need. Asahi, this thing makes my counterattack plan more sure," Xiu Yi exclaimed excitedly.

He picked up the little devil dragon, kissed it fiercely, and shouted: "From today on, this is our home. We will live here for a while. What we need to do now is gather all the materials we need, and then make a Vajra puppet. Believe me, that is definitely a great invention that can surprise the entire empire. We want to show some color to the hounds that are chasing after us."

The little dragon was very uncomfortable with Huey's enthusiasm and madness: I hate alchemy, it makes the most calm people unreasonable, the little one thought angrily.

In fact, since discovering Electra's laboratory, Huey's mood has never been calm.

Especially the discovery of the puppet assistant and the King Kong puppet made him ecstatic.

For a long time, the main manifestation of the alchemist's force has actually been concentrated on golems. Over thousands of years of development, alchemists have invented hundreds of kinds of golems, but no one has ever surpassed Electra in this respect. His troll god is a clear proof.

However, for Huey, the use of golems has always been a big problem.

Unlike all the great alchemists in history, the biggest difficulty he encountered during his growth stage was not talent or materials, but the pursuit from the empire.

Due to the condition of the golem's soul, he couldn't carry the golem into the interspatial ring, which made it impossible for Xiu Yi to use it to fight unless he was prepared to expose himself. Therefore, he has been working hard to practice martial arts and magic, and at the same time use the magic circle in alchemy to cooperate in combat.

The inability to use the golem has always been a thorn in Xiuyi's heart.

A large part of the reason why he kept following Electra's footprints and looking for his possible laboratory is to find a golem that can be used without soul energy.

He believed that even Electra would not like the mighty scene of carrying an army of puppets wherever he went.

It's just that it's very difficult to find Electra's laboratory itself, let alone encounter content related to this aspect. Electra's research is as deep as the sea, and who knows when you will bump into his discoveries.

Unexpectedly, the god of luck would really favor Xiu Yi this time. Not long after he set off to search for the laboratory, he really found it, and what he found was exactly what he had been looking for, the Vajra Puppet.

This made Xiu Yi himself have to wonder whether God was helping him on purpose, or was it a reward for his hard work over the years.

No matter how hard a person works in this life, there are always some things that cannot be accomplished without luck.

But this time, it was obvious that his luck was really very good.


The King Kong puppet is another invention of Electra after the invention of the troll god.

At that time, Electra had begun to feel the pain of being famous, so he realized that he needed to create a puppet that could be carried in the space ring to solve the problem of walking around.

The idea of ​​the Vajra Puppet was born under such circumstances.

For a long time, Electra has been using soul spells as a supplementary method for advanced puppets. In this regard, he is cheating, because what the alchemist pursues is replacing magic with alchemy, and he has integrated magic into alchemy.

But in order to solve the carrying problem, Electra had to reconsider from the perspective of alchemy, and directly create a powerful puppet that can fight purely through alchemy. Therefore, at this point, Electra believes that the King Kong puppet is beyond the troll god. Of course, in terms of actual combat power, the King Kong puppet is still a bit worse than the troll god.

But for Xiu Yi, the Vajra Puppet is obviously more practical than the Troll God.

At this moment, looking at this golden vajra puppet, which has never faded after a hundred years, Xiu Yi caressed its metal skin carefully, and a cold chill pierced his heart.

According to Electra's notes, the biggest feature of the King Kong puppet is its super defense and deformation capabilities. It is made of a special metal that can only be made by alchemy. Fortunately, Electra's notes record the method of making this metal.

There are some patterns engraved on the skin of the King Kong puppet, which is a special magic pattern mark.

When Electra gave up using the soul magic orb as the central system for the Vajra puppet to receive and execute instructions, the magic pattern became his substitute.

This kind of magic pattern can resonate with the magic elements in the air. Although it cannot generate the lowest level of self-awareness, it can receive specific instructions. That is to say, Electra is still integrating magic into alchemy in a disguised form, but this time, he no longer directly integrates magic into production, but into directing and giving orders.

For the command of the Vajra Puppet, all instructions must be issued in the form of magic. Through the instructions transmitted by magic elements, the Vajra Puppet can quickly understand, accept and execute the master's orders just like having a soul magic orb.

"In the name of the creator, summon the most powerful magic power and give me a humble servant..." Xiuyi murmured.

The magic patterns on the Vajra Puppet's body emitted flashes of light, and the Vajra Puppet, which had been sealed for a hundred years, slowly raised its head and looked at Xiu Yi.

"I... am your new master," Xiu Yi said.

The Vajra Puppet knelt down on both knees, and its heavy body hit the floor with a dull sound.

"Let me see your strength," Xiu Yi implied the magic power in his words, stirring the air in the laboratory.

The Vajra puppet stood up, and one of its right arms turned into a sharp blade, and it stabbed hard towards the ground in front of Xiu Yi, piercing through the ground.

Huey smiled with satisfaction.

The King Kong puppet invented by Electra is actually a special puppet with variable attack ability.

Just like the terminator,

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