Almighty Alchemist

Chapter 22 The Alliance

On the way to Locust Town, Huey couldn't help thinking about the meaning of Buckler's words.

From Buckler's tone of voice, Xiuyi felt anxiety and uneasiness.

What Huey was sure of was that this uneasiness was related to him, but it was obviously not that simple. Buckler was not a mindless person. From the very beginning, he knew the danger of cooperating with him, and he was prepared for it. Judging from his previous performance, he did not let go because of the sky-high price offered by the Frank Empire. So what made Buckler so uneasy at this moment.

And why Buckler asked Lilith to invite himself instead of Ashlin, why couldn't he say this in the communication crystal.

Could it be a conspiracy to frame him.

No, no, if that's the case, then this conspiracy is too clumsy, and it definitely doesn't look like Buckler's handwriting.

Xiu Yi faintly felt that Buckler might have encountered some difficult problem, so he was anxious to find him.

Arriving at Brian Buckler's residence, Huey noticed that Huo Ding, Eagle Ashlin, and Lilith were all in the house at the moment, and the atmosphere in the room was a little dignified. It wasn't until the moment Huey walked in that Brian Buckler frowned slightly.

"Sit down, Huey," Buckler said to him, "We've been waiting for you for a long time,"

Xiuyi noticed that Buckler called him by his first name this time instead of his last name, which indicated that in his consciousness, the relationship between himself and them was rapidly drawing closer.

"What can't be said on the communication crystal, you must come to me,"

"Some things have happened, and our internal opinions are somewhat inconsistent, so we need to hear what you mean, I mean, we need to get some information from you and finally come to a conclusion, so we need to come here in person,"

"What the hell is going on?"

"Before answering your question, we want to ask you one thing," Houding said seriously.

This is the first time that Xiu Yi saw Huo Ding, who has always been refined and refined, talking to him in such a serious tone, which made Xiu Yi slightly stunned, and then he nodded: "Speak."

Huo Ding said: "After we learned about your other price from Lilith, we also got news about the space ring from Ashlin. To be honest, this shocked us. Lilith was right, you are different from us, so we checked the situation again,"

"I'm not surprised,"

"According to the information we got, it is said that the big man who was really killed by you was not a certain nobleman, but a super great alchemist..."

Huey replied: "If you just want to ask this, I can admit that yes, Patrick Hines died at my hands. Before I killed him, I was his assistant and worked for him for nearly four years. Don't ask me why. You should be able to guess the answer. Compared with Hines, you are a group of good people."

Buckler glanced at Ashlin, and the old necromancer lowered his head and thought for a while, then said in a deep tone: "The magic pattern engraved on Lilith's body was invented by Hines,"


"Then it's a human experiment. It's unimaginable that the empire would..." The old mage sighed and didn't continue.

Everyone understands now.

Buckler couldn't help asking: "Then it's not a rumor that all the inventions and knowledge of Hines fell into your hands,"

"If he will, I will meet, if I will, he won't,"

Xiu Yi's answer made everyone gasp.

Buckler even smiled bitterly: "We never believed that this was actually true,"

"The truth is sometimes hidden in rumors. This is not uncommon. Sooner or later, more and more people will know about this matter, but you never need to expect the empire to admit it. It's just that it can't be hidden from the eyes of those who are interested. Do you know why I never make this matter public?"


Xiu Yi showed a confident smile: "Because I know that even if I say it, no one will believe it, but I don't need to say it. As long as I am still alive, as long as the empire is still chasing me, and as long as I give them hope of finding me, they will keep mobilizing their troops, running around, and sending out missions. As they find that Xiu Yiglaer they want to capture is not so easy to deal with, they will have to send more people to participate, even more powerful people. More and more people will know about it, and then..." He Spreading his hands: "Things will gradually spread,"

He looked at Buckler: "A top-down rumor is always more convincing than a bottom-up rumor. One day people will fully understand the truth,"

Buckler, Huo Ding and others looked at each other in blank dismay, none of them thought that Xiu Yi had such thoughts.

They can fully understand that once this matter is fully exposed, it will have a great impact on the empire, and maybe even the entire empire will fall into turmoil. The neighboring countries will have the status of righteousness when attacking their own side, and the citizens will no longer support their emperor. Maybe they have nothing to do with the emperor in terms of force, but in terms of production, order and stability of the country, it will undoubtedly bring about great chaos.

If Xiu had publicized the crimes against the Lance Empire from the beginning, the Lance Empire would have denied all of this. With Xiu Yi's appeal, no one would listen to him, but Xiu Yi did not do this. He didn't say anything, but kept fleeing, counterattacking, attracting people, letting people speculate, letting rumors fly, and finally let the truth gradually surface.

During this process, all kinds of suspicions will flood the hall, the power of corruption will gradually deepen, external interference, and internal turmoil will gradually become prominent in his series of actions, until one day he will finally reveal the Gu.

He is like a conspirator, he has already planned everything, as of now, what he revealed is only the tip of the iceberg.

This discovery shocked Buckler and the others. The young man in front of him was so scheming that he had already caught the pulse of the empire.

It is impossible for him to bring down the big tree with his own strength, but he can use his attractiveness to make the big tree bend over and over again, and finally crush himself.

Hugh Igles is vicious. Every step he takes and every thing he does, he actually has his own plan. He is not in a hurry to pronounce the crimes of the emperor, but he uses the pursuit of the imperial hounds to attract people's attention, and gradually leaks out the secrets bit by bit, making the impact gradually long-term.

He is not destroying the country with one storm, but slowly eroding it with gentle wind and rain.

Huo Ding couldn't help but said: "The foundation of the empire is like a big tree with intertwined roots. Just a small ant and the commotion it creates may affect it, but it will never let it collapse. Moreover, this big tree cannot be so stupid that it cannot detect the danger that is close at hand."

"Yes, so it is necessary to accelerate its decay and decay process from the inside. External things are only used to attract their attention. Internal attacks are the deadly means. An ordinary ant may not be able to do much, but a small termite can gnaw down a big tree, because it attacks the inside of this large tree. To destroy a country, sometimes it is not necessary to forcibly cut it from the outside. Internal corrosion is more likely to produce results."

Buckler and the others gasped.

This way of thinking is not like a simple boy, but more like a scheming and cunning old fox. Such a huge contrast appeared in a sixteen-year-old boy, which made everyone feel heartbroken.

Huo Ding said: "You mean... oh my god, I understand why you want to train Lei Lei and the others,"

"Yes, at the beginning, I just hoped to rely on the cover of a large number of people, but later I discovered that Lei Lei and the others can play a greater role. Hugh Igles is like a light in the dark night, attracting everyone's attention, but no one would have thought that the family he created is penetrating into the upper echelons of the entire empire."

"You're doing this by putting your personal hatred above everything else, you're going to ruin the country, you can't have the whole Reims Empire as your sacrifice, and it won't be easy,"

"I didn't think of destroying this country," Xiuyi replied, "and it was the emperor who did the wrong thing. I didn't intend to use the whole country to bury him. At this point I can bring down the empire, but at least I can create the illusion that I'm doing it, and I'm getting close to it, as if a black ant rolled in the paint and disguised itself as a termite, a termite that could eat this tree from the inside, and it would scare everyone."

"Then what,"

"Everyone has to pay for his actions. Strick VI is the main messenger of everything I have experienced. I created the situation, turbulent the empire, and disturbed the monarchs and ministers. I have the capital to bargain with them, not with my technology, not with my knowledge, not with my treasured materials, but with my threats and my existence. They have made me fear for four years. Now, it is time for them to try what I have experienced. Of course, the final result depends on their performance and my mood. , what I want is not too much now, just to be able to walk on this land openly, but for them, this requirement is already too high. People who eat mountains and seas all day long will not understand the value of food. Until one day, the Stricker family will wake up completely. Of course, in my judgment, they will not realize the importance of talking with me on an equal footing until they have paid enough lessons. They are more willing to catch me and force me to submit, "

It wasn't until this moment that Xiu Yi finally revealed all his plans. He wanted the Lance Empire to hunt him down, consume his strength during the hunt, reveal the secrets of Purgatory Island during the hunt, and create chaos and panic again and again during the hunt, until the noose of this hunt finally fell back on Strick's

On the neck, until then, Xiu Yi will conduct a negotiation with the monarch of this empire as a victor rather than as a compromise.

At that time, he didn't need to make any more sacrifices. He treated the emperor of the empire like what robbers often say to merchants who have robbed themselves: "This is not a robbery, this is a deal, and your life is the bargaining chip in this deal."

Yes, that was Huey's plan, and he was going to tell the Stricker family this.

Buckler and others have to admire the boy's whimsical plan, but they have to say that this plan is at least theoretically feasible.

Hugh Igles had the value to force the Lance Empire to go all out. He successfully killed Ablit and created the first panic. Now the Frank Empire has known about Purgatory Island. Obviously, it won't be long before the whole incident will surface.

The Great War is about to break out, but the interior will be unstable. The Lance Empire is facing a special war. In addition, they must dispatch a large number of masters to capture a young alchemist who is likely to become another Electra in the future. However, this young alchemist is already preparing to infiltrate the empire by establishing a hopeful force.

Buckler took a deep breath: "Hugh Igleser, you are crazy,"

"To quote what you said, everyone sitting here is crazy. I'm just crazier than you all. Now, I think you can tell me what happened, right?"

Buckler nodded to Houding.

"Entrusted by you some time ago, we have been investigating the people who hunted you down. The list has been sent to you, but in fact I think you should have noticed that because you once killed Ablit, we don't think they can easily take you down based on the people on the list, so we think they should have other preparations,"

"Yes, I thought so too,"

"Because of the deal you promised us, we entrusted our friends to continue to conduct in-depth investigations, and found that some time ago, several visitors from Wenlington came to Royo City and received warm hospitality from the city lord. The scene was very grand,"

"If it's a big shot, it shouldn't be hard to check his identity,"

Huo Ding had a weird smile on his face: "Yes, it's not difficult to check, in fact we recognized one of them very quickly,"


"Sky Warrior Kevin Beers,"

Xiu Yi thought about the name carefully, then shook her head: "I'm sorry, I haven't heard of it before,"

Buckler interjected: "Our old friend, he has at least a hundred lives of my former brothers in his hands, including my dearest relatives." He pointed to the scar on his face: "This is the memorial that Bills left for me. Thanks to him, I broke through that day and became a sea warrior. If my brother hadn't tried his best to save me, I would have died a long time ago, but I watched my niece and brother-in-law die with my own eyes. "

Eagle Ashlin also said: "He has killed many of our relatives and friends. You know that even robbers and criminals have their own relatives and emotions. Kevin Biers is the bastard that each of us hates. He is also not a good person himself. Lilith's sister... was raped and killed by him,"

"Igor, that's enough," Lilith whispered angrily.

Xiu Yi felt the power in her body expand again.

It could be seen that Lilith was more angry with this Kevin Biers than with Xiu Yi.

Buckler said: "Kevin Biers is our old opponent and the person we hate the most. Because he has brought people to the Villas Mountains to wipe out us many times, everyone here hates him. He is very vicious and never leaves a living, even the elderly and children."

"It's indeed a scumbag," Xiu Yi said lightly, "I think I already know the reason why you guys want to talk to me face to face,"

"Yes," Huo Ding nodded, "Lilith is eager to kill Kevin Beers to avenge her sister, and we also don't want to let him go, but Kevin Beers is not alone, he has warriors and magicians at the same level as him. We only have one magician here, but Igor can't be the opponent of the other side. We need stronger power."

"And then you thought of me, and you wanted to go with me and kill Kevin Beals,"

"Yes, if we're right, they're coming for you, and we know you've been preparing, but we don't know how sure you are,"

"That's why you disagree, who's on the opposite side,"

"I," Buckler said, "Kevin Beers is very powerful. He alone can kill everyone here. Of course, if I can kill that bastard at the cost of my life, I won't hesitate. It's just that I have to think about more things."

"And I," Eagle Ashlin also said, "the disparity in power is too great. We can't deal with those three powerhouses alone. Besides, Royo City is not without other warriors and magicians, including Raschel Chakle and the others."

Xiuyi noticed the tragic look in Lilith's eyes.

She said: "If you can help me get rid of that bastard, the past will be wiped away, and I promise I will never hate you again,"

"You know that's not necessarily a good thing for me," Huey laughed.

Lilith blushed, and the anger in her heart welled up again, and Xiuyi comfortably enjoyed the pleasure of absorbing power.

Barcler sighed: "Xiu Yi, don't tease Lilith anymore. She wants to get revenge and wants it very much, so she came to you in person and wanted to talk to you, but you didn't give her this opportunity. I don't want her to miss the opportunity to kill Kevin Beins, but we are not sure. Holing thinks that you should ask you. If you are sure to deal with three strong men, then we join, "

Is this the case? The same goal brings different people together. What an unexpected harvest, Xiu Yiyouyou thought.

He stood up and looked out the window in the distance.

He knew that if he didn't show up in Royo City, Kevin Biers would definitely lead people to commit suicide in Locust Town. Whether it was for the peace of Locust Town or for revenge, Buckler had no choice.

Perhaps it is also a painful feeling for him to give up here and flee to the mountains again and again.

Then he said indifferently in a cold tone: "Our opponents are very strong, very powerful, and they have endless reserves. Even if they fail once, they can quickly make a comeback. The plan I decided is destined to be a long and painful process, and there must be no failure once. If you go to Royue City with me, it means that you have officially stepped on the thief ship that repaired Iglesel, and you will never be able to come down again. Accomplices and supporters...for the Empire, those are two completely different things,"

Buckler replied in a deep voice: "We have made all the preparations,"

Xiu Yi suddenly turned around, and said in a cold tone: "Then... let's go and kill them all together,"

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