Almighty Alchemist

Chapter Thirty-One

The atmosphere of the tavern became imperceptibly stagnant.

The movements of Huey and Raschel paused at the same time, just like the tape phenomenon that appeared during the movie playback, forming a fixed picture.

However, the tape time was extremely short, just a second passed by. Xiuyi's hand holding the ID just paused for a moment, and then his eyes were full of "surprise". He opened the detective ID in his hand, put it in front of his eyes and looked at it carefully for a while, and then said with a smile: "It turned out to be Officer Raschel. Look at you, you surprised me just now. If you had said that you were an agent of the Legal Affairs Department, I wouldn't have to be so nervous."

He returned the certificate to Raschel: "I'm sorry for getting your clothes wet, but please believe that I will definitely compensate you,"

His performance is like a helpless lamb, after suddenly discovering the backer, his face is full of surprise.

Raschel didn't see any abnormal behavior from the other party, such as nervousness, panic, or casually explaining a few words and leaving in a hurry, which made him a little disappointed.

As for Xiuyi's wetting of his clothes, whether it was a coincidence or intentional, just like Hugh Glare, Raschel also had a doubt in his heart at the same time.

Slowly taking his detective card, Raschel put it into his underwear pocket, and smiled at Xiuyi: "It doesn't matter, please believe that I didn't intend to hide my identity, but you know, revealing my identity in such a place where accidents are easy..." He made a helpless gesture of spreading his hands: "It is easy to attract some malicious behavior from others. I just wanted to protect you."

Huey quickly sat down beside Raschel, and leaned into his ear: "You are right, but no matter what, being able to sit next to an agent will make me feel much more at ease, thank you very much for your concern,"

He patted himself on the chest: "I swear I will never act as stupidly as I did just now, I hope no one notices your ID, I mean...except me,"

After thinking for a while, he said, "Maybe I should treat you to a good drink," Huey said to Raschel, and he waved to the bartender: "Do you have any sky whiskey here?"

"Yes sir, but the wine is expensive,"

"I can afford it," Huey threw ten King Witts on the bar: "Bring a bottle here, I want to have a few drinks with the gentleman next to me."

"It can be seen that you come from a wealthy family," Raschel lost no time in complimenting him.

"The Dardanelles," Huey replied, "Siser Dardanelles, my name,"

"Jason Raschel, you already know, nice to meet you," Raschel held out his hand.

The two held hands together.


"Excuse me, judging by your clothes and conversation, you should come from a certain family, but it's strange why I've never heard of the name Dardanelles," Raschel asked Xiuyi.

Xiu Yi smiled softly: "There are as many families in the empire as there are stars in the sky. You are sure that you know the existence of each family, and I am not from a noble family. I come from a business family. We have nothing but a little money,"

"Oh, can you tell me about your family?"

"Professional habits, like to inquire about other people's family background,"

Raschel shrugged: "That's right, it's just a habit, you know, when I saw you for the first time, you gave me a feeling,"

"What does it feel like?"

"A...very special feeling, you are like an old friend of mine," Raschel said with a smile.

"It's an honor to hear that you don't sound like a local,"

"No, I am not, but you don't have a native accent, Monsieur d'Artagnan,"

"Not really,"

"That's interesting, may I ask where you're from?"

Xiuyi thought for a while and replied: "At sea,"

Raschel's eyes lit up: "Wow, Hai Hai, my old friend is also from Hai Hai, may I ask what the Dardanelles do?"

Huey shrugged, and told the lie about the Dardanelles that he had prepared. Raschel listened and asked questions from time to time. His way of asking questions was very clever. He always popped up a sentence from time to time, which was often irrelevant to what Huey was narrating, but there was a faint connection. What Huey noticed was that Raschel obviously knew how to ask questions. He was not interested in what Huey said. On the contrary, he paid more attention to the details.

For example, when Huey talked about his father's death, Raschel asked him where and when it happened, what the octopus looked like, did it make a sound when it ate people, how long did it take to digest a person, why his uncle came back alive and so on.

Some of these questions seem to be unconnected, but they are secretly related to each other. Once Xiu Yi does not answer well, it is likely to lead to self-contradictory lies, thus revealing her identity.

Raschel concatenated all his problems into a minefield.

If it wasn't for Hou Ding and others who taught him how to weave lies, Eagle Ashlin and Brian Buckler taught him how to deal with the interrogation of agents from the Legal Affairs Bureau, perhaps just a few simple questions that seemed insignificant could defeat Huey.

"You know the scene was so chaotic, as a child, I was actually terrified at the time, and Mr. Raschel, I must say that your question is not very gentlemanly, you are forcing me to recall the painful past,"

"Oh, I'm sorry," Raschel said hastily, "Look at me, I always look like this. I keep asking questions about curious things, and I never care about other people's feelings. I hope that won't hurt your heart."

"It's okay, in fact, after such a long time, the wound in my heart has gradually healed,"

"So, the Dardanelles came to Royo City to develop from the sea to the land, and to avoid the dangerous sea life,"

"Exactly," Huey replied.

In fact, after discovering the identity of the other party, Xiu Yi has already cursed the arrangement of God in his heart.

Just like a prey that has been chased for a long time, when he was busy setting traps and bait in his territory, he suddenly found that he had accidentally collided with his target.

If there is any chance in between, it is that Raschel is not sure that he is Hugh Igleser, he has never seen him before, and he has made a comprehensive image change, even the ring recognized by Christine has been re-disguised, with a big ruby ​​embedded in it, looking like a typical nouveau riche.

Xiuyi believed that Raschel's doubts and inquiries about him were actually just a professional instinct at the beginning, but after he successfully tested out that he possesses the energy of fighting spirit, and he discovered his identity in turn, everything began to change dramatically.

Raschel will undoubtedly increase the degree of doubt about himself, and quickly transition from the initial instinctive temptation to conscious pursuit.

This can be said to be a very bad consequence, Xiu Yi would rather not know who the other party is, and then leave.

Now this guy is asking questions continuously, and if he continues to question him step by step, he will show his feet sooner or later.

When the opponent's offense is continuous, defense alone cannot solve the problem, and Xiuyi is sensitive to this.

"Why just talk about me, Mr. Raschel, in fact, I am more interested in the work of the Legal Affairs Bureau. The boring family business gives me a headache. It is not exciting. If I have a choice, I would rather be an agent like you. I just saw that your certificate says that you are the commander of a certain operation, which means that you should be a very prominent person."

"Merely having certain powers in a certain case,"

"Even so, it is already very remarkable. I believe you must be very good, and your experience in solving crimes must be very exciting,"

"It's really exciting, you know we're always dealing with tough criminals, and a lot of the time we're going through life and death,"

"Maybe you would like to share your wonderful story with me," Xiu Yi asked back, "For example, why did you come to Royo City, and are you looking for a criminal?"

"Oh, in order to find an old friend, an old friend who I have been in love with for a long time but have never had the chance to meet, I have been looking for him everywhere during this time, but he is always mysterious and unwilling to show up,"

"That's interesting, so how did you know he'd be in Royo?"

"Because he at least left me some messages reminding me to come here and find him,"

"A game of hide and seek,"

Raschel laughed: "That's right, my friend seems to like playing games, so I'm here,"

"I guess no one can escape the search of the Legal Affairs Bureau,"

"Of course, no one has ever been able to,"

"It's really surprising to say that. Many times I can't imagine that when a certain cunning criminal is hidden in the vast crowd, what methods do the agents of the Legal Affairs Bureau find them out. I mean, the world is so big, how can you be sure where the other party is? You know that young people are always interested in the stories of solving crimes. Maybe you can teach me something," Huey added to Raschel's glass.

"Oh, thank you, that's complicated to say, why don't we continue talking about the Dardanelles,"

"What's there to talk about in the family business? I think it's more exciting to catch criminals,"

"Oh, it's just some small tricks, it's really not worth boasting about. On the contrary, it's doing business, which embodies human wisdom,"

"But I still want to hear it. I think catching criminals is exciting," Xiu said with a smile.

"It seems we envy each other,"

"People always care about what they don't get,"

The two laughed at the same time.

These two people seem to be practicing Tai Chi, extending the problem to each other as much as possible.

In Raschel's eyes, any behavior to test the other party that might be Xiu Yiglaer is a very normal work requirement. The young man in front of him, from the first time he saw him, he felt that the other party was not simple. He was like a beautiful woman with a veil, and "Story and Secret" was written on the back of the veil.

Especially after Huey wet his coat and discovered his true identity, Raschel felt that if this was not a coincidence, then the identity of the other party was worth scrutinizing.

It was as if he saw a certain mysterious beauty, eager to lift the veil of the other party and find out the truth behind it, but the veil of this "beauty" did not seem easy to remove. For Xiuyi, shifting the focus of the problem to Raschel himself was the best way to avoid talking too much, and at the same time learn more about the other party's secrets.

This makes the contact between the two people full of comic drama. They hide their inner secrets from each other, and then try to dig out each other's secrets. Raschel wants to know whether the other party is Xiu Yiglaer, while Xiu Yi wants to know how much the other party doubts him, whether Raschel came alone, and whether he should kill the opponent immediately to avoid future troubles.

They are like opponents sitting at the negotiating table with guns, talking and laughing on the surface, but hiding murderous intentions behind their backs.

They spoke insincerely to each other, each tried every means to test each other, ask questions, avoid questions...

Maybe in the next second, there will be rivers of blood in the tavern.

The air in the tavern was hazy and bleak.

"I'm almost done, Mr. Lascher," Huey said, putting down his glass: "It's time to go back,"

"Are you leaving so soon?"

"Yes, but..." Huey leaned into Raschel's ear: "I remember you promised to give me a ride. I mean, I'm worried that after I leave, someone will follow me and covet my money. But if I have an agent from the Legal Affairs Bureau with me, I will be much safer."

"I'd be more than happy to escort you," Raschel said, picking up his soaking coat.

When he walked, his legs started to shake: "Oh, I drank a little too much, Master Dardanelle, can you help me?"

"No problem," Xiu Yi stepped forward to help him.

Raschel seemed to be trying to grab Huey's shoulder, but his hand accidentally caught Huey's glasses.

Huey tilted her head back slightly, dodging the grab: "Take it easy, Mr. Raschel, you almost knocked off my glasses,"

"Oh, I'm really drunk, I'm sorry, but maybe you can see better without your glasses, I mean... how many degrees is that," Raschel mumbled back, shaking his head desperately, looking dizzy.

"Not very high," Huey replied coldly.

He helped Raschel out of the tavern, and they walked on the empty roads in the city, chatting casually with each other.

They looked like a pair of old friends.


The streets of Royo City at night are lonely and deep, and passers-by are hardly seen walking.

Occasionally, there is a wild cat named Chun, which makes a shrill cry in the dark night.

A drunk man walked by on the road, sang loudly, and then fell into the gutter beside the road. The cold wind blew by, making people shiver all over.

Huey helped Raschel walk on the empty street.

"Oh, it's a pleasure to meet you, Master Dardanelle, it's good to be young, look at me, I'm almost fifty years old, I'm getting old, look, my hair is gray,"

Raschel said, pointing to his head.

"Just a little bit,"

"Maybe I should get my hair dyed, what color do you think I'd like, I mean, if you have that... potion, maybe you can give me a bottle,"

"That's for you to decide, and I don't have that potion,"

"That's a shame," Raschel muttered.

"Mr. Raschel, it seems that you are really very drunk. I don't think you are suitable to send me home. I'd better go back by myself,"

"Oh, no, no, don't go," Raschel took Xiuyi's hand and said, "Tell me where you live, and I can send you back. Don't forget that I am an agent and the killer of criminals. Bad guys will run away in fright when they see me."

Huey noticed that he was holding her hand firmly and firmly, not at all like a drunk man.

"That's right," Huey chuckled, "Thank you, Mr. Raschel, I forgot to tell you that we have already left the danger zone. I mean, look, there is no one behind us, neither those who tried to track me down for money and murder, nor your people behind you to protect you. I thought that as the commander of a big operation, you should be protected by someone, but now it seems that you are a single activity today."

Raschel loosened his hold on Huey slightly.

Xiu Yi noticed that his body shook slightly, with a smug smile on his face.

Then he continued: "So you see, Mr. Raschel, this place is safe now. Since there are no bad guys here, there will be no threat to our lives. There is no need for us to walk together anymore, right? We can go home separately,"

Raschel nodded: "You are right, young man, if there are bad people, then I will definitely be unlucky,"

His hands are completely loose.

Huey turned and left.

Raschel suddenly called out from behind: "May I know where you live, Master Dardanelle?"

"Silent Island Hotel, top floor," Huey replied.

"I'll see you when I'm free, I's not easy to meet someone you can talk to in this world, right? It's a pleasure chatting with you,"

Huey turned back to look at Raschel, with a calm expression on his face: "Yes, Mr. Raschel, I am also very happy to chat with you, you are a talkative and interesting person, and I am very much looking forward to meeting you again,"

Raschel nodded, and after thinking about it, he said, "Very well, maybe I'll bring my friends to see you,"

"The Dardanelles sincerely look forward to your presence," Huey made an elegant invitation gesture.

A carriage stopped beside Xiu Yi, and Xiu Yi jumped into the carriage, moving nimbly and without any hesitation.

Sitting in the carriage, he raised his hand towards Raschel, and with the whip of the coachman whipping, the wheels rolled and gradually disappeared into the vast night.

Raschel stared at the dark place in the distance, and his eyes, which were slightly muddy due to drunkenness, gradually brightened.


I have been attending classes at Lu Xun Academy of Literature for the past few days. The course has a total of ten days, and it will end on the 26th. Every day, I have to have five hours of class during the day, and three hours of discussion at night, and then I still have homework to do...

If it weren't for the manuscript, I would have been exhausted.

But I can’t just save manuscripts, I can only rush to write. In order to have more time, I even gave up the breakfast time. I dozed off during class, but I still sat in the first row, not daring to let the teacher see.

The lecturers are not ordinary people, there are Jiang Zilong, Bai Bian, Hu Ping, Zhou Ximing, Lu Yuan... (I got a lot of signatures, hehe,)

In order not to fall asleep, I had no choice but to scratch my hand with a key and use the pain to wake myself up. I was just short of cantilever. (I never took it so seriously in class,)

But no matter what, I did learn a lot in this class, and understood many deficiencies in my own works. I believe that I will write better and better in the future.

By the way, the reason for forgetting to write this paragraph is not to complain, but mainly to explain that my original habit is to save manuscripts for quality, and to use them for revision and refinement in a fixed period of time.

In addition, there are six chapters where the first big climax will begin. Believe in fate, if I say it is a climax, it will definitely make everyone happy. Let me say so much first,

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