Almighty Alchemist

Chapter 46: The Secret of the Sanctuary

When Christine woke up from her sound sleep, she saw Huey standing by her bed again.

Now she has learned not to be surprised by it.

"My servant seems to be really negligent. She let you easily enter my room time and time again." Leaning her body on her back, revealing the beautiful blank space on her chest, the lazy beauty looked at Xiu Yi with seductive eyes: "What kind of surprise did you prepare for me today? After you carried out that terrible killing."

Xiuyi put a large bouquet of flowers in a vase next to her, threw the overnight flowers out of the window and said, "Raschel already knows that I'm still in Royo City."

"That's great." Christine pouted her cute little mouth: "You let him know on purpose, right?"

"Yes, through the mouth of a shameless person. The war has just begun, and it is far from over. If they don't know that I am in this city, there is no need to stay, and I can't let them leave just yet."

"What the hell!" Christine threw the pillow at Xiu Yi angrily, "You dragged me into the water too. I only wanted to make a deal with you, but you used me to kill three important officials of the empire! Now you plan to continue killing people!"

"There are two, and the other one is just blind." Xiuyi answered Christine calmly, took the pillow, sniffed it, and made an intoxicated expression.

Christine said helplessly, "Then who else do you want to kill?"

"Kevin Beals and Garrick Inston."

"Ha!" Christine rolled her eyes: "Are you crazy? Those are two sky warriors! Kevin Bierse's strength is even close to that of a star warrior!"

"Before I killed Leah Bogle, I guess you didn't think I was capable of that either."

Christine was silent for a while, and after thinking for a while, she sat up and let the quilt slip off, shaking her head helplessly and said: "It's useless, Xiuyi, your plan is just a delusion. The Lance Empire has countless manpower and material resources. Even if you can kill one or two strong people, it doesn't mean you can deal with a group of strong people. Even if you can kill the sky warriors, there are star warriors and even sanctuary existences on top of them. You are doomed to failure in this war, even if you can win a hundred victories, You can't afford to lose even once. Especially if you force the empire to send a sanctuary-level powerhouse to deal with you, then you will only have a dead end. Listen to me, give up as soon as possible, after completing our deal, you still have to run as far as you can, or simply live in peace as Sissadaniel, and I will try my best to protect you."

"What if I say no?"

"Then you have only one way to die. I know that you are very smart and powerful, and you can use various means to kill whoever you want. You can leapfrog to kill Leah Bogle, you can kill Kevin Beers and Garrick Inston, you can even kill Star Warrior, but you will never be able to kill Sanctuary. The power of Sanctuary is an existence that you cannot imagine. If there is a day when you defeat all the people you can defeat but still refuse to stop, then one day, you will recruit Sanctuary."

Xiu Yi was a little curious: "From your tone, it seems that you have seen Sanctuary?"

There was a rare fright on Christine's face. Her eyes became deep and distant at that moment. She stared blankly at Xiuyi. She murmured: "Yes, I was lucky enough to meet such a strong person. You can't imagine how powerful the Sanctuary is. It's completely beyond the limit of what human beings can have, and you can't make up for it with your wisdom. They have surpassed the limit of strength and become existences that you can't understand. In the face of absolute strength, you can't realize any conspiracy."

This reminded Huey of Electra.

According to the dragon Rita, Electra is a powerful magister at the sanctuary level. However, Rita never said, what is the strength of Sanctuary. Because Electra put a restriction on her, she couldn't reveal the secrets about this aspect, but since then, he knew that Sanctuary had a powerful special power, but he didn't know what kind of power it was.

In fact, most people don't know why the strong man in the sanctuary can become an invincible existence on this continent.

In Xiuyi's memory, the most famous battle in Fengming Continent took place more than a hundred years ago. A sanctuary warrior faced a team of more than a dozen peak powerhouses in a battle, and even killed all of his opponents with great power. In Xiu Yi's cognition, this completely overturned his cognition of the power system.

Power has always been a combination of quantity and quality. No matter how powerful an individual is, it cannot compete with the power of a whole country. The combination of three to five sky warriors is definitely stronger than one star warrior. Similarly, the combination of many earth warriors can easily beat a sky warrior to the ground and flee.

However, the combat power possessed by the sanctuary has completely subverted this impression. In all known past battles, no one strong in the sanctuary has ever lost to an opponent below the sanctuary, no matter how many people the opponent has.

Only Sanctuary can defeat Sanctuary, which has almost become a consensus.

In addition, even if tens of thousands of lives are used to consume the opponent's strength, they can only defeat rather than kill the opponent. In the past, the Bauhinia Dynasty used as many as 20,000 soldiers to attack an enemy's sanctuary.

As for the single person jumping over the steps to kill Sanctuary, it has never happened in history.

The power of the sanctuary is far beyond people's imagination.

This is why the magic dragons beyond the twelfth level will lose to the sanctuary.

"Maybe you can tell me, what is the source of the strength of the Sanctuary?"

Christine sighed softly: "It comes from a new kind of power, which surpasses the power of fighting spirit and magic, and people call it domain power."

"Domain power?"


"What kind of power is that?"

"I don't know. I only know that the power of the domain is very strange. It represents the absolute authority of a certain aspect. The domain power of each sanctuary is different. You can't know what kind of domain power they hold, because it is the biggest secret for the sanctuary. The sanctuaries don't attack easily. Once they do, they will kill every enemy who knows their secrets. Since almost no one can survive the pursuit of the sanctuary, no one knows what the domain power is. said it before he died."

"So, of those who dared to challenge the sanctuary, none survived?"

"No, there are always exceptions. As far as I know, there are still some people who can survive, but few people will take the initiative to admit it. Not long ago, there was a star warrior in the Lance Empire who challenged the sanctuary and survived successfully. Speaking of which, you still know that person."

"who is it?"

"Lancelot." Christine parted her lips, and spit out the name that made Xiuyi shudder.


Strolling in the back garden of the Silent Island Hotel, Christine was wearing a small dress with a parasol in her hand, and a lace hat covered most of her pretty face, leaving only her graceful figure swaying in the wind.

This woman was born to attract men, even if you don't look at her beautiful face, just look at her every move, every gesture exudes infinite charm, which makes men yearn for.

However, it is such a woman who is so beautiful that she can't have any real attraction to the young man around her. Even though the young man pursues Christine every day with crazy generosity, Christine knows that he doesn't have herself in his heart.

Even a man seems to be much more attractive to this boy than himself.

This made her feel a little resentful, regretting that she had told him about Lancelot.

At this moment, Xiu Yi was indeed devoting herself to the news about Lancelot. He didn't expect that after he left Purgatory Island, the first news about Lancelot he got was from Christine, and it was such amazing news when it came up.

According to what Christine told him, after Lancelot left the island, he knew he had been deceived, but he neither went to Winnington to plead guilty to the emperor, nor returned to the southern family, nor even went to find the woman he once loved deeply.

On the contrary, from that day on, he traveled all over the country and began to challenge the strong one by one.

As a peak powerhouse, Lancelot's reputation can be said to be the most unknown in the Lance Empire, so at first many people didn't even know that there was a number one powerhouse like Lancelot in the empire. However, as he walked along the way, he continued to challenge strong players from all over the world and won victories again and again, his name began to spread in this land. At this time, the name of Hugh Igles also fluttered in the land of the Lance Empire, and together with Lancelot, it became the most famous name in the empire during this period.

The new fifth star warrior of the Lance Empire, after defeating another star warrior two months ago, has become the youngest and most powerful peak powerhouse in the empire.

It's just that under such circumstances, no one expected Lancelot to do a crazy act similar to suicide - challenging the sanctuary.

Everyone knows that the sanctuary is not easy to mess with, even the emperor has to respectfully call them saints when he sees them, and treat them with courtesy. As for the sanctuary, anyone who can force them to use the "domain power" will be killed without mercy, without exception. Domain power is the biggest secret of every sanctuary powerhouse. It is said that in order to protect this secret, they will not let anyone go.

Lancelot's challenge to the Sanctuary was a complete suicide. It is not surprising that he failed, but the surprising thing is that he survived.

This made Xiu Yi feel a little relieved.

Others might not know why Lancelot had such crazy behavior that almost courted death, but he knew it very well.

He knew that it must be the letter he left to Lancelot, accusing him of not having a "heart of a strong man", which stimulated this proud man. He began to try to challenge adversity, take risks like a real brave man, and struggle to survive on the verge of death. Obviously, stimulated by himself, Lancelot must have gained many new insights in the process of continuously challenging the strong. In order to further improve himself, he even put his life aside to take the initiative to challenge the sanctuary, hoping to comprehend the law of power in the duel with the strong.

That is the necessary mentality for a warrior to grow up. A warrior who only dares to bully the weak, no matter how powerful he is, is not qualified to be called a strong one.

"Do you know where Lancelot is recently?" Huey asked Christine suddenly.

"He returned to the Southern Family. I heard that his father, the acting head of the Southern Family, Bertrot, held a grand welcome ceremony for him, officially acknowledging him as a member of the family. However, Lancelot was not interested in all of this, he only wanted to practice. However, for the Southern Family, there was a star warrior in the family, and he was an undead powerhouse who challenged the sanctuary. This alone was enough to make the whole family famous, and many wealthy nobles had to give them more benefits to maintain their close relationship with each other."

"Presumably the strong man in the sanctuary who failed to kill Lancelot also made some efforts to help?" Xiu Yi said lightly.

Christine was very surprised: "That's right, that's it. Aldrick Banister, a strong man in the sanctuary, used his domain power after accepting Lancelot's challenge but failed to kill him. Lancelot successfully escaped from Lord Banister's pursuit. Not long after that, Banister announced that Lancelot had become his friend since then. The Southern family is the biggest beneficiary of this matter. They not only gained a powerful family member, but also gained a powerful Sanctuary ally. Now the business of the Southern family It can be said that there are no disadvantages, and almost no one dares to trouble them. But how do you know the question?"

"It's not surprising." Xiuyi smiled mysteriously: "The changes in the relationship between people are actually out of interests, just like between you and me. Think about it, Christine, think about our meeting at the hotel that day, you recognized me, discovered my biggest secret, and what was the result?"

Christine froze, and then she exclaimed: "You mean..."

"That's right, Lancelot challenged Sanctuary strong Banister and survived successfully. This means that he already knew the secret of Bannister's domain power. Since the sanctuary strong have not wanted others to know what their domain power is for thousands of years, this shows that this power must have great limitations. It is very likely that this kind of power is not truly invincible, and once this power is known, someone will find a way to defeat or even kill them. This is the only reasonable explanation. And Lancelot is such a person who knows the secret of the other party. Of course he is very smart. After discovering this secret, he did not publicize it. Like every strong man who survived from the sanctuary, he chose cooperation instead of confrontation. Lancelot used this secret to protect himself, and he could even ask Banister to provide him with some protection and services. , so as to ensure that the secrets will not be leaked."

Speaking of this, Xiuyi's eyes flashed: "Of course, just buying may not be enough. Lancelot will definitely hide this secret in order to protect himself. If Banister tries to kill Lancelot, then the consequences may be... just like the relationship between Bailey and Raschel."

Speaking of this, Xiu Yi laughed: "Then logically speaking, there must be someone or something like Padgett in a certain corner of this world. There must be a great secret about the power of the sanctuary recorded there. If something happens to Lancelot, the secret about the power of the sanctuary's powerful Lord Bannister will be announced to the world. So as long as I can find it, then I will know what the secret of the power of the domain is. Then even if the sanctuary personally takes action against me in the future, I may not have no chance of winning. "

Christine was dumbfounded when she heard that, and she stared blankly at Xiu Yi. It was really hard to imagine what Xiu Yi's head was made of, and how she could analyze such a complicated inside story from such a simple incident.

A fatal flaw in invincible power? Sanctuary powerhouses are not truly invincible? What kind of power do they have? What kind of flaws does it have? These questions have never been known for thousands of years, but now, a teenager has developed an interest in unraveling its mysteries.

It seems that as long as it is something that Hugh Igleser wants to do, he will succeed. Because the next moment, he had already said leisurely: "Although Lancelot and I used to have a good friendship, I have lied to him after all. I don't think he will tell me such an important secret. So if I want to find this secret, I have to learn more about him. Fortunately, I don't lack knowledge of him.

After a slight pause, Xiu said: "Lancelot is a man with a true temperament, but he is not a fool. He lived on Purgatory Island for twenty years. Twenty years of solitude made him have no friends he could trust. His background led to a relationship between him and his father who only used each other instead of mutual trust. My deception and use of him made him even less likely to trust anyone. Therefore, unlike Raschel, unless Lancelot is stupid enough, he can't reveal such an important secret. It was easily handed over to someone. This means that he should hide the secret in a special place. This place cannot be simply under a certain rock or under a certain garden, otherwise, if Bannister really kills Lancelot, the secret will probably never see the light of day. Even if it is accidentally discovered in the future, this strong man in the sanctuary may have died a long time ago."

"Then where might he keep his secret?"

"It may be a certain bank, or a certain chamber of commerce, or a certain credit institution. It should be an organization that will not have access to his secrets, but can accurately complete his entrustment. It must have a certain reputation and credit."

"There are not many such options."

"Yes, but through the investigation of Lancelot's past whereabouts, there may be some clues. In addition, it is impossible for Lancelot to ignore the clues he has hidden, so we need to take the initiative to investigate. By the way, isn't the big hotel we are in now owned by the Nan family? It seems that we are going to get close to the person in charge of the hotel here. Perhaps from him, we can get a lot of information about the latest situation of Lancelot."

"What are you going to do?"

"This requires your help, madam. Only your charm can make the person in charge here know everything. I want to know which cities Lancelot has been to since he challenged Banister, and who in those cities has a relatively close relationship with Lancelot. As for the next..."

Xiu Yi smiled slightly: "I have a way to know where he hides his secret."

Looking at the confident smile of the boy in front of her, Christine suddenly felt a chill all over her body.

Subconsciously, the realization in her heart became stronger again, that is, never and ever go against Xiu Yiglaer. Otherwise, you don't know when he has plotted against you secretly.

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