Almighty Alchemist

Chapter 48 Winning

On the east side of Royo City, there is a river called Fein River, which is like the belt of Royo City, winding in the middle of the city, drawing a green ripple. The embankment here is beautiful, and there are a large number of local specialty plants-the magic tree planted on both sides.

This kind of magic tree has a strong vitality and a thick trunk. People often hollow out the middle of it to form natural tree holes, and put a wooden table to form a small enclosed space, but the magic tree will not die. The huge canopy of the magic tree can play the role of shading and heat storage, warm in winter and cool in summer, so this area has become the most famous leisure place in Royo City.

All the tree houses belonged to the lord of Royo City, Anfleet, and he had to pay a price of twenty silver witus per clock hour for leisure here.

Therefore, it is also the place where the nobles live and live, but at the same time, it does not exclude the common people.

Every day, a large number of ordinary citizens stroll along this beautiful river. This is a place for the elderly to rest, a good place for the rich to talk about business, and it is also a holy place for boys and girls to date.

Sitting in the magic tung tree house, Chakle was pouring himself a drink.

Chakle discovered this place two days ago.

He found that he quickly fell in love with the quiet and elegant here.

Only when people worry about gains and losses and their mood fluctuates can they feel the benefits of tranquility and long-distance. Ever since Hugh Igles made a big fuss in Royo City and killed Bogle, Chakle's mood can no longer be calmed down.

Sometimes he wonders what Xiu Yiglaer thinks. Why does a person like him think that he can fight against the entire empire? Is he insane? Still a genius?

Maybe both, Chakle thought to himself. But no matter how clever he is, he can't beat a country.

"Does your lord need a glass of sake?" A waiter came over and asked with his head bowed.

"No need."

"How about scented tea? It has a refreshing effect."

"No, there's no need, I just want to be alone for a while."

"If you need to cleanse up, I suggest you order a juice."

"No!" Chakle frowned: "You bastard, I said I don't need anything!"

"How about some snacks?"

"Are you finished, you bastard?!" Chakle was completely angry: "Get out of here, or I will kill you!"

The waiter who was talking about selling drinks and food suddenly raised his head and said to Chakle: "Are you sure you want to do that? Master Chakle?"

The waiter's face flashed before Chakle's eyes, but it already aroused the surprise and horror in Chakle's heart.

Hugh Iglare? The voice lingering in his heart had just risen, and a huge aura suddenly enveloped the entire tree house.

"You'd better not move." A dull voice came from behind the tree.

Chakle was startled, judging from the strength of this aura, it was definitely a strong man above the level of a marine warrior hiding in the dark. Xiu Yiglaer's harassment just now distracted him, so that he didn't notice that someone sneaked close to him. Beside Xiu Yi, the two red blazing birds were staring at him viciously. Although Xiu Yi himself was smiling, Chakle was almost sure that as long as he made a slight move rashly, the killing move from Xiu Yi's side would immediately pounce on him.

Considering Huey's consistent style of acting before acting, Chuckley wasn't sure he could avoid Huey's killer.

"Please don't get me wrong, Lord Chakle, I have no ill intentions towards you." Xiu Yi, who was dressed as a waiter, said politely.

"What do you want?" Chakle asked coldly.

"Just have a drink."

With that said, Huey walked into the tree house and sat down on the stool opposite Chakle.

This position shortened the distance between the two of them suddenly. Chakle looked at Hugh Iglesel, who was within reach, and thought of taking it down immediately.

Even though Xiu Yi had shown his strength to those who were chasing him, and even killed two sixth-level archmages, it was undeniable that the power of an alchemist was mostly external, just like a magician, and they were not suitable for any possible battle at any time. Only warriors had the ability to display their maximum combat power in any situation.

What he had to think about now was whether he could quickly take down Xiu Yi while enduring the attack from the strong man in the dark.

As if knowing what Chakle was thinking, Xiuyi poured himself a glass of ale first, and then said calmly: "If I die, the transactions between you and me on the island will be passed on to Strick VI immediately. I am the only one who can help you escape from Raschel's control."

These words were like a sharp needle, disappearing the vindictive energy gathered by Chakle like a punctured balloon.

Hearing these words, Chakle sat down slumped, and looked at Xiu Yi in a daze.

The sympathetic eyes swept over Chakle, and Xiuyi filled Chakle's wine: "Drink it."

Chakle complied almost numbly.

"Very good." Xiu Yi nodded in satisfaction.

After drinking that glass of wine, Chakle asked in a hoarse voice, "How did you know I was here? And how did you know that I was being blackmailed by Raschel?"

"I know a lot of things, but that's not important anymore. The important thing is Mr. Chakle, do you have the ability to recognize reality?"

"Reality?" Chakle sneered: "The reality is that you are trying to fight against a country. Hugh Iglell, you can't fight the Lance Empire. Even if you win once, twice, or a hundred times, you can't keep winning. And as long as you lose the last time, you will lose completely. You want to coerce me to do things for you? No, if His Majesty knows about my deal with you on the island, maybe I will be punished, but as a warrior of the land, I will die. But if I conspire with you, then I am the one who is truly doomed. On the other hand, if I catch you, then all previous mistakes can be forgiven by Your Majesty."

"Believe me, Master Chakle, catching me is far more difficult than you imagine."

"Really?" The thought of doing something has risen in Chakle's heart again.

However, at that moment, he was shocked to find that the fighting energy in the opponent's body was continuously increasing at the same time. The grudge on Xiu Yi's body kept flickering, level three, level four, level five, level six!

How can it be?

Chakle was completely stunned.

Hugh Igles in front of him actually showed the strength of a warrior fighting spirit reaching level six!

A strong sarcasm flashed in Xiuyi's eyes, he looked at Chakle, and smiled lightly: "Master Chakle, do you still think you can easily take me down now? Even without the help of Blazing Bird and my friends, do you think you can defeat me with my own ability?"

The soft incantation called out the wonder of the world, and the thick magic elements around it began to gather.

A six-pole warrior with the power of magic, even if he challenged Chakle head-on, Chakle would not be sure of victory.

"How did you cultivate? How is this possible?" Chakle moaned weakly.

Just a few days ago, this boy was only as strong as a fourth-level warrior. How could he become a sixth-level warrior in a few days?

"I'll surprise you even more before long. I think that might strengthen your resolve."

"What do you mean?" Chakle asked coldly.

"The heads of Kevin Beers and Garrick Inston." Huey replied with a smile. He leaned close to Chakle's ear and whispered: "I will soon have a decisive battle with them, and please Master Chakle know how to choose."

Said Xiu Yi walked out of the tree house.

He walked a few steps and suddenly turned back to Chakle and said: "Master Chakle, you still have enough time to think about my proposal before the decisive battle begins, but please remember that no matter which path you choose, it may be a road of no return. But there is one difference. If you cooperate with me, you will enjoy happiness for at least a long period of time, but if you fight against me, your next step is to perish..."

Ignoring the dazed Chakle, Xiuyi left on his own. When he came to a dense forest, he quickly changed his clothes and glasses, and changed back to Sisdaniel's appearance.

"For a moment, I thought he would attack you." Lilith's voice sounded behind her.

"Greedy people are always selfish and careful." Xiuyi replied.

"Also has the problem of capriciousness." That was Buckler's voice.

"That depends on your ability to control. There is always an incompetent master behind the capricious villain." Xiuyi smiled indifferently.

He turned around to look at Buckler and Lilith and said, "Don't worry, Chakle won't escape our grasp, he will definitely listen to us."

Looking at Chakle sitting alone in the tree house, hesitating and not knowing what to do, Lilith said coldly: "I don't care whether he will cooperate with us or not, Kevin Biers must die."

"Don't worry, Lilith, this is my promise to all of you." Xiuyi replied seriously.

He looked up at the sky, then smiled and said, "It's still early, Lilith, are you interested in taking a walk by the river with me?"

"Why don't you find your countess to accompany you?" Lilith glared at him.

"She is rum, sweet and sweet with endless aftertaste. You are dragon orchid wine, full of mellow sex and strength. Before the war, men need strong wine to burn their fighting spirit and desire, not sweet wine to relax their spirit and will, so I choose you." Xiu Yi replied without blushing.

Compared by Xiu Yi to a woman with a glass of strong wine, Lilith had the urge to punch him, but for some reason, she couldn't control her emotions at that moment and agreed.


This... Let me tell you about the update issue.

The 12-day annual meeting, plus writing the memoirs of Lu Yuan, took about 20 days. In the past 20 days, Yuanfen basically lived by saving manuscripts, and basically didn't write much. It wasn't until the memoirs were written a few days ago that he officially resumed his omnipotent creation, and it took several days to get into the state. At present, I am in a state of desperately rushing to save the manuscript.

To be honest, I don't know how long it will take to get back the lost time, but what is certain is that I must also get back, otherwise I will not be able to live in the following days.

In this case, the update plan for February is temporarily kept at about one chapter a day, and I can't even guarantee that I can update 200,000 words this month.

You must know that updating less than 200,000 words will be a loss for me, but in the long run, I must do so.

For a long time, Fate has always been a party for depositing manuscripts. Without depositing manuscripts, I would not know how to code words. So please give me some time and let me accumulate the manuscripts again. If it goes well, I will have a big explosion in March.

Everyone knows that Fate is a person who does not make promises easily. He will only tell everyone what my plan is, and then try to follow the plan as much as possible. I will tell you about the situation, changes and reasons, and I believe everyone will understand.

I hope everyone will continue to support. thank you all.

The first release of this book is from, so you can read the genuine content for the first time!

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